114 research outputs found

    Selecting the method of gas hydrate deposits development in terms of the regularities of their formation

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    Purpose. To establish and show regularities of gas hydrates fields distribution in the World Ocean for the development of flow diagrams of methane extraction depending on genetic structures and the composition of the host rocks. Methods. The analysis of the existing fields of gas hydrates is made and, in view of impossibility to carry out detailed investigation, an opportunity to develop them is proved, a theoretical approach to a preliminary estimation of mining-and-geological conditions of such fields’ excavation is developed. Findings. On the basis of the data obtained in the suggested way, it becomes possible to calculate the necessary technological parameters of processes related to deposits’ opening and gas production from the bottom of the World Ocean. Originality. At the present stage of the research into a new alternative and the most promising source of energy, in the total absence of experience in the gas hydrates fields development, great practical significance is attached to the classification of fields by mining-and-geological conditions of their occurrence, as well as to the methodological approach to their development and calculation of technological parameters of methane extraction process from the bottom of the World Ocean with minimum effect onto the Earth’s hydrosphere. Practical implications. Types of gas hydrates fields are determined for the first time in terms of mining-and-geological conditions of their development on the basis of genetic origin and structure of the host rocks. A theoretical approach to the description of the processes taking place in the seam during gas hydrates fields development is elaborated.Мета. Виявлення закономірностей поширення родовищ газових гідратів у Світовому океані для розробки технологічних схем вилучення метану залежно від генетичних структур і складу вміщуючих порід. Методика. Для досягнення поставленої мети в роботі виконано комплексний аналіз, зіставлення й накладення карт аерофотознімків виявлених газогідратних родовищ у Світовому океані, карт тектонічних плит і зон глобальних тектонічних розломів для виявлення відношення більшості даних родовищ до цих зон. Для вибору схеми розробки родовища газових гідратів на основі розрахунку швидкості нагрівання покладу застосовано закон Дарсі для опису процесу фільтрації води і газу, та закон Фур’є – для процесу теплопереносу. Результати. Розроблено теоретичний підхід до попередньої оцінки гірничо-геологічних умов залягання родовищ газових гідратів до розробки. На підставі запропонованого підходу є можливим виконання необхідних розрахунків технологічних параметрів розкриття газогідратних покладів і видобутку газу з дна Світового океану. Аналітичним способом визначені основні технологічні параметри та швидкість нагрівання покладу газових гідратів в умовах Північного Льодовитого океану. Наукова новизна. Вперше виділені типи родовищ газових гідратів за гірничо-геологічними умовами розробки на основі їх генетичного походження і складу вміщуючих порід. Розроблено новий теоретичний підхід до опису процесів, що відбуваються у пласті при розробці родовищ газових гідратів. Практична значимість. Розподіл родовищ газових гідратів за генетичним походженням дозволить більш точно підходити до оцінки раціональних технологічних схем їх розробки. Створено методологічний підхід до розробки газових гідратів і розрахунку технологічних параметрів процесу вилучення метану з дна Світового океану з мінімальним впливом на гідросферу Землі.Цель. Выявление закономерностей распространения месторождений газовых гидратов в Мировом океане для разработки технологических схем извлечения метана в зависимости от генетических структур и состава вмещающих пород. Методика. Для достижения поставленной цели в работе выполнен комплексный анализ, сопоставление и наложение карт аэрофотосъемок обнаруженных газогидратных месторождений в Мировом океане, карт тектонических плит и зон глобальных тектонических разломов для выявления приуроченности большинства данных месторождений к этим зонам. Для выбора схемы разработки месторождения газовых гидратов на основе расчета скорости нагревания залежи применен закон Дарси для описания процесса фильтрации воды и газа, и закон Фурье – для процесса теплопереноса. Результаты. Разработан теоретический подход к предварительной оценке горно-геологических условий залегания месторождений газовых гидратов к разработке. На основании предложенного подхода представляется возможным выполнять необходимые расчеты технологических параметров вскрытия газогидратных залежей и добычи газа со дна Мирового океана. Аналитическим способом определены основные технологические параметры и скорость нагревания залежи газовых гидратов в условиях Северного Ледовитого океана. Научная новизна. Впервые выделены типы месторождений газовых гидратов по горно-геологическим условиям разработки на основе их генетического происхождения и состава вмещающих пород. Разработан новый теоретический подход к описанию процессов, происходящих в пласте при разработке месторождений газовых гидратов. Практическая значимость. Разделение месторождений газовых гидратов по генетическому происхождению позволит более точно подходить к оценке рациональных технологических схем их разработки. Создан методологический подход к разработке газовых гидратов и расчету технологических параметров процесса извлечения метана со дна Мирового океана с минимальным воздействием на гидросферу Земли.The work is performed at the National Mining University in the Underground Mining Department, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On priority directions of science and technology” from 12.10.2010 No.2519-17, within the framework of the Integrated Program “Development of methods and technologies for extracting gas from natural gas hydrates and creation of artificial hydrates to optimize production processes” (GP-467, GP-473), under the supervision of Professor Volodymyr Bondarenko, to whom the author expresses deep gratitude for the constant and comprehensive support


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    The article studies social and psychological conditions of juvenile convicts’ resocialization in the probation service. Serving animprisonment sentence leads juvenile offenders to lose their social skills and it is difficult for them to adapt in society, because the personality of a juvenile offender regresses in isolation. Due to the humanization of criminal policy in Ukraine, the judicial system is changing to give preference to alternative punishments, not related to imprisonment. One such re-socializing form for juvenile offenders is probation. This punishment avoids adolescent social isolation during the most important period of personality formation.The main stages of social-psychological work with juveniles sentenced to alternative punishments are: examination of their personality, determination of measures and methods having effective social-psychological influence on them, preparation of individual resocialization programs and adolescents’ integration to societyon the basis of these programs. We determined the content of social workers’ work to re-socialize juvenile offenders.During our empirical study, we analysed documents and organised a survey to examine social workers’ functions in working with juvenile convicts and determine an expert opinion about the need for a social worker position in the probation services where juvenile convicts were registered.The sample consisted of specialists from the probation services of the city of Kyiv and Kyiv region, who worked with juvenile convicts, totally, 28 respondents.The empirical data revealed that, mainly, the specialists in law studied the features of adolescents’ personality traits and upbringing. Probation services did not have social workers in their working structure. And these facts, in turn, makes it impossible to provide high-quality resocialization. In particular, the pre-trial reports, risk assessment for repeated criminal offenses, work with juvenile convicts’ parents, organization of constructive leisure, etc. are performed by specialists without any competencies in social work.However, according to the empirical data, respondents believed that specialists in social work should participate actively in resocialization of juvenile convicts, as they would understand the features of adolescence and, therefore, would be able towork in cooperation to assess qualitatively recidivism, assist and encourage adolescents to study and get an education. Keywords: resocialization, probation, social work, convicted adolescents

    Working posture as a basis of technical preparation of those practicing sportive types of gymnastics

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    Each kind of sport formulates ODA of the young sportsman in correlation with its goals. Sportive types of gymnastics containcharacteristic to their type placements, positions, stands and movements, on the basis of which sportive elements are constructed, and the “school of movement” is built. These characteristic positions, the position of the body, formulate the foundation of the school of movement - the working posture. In other words, the entire culture of movement in sportive types of gymnastics is in fact contained in the spine, in its position, in the position of the hip joint and in muscle tone condition/The article considers the technology aimed at the adaptation of the spine, ligaments and joints, as well as the muscles of the body of acrobats to specific loads, as a factor in preventingspecific diseases of the musculoskeletal system


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    This research analyses marketplaces in Europe and some other developed countries in order to determine their impact on global trade and business. The paper aimed to answer an important question - how e-commerce could transform modern business taking into account digital changes, a boom of cryptocurrency erasing trade borders and globalization. Sufficient evidence of this transformation is illustrated. A subsidiary objective of this research involves the building of a logical model describing correlation between marketplaces as integral part of e-commerce and global business development. Statistical data were based on variable indicators describing four categories of trading platforms, particularly online stores, price aggregators, marketplaces and classifiers. In addition, global indexes and macro-economic criteria were used in analysis. The methodology of statistical and regression methods was employed for economic-mathematical modelling. This allowed revealing the most important indicators affecting e-commerce and to create reasonable predictions for global business and trade. The research highlights important trends in the development of e-business under the digital economy


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    The research reveals practical side of a twin green and digital transition in terms of a global path to climate neutral economy. Digitalization is considered as a driving force behind the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The article focuses on wide international experience of IT implementation for industrial decarbonization. Analytical database of the research covers more than 200 different eco-digital projects in various areas of climate regulations given by international organizations. This allows to outline international framework of eco-digital projects based on geolocation, regional features, IT decisions, level of technological support and climate influence. International differentiation of climate-digital projects was established by region. Comprehensive analysis of these data is provided to identify the gap in digital capabilities and climate targets. The rating of IT applied in climate-digital projects was built. As a result, the research proposes key project ways of the twin green and digital transition that are the most attractive for achieving climate neutrality on a global scale.  


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    The paper analyses and describes key social and demographic trends affecting the business in current conditions. The present research aims to establish logical coherence and feedback between economic development and basic socio-demographic indicators in European countries, including the experience of Latvia and Ukraine. The challenge of the research leads to answering the question how demographic processes affect and drive the economy and how this mechanism could be used to predict essential trends of future development. The methodology of cluster analysis, statistical and regression methods were employed for modelling. Cluster analysis was applied to depict an economic cartogram and merge some European countries in particular clusters by current socio-demographic and economic criteria. As a result, this approach allowed us to compare Latvia and Ukraine as highlighting representatives of different economic clusters and distinguish important similarities and differences. Statistical data were based on the following indicators: GDP, income, employment, age structure, gender, population aging, location, migration etc. These parameters were analysed due to their dynamic change. Regression methods allowed to establish the whole system of indicators affecting the business environment in Latvia and Ukraine. For instance, the results confirmed the explicit impact of migration trends on business and social development

    Structure and Properties of Graphite-Molybdenum Brazed Joints

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    The paper presents the results of X-ray microspectral studies of dissimilar brazed joints of molybdenum with graphite. It is shown that during active brazing of graphite with molybdenum, mutual diffusion processes occur, and the adhesion-active brazing filler metals penetrates into graphite, and interacts with it, which leads to the formation of carbide phases. When using the Ti-Cr-V and Cu-Ti-Ni systems brazing filler metals, titanium carbides are formed. The zirconium carbides are formed, when using the brazing filler metals based on the Zr-Pd(Mo) systems and the CxMey(Mo, Cr) carbides  are formed using the brazing filler metals of the Pd-Ni-Cr-Ge system. The results of tests for three-point bending showed that the using of Pd-Ni-Cr-Ge brazing filler metals provides stable strength at the level of 34-37 MPa, destruction occurs along graphite

    Інноваційний інструментарій прямого маркетингу

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    Розглядаються проблеми активізації прямого маркетингу на підставі впровадження інтерактивних систем. Розкриваються основні переваги, пов’язані з використанням інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій при формуванні стратегій прямого маркетингу. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2403

    Теоретичне обґрунтування принципу соматичного навчання студенток ВНЗ за методом Томаса Ханни

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    The article presents the theoretical justification of somatic education of girl-students of higher educational establishments by Tomas Hanna’s method. The deterioration of girl-students’ somatic health of higher educational establishments of Ukraine in recent years is pointed out. The modern process of modernization of higher education requires the improvement of the quality of training of specialists in all spheres. The effective way to improve the somatic health by using principle of somatic education of girl-students during physical education classes is defined. The peculiarity of the principle of somatic education through the movement one’s own body which leads to the improving somatic health and physical fitness, removal of chronic tension, the development of the ability to control muscles as well as to understand the students themselves as a responsible person for their own resources of the body are indicated. Health problem of modern youth as a major problem in the field of pedagogy, physical education and medicine is indicated nowadays. The search of effective ways of influencing, strengthening and improving especially the 1st year girl-students’ health is relevant. The problem of correction of somatic health remains relevant and requires its solution to modernize the system of physical education as a component of the educational process in the system of higher education. The study and prevention of the somatic health of modern youth should be ensured through the application of the synergistic approach. This involves qualitative combination of phenomena, relationships, their interactions and increasing the effectiveness of the training process. So, the principle of somatic education of the 1st year girl-students is formed awareness through the movement of their own body, removal of chronic stress, correction of somatic health, restoration of neuromuscular connections and memory, development of sensuality and ability to control muscles, breathing and movements, understanding of students as an active and responsible person for their own resources of the body which can be used during various health-improving exercises.У статті запропоновано теоретичне обґрунтування принципу соматичного навчання студенток ВНЗ за методом Томаса Ханни. Зафіксовано стан погіршення соматичного здоров’я студенток ВНЗ за останні роки. Зосереджено увагу на модернізації процесу виховання студентської молоді у сучасних умовах існування системи вищої освіти України. Визначено дієвий спосіб покращення соматичного здоров’я шляхом використання принципу соматичного навчання студенток під час занять фізичною культурою. Встановлено особливість принципу соматичного навчання в усвідомленні студентками власного тіла через рух, що призводить до покращення соматичного здоров’я та рівня фізичної розвитку, зняття хронічної напруги, розвитку здатності керувати м’язами, а також до розуміння себе як відповідальної особи за власний стан здоров’я в цілому

    Formation culture of students’ health using fitness technologies in HEIs

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    The article examines physical education as the concept of culture of students’ health in the humanistic paradigm of higher education. It is mentioned that the process of modernization are touched of all sphere of students’ life. The reasons of necessity of reforming and moderation of students’ physical education in higher educational establishments are found out. The main aspects of modern fitness-technologies of health tendency as effective means of improvement students’ health state and physical development are determined. The necessity of focused implementation of new innovation fitness-technologies into the system of higher educational establishments of Ukraine is scientifically based. Decreasing physical activity of students youngsters due to the fact of rapid increase of informational technologies are elicited recently. This became the reason of bad health, decreasing physical level and resistance organism to the bad conditions of environment. The only effective way of resistance to these is health related fitness activity that is able to strengthen and maintain proper health level, increasing activity and fitness level and improving morphofunctional parameters of students. In order to actualize these principles it is necessary to use new approaches, means and technologies and individual age peculiarities and needs of students. The analyses of modern tendencies of improving the system of physical culture provides an opportunity to state that new objective conditions for solving this problem in the space of new social-culture phenomenon – fitness-culture of modern society are forming now. Specific meaning obtain the necessity of implementation of health related fitness as the field of forming cultural, general educational literacy skills of the youngsters within the understanding of health meaning of physical culture as a part of general culture of higher education. Very powerful stimulus of implementation of health related fitness into the higher educational establishments of Ukraine is its positive influence on health state, adaptive and physical capabilities of modern youngsters that is the main and high-priority task of our state