577 research outputs found


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    Bentuk riset ini merupakan riset studi kasus (case study) dengan pertimbangan bahwa penelitian ini bersifat khusus untuk menggambarkan secara jelas fakta-fakta dan gejala yang muncul. Pendekatan yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis naturalistic/kualitatif dalam rangka mereduksi bagaimana peranan budaya lokal dalam masyarakat Kota Madya Makassar untuk mendapatkan data berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi sesungguhnya. Analisis data diproses dengan mereduksi data yang dibutuhkan dengan melakukan verifikasi, menyaring, melakukan pengabstrakan data empiris dari hasil pengamatan dilokasi penelitian, Kemudian penyajian data kembali dan melakukan trianggulasi data. Dari Hasil Penelitian ditemukan bahwa Budaya merupakan falsafah yang mengandung nilai kesakralan yang sangat tinggi yang harus dilestarikan, dan Pemerintah harus membuat regulasi sebagai implimentasi nilai-nilai yang mengarah pada upaya pelestarian kebudayaan local. Kata Kunci: Budaya Lokal dan dinamika kehidupa

    The Ideal of the Period and the Lyric Hero in the Poems in the way of Sakiynama (in the example of Uzbek classical poetry until the first half of the XV century)

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    The poems in the way of sakiynama created in Uzbek classical literature in the period until Alisher Navoi (particularly, until the first half of the XV century) are distinctive by their closeness to the life, connection of the lyric hero to a certain historical period and time, their ideological-artistic perfection, principles of description and the peculiarities of expressing styles. Different social, political, cultural, spiritual, educational, aesthetic problems of the period and time in which the poet lived are described more real, truly and reliably rather than the other lyric works. The internal world of the lyric hero – the rind, his human features, his attitude towards the universe are reflected in these works by means of the images, symbols and terms such as sakiy (cupbearer), jom (wine glass), drinking glass, wine, drink, fellow, drinking house. That’s these poetic symbols are of great importance in performing the thoughts in the outlook and soul of the writer, expressing them lively, graphically and impressively. And this emphasizes a bit the artistic-aesthetic impressiveness of the rind poems. In this article the above mentioned problems, especially, the problem of the period and lyric hero in the poems in the way of sakiynama are described in detail.Keywords: Uzbek classical literature, sakiynama, period, rind, sakiy (cupbearer), wine, drinking house, lyric hero, soul, grief, symbol, party, jom (wine glass)

    Cold Chain Business in Bangladesh to Enhance the Economic Growth of the Country

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    This descriptive study tries to find the economic and environmental impact on Bangladesh if cold chain technology of freezing shrimp is changed from conventional mechanical block process to liquid nitrogen individual quick frozen (LN IQF) process. The study also incorporates new business opportunity of cold chain and an effective supply chain of the frozen shrimp that would enhance the export of the country. The study was conducted based on the secondary data, i.e. analysis of the literature, journals, books and different publications of the stakeholders. It is found if the conventional mechanical process is changed to Liquid Nitrogen Individual Quick Frozen (LN IQF) process then, the country could earn extra 537millionperyearandthatcouldaddtotheGDPofthecountry.ThisLNIQFprocesscouldproducehighqualityfrozenshrimpandwouldnotcreateanyharmfulgasestotheenvironment.Alsotherewouldbeanewbusinessopportunityofcoldchainwithaturnoverofaround537 million per year and that could add to the GDP of the country. This LN IQF process could produce high quality frozen shrimp and would not create any harmful gases to the environment. Also there would be a new business opportunity of cold chain with a turnover of around 1004 million per year. Although the investment for the new business would be around $68 million, this investment cost of the LN IQF process could be recovered within two months from the extra earning of the frozen shrimps. The LN IQF would also allow the Bangladesh shrimp producers to access directly into the international shrimp market, since in the current process they have to go through the intermediate buyers to sell the frozen shrimps. This LN IQF would increase the effectiveness of the supply chain of the frozen shrimps from Bangladesh to the final consumers in the international market. KeywordsCold Chain, supply chain, Liquid Nitrogen (LN), Individual Quick Frozen (IQF), new business opportunity, economic and environmental impact

    Fatalism and Poverty in Fishing Communities

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    This study aims to reveal the fatalistic work culture process as a cause of poverty for fishermen. As part of an urgent cultural aspect, Fatalism has been an inseparable part of their social life. Fatalism is an attitude that has been a stronghold for a long time and becomes a habit. In this case, the most important thing to express is the belief or trust of fishermen related to the coastal environment. This research took place on the southern coast of the Sulawesi Island, in Pandang-Pandang village, Arungkeke District, Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The informants were 5 poor fishermen from the Sawi (fishing boat crew) who were interviewed in-depth and conducted observation of the surrounding environment. To strengthen research data, Literature studies, interview and observation results were also conducted. Data analysis used three path techniques including data reduction, categorization, and conclusion drawing. This research shows that; (1) The fatalistic attitude of the fishing community of Pandang-Pandang village manifested in the belief that life has been determined by God while humans only live and accept it, (2) Weak instrumental values ​​of the fishing community in the form of not overly pursuing more values ​​at work. Both of these are fatalistic attitudes. The conclusion of this research is the emergence of a fatalistic attitude in the fishing community is the result of their appreciation of God, Nature, Humans, and Life. This appreciation has been going on for a long time so that it is manifested in the form of an attitude of life than becoming an actor

    Analysis of Theory and Practice of Optimal Design of Construction

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    The article describes the analysis of the theory and optimal design of the structure, the analysis and selection of a constructive solution, analyzes the technical and economic indicators of various design solutions