298 research outputs found


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    Objective: To investigate kinetic changes in the spectral characteristics by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of water-lactose complexes (SMC), derived during the manufacturing process of the drug, containing release-active forms of antibodies. Methods: lactose monohydrate substance, saturated with release-active forms of affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to recombinant human interferon-gamma (RA forms of Abs); tablets produced from this substance by direct compression after the addition of excipients (microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate). Powdered and tableted placebo samples saturated with technologically processed water or phosphate-buffered saline, as well as with intact ethanol were used as control. Kinetic changes in SMC were studied using an Agilent Cary 630 FTIR spectrophotometer with a diamond ATR accessory (Agilent Technologies, USA). We used the method of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDX-7000 Shimadzu energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer) to track changes in the fluorescence signal at certain wavelengths. The range of measured elements–11Na-92U. Results: Control of some technological characteristics of the obtained active substance (moisture, flowability) and dosage form (mean mass, disintegration rate) was used as indirect indicators of quality, but they did not allow reliably distinguishing intact lactose from the saturated one. Long-period oscillations on FTIR spectra were characteristic for all types of samples; oscillations occur at approximately two-week intervals; S/N indices were more stable for samples of RA forms of Abs than for placebo samples. On some days, the substance saturated with RA forms of Abs significantly differed from the intact lactose powder. The kinetics of the X-ray fluorescence intensity at certain wavelengths indicates the possibility of a periodic cooperative trigger transition of the system. Reversible conformational transitions are observed for powders on the 30th and 130th days (Kα 3.313 keV). For tablets at Kα 3.313 keV and Kα 1.740 keV small changes were visualized on those days (100–110th day) when hysteresis phenomena were recorded in the IR spectra of these samples. Conclusion: As a result, the evidence for a long-period dramatic conformational mobility of the water-lactose complex was obtained. Based on the data on the semiannual kinetics of IR spectra, a universal criterion for the identity of lactose powder saturated with RA forms of Abs was obtained. Also, it was confirmed that the lactose conformation state was changed by saturation with RA forms of Abs

    Anomalies of Density, Stresses, and the Gravitational Field in the Interior of Mars

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    We determined the possible compensation depths for relief harmonics of different degrees and orders. The relief is shown to be completely compensated within the depth range of 0 to 1400 km. The lateral distributions of compensation masses are determined at these depths and the maps are constructed. The possible nonisostatic vertical stresses in the crust and mantle of Mars are estimated to be 64 MPa in compression and 20 MPa in tension. The relief anomalies of the Tharsis volcanic plateau and symmetric feature in the eastern hemisphere could have arisen and been maintained dynamically due to two plumes in the mantle substance that are enriched with fluids. The plumes that originate at the core of Mars can arise and be maintained by the anomalies of the inner gravitational field achieving +800 mGal in the region of plume formation, - 1200 mGal above the lower mantle-core transition layer, and -1400 mGal at the crust.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Cross-cultural study of attitudes to work of representativesof different age groups

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    Labor activity is the most important condition for self-development, life satisfaction and socialization. This article presents the results of research in the field of readiness for work, obtained in the Russian and Slovak empirical sample, which included University students, people under the retirement age (working and unemployed), working pensioners aged 55-65 years. The study also included students of secondary schools in order to identify factors that influence the formation of readiness for work.В данной статье представлены результаты исследований отношения к трудовой деятельности студентов вузов, людей, не достигших пенсионного возраста, трудящихся пенсионеров и учащихся общеобразовательных школ

    Properties of silicon dioxide layers with embedded metal nanocrystals produced by oxidation of Si:Me mixture

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    A two-dimensional layers of metal (Me) nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 were produced by pulsed laser deposition of uniformly mixed Si:Me film followed by its furnace oxidation and rapid thermal annealing. The kinetics of the film oxidation and the structural properties of the prepared samples were investigated by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. The electrical properties of the selected SiO2:Me nanocomposite films were evaluated by measuring C-V and I-V characteristics on a metal-oxide-semiconductor stack. It is found that Me segregation induced by Si:Me mixture oxidation results in the formation of a high density of Me and silicide nanocrystals in thin film SiO2 matrix. Strong evidence of oxidation temperature as well as impurity type effect on the charge storage in crystalline Me-nanodot layer is demonstrated by the hysteresis behavior of the high-frequency C-V curves

    Simulation of e-beam distribution in polyethylene

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    В работе представлены материалы моделирования распространения пучка электронов с энергией 10 МэВ в полиэтилене в компьютерной программе PCLab. Представлены интегральные и дифференциальные характеристики распределения электронов по глубине материала. На основе характеристик получено представление о формировании поглощенной дозы в исследуемом объекте - полиэтиленовой пробирке, подвергающейся радиационной обработке, с целью обеспечения стерильности, в Центре радиационной стерилизации УрФУ.The paper presents materials for simulation the propagation of an electron beam with an energy of 10 MeV in polyethylene using the PCLab computer codes. The integral and differential characteristics of the electron’s distribution of over the depth of the material are presented. Based on the characteristics, an idea was obtained about the formation and distribution of the absorbed dose in the object under study - a polyethylene test tube subjected to radiation processing in order to ensure sterility at the Center for Radiation Sterilization of UrFU

    Microfossils of the late proterozoic debengdinskaya formation of the olenekskiy uplift

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    Microfossils from the Middle Riphean Debengdinskaya formation of the Olenekskiy uplift have been studied. Various stenoorganic forms of acritarchs and cyanobacteries are described. Morphological groups which are preliminary compared with large flora taxons are allocated among acritarchs : brown and green seaweed, mushrooms, seaweed located in symbiotic relations (?) with cyanobionts. The prematurity of radical conclusions about age of the deposit based on majority of Proterozoic microfossils is underline

    Bjurböle L/LL4 ordinary chondrite properties studied by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mössbauer spectroscopy

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    Bjurbole L/LL4 ordinary chondrite was studied using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mossbauer spectroscopy. The phase composition and the relative iron fractions in the iron-bearing phases were determined. The unit cell parameters for olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene are similar to those observed in the other ordinary chondrites. The higher contents of forsterite and enstatite were detected by Raman spectroscopy. Magnetization measurements showed that the temperature of the ferrimagnetic-paramagnetic phase transition in chromite is around 57 K and the saturation magnetic moment is similar to 7 emu/g. The values of the Fe-57 hyperfine parameters for all components in the Bjurbole Mossbauer spectrum were determined and related to the corresponding iron-bearing phases. The relative iron fractions in Bjurbole and the Fe-57 hyperfine parameters of olivine, orthopyroxene and troilite were compared with the data obtained for the selected L and LL ordinary chondrites. The Fe2+ occupancies of the M1 and M2 sites in silicate crystals were determined using both X-ray diffraction and Mossbauer spectroscopy. Then, the temperatures of equilibrium cation distribution were determined, using two independent techniques, for olivine as 666 K and 850 K, respectively, and for orthopyroxene as 958 K and 1136 K, respectively. Implications of X-ray diffraction, magnetization measurements and Mossbauer spectroscopy data for the classification of the studied Bjurbole material indicate its composition being close to the LL group of ordinary chondrites. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Education as the management of research universities students’ socialization

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the study is reasoned by the demand for professionals who are not only competitive in the labor market, but also ready to construct career in the flow of social transformations. The processes of socialization and vocational education are dialectically interrelated. Education, as a structural component of vocational education is considered as the management process of socialization, providing personal self-realization, its positioning as an active entity of social reality. The purpose of the paper is to identify the characteristics of education as a management process of research universities students’ socialization. The leading method is the method of action research, allowing to obtain new knowledge about education as the management of socialization process and to propose methods of educating of research universities students. The article defines the essence of socialization, as a process of assimilation of social experience by joining the social environment and active reproduction of social relations’ system; functions are clarified (assimilation of social information, the development of diverse forms of activities and communication, the awareness of being the actor of social reality, self-realization, participation in the reproduction of social experience) and types (positive, negative, reformation) of socialization; the features of education as a students’ socialization process management are revealed (subjectivity, adaptability, humanity, dedication, nationality); the methods of education are proposed (psychological-pedagogical, subject-creative, cognitive-oriented) as the management process of research universities students’ socialization. Article Submissions can be useful for teachers of research universities; for centers of personnel advanced training and retraining in the training content selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff

    Teachers professional competence assessment technology in qualification improvement process

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved. Scientific and methodological validity of diagnostic procedures and techniques for the study of teachers’ professional competence is designed to ensure the efficiency and dynamism of education management, early detection of possible professional deformations and its correction in the qualification improvement training and in the process of personal and professional self-development. In this regard, this article is focused on the development of technologies to assess the teachers’ professional competence in the process of their qualification’s improvement process. The leading method in the development of this technology are the analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and practical experience which allow reveal its core elements: The tasks of diagnosis, the entities of diagnosis, a set of procedures based on the principles of system-structured pedagogical diagnostics, means and diagnostic tools. In the article the main components and their qualitative indicators to assess the development of teachers’ professional competence in the process of qualification improvement process are proposed. Article submissions are of practical value for managers of teachers’ qualification improvement training courses when evaluating their professional competence