21 research outputs found

    A Personalized mHealth Monitoring System for Children and Adolescents with T1 Diabetes by Utilizing IoT Sensors and Assessing Physical Activities

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    The problem of diabetes mellitus is becoming alarming due to the increase in morbidity among children. Patients are undergoing vital insulin replacement therapy, the dose depends on the level of glucose in the blood. The glucose level prediction program, taking into account the impact of physical activity on the body, the use of mobile health capabilities will allow us to develop personalized tactics for a child patient and minimize the risks of a critical health condition. The target group of this study are children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. This study provides an IoT based mHealth monitoring system, including sensors, medical bracelets, mobile devices with applications. The mobile healthcare application for personalized monitoring can implement the functions of more effectively targeting young users to support their own health and improve the quality of life. In addition to monitoring blood glucose levels, the effect of physical activity on the condition of patients is also taken into account. The use of the proposed method for calculating the probable change in the patient’s blood glucose level after the end of physical activity will allow the doctor to make individual recommendations for the diet before the start of physical activity and its intensity

    Development Of A Monitoring System For Electric Power Substations Based On Ios And Implementation Of Designs On FPGA

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    In this article, a monitoring system based on IoT technologies of the substation electrical system in the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. At the moment, the operation of power systems is extremely important to maintain the frequency of electric current over time. For management and monitoring applications, it is necessary to take into account communication within acceptable limits. IoT technologies are considered the main functions in applications for monitoring and managing energy systems in real time, as well as making effective decisions on both technical and financial issues of the system, for monitoring the main form of data registration on an electric power substation in the city of Shymkent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for consistent effective decision-making by system operators. In this work, an Internet of Things-based monitoring system was implemented and implemented for the substation of the power system using a specialized device built into the FPGA controller for fast integrated digitalization of transformer substations of real-time distribution electrical networks. The IoT platform also provides complete remote observability and will increase reliability for power system operators in real time. This article is mainly aimed at providing a practical application that has been implemented and tested


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    In the present work, an exergy analysis was done of two-circuit flat solar collector with thermosiphon circulation. The article presents a mathematical model of energy and exergic analysis of flat solar collectors, as well as calculations of solar radiation efficiency, temperature, flow rate of the fluid, exergy rates and exergy loss rates are done. The significance of the results achieved is high, since experimental studies can detect inefficient components of the solar heating system. The exergetic efficiency of a dual-circuit flat solar collector with a thermosiphon circulation describes irreversibility of the process according to thermodynamic parameters. This is caused by a large the degree of overheating achieved at the end of the processes of compression and evaporation, which leads to large differences in heat exchange temperature based on the heat pump cycle. The exergy efficiency value for the entire system is 70. Maximum values energy efficiency and exergy at noon, 32.5% and 2.23%, respectively. The efficiency of exergy is 4%, and the highest the loss of exergy is the difference between the absorber plates and the sun, accounting for 52.86% of the total exergy rate.W niniejszej pracy wykonano analizę egzergetyczną płaskiego kolektora słonecznego dwuobwodowego z cyrkulacją termosyfonową. W artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny analizy energetycznej i egzergetycznej płaskich kolektorów słonecznych, a także obliczono sprawność promieniowania słonecznego, temperaturę, natężenie przepływu cieczy, wskaźniki egzergii i wskaźniki strat egzergetycznych. Znaczenie osiągniętych wyników jest duże, ponieważ badania eksperymentalne mogą wykryć nieefektywne elementy systemu ogrzewania energią słoneczną. Egzergetyczna sprawność dwuobwodowego płaskiego kolektora słonecznego z obiegiem termosyfonowym opisuje nieodwracalność procesu według parametrów termodynamicznych. Jest to spowodowane dużym stopniem przegrzania osiąganym pod koniec procesów sprężania i odparowywania, co prowadzi do dużych różnic w wymianie ciepła w oparciu o cykl pompy ciepła. Efektywność energetyczna całego systemu wynosi 70. Maksymalne wartości sprawności energetycznej i egzergii w południe, odpowiednio 32,5% i 2,23%. Efektywność egzergii wynosi 4%, a największą stratą egzergii jest różnica pomiędzy płytami absorbera a słońcem, stanowiąca 52,86% całkowitego wskaźnika egzergii

    Particularities of multi-cutter cutting dynamics

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    Certain particularities of steady continuous cutting dynamics for multi-cutter turning and the results of mathematical modeling are discussed in the paper. The effect of processing parameters on the excitation of vibration in the case of multi-cutter turning of a long cylindrical part with finite flexibility is studied. Depending on the fixing rigidity of the cutters and their relative positioning, different forms of the tool oscillation and formed chips are analyzed. The model is based on equations of motion and the cutting law in the form of a fractional function together with the equation for new surfaces formation which are represented as a system of differential-algebraic equations with several delays describing the dynamics of multi-cutter turning. These equations allow consider the regenerative mechanism of oscillations excitation in the system. The evolution of the cutter’s oscillations to steady regime in the case of an angular shift of the cutters, as well as the evolution of chips are shown in the work. An example of the operation of cutters, which angular shift allows to control the work of the cutting edges is given. The reasons for the stability loss and the self-oscillations excitation are noticed. The procedure for integrating systems of differentialalgebraic equations with retarded argument and the model of two-cutter turning taking into account the compliance of the cutting tool fixation is considered. Influence of the technological system parameters on the stability of continuous cutting regime is analyzed

    Research of the Spectral Characteristics of Apodized Fiber Bragg Gratings

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    Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) are widely used in different areas of the state-of–the -art fiber optics. Every task imposes specified requirements to the FBG spectral characteristics, which are scheduled at the gratings manufacturing stage. Manufacturing and using the Bragg fiber-optic gratings is impossible without measuring their characteristics at every stage of manufacturing the gratings themselves and devices on their basis. To select FBG’s optimal parameter we will compare the parameter SGW with several different the most widely used apodization functions. Upon manufacturing the FBG there applied strict requirements to their parameters. Recording or manufacturing the fiber Bragg gratings might be classified according to the type of the laser being used, radiation wave length, recording techniques, irradiation material and grating type. The article is dedicated to the techniques of computing and measuring the FBG’s principal parameters; it is necessary to define optimal parameters of the characteristics for the grating quality operation

    Development Of A Monitoring System For Electric Power Substations Based On IoТ And Implementation Of Designs On FPGA

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    Абстрактный:В данной статье разработана система мониторинга на основе IoT-технологий электрической системы подстанции в Республике Казахстан. На данный момент работа энергосистем крайне важна для поддержания частоты электрического тока с течением времени. Для приложений управления и мониторинга необходимо учитывать связь в допустимых пределах. Технологии IoT рассматриваются основными функциями в приложениях для мониторинга и управления энергосистемами в режиме реального времени, а также принятия эффективных решений как по техническим, так и по финансовым вопросам системы, для мониторинга основной формы регистрации данных на электрической подстанции в городе Шымкент Республики Казахстан, для последовательного эффективного принятия решений системными операторами. В данной работе была реализована и внедрена система мониторинга на базе интернета вещей для подстанции энергосистемы с использованием специализированного устройства, встроенного в контроллер ПЛИС для быстрой комплексной цифровизации трансформаторных подстанций распределительных электрических сетей реального времени. Платформа IoT также обеспечивает полную удаленную наблюдаемость и повысит надежность работы операторов энергосистемы в режиме реального времени. Эта статья в основном направлена на предоставление практического приложения, которое было реализовано и протестировано

    Development Of A Monitoring System For Electric Power Substations Based On IoТ And Implementation Of Designs On FPGA

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    Абстрактный:В данной статье разработана система мониторинга на основе IoT-технологий электрической системы подстанции в Республике Казахстан. На данный момент работа энергосистем крайне важна для поддержания частоты электрического тока с течением времени. Для приложений управления и мониторинга необходимо учитывать связь в допустимых пределах. Технологии IoT рассматриваются основными функциями в приложениях для мониторинга и управления энергосистемами в режиме реального времени, а также принятия эффективных решений как по техническим, так и по финансовым вопросам системы, для мониторинга основной формы регистрации данных на электрической подстанции в городе Шымкент Республики Казахстан, для последовательного эффективного принятия решений системными операторами. В данной работе была реализована и внедрена система мониторинга на базе интернета вещей для подстанции энергосистемы с использованием специализированного устройства, встроенного в контроллер ПЛИС для быстрой комплексной цифровизации трансформаторных подстанций распределительных электрических сетей реального времени. Платформа IoT также обеспечивает полную удаленную наблюдаемость и повысит надежность работы операторов энергосистемы в режиме реального времени. Эта статья в основном направлена на предоставление практического приложения, которое было реализовано и протестировано

    Development Of A Monitoring System For Electric Power Substations Based On Ios And Implementation Of Designs On FPGA

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    In this article, a monitoring system based on IoT technologies of the substation electrical system in the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed. At the moment, the operation of power systems is extremely important to maintain the frequency of electric current over time. For management and monitoring applications, it is necessary to take into account communication within acceptable limits. IoT technologies are considered the main functions in applications for monitoring and managing energy systems in real time, as well as making effective decisions on both technical and financial issues of the system, for monitoring the main form of data registration on an electric power substation in the city of Shymkent of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for consistent effective decision-making by system operators. In this work, an Internet of Things-based monitoring system was implemented and implemented for the substation of the power system using a specialized device built into the FPGA controller for fast integrated digitalization of transformer substations of real-time distribution electrical networks. The IoT platform also provides complete remote observability and will increase reliability for power system operators in real time. This article is mainly aimed at providing a practical application that has been implemented and tested

    Software development for the economic model of R.Barro

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    In this paper we describe the process of creating software for R.Barro economic model. The goal of the paper is the analysis of existing languages and platforms and selections of them as means for developing advanced software for modeling economic processes, and also the construction of algorithms and programs using traditional and modern methods of software development. Prototyping was selected as an approach for the development, it allows us to obtain in a short time the product, which is available for testing and further improvement in order to meet the requirements. The paper describes the version of the program that meets the recommended requirements, shows the schematic diagram of this program and describes its main functions