16 research outputs found
Qualité de l'éducation et de la formation entre stratégie RH et certification
Enseigner le Management n'est plus hors de portée des professionnels de la qualité. Toute institution désirant se positionner sur la plan international est sensée s'inscrire dans la course des accréditations internationales (type EFMD, AACSB). Les standards en la matière exigent, dés lors, une vraie stratégie de différentiation et de qualité imposant un modèle RH axé sur la gestion des compétences, un système de carrière attractif et une politique de motivation poussée. Cette étude se focalise sur un cas d'une école de gestion réputée au Maroc qui, à travers son projet de certification EPAS (produit de l'EFMD), a pu revisiter sa stratégie RH en mettant l'accent sur le développement de ses Ressources Humaines aussi bien au niveau de son corps professoral que son personnel administratif. Passer d'un modèle RH Hard à un modèle RH Hybride (imbriquant le Hard avec le Soft) est tributaire d'une réingénierie des processus RH adaptée à un dispositif d'éducation et de formation systémique et ouvert. Tout développement RH visant le corps professoral passe par une politique d'incitation à la recherche, une mobilité intensive et une formation aux nouveaux outils pédagogiques intégrant le virtuel. Une série d'alignements stratégique, organisationnel et opérationnel est à vérifier en vue de réussir ce projet d'hybridation des deux modèles RH et assurer une amélioration continue tout au long du processus d'encadrement et de formation des managers responsables et capables de relever les défis du demain
Du talent Management au renforcement des capacités
Les pays émergents ne sont plus ignorés quant à leur impact sur l’économie mondiale comme sur la croissance et les emplois sur tout le globe. Leur géographie se diversifie et même s’universalise (Chancel et Degans ; 2013). Du niveau global au niveau local, plusieurs intervenants institutionnels s’ingèrent implicitement, dans le pouvoir et la gouvernance économique, des pays et des régions, par la dissémination des pratiques managériales concernant la gestion des cadres à haut potentiel. Dans le contexte des pays « en voie d’émergence », la gestion des talents devienne un attrait majeur, non seulement pour les investisseurs mais également pour les décideurs politiques locaux. Le savoir social recherché par les expatriés est au contraire l’un des acquis des impatriés.
En Afrique subsaharienne l’émergence a d’autres couleurs. L’équation s’inverse en mobilisant les talents à contribuer dans l’aventure de renforcement des capacités. Telle est la question qui sera posée dans cette étude, en passant du niveau global jusqu’au niveau local, en vue de tenter d’examiner les pressions et les contraintes de la globalisation sur les marchés émergents. Nous examinerons dans un premier temps l’importance de la gestion des talents dans les économies émergentes avant se focaliser, par la suite, sur le concept de capacité à renforce aussi bien au niveau étatique, qu’organisationnel et/ou individuel. Des résultats empiriques, émanant du cas de la côte d’Ivoire, seront synthétisés et discutés comme exemple de traduction « contextuelle » du management des talents à l’africaine
Performance technique et/ou Sociale : quel impact de la certification qualité sur le système RH ?
Le présent article tente d’élucider le concept de performance d’entreprise en examinant le lien entre ses volets technique et social. Ce lien est matérialisé par l’impact de la certification qualité sur le système de management des ressources humaines. L’existence de pratiques «Hard » et « Soft » au niveau des deux systèmes qualité et RH nous interpelle quant à la manière dans laquelle cet ensemble de pratiques est articulé. L’étude terrain, réalisée auprès d’un échantillon de 111 entreprises, montre que plusieurs aspects du système de management des RH sont influencés par la certification qualité. Les résultats montrent aussi que certaines certifications ont moins d’impact sur les pratiques RH que d’autre
Contribution Du Management Par La Qualité A L’étude Systémique Des Dimensions De La Réforme Administrative: Revue De Littérature Et Proposition D’un Modèle Conceptuel Pour Le Service Public
Le présent article a pour objectif d’analyser la contribution du management par la qualité à la réforme administrative. Le choix méthodologique consiste en une synthèse théorique des modèles de la qualité de service ainsi qu’une analyse documentaire et théorique des expériences des Etats en matière de la Réforme. La complexité de celle-ci n’était pas maîtrisée par les modèles de Réforme adoptés depuis un demi-siècle. Toutefois, le modèle du New Public Management a bénéficié largement du management par la qualité et de son approche systémique pour atteindre les résultats escomptés. Ceci a démontré qu’il existe une relation entre le management par la qualité et la maîtrise de la réforme administrative. Ce faisant, par une synthèse théorique et selon une approche systémique, cet article propose un modèle conceptuel permettant de comprendre comment Quatre dimensions qualitatives du service public influencent la satisfaction du citoyen-client. Cette satisfaction aide à harmoniser la relation entre les parties prenantes de la Réforme à savoir : les managers publics, les hommes politiques et les citoyens-clients. Grâce à cette harmonisation, le management par la qualité favorise la maîtrise de la complexité de la Réforme et conduit ainsi à sa réussite. Ceci est exprimé sous forme de cinq hypothèses qui complètent ce modèle.
This paper focuses on analysing the contribution of quality management to the administrative reform. The methodological choice consists of a theoretical synthesis of the models of quality of service as well as a documentary and theoretical analysis of the experiences of the States with regard to the Reform. The complexity of this was not mastered by the Reform models adopted for half a century. However, the New Public Management model has benefited greatly from quality management and its systemic approach to achieve the expected results. This demonstrated that there is a relationship between quality management and mastery of administrative reform. In doing so, through a theoretical synthesis and according to a systemic approach, this article proposes a conceptual model making it possible to understand how Four qualitative dimensions of public service influence the satisfaction of the citizen-client. This satisfaction helps to harmonize the relationship between the stakeholders of the Reform, namely: public managers, politicians and citizen-clients. Thanks to this harmonization, quality management promotes mastery of the complexity of the Reform and thus leads to its success. This is expressed in the form of four hypotheses which complete this model
University-Based Smart Cities: from collective intelligence to smart crowd-conscience
Quality of life, economic, knowledge and human capitals ‘development are the main challenges of the new wave of smart cities. Hybrid strategies of cost leadership and innovation need to be aligned mostly by highly deliberate university creative services. Physical, intellectual and social capitals are loosely coupled to better understanding of the urban fabric and norms of behavior. It requires the creation ofapplications enabling data collection and processing, web-based collaboration, and “real-time†mining of the collective intelligence of citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT) has been viewed as a promising technology with great potential for addressing many societal challenges, filling the gap in terms of citizen's sensitivity measurement. At the physical level of its ecosystem, buildings are responsible for about 40% of energy consumption in cities and more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. With recent products available today, energy consumption in buildings could be cut by up to 70 percent, but it requires an integrated and collective adaptive framework to show how buildings are operated, maintained and controlled with the support of IoT-based innovation and solutions. The number of new IoT protocols and applications has grown exponentially in recent years. However, IoT for smart cities needs accessible open data and open systems, so that industries and universities can develop new services and applications. The main aim is to develop energy efficient frameworks to improve energy efficiency by using innovative integrated IoT techniques. These techniques could integrate technologies from context-aware computing, context-dependent user expectation and profile and occupants' actions and behaviors. This paper tend to present in what extent a case of university-based smart city would invest in IoT as both strategy and process in order to enhance efficiency, innovative education and attractiveness for its current and future citizens
Application of Automated Throw Backstripping Method to Characterize Recent Faulting Activity Migration in the Al Hoceima Bay (Northeast Morocco): Geodynamic Implications
This study was supported by projects CGL2016-80687-R AEI/FEDER, P18-RT-3275, B-RNM-301-UGR18 and RNM148 (Junta de Andalucia/FEDER); ALBAMAR JCJC ANR-17-CE030004; the EUROFLEETS program (FP7/2007-2013; no 228344); project FICTS-2011-03-01; and the FPU PhD grant (16/04038), and also by the Spanish Government through the 'Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence' accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S).The IHS KINGDOM software package was utilized in the
present study. We also to the marine surveys, MARLBORO2
and SARAS (https://campagnes.flotteoceanographique.fr/
campagnes/12450090/; https://campagnes.flotteoceanographique.
fr/campagnes/12000010/).Automation of the throw backstripping method has proven to be an effective tool for the determination of the evolution of tectonic activity in wide fault zones. This method has been applied to the Al Hoceima Bay (southwesternmost Mediterranean, Alboran Sea) for a time period covering the last 280 kyr on 672 faults imaged on 265 high-resolution seismic reflection profiles. This area was affected by major earthquakes and corresponds to a transtensional basin deformed by growth faults. The automated application of throw backstripping allowed for a faster deciphering of the migration of tectonic activity. Results show a westward migration of the deformation with quickly increasing deformation rates in the most recent time frames near Al Hoceima, one of the most populated cities. This migration is in agreement with the current seismicity, the GPS data, and recent brittle deformation data. Vertical throw rates of up to 0.47 mm/year have been calculated, for the most recent time periods, in segments of the Bokkoya fault zone. The westward migration of the deformation fits with the reconstruction suggested by the westernmost Mediterranean geodynamic models during the Pleistocene epoch, and it might be the consequence of the interaction between the northwest (NW) movement of the South Alboran indenter and the back Rif south-westward displacement. The highly accurate constraints of the evolution of the tectonic activity offered by this automation will substantially improve the seismic hazard assessment.Junta de Andalucia
European Commission
CGL2016-80687-R AEI/FEDER
ANR-17-CE030004EUROFLEETS program (FP7/2007-2013)
228344German Research Foundation (DFG)
16/04038Spanish Government through the 'Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence' accreditation
HRM and Work Organisation in Moroccan offshoring call center.
Considered, rightly or wrongly, as "new factories of the future", call centers generate more interest for both researchers and professionals. Their human aspects in general and their HR practices in particular is a rich field for investigations, due to the importance of their technical and social systems in their performance or their sustainability. The question of the choice of HR practices is the focus of this work devoted to the issue of HRM and work organization in offshoring call centers. It is based on nine case studies representing a varied typology of Moroccan call centers sector and three typical -ideal models adopted by them (Hard, Soft or hybrid). The choice of a model or another comes, initially, from a business strategy, a targeted market segment and a given level of outsourced value-added activities. The alignment between strategy and organization of the call center operates for each model to incorporate the same operational requirements (customer-agent interactions, colleagues) and its internal labor market. This variable is the link between work organization and HR strategy adopted. Referring to an HR model or another is conditioned by the intervention of the principal who greatly influence the decisions of managers as well as decision makers
Les structurations post-orogeniques du Rif Oriental: apport des donnees de la cartographie numeriques et de donnees de terrain
Workshop Alboran domain and Gibraltar Arc: geological research and natural hazards, Granada (España), 16-18 octubre (2019
Lithostratigraphic analysis and characterization of the upper miocene deformation of the Beni Bou Ifroure massif (Jbel Harcha Unit) eastern Rif Morocco
In the eastern Rif the unit of Jbel Harcha which is part of Beni Bou Ifroure massif, the latter belongs to the Rif chain which was formed during the Alpine orogeny. Lithostratigraphic analysis of the geological map and field investigations shows that this unit is constituted by carbonate facies of limestone attributed to the lower and middle Jurassic. At the level of upper Jurassic and Cretaceous we observe metamorphic terms presented by schists. The structural examination allows to distinguish two types of deformation the first one is penetrative which is materialized by a metamorphism of the formations of upper Jurassic and Cretaceous whose direction of the planes of schistosity varies between N125 and N140. This type is linked to a NE-SW shortening, attributed to the Tortonian and materialized by a set of open and normal faults of direction N040 to N045. The second type is generally characterized by brittle structures presented by dextral strike-slip faults of direction N120 to N140 that intersect the ancient accidents. This episode linked to a N-S to NW-SE shortening is responsible for the N070 thrusting of the Jurassic rocks in the study area
Assessment of groundwater quality using statistical methods in the Isly basin (Horst Belt, Morocco)
The identification of potential sources of groundwater pollution in the Isly basin (North-East Morocco) and the understanding of their spatial variability, in response to certain natural and anthropogenic forcings, were approached through the combined study of ionic ratios and statistical analyses of hydro-chemical data. The results of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show that two factors explain nearly 78% of the variance. Factor 1 is mineral salts (Cl and Na), and factor 2 is related to alkaline earth metals (Ca and Mg). The typological structure of the F1 x F2 plan analysis shows four regions according to the nature of pollutants. The contaminations observed for most of the water points could be related to anthropogenic, geological and atmospheric pollution sources