224 research outputs found

    Major models of economic security evaluation at enterprises and their applicability to telecommunication companies

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    Purpose: This article aims at synthesizing existing research areas and approaches to assessing the level of economic security at the corporate level and adapt the results to the specifics of the telecommunication's industry. Effective study of the problem of economic security is possible only in case of the combination of distribution, market, and institutional paradigms, based on the combination of methodological and empirical-quantitative approaches. Design/Methodology/Approach: The article meaningfully describes the main approaches to the definition and methods for assessing the economic security of enterprises, as well as the applicability of these methods to Russian telecommunication's companies. Based on this analysis, strategic directions to ensure the economic security of modern Russian telecommunication's enterprises have been determined. Findings: Four strategic directions can be identified to improve economic security: improving telecommunication and information technologies; creating and selling new telecommunication products and services; improving business processes; increasing energy efficiency and production ecology. Practical Implications: The results of the analysis can be used to determine the main directions of ensuring the economic security of a telecommunication's company. Originality/Value: The originality of the authors'approach is to develop and test the conceptual approach to assessing the economic security of corporate entities and the opportunity for its industry adaptation to the features and business processes of specific types of economic activity.peer-reviewe

    Ultrafast electron diffraction of photoexcited gas-phase cyclobutanone predicted by ab initio multiple cloning simulations

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    We present the result of our calculations of ultrafast electron diffraction (UED) for cyclobutanone excited into S2S_2 electronic state, which are based on the non-adiabatic dynamics simulations with \textit{Ab Initio} Multiple Cloning (AIMC) method with the electronic structure calculated at the SA(3)-CASSCF(12,12)/aug-cc-pVDZ level of theory. The key features in the UED pattern were identified that can be used to distinguish between the reaction pathways observed in the AIMC dynamics, although there is a significant overlap between representative signals due to structural similarity of the products. The calculated UED pattern can be compared with experiment

    Toward Fully Quantum Modelling of Ultrafast Photodissociation Imaging Experiments. Treating Tunnelling in the Ab Initio Multiple Cloning Approach

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    We present an account of our recent effort to improve simulation of the photodissociation of small heteroaromatic molecules using the Ab Initio Multiple Cloning (AIMC) algorithm. The ultimate goal is to create a quantitative and converged technique for fully quantum simulations which treats both electrons and nuclei on a fully quantum level. We calculate and analyse the total kinetic energy release (TKER) spectra and Velocity Map Images (VMI), and compare the results directly with experimental measurements. In this work, we perform new extensive calculations using an improved AIMC algorithm that now takes into account the tunnelling of hydrogen atoms. This can play an extremely important role in photodissociation dynamics

    Stable fourfold configurations for small vacancy clusters in silicon from ab initio calculations

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    Using density-functional-theory calculations, we have identified new stable configurations for tri-, tetra-, and penta-vacancies in silicon. These new configurations consist of combinations of a ring-hexavacancy with three, two, or one interstitial atoms, respectively, such that all atoms remain fourfold. As a result, their formation energies are lower by 0.6, 1.0, and 0.6 eV, respectively, than the ``part of a hexagonal ring'' configurations, believed up to now to be the lowest-energy states

    Addressing public subjects in latin american countries

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    The aim of research was identified comparative legal study of constitutions of American countries. The current study was based on a dialectical approach to disclosure of legal phenomena and processes, using general scientific method, (system, logical, analysis, and synthesis) and private scientific method

    Luminescence and radiation defects in irradiated ruby

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    The excitations of luminescence in irradiated and non-irradiated ruby crystals are investigated by means of highly polarized synchrotron radiation. In the VUV luminescence spectra the existence of quick and slow emission was observed in irradiated and nonirradiated crystals. The luminescence bands with maximum at 3.8 eV are produced by F+ centers. A new type of quick luminescence was established for the band at 4.6 eV. It is called cross-luminescence and is connected with the recombination of valence band electrons with holes in low-lying core levels. It is shown that the band at 3.0 eV is not due to anionic centers (F-centers), but is determined by a short lifetime emission center

    Dissociation of hydrofluorocarbon molecules after electron impact in plasma

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    The process of dissociation for two hydrofluorocarbon molecules in low triplet states excited by electron impact in plasma is investigated by ab initio Molecular Dynamics (AIMD). The interest in dissociation of hydrofluorocarbons in plasma is motivated by their role in plasma etching in microelectronic technologies. Dissociation of triplet states is very fast, and the reaction products can be predicted. In this work, it was found that higher triplet states relax into the lowest triplet state within a few femtoseconds due to nonadiabatic dynamics, so that the simplest ab initio MD on the lowest triplet state seems to give a reasonable estimate of the reaction channels branching ratios. We provide evidence for the existence of simple rules for the dissociation of hydrofluorocarbon molecules in triplet states. For molecules with a double bond, the bonds adjacent to it dissociate faster than the other bonds

    Abordando los sujetos públicos en los países de América Latina

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar el estudio jurídico comparativo de las constituciones de los países americano


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    The composition and characteristics of the sublimate of the aluminum–scandium Al–2%Sc master-alloy production are investigated using electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray phase analysis, and inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. It is established that the sublimate consists of particles 1–5 μm in size by 60 %; the coarser of them have a shell, inside which, inclusions (segments, particles, pieces) of various phases are present. The sublimate consists of metal aluminum (~35 %), two modifications of aluminum fluoride (~57 % total), and the rest is corundum. The scandium content is 0,5–0,6 wt %. It is shown that the use of hydrometallurgic methods is reasonable for its processing. The method of preparing «rich» concentrate with 3–11 wt % Sc from this type of waste by the treatment of the sublimate with the 10-% caustic soda solution at80 °C is proposed.С использованием электронной микроскопии, микрозондового анализа, дериватографии, рентгенофазового анализа и эмисионно-спектрального метода с индукционно связанной плазмой исследованы состав и характеристики возгона производства алюминиево-скандиевой лигатуры Al–2%Sc. Установлено, что он на 60 % состоит из частиц размером до 5 мкм, более крупные из них имеют оболочку, внутри которой находятся включения (сегменты, частицы, кусочки) различных фаз. В составе возгона присутствуют металлический алюминий (~35 %), две модификации фторида алюминия (суммарно ~57 %), остальное – корунд. Содержание скандия составляет 0,5–0,6 мас.%. Показано, что для переработки этого концентрата целесообразно использование гидрометаллургических методов. Предложен способ получения «богатого»концентрата с 3–11 мас.% Sc из этого вида отходов путем обработки возгона 10 %-ным раствором едкого натра при температуре 80 °С