181 research outputs found

    The frequency of thyroid gland invasion in advanced laryngeal malignancy: an audit of total laryngectomy histological specimens

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    This dissertation is submitted as a final copy as the University’s Academic and Clinical supervisorBackground Thyroid gland involvement in advanced laryngeal malignancies is a rare entity, mostly resulting from direct contiguous spread from anterior and inferior tumours. Reported practice is to perform a hemithyroidectomy at the time of laryngectomy. However, this results in pointless excision of functional tissue and the added morbidity of hypothyroidism post operatively. Aim The aim of this study is twofold: firstly, to assess the frequency of thyroid gland involvement in laryngectomy specimens from Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, and secondly, to determine any association between the anatomical subsites of tumour and thyroid gland involvement. Methods This is a retrospective clinical audit of histological reports on laryngectomy specimens collected over a 10 year period from January 2005 and December 2014. The study was conducted at Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, affiliated to the University of the Witwatersrand, in South Africa. ENT operating registries and the laboratory database were used to access all records of total laryngectomies done over the 10 year period. Seventy-three laryngectomies were done, 9 were excluded as no thyroid tissue was included in the sample and 1 was excluded due to inadequate demographic detail. Thus a total of 63 histological reports were included in the study. Data extracted included age, race, sex, pathological stage of tumour, thyroid gland involvement and anatomical subsites involved by tumour (subglottis, anterior commissure and transglottic tumours). Data was analysed using standard statistical methods including a Fischer-exact test and an ANOVA association test. Statistica software was used. Results Four of the 63 cases had thyroid gland involvement (6.35%). The majority of the patients were black males in the age group 50 to 60 years of age. The tumours were all advanced laryngeal malignancies and only 2 of the 63 cases were found to have a diagnosis of adenosquamous carcinoma and chondrosarcoma. None of the anatomical subsites were found to be statistically significant in association with thyroid gland involvement, however, this result was thought to be skewed due to the small number of tumours involving the thyroid gland. Conclusion In accordance with South African and international studies on the same topic, thyroid gland involvement in laryngeal tumours is a rare occurrence. Due to the complications of performing a thyroidectomy and the hypothyroidism that accompanies it, a thyroidectomy should not always be performed. However, due to the recurrence rates and poor prognosis of patients with stomal recurrence (associated with thyroid gland involvement), thyroidectomy still needs to be considered. Based on known anatomical pathways of extralaryngeal spread of tumours via the anterior commissure, paraglottic spaces and those tumours involving the subglottis, selected patients require thyroidectomy at the time of laryngectomy to achieve adequate oncological margins.MT201

    Caspase-8 and c-FLIPL associate in lipid rafts with NF-kappaB adaptors during T cell activation.

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    Humans and mice lacking functional caspase-8 in T cells manifest a profound immunodeficiency syndrome due to defective T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-induced NF-kappaB signaling and proliferation. It is unknown how caspase-8 is activated following T cell stimulation, and what is the caspase-8 substrate(s) that is necessary to initiate T cell cycling. We observe that following TCR ligation, a small portion of total cellular caspase-8 and c-FLIP(L) rapidly migrate to lipid rafts where they associate in an active caspase complex. Activation of caspase-8 in lipid rafts is followed by rapid cleavage of c-FLIP(L) at a known caspase-8 cleavage site. The active caspase.c-FLIP complex forms in the absence of Fas (CD95/APO1) and associates with the NF-kappaB signaling molecules RIP1, TRAF2, and TRAF6, as well as upstream NF-kappaB regulators PKC theta, CARMA1, Bcl-10, and MALT1, which connect to the TCR. The lack of caspase-8 results in the absence of MALT1 and Bcl-10 in the active caspase complex. Consistent with this observation, inhibition of caspase activity attenuates NF-kappaB activation. The current findings define a link among TCR, caspases, and the NF-kappaB pathway that occurs in a sequestered lipid raft environment in T cells

    Academic self-concept, gender and single-sex schooling

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    This paper assesses gender differences in academic self-concept for a cohort of children born in 1958 (the National Child Development Study). We address the question of whether attending single-sex or co-educational schools affected students’ perceptions of their own academic abilities (academic self-concept). Academic selfconcept was found to be highly gendered, even controlling for prior test scores. Boys had higher self-concepts in maths and science, and girls in English. Single-sex schooling reduced the gender gap in self-concept, while selective schooling was linked to lower academic self-concept overall

    Autofluorescence microscopy for paired-matched morphological and molecular identification of individual chigger mites (Acari: Trombiculidae), the vectors of scrub typhus

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Conventional gold standard characterization of chigger mites involves chemical preparation procedures (i.e. specimen clearing) for visualization of morphological features, which however contributes to destruction of the arthropod host DNA and any endosymbiont or pathogen DNA harbored within the specimen.</p><p>Methodology/Principal findings</p><p>In this study, a novel work flow based on autofluorescence microscopy was developed to enable identification of trombiculid mites to the species level on the basis of morphological traits without any special preparation, while preserving the mite DNA for subsequent genotyping. A panel of 16 specifically selected fluorescence microscopy images of mite features from available identification keys served for complete chigger morphological identification to the species level, and was paired with corresponding genotype data. We evaluated and validated this method for paired chigger morphological and genotypic ID using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (<i>coi</i>) in 113 chigger specimens representing 12 species and 7 genera (<i>Leptotrombidium</i>, <i>Ascoschoengastia</i>, <i>Gahrliepia</i>, <i>Walchia</i>, <i>Blankaartia</i>, <i>Schoengastia</i> and <i>Schoutedenichia</i>) from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) to the species level (complete characterization), and 153 chiggers from 5 genera (<i>Leptotrombidium</i>, <i>Ascoschoengastia</i>, <i>Helenicula</i>, <i>Schoengastiella</i> and <i>Walchia)</i> from Thailand, Cambodia and Lao PDR to the genus level.</p><p>A phylogenetic tree constructed from 77 <i>coi</i> gene sequences (approximately 640 bp length, n = 52 new <i>coi</i> sequences and n = 25 downloaded from GenBank), demonstrated clear grouping of assigned morphotypes at the genus levels, although evidence of both genetic polymorphism and morphological plasticity was found.</p><p>Conclusions/Significance</p><p>With this new methodology, we provided the largest collection of characterized <i>coi</i> gene sequences for trombiculid mites to date, and almost doubled the number of available characterized <i>coi</i> gene sequences with a single study. The ability to provide paired phenotypic-genotypic data is of central importance for future characterization of mites and dissecting the molecular epidemiology of mites transmitting diseases like scrub typhus.</p></div

    Parasite-derived microRNAs in host serum as novel biomarkers of helminth infection.

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    BACKGROUND: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short non-coding RNA that play important roles in disease processes in animals and are present in a highly stable cell-free form in body fluids. Here, we examine the capacity of host and parasite miRNAs to serve as tissue or serum biomarkers of Schistosoma mansoni infection. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used Exiqon miRNA microarrays to profile miRNA expression in the livers of mice infected with S. mansoni at 7 weeks post-infection. Thirty-three mouse miRNAs were differentially expressed in infected compared to naïve mice (>2 fold change, p<0.05) including miR-199a-3p, miR-199a-5p, miR-214 and miR-21, which have previously been associated with liver fibrosis in other settings. Five of the mouse miRNAs were also significantly elevated in serum by twelve weeks post-infection. Sequencing of small RNAs from serum confirmed the presence of these miRNAs and further revealed eleven parasite-derived miRNAs that were detectable by eight weeks post infection. Analysis of host and parasite miRNA abundance by qRT-PCR was extended to serum of patients from low and high infection sites in Zimbabwe and Uganda. The host-derived miRNAs failed to distinguish uninfected from infected individuals. However, analysis of three of the parasite-derived miRNAs (miR-277, miR-3479-3p and bantam) could detect infected individuals from low and high infection intensity sites with specificity/sensitivity values of 89%/80% and 80%/90%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: This work identifies parasite-derived miRNAs as novel markers of S. mansoni infection in both mice and humans, with the potential to be used with existing techniques to improve S. mansoni diagnosis. In contrast, although host miRNAs are differentially expressed in the liver during infection their abundance levels in serum are variable in human patients and may be useful in cases of extreme pathology but likely hold limited value for detecting prevalence of infection

    Tempered mlo broad-spectrum resistance to barley powdery mildew in an Ethiopian landrace

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    Recessive mutations in the Mlo gene confer broad spectrum resistance in barley (Hordeum vulgare) to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei), a widespread and damaging disease. However, all alleles discovered to date also display deleterious pleiotropic effects, including the naturally occurring mlo-11 mutant which is widely deployed in Europe. Recessive resistance was discovered in Eth295, an Ethiopian landrace, which was developmentally controlled and quantitative without spontaneous cell wall appositions or extensive necrosis and loss of photosynthetic tissue. This resistance is determined by two copies of the mlo-11 repeat units, that occur upstream to the wild-type Mlo gene, compared to 11-12 in commonly grown cultivars and was designated mlo-11 (cnv2). mlo-11 repeat unit copy number-dependent DNA methylation corresponded with cytological and macroscopic phenotypic differences between copy number variants. Sequence data indicated mlo-11 (cnv2) formed via recombination between progenitor mlo-11 repeat units and the 3' end of an adjacent stowaway MITE containing region. mlo-11 (cnv2) is the only example of a moderated mlo variant discovered to date and may have arisen by natural selection against the deleterious effects of the progenitor mlo-11 repeat unit configuration

    The ‘Green Revolution’ dwarfing genes play a role in disease resistance in Triticum aestivum and Hordeum vulgare

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    The Green Revolution dwarfing genes, Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b, encode mutant forms of DELLA proteins and are present in most modern wheat varieties. DELLA proteins have been implicated in the response to biotic stress in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana. Using defined wheat Rht near-isogenic lines and barley Sln1 gain of function (GoF) and loss of function (LoF) lines, the role of DELLA in response to biotic stress was investigated in pathosystems representing contrasting trophic styles (biotrophic, hemibiotrophic, and necrotrophic). GoF mutant alleles in wheat and barley confer a resistance trade-off with increased susceptibility to biotrophic pathogens and increased resistance to necrotrophic pathogens whilst the converse was conferred by a LoF mutant allele. The polyploid nature of the wheat genome buffered the effect of single Rht GoF mutations relative to barley (diploid), particularly in respect of increased susceptibility to biotrophic pathogens. A role for DELLA in controlling cell death responses is proposed. Similar to Arabidopsis, a resistance trade-off to pathogens with contrasting pathogenic lifestyles has been identified in monocotyledonous cereal species. Appreciation of the pleiotropic role of DELLA in biotic stress responses in cereals has implications for plant breeding

    Integrated transcriptomic and proteomic analysis of the global response of Wolbachia to doxycycline-induced stress

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    The bacterium Wolbachia (order Rickettsiales), representing perhaps the most abundant vertically transmitted microbe worldwide, infects arthropods and filarial nematodes. In arthropods, Wolbachia can induce reproductive alterations and interfere with the transmission of several arthropod-borne pathogens. In addition, Wolbachia is an obligate mutualist of the filarial parasites that cause lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis in the tropics. Targeting Wolbachia with tetracycline antibiotics leads to sterilisation and ultimately death of adult filariae. However, several weeks of treatment are required, restricting the implementation of this control strategy. To date, the response of Wolbachia to stress has not been investigated, and almost nothing is known about global regulation of gene expression in this organism. We exposed an arthropod Wolbachia strain to doxycycline in vitro, and analysed differential expression by directional RNA-seq and label-free, quantitative proteomics. We found that Wolbachia responded not only by modulating expression of the translation machinery, but also by upregulating nucleotide synthesis and energy metabolism, while downregulating outer membrane proteins. Moreover, Wolbachia increased the expression of a key component of the twin-arginine translocase (tatA) and a phosphate ABC transporter ATPase (PstB); the latter is associated with decreased susceptibility to antimicrobials in free-living bacteria. Finally, the downregulation of 6S RNA during translational inhibition suggests that this small RNA is involved in growth rate control. Despite its highly reduced genome, Wolbachia shows a surprising ability to regulate gene expression during exposure to a potent stressor. Our findings have general relevance for the chemotherapy of obligate intracellular bacteria and the mechanistic basis of persistence in the Rickettsiales

    Thyroid Function and Body Weight: A Community-Based Longitudinal Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Body weight and overt thyroid dysfunction are associated. Cross-sectional population-based studies have repeatedly found that thyroid hormone levels, even within the normal reference range, might be associated with body weight. However, for longitudinal data, the association is less clear. Thus, we tested the association between serum thyrotropin (TSH) and body weight in a community-based sample of adult persons followed for 11 years. METHODS: A random sample of 4,649 persons aged 18-65 years from a general population participated in the DanThyr study in 1997-8. We included 2,102 individuals who participated at 11-year follow-up, without current or former treatment for thyroid disease and with measurements of TSH and weight at both examinations. Multiple linear regression models were used, stratified by sex and adjusted for age, smoking status, and leisure time physical activity. RESULTS: Baseline TSH concentration was not associated with change in weight (women, P = 0.17; men, P = 0.72), and baseline body mass index (BMI) was not associated with change in TSH (women, P = 0.21; men, P = 0.85). Change in serum TSH and change in weight were significantly associated in both sexes. Weight increased by 0.3 kg (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.1, 0.4, P = 0.005) in women and 0.8 kg (95% CI 0.1, 1.4, P = 0.02) in men for every one unit TSH (mU/L) increase. CONCLUSIONS: TSH levels were not a determinant of future weight changes, and BMI was not a determinant for TSH changes, but an association between weight change and TSH change was present

    A quantitative evaluation of aerosol generation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    Summary: It is unclear if cardiopulmonary resuscitation is an aerosol‐generating procedure and whether this poses a risk of airborne disease transmission to healthcare workers and bystanders. Use of airborne transmission precautions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation may confer rescuer protection but risks patient harm due to delays in commencing treatment. To quantify the risk of respiratory aerosol generation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in humans, we conducted an aerosol monitoring study during out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrests. Exhaled aerosol was recorded using an optical particle sizer spectrometer connected to the breathing system. Aerosol produced during resuscitation was compared with that produced by control participants under general anaesthesia ventilated with an equivalent respiratory pattern to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A porcine cardiac arrest model was used to determine the independent contributions of ventilatory breaths, chest compressions and external cardiac defibrillation to aerosol generation. Time‐series analysis of participants with cardiac arrest (n = 18) demonstrated a repeating waveform of respiratory aerosol that mapped to specific components of resuscitation. Very high peak aerosol concentrations were generated during ventilation of participants with cardiac arrest with median (IQR [range]) 17,926 (5546–59,209 [1523–242,648]) particles.l‐1, which were 24‐fold greater than in control participants under general anaesthesia (744 (309–2106 [23–9099]) particles.l‐1, p < 0.001, n = 16). A substantial rise in aerosol also occurred with cardiac defibrillation and chest compressions. In a complimentary porcine model of cardiac arrest, aerosol recordings showed a strikingly similar profile to the human data. Time‐averaged aerosol concentrations during ventilation were approximately 270‐fold higher than before cardiac arrest (19,410 (2307–41,017 [104–136,025]) vs. 72 (41–136 [23–268]) particles.l‐1, p = 0.008). The porcine model also confirmed that both defibrillation and chest compressions generate high concentrations of aerosol independent of, but synergistic with, ventilation. In conclusion, multiple components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation generate high concentrations of respiratory aerosol. We recommend that airborne transmission precautions are warranted in the setting of high‐risk pathogens, until the airway is secured with an airway device and breathing system with a filter