8 research outputs found

    Malaria elimination in Zanzibar: where next?

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    In 2018, Zanzibar developed a national malaria strategic plan IV (2018-2023) to guide elimination of malaria by 2023. We assessed progress in the implementation of malaria activities as part of the end-term review of the strategic plan. The review was done between August and October 2022 following the WHO guideline to assess progress made towards malaria elimination, effectiveness of the health systems in delivering malaria case management; and malaria financing. A desk review examined available malaria data, annual work plans and implementation reports for evidence of implemented malaria activities. This was complemented by field visits to selected health facilities and communities by external experts, and interviews with health management teams and inhabitants to authenticate desk review findings. A steady increase in the annual parasite incidence (API) was observed in Zanzibar, from 2.7 (2017) to 3.6 (2021) cases per 1,000 population with marked heterogeneity between areas. However, about 68% of the detected malaria cases were imported into Zanzibar. Malaria case follow-up and investigation increased from <70% in 2017 to 94% and 96% respectively, in 2021. The review noted a 3.7-fold increase of the health allocation in the country's budget, from 31.7 million USD (2017/18) to 117.3 million USD (2022/23) but malaria allocation remained low (<1%). The varying transmission levels in the islands suggest a need for strategic re-orientation of the elimination attempts from a national-wide to a sub-national agenda. We recommend increasing malaria allocation from the health budget to ensure sustainability of malaria elimination interventions

    Implementation research of a cluster randomized trial evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria using dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine on reducing malaria burden in school-aged children in Tanzania: methodology, challenges, and mitigation

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    BACKGROUND: It has been more than 20 years since the malaria epidemiologic shift to school-aged children was noted. In the meantime, school-aged children (5-15 years) have become increasingly more vulnerable with asymptomatic malaria prevalence reaching up to 70%, making them reservoirs for subsequent transmission of malaria in the endemic communities. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of malaria in schoolchildren (IPTsc) has proven to be an effective tool to shrink this reservoir. As of 3(rd) June 2022, the World Health Organization recommends IPTsc in moderate and high endemic areas. Even so, for decision-makers, the adoption of scientific research recommendations has been stifled by real-world implementation challenges. This study presents methodology, challenges faced, and mitigations used in the evaluation of the implementation of IPTsc using dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine (DP) in three councils (Handeni District Council (DC), Handeni Town Council (TC) and Kilindi DC) of Tanga Region, Tanzania so as to understand the operational feasibility and effectiveness of IPTsc on malaria parasitaemia and clinical malaria incidence. METHODS: The study deployed an effectiveness-implementation hybrid design to assess feasibility and effectiveness of IPTsc using DP, the interventional drug, against standard of care (control). Wards in the three study councils were the randomization unit (clusters). Each ward was randomized to implement IPTsc or not (control). In all wards in the IPTsc arm, DP was given to schoolchildren three times a year in four-month intervals. In each council, 24 randomly selected wards (12 per study arm, one school per ward) were chosen as representatives for intervention impact evaluation. Mixed design methods were used to assess the feasibility and acceptability of implementing IPTsc as part of a more comprehensive health package for schoolchildren. The study reimagined an existing school health programme for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) control include IPTsc implementation. RESULTS: The study shows IPTsc can feasibly be implemented by integrating it into existing school health and education systems, paving the way for sustainable programme adoption in a cost-effective manner. CONCLUSIONS: Through this article other interested countries may realise a feasible plan for IPTsc implementation. Mitigation to any challenge can be customized based on local circumstances without jeopardising the gains expected from an IPTsc programme. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov, NCT04245033. Registered 28 January 2020, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04245033

    High prevalence of epilepsy in onchocerciasis endemic regions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Background: An increased prevalence of epilepsy has been reported in many onchocerciasis endemic areas. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of epilepsy in onchocerciasis endemic areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and investigate whether a higher annual intake of Ivermectin was associated with a lower prevalence of epilepsy. Methodology/Principle findings: Between July 2014 and February 2016, house-to-house epilepsy prevalence surveys were carried out in areas with a high level of onchocerciasis endemicity: 3 localities in the Bas-Uele, 24 in the Tshopo and 21 in the Ituri province. Ivermectin uptake was recorded for every household member. This database allowed a matched case-control pair subset to be created that enabled putative risk factors for epilepsy to be tested using univariate logistic regression models. Risk factors relating to onchocerciasis were tested using a multivariate random effects model. To identify presence of clusters of epilepsy cases, the Kulldorff's scan statistic was used. Of 12, 408 people examined in the different health areas 407 (3.3%) were found to have a history of epilepsy. A high prevalence of epilepsy was observed in health areas in the 3 provinces: 6.8–8.5% in Bas-Uele, 0.8–7.4% in Tshopo and 3.6–6.2% in Ituri. Median age of epilepsy onset was 9 years, and the modal age 12 years. The case control analysis demonstrated that before the appearance of epilepsy, compared to the same life period in controls, persons with epilepsy were around two times less likely (OR: 0.52; 95%CI: (0.28, 0.98)) to have taken Ivermectin than controls. After the appearance of epilepsy, there was no difference of Ivermectin intake between cases and controls. Only in Ituri, a significant cluster (p-value = 0.0001) was identified located around the Draju sample site area. Conclusions: The prevalence of epilepsy in health areas in onchocerciasis endemic regions in the DRC was 2–10 times higher than in non-onchocerciasis endemic regions in Africa. Our data suggests that Ivermectin protects against epilepsy in an onchocerciasis endemic region. However, a prospective population based intervention study is needed to confirm this

    Aspects Ă©chographiques de la glande thyroĂŻde chez la femme enceinte Ă  Lubumbashi : Ultrasongraphical thyroid features in pregnant woman in Lubumbashi, DR Congo

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    Résumé Contexte. La glande thyroïde est soumise à plusieurs influences pendant la grossesse. L’état gravide peut induire une augmentation relative du volume glandulaire, tout comme il peut favoriser des modifications architecturales sous forme de nodules, susceptibles de dégénérer en cancer thyroïdien. Objectif. décrire les modifications morphologiques de la glande thyroïde chez les femmes enceintes vivant en milieu carencé en iode. Méthode. Une étude transversale a été conduite aux Cliniques universitaires de Lubumbashi, à l’hôpital de Katuba et à la maternité Bongonga du 15 mars au 15 juillet 2009. Cette étude a inclus 147 femmes enceintes sans goitre manifeste, reçues en consultations prénatales. L’âge moyen des parturientes était de 27± 6 ans (extrêmes : 16-43 ans). L’analyse échographique de la glande thyroïde a permis d’en déterminer différentes caractéristiques en fonction de l’âge maternel ou de l’âge gestationnel. Le volume thyroïdien a été exprimé en moyenne géométrique après transformation logarithmique. Résultats. Le volume thyroïdien moyen était de 11,5 ±1,5 ml, de 10,4 ± 1,4 ml et de 9,86 ± 1,5 ml respectivement aux premier, deuxième et troisième trimestres. Il augmentait avec l’âge de la femme, la parité et la présence de nodule. Cette enquête a enregistré la présence d’un nodule thyroïdien chez 8% des sujets et un volume de la glande supérieur à 18 ml chez 5,4% d’entre eux, suggérant un goitre infraclinique. La fréquence des nodules est apparue augmentant avec l’âge et la parité de la femme avec toutefois, une préservation de la fonction thyroïdienne. Conclusion. Cette étude a montré des modifications échographiques de la glande thyroïde pendant la grossesse. Toutefois, ces modifications morphologiques exigent d’être validées par des études plus larges et dynamiques