176 research outputs found

    Obesity and treatment meanings in bariatric surgery candidates: a qualitative study

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    Background This study used a qualitative approach to comprehend how the morbid obese conceptualize and deal with obesity and obesity treatment, with the particular aim of exploring the expectations and beliefs about the exigencies and the impact of bariatric surgery. Methods The study population included 30 morbid obese patients (20 women and 10 men) with a mean age of 39.17 years (SD = 8.81) and a mean body mass index of 47.5 (SD = 8.2) interviewed individually before surgery using open-ended questions. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and then coded according to grounded analysis methodology. Results Three main thematic areas emerged from the data: obesity, eating behavior, and treatment. Obesity is described as a stable and hereditary trait. Although participants recognize that personal eating behavior exacerbates this condition, patients see their eating behavior as difficult to change and control. Food seems to be an ever-present dimension and a coping strategy, and to follow an adequate diet plan is described as a huge sacrifice. Bariatric surgery emerges as the only treatment for obesity, and participants highlight this moment as the beginning of a new life where health professionals have the main role. Bariatric surgery candidates see their eating behavior as out of their control, and to commit to its demands is seen as a big sacrifice. For these patients, surgery is understood as a miracle moment that will change their lives without requiring an active role or their participation. Conclusion According to these results, it is necessary to validate them with qualitative and quantitative studies; it is necessary to promote a new awareness of the weight loss process and to empower patients before and after bariatric surgery.Bolsa de doutoramento SFRH/BD/37069/2007 da Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Secondary education reform in Lesotho and Zimbabwe and the needs of rural girls: Pronouncements, policy and practice

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    Analysis of the educational needs of rural girls in Lesotho and Zimbabwe suggests a number of shortcomings in the current form of secondary education, and ways in which it might be modified so as to serve this sizeable group of students better. Several of the shortcomings, notably in relation to curricular irrelevance and excessive focus on examinations, have long been recognised, including by politicians. Yet political pronouncements are seldom translated into policy, and even where policy is formulated, reforms are seldom implemented in schools. This paper makes use of interviews with educational decision-makers in the two southern African countries and a range of documentary sources to explore why, despite the considerable differences between the two contexts, much needed educational reforms have been implemented in neither

    Nitric Oxide Signaling Modulates Synaptic Transmission during Early Postnatal Development

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    Early γ-aminobutyric acid mediated (GABAergic) synaptic transmission and correlated neuronal activity are fundamental to network formation; however, their regulation during early postnatal development is poorly understood. Nitric oxide (NO) is an important retrograde messenger at glutamatergic synapses, and it was recently shown to play an important role also at GABAergic synapses in the adult brain. The subcellular localization and network effect of this signaling pathway during early development are so far unexplored, but its disruption at this early age is known to lead to profound morphological and functional alterations. Here, we provide functional evidence—using whole-cell recording—that NO signaling modulates not only glutamatergic but also GABAergic synaptic transmission in the mouse hippocampus during the early postnatal period. We identified the precise subcellular localization of key elements of the underlying molecular cascade using immunohistochemistry at the light—and electron microscopic levels. As predicted by these morpho-functional data, multineuron calcium imaging in acute slices revealed that this NO-signaling machinery is involved also in the control of synchronous network activity patterns. We suggest that the retrograde NO-signaling system is ideally suited to fulfill a general presynaptic regulatory role and may effectively fine-tune network activity during early postnatal development, while GABAergic transmission is still depolarizing

    Dysfunction in the ÎČII Spectrin-Dependent Cytoskeleton Underlies Human Arrhythmia.

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    Background: The cardiac cytoskeleton plays key roles in maintaining myocyte structural integrity in health and disease. In fact, human mutations in cardiac cytoskeletal elements are tightly linked with cardiac pathologies including myopathies, aortopathies, and dystrophies. Conversely, the link between cytoskeletal protein dysfunction in cardiac electrical activity is not well understood, and often overlooked in the cardiac arrhythmia field. Methods and Results: Here, we uncover a new mechanism for the regulation of cardiac membrane excitability. We report that ÎČII spectrin, an actin-associated molecule, is essential for the post-translational targeting and localization of critical membrane proteins in heart. ÎČII spectrin recruits ankyrin-B to the cardiac dyad, and a novel human mutation in the ankyrin-B gene disrupts the ankyrin-B/ÎČII spectrin interaction leading to severe human arrhythmia phenotypes. Mice lacking cardiac ÎČII spectrin display lethal arrhythmias, aberrant electrical and calcium handling phenotypes, and abnormal expression/localization of cardiac membrane proteins. Mechanistically, ÎČII spectrin regulates the localization of cytoskeletal and plasma membrane/sarcoplasmic reticulum protein complexes that include the Na/Ca exchanger, RyR2, ankyrin-B, actin, and αII spectrin. Finally, we observe accelerated heart failure phenotypes in ÎČII spectrin-deficient mice. Conclusions: Our findings identify ÎČII spectrin as critical for normal myocyte electrical activity, link this molecule to human disease, and provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying cardiac myocyte biology

    Identifying Regulators for EAG1 Channels with a Novel Electrophysiology and Tryptophan Fluorescence Based Screen

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    Ether-Ă -go-go (EAG) channels are expressed throughout the central nervous system and are also crucial regulators of cell cycle and tumor progression. The large intracellular amino- and carboxy- terminal domains of EAG1 each share similarity with known ligand binding motifs in other proteins, yet EAG1 channels have no known regulatory ligands.Here we screened a library of small biologically relevant molecules against EAG1 channels with a novel two-pronged screen to identify channel regulators. In one arm of the screen we used electrophysiology to assess the functional effects of the library compounds on full-length EAG1 channels. In an orthogonal arm, we used tryptophan fluorescence to screen for binding of the library compounds to the isolated C-terminal region.Several compounds from the flavonoid, indole and benzofuran chemical families emerged as binding partners and/or regulators of EAG1 channels. The two-prong screen can aid ligand and drug discovery for ligand-binding domains of other ion channels

    Civil society leadership in the struggle for AIDS treatment in South Africa and Uganda

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.This thesis is an attempt to theorise and operationalise empirically the notion of ‘civil society leadership’ in Sub-Saharan Africa. ‘AIDS leadership,’ which is associated with the intergovernmental institutions charged with coordinating the global response to HIV/AIDS, is both under-theorised and highly context-specific. In this study I therefore opt for an inclusive framework that draws on a range of approaches, including the literature on ‘leadership’, institutions, social movements and the ‘network’ perspective on civil society mobilisation. This framework is employed in rich and detailed empirical descriptions (‘thick description’) of civil society mobilisation around AIDS, including contentious AIDS activism, in the key case studies of South Africa and Uganda. South Africa and Uganda are widely considered key examples of poor and good leadership (from national political leaders) respectively, while the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and The AIDS Support Organisation (TASO) are both seen as highly effective civil society movements. These descriptions emphasise ‘transnational networks of influence’ in which civil society leaders participated (and at times actively constructed) in order to mobilise both symbolic and material resources aimed at exerting influence at the transnational, national and local levels

    Synaptic integrative mechanisms for spatial cognition

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