50 research outputs found


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    U dobnoj skupini starih motorička nesamostalnost ili ovisnost u velikoj mjeri remeti kvalitetu života a narastanje populacije starih ovisnih o tuđoj pomoći crpi fondove socijalne zaÅ”tite. Stoga je briga za reedukaciju ili održavanje motoričkih sposobnosti starih u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu nedovoljno naglaÅ”ena. Proces edukacije samozbrinjavanja sadrži specijalne kineziterapijske postupke komponirane od specifičnih aktivnosti koje upravo te aktivnosti podižu na viÅ”i nivo. Ovim je preliminarnim radom provjeravana motorička sposobnost samoĀ· zbrinjavanja na heterogenoj skupini od stotinu ispitanika u domovima umirovljenika. Rezultati ukazuju na značajno naruÅ”ene sposobnosti samozbrinjavanja i do te mjere da se svega 12\u27\u27 /o ispitanika može smatrati potpuno samostalnima. 57~/o ispitanika samo je djelomično realiziralo motoričke zadatke dok je preostalih 3lq/o na granici motoričke samostalnosti. Kompleksima motoričkih zadataka mjerenih u sekundama i frekvencijom pokreta ističu visoki stupanj varijabiliteta bez obzira na pojedine karakteristike pojedinaca. Postupke edukacije samozbrinjavanja staĀ· rih treba dakle provoditi individualizirano a dozirati individualno prema objektivnom stanju svake stare osobe te prema uvjetima kretanja u kući ili drugom životnom prostoru.Quality of life of eldcrly persons is greathy handicapped by their motorial dependence, or a need for being supported by others. The increasing population of the elderly who depend on others\u27 help make funds of the social care empty. Therefore, the concern for reeducation or maintaining motorial capabilities of the elderly persons is not fully emphasized in our society. The educational proces of self-caring consists of special kinesitherapeutical treatment composed of specific activities that just raise them on a higher level. This preliminary study was aimed to check up motorial capabilities of self- caring in a heterogenous group of 100 subjects in pensioners\u27 homes. The results showed significantly decreased capabilities of self-caring to such an extent that only 12Ā°/o of subjects might be considered entirely independent. 570/o of subjects merely partially completed their motorial exercises, while the remainder of 3lā€¢lfo was on the limit of their motorial independency. When using complexes of motorial exercises which were measured in seconds and freiiuency of movements, they displayed a high degree of variability regardless of particular personality traits. Consequently the educational procedures of self-caring of elderly persons should be carried out separately and dosed individually according to the objective state of each old person, as well as according to conditions of movements in the house or in other living space

    Cr:LiSrAlF6 channel waveguides as broadband fluorescence sources

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    We report on the production and fluorescence of active channel waveguides in Cr:LiSrAlF6. We have produced āˆ¼10Ī¼m wide and 5Ī¼m high channel waveguides by He+ ion implantation, lithographic patterning and subsequent Ar+ ion sputtering. Diode-pumped waveguides emitted 13Ī¼W of fluorescence light with a spectrum ranging from 760nm to 900nm at a pump power of 165mW and a pump wavelength of 660nm. The compact and cheap optical pump source is a main advantage of this fluorescence material. This makes Cr:LiSrAlF6 channel waveguides a suitable candidate for a broadband fluorescence source in low-coherence interferometry and other applications in the near-infrared wavelength rang

    The influence of chemical characteristics of precipitation on tree health in Banjica Forest (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    The most represented tree species in the Banjica Forest are Acer negundo, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus, Populus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus ornus and Robinia pseudoacacia. According to the ICP Forests combined assessment (degree of defoliation and decolorization), endangered species are Populus nigra (64.3% of heavily damaged trees), Quercus robur (45.5%), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (37.0%) and Acer negundo (26.6%), while the situation is much better for Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus ornus. For Robinia pseudoacacia, 83% of trees are without decolorization, however, defoliation is established. In the period from April to October 2009, the average pH of rainwater was 5.46, and 5.18 in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- in the period from April to October 2009 amounted to an average of 24.21 mg/l, and 28.87 mg/l in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- and pH values is a possible explanation for the condition of the trees. [Acknowledgments. The results are a part of the project III47007 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.


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    Babezioza pasa je vektorsko oboljenje sezonskog karaktera, koje se odlikuje nalazomBabesia spp u krvi, poviÅ”enom temeperaturom, krvarenjima i splenomegalijom.Cilj rada je utvrditi prevalencu babezioze kod pasa lečenih tokom 2013. godine uveterinarskoj ambulanti "Dr Kovačević" u Tesliću. Uvidom u zdravstvene kartoneambulante, tokom 2013. godine pregledana su 183 oboljela psa. Mikroskopskimpregledom krvnog razmaza obojenog po Gimza metodi, babezioza je dokazana kod 56pasa. U martu je registrovano 3, 57% a u maju 35,71% obolelih, Å”to odgovara pikupojavljivanja vektora, iksodidnih krpelja. UspeÅ”na kontrola pojave babezioze kod pasanal

    The influence of chemical characteristics of precipitation on tree health in Banjica Forest (Belgrade, Serbia)

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    The most represented tree species in the Banjica Forest are Acer negundo, Quercus robur, Acer pseudoplatanus, Populus nigra, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Fraxinus ornus and Robinia pseudoacacia. According to the ICP Forests combined assessment (degree of defoliation and decolorization), endangered species are Populus nigra (64.3% of heavily damaged trees), Quercus robur (45.5%), Fraxinus pennsylvanica (37.0%) and Acer negundo (26.6%), while the situation is much better for Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus ornus. For Robinia pseudoacacia, 83% of trees are without decolorization, however, defoliation is established. In the period from April to October 2009, the average pH of rainwater was 5.46, and 5.18 in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- in the period from April to October 2009 amounted to an average of 24.21 mg/l, and 28.87 mg/l in the period from November 2009 to March 2010. The concentration of SO42- and pH values is a possible explanation for the condition of the trees


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    Demodikoza pasa je inflamatorna, nepruritična i nisko kontagiozna dermatoza,koja se karakteriÅ”e prisustvom većeg broja Demodex canis na koži pasa nego Å”to je touobičajeno. NajčeŔće se viđa kod pacijenata sa prisutnim imunoloÅ”kim poremećajem.Cilj rada je pokazati učestalost pojave demodikoze pasa, način dijagnostikovanja i terapijskitretman. Na osnovu podataka iz zdravstvenih kartona veterinarske ambulanteā€œDr Kovačevićā€œ, koja se nalazi na teritoriji opÅ”tine Teslić, 35,4% dermatoloÅ”kih pacijenatasu psi sa demodikozom. Dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovu kliničkih simptoma,pravljenjem klač preparata sa promenjenih mesta na koži i nalazom velikog brojaparazita. Tretman demodikoze zasniva se na koriŔćenju preparata na bazi amitraza iivermektina, i otklanjanjem predisponirajućih faktora

    Pancreatic Elastase Levels in Feces As A Marker of Exocrine Pancreatic Function in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus

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    Objective: The measurement of pancreatic elastase (PE) in feces is used widely to screen for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship of PE with residual beta cell secretion and metabolic control in patients with diabetes mellitus. Method: We determined the presence of PE in specimens via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), whereas serum fasting glucose, C-peptide, amylase, lipase, triglycerides, total 25(OH)-vitamin D, C-reactive protein (CRP), and hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) concentrations were assayed using routine laboratory tests. Results: PE values in 48 patients with diabetes were significantly lower than in 24 healthy volunteers (P = .001). In one-third of participants with diabetes mellitus, PE were less than 200 mu g per g, indicating pancreatic functional insufficiency. Among the patients in the cohort, PE correlated positively with C-peptide levels (P = .04), lipase (P = .009), CRP (P = .04), sex (P = .03), and BMI (P = .02) but not significantly with duration of diabetes (P = .81) or levels of HbA(1c) (P = .87), amylase (P = .06), total 25(OH)-vitamin D (P = .16), or triglycerides (P = .52). Conclusion: Our results demonstrated a strong association of diabetes with low PE levels

    Public knowledge on karst and protected areas: A case study of Tara National Park, Serbia

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results of our research on the knowledge and awareness of visitors and residents about karst and protected areas (PAs). The research was carried out in the Tara National Park (NP) in western Serbia, which includes karst landscapes. By conducting surveys with visitors, local population, and National Park employees, as well as interviews with local key persons, NP key persons and external experts, we got a deeper understanding of the issues related to knowledge on karst and PAs. We also investigated whether local people or visitors knew the values of karst landscapes in general and how they were informed or learned about the Tara NP. In addition, we also analysed the content of these topics in school curricula and textbooks in Serbia. We concluded that the awareness about the researched topics is unsatisfactory at present thus it should be raised to a higher level, both in the case of local people and in the case of visitors. One of the most significant ways to improve the current level is through formal, non-formal, and informal education.The paper is a result of the project funded by the Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NKFIH) K124497 and supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, the Republic of Serbia. We thank all respondents who participated in the survey, as well as the Tara NP authorities (management) and Nikola Tomić for logistical support. Also we thank the reviewers for helping us to improve the paper

    Vulnerability to natural disasters in Serbia: spatial and temporal comparison

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    The frequency of natural disasters and the extent of their consequences at a global level are constantly increasing. This trend is partially caused by increased population vulnerability, which implies the degree of population vulnerability due to high magnitude natural processes. This paper presents an analysis of vulnerability to natural disaster in Serbia in the second half of the twentieth and the early twenty-first century. Vulnerability changes were traced on the basis of demographicā€“economic indicators derived from statistical data for local government units (municipalities) provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Calculations were performed in the geographical information system environment. The results of the study show that spatial and temporal vulnerability variations are causally correlated with changes in the selected components. Significant rise of vulnerability is related to urban areas, while lower values are characteristic for other areas of Serbia; this is primarily a consequence of different population density