258 research outputs found

    A Comparison Study On Engine Oil Properties For Bi-Fuel Motorcycle

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    All mechanical equipment must be lubricated in order to reduce friction and wear between the touching surfaces. For four-stroke motorcycle engine, the function of the engine oil play critical roles since the oil does not burn along with fuel in combustion chamber as two-stroke motorcycle engines. The oil will circulate around inside the engine and the quality of the oil will decreased time by time. In conjunction with that, the engine oil must be removed after certain running period or distance recommended by the engine manufactures. The use of natural gas as a vehicle fuel claimed to provide several benefits to engine components and effectively reduce maintenance requirements. It does not mix with or dilute the lubricating oil faster and will not cause deposits in combustion chambers as well as on spark plugs to the extend that the use of petrol does, thereby generally extending the engine oil, piston ring and spark plug. It is the intention of this paper to compare the effect of both physical and chemical properties of motorcycle engine oil used by MODENASS KRISS 110cc motorcycle engine after running 5000 km using natural gas and gasoline respectively

    Trading Wireless Information and Power Transfer: Relay Selection to Minimize the Outage Probability

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    This paper studies the outage probability minimization problem for a multiple relay network with energy harvesting constraints. The relays are hybrid nodes used for simultaneous wireless information and power transfer from the source radio frequency (RF) signals. There is a trade-off associated with the amount of time a relay node is used for energy and information transfer. Large intervals of information transfer implies little time for energy harvesting from RF signals and thus, high probability of outage events. We propose relay selection schemes for a cooperative system with a fixed number of RF powered relays. We address both causal and non-causal channel state information cases at the relay--destination link and evaluate the trade-off associated with information/power transfer in the context of minimization of outage probability.Comment: IEEE GlobalSiP, 201

    Peran stres akademik dan prokrastinasi akademik sebagai prediktor kecurangan akademik pada mahasiswa penerima KIP-K

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    INDONESIA : Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa KIP-K ini tentu mempunyai tanggung jawab yang berbeda yaitu untuk mempertahakan nilainya, namun sebagai mahasiwa juga tentu tidak terlepas dari stres akademik dan juga prokrastinasi akademik yang berpotensi melakukan kecurangan akademik. tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat peran stres akademik dan prokrastinasi akademik sebagai prediktor kecurangan akademik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode partisipan 304 mahasiswa universitas islam negeri sunan gunung djati bandung yang menerima beasiswa KIP-K. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis regresi berganda dengan uji T dan uji F. Hasil uji T menunjukan nilai sig stres akademik terhadap kecurangan akademik 0.004 dan nilai sig prokrastinasi akademik 0.000 yang mana nilai sig < 0.05 yamg artinya terdapat pengaruh stres akademik maupun prokrastinasi akademik terhadap kecurangan akademik secara parsial. Hasil uji F dalam penelitian ini juga menunjukan nilai sig 0.000 artinya < 0.05 artinya stres akademik dan prokrastinasi akademik dapat memberikan pengaruh secara simultan ENGLISH : This research aims to examine the role of academic stress and academic procrastination as predictors of academic dishonesty among recipients of the KIP-K scholarship. The study involved 304 participants who are students at the State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung and are recipients of the KIP-K scholarship. The research methodology employed multiple regression analysis with T-test and F-test. The T-test results indicate that the significance value of academic stress on academic dishonesty is 0.004, and the significance value of academic procrastination is 0.000, both of which are less than 0.05, suggesting that there is a partial influence of academic stress and academic procrastination on academic dishonesty. The F-test results also show a significance value of 0.000, indicating that both academic stress and academic procrastination can jointly influence academic dishonesty

    Applying the Trikora Spirit in Public Administration Practices to Build the Welfare of the Papuan People

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    This study aims to analyze the application of the Trikora spirit in public administration practices to build the welfare of the Papuan people. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach by conducting a literature review. The results of this study show that the Trikora spirit can be applied in public administration practices, particularly in optimizing governance, coordination, and supervision, as well as in improving the implementation of programs and policies in Papua. Various efforts have been made by the government to resolve existing problems through the enactment of Law No. 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua. However, twenty years after the implementation of special autonomy, the results are still not optimal. This is because, among other things, governance is still not optimal, there is no supervision and assistance from the center, and programs from ministries and institutions have not been well coordinated and integrated. I hope that the mobilization of all potential national resources, the spirit of one unit, synchronization and coordination as well as command and control when the Trikora to seize West Irian need to be imitated and continued to build the development of Papua's welfar


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    Professional zakat is zakat that is imposed on each job or certain professional expertise, either done alone or in conjunction with other people / institutions, which is done alone or together with other people/institutions, which brings income (money) that meets the nisab (minimum limit to be able to pay zakat). income (money) that meets the nisab (minimum limit to be able to pay zakat). to be able to pay zakat). This article tries to explain about professional zakat and its benefits to society.for the community. Zakat profesi&nbsp;adalah&nbsp;zakat&nbsp;yang dikenakan pada tiap pekerjaan atau keahlian profesional tertentu, baik yang dilakukan sendiri maupun yang dilakukan bersama dengan orang/lembaga lain, yang mendatangkan penghasilan (uang) yang memenuhi nisab (batas minimum untuk bisa berzakat). Artikel ini mencoba memaparkan tentang zakat profesi dan manfaatnya bagi masyarakat

    Flexural behaviour of plain concrete prism strengthened by textile fine grained mortar

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    This paper presents a flexural strength study of concrete incorporated with textile fine grained mortar (TFGM) as a strengthening laminate. TFGM is a combination of fine grained mortar (FGM) with alkali resistant glass fabric (AR glass). Fine grained sand with 600 m maximum size was used in FGM and fly ash (FA) or rice husk ash (RHA) has been used as a partial substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The potential of TFGM as strengthening laminate was tested under monolithic load with three point flexure loading. The TFGM were laid in layers of two, four, six, and eight. Results shown a promising flexure enhancement of up to three times of unstrengthened concrete when eight layers of both RHA and FA were laid. Load bearing capacity and ductility of the samples increased about 200% and 61%, respectively, compared to control samples as well. The outcome shows a highly potential use of agro-waste as cement replacement to produce load bearing structural component

    Preparation and quality characterization of soy milk based non-dairy ice cream

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    Soy milk made from soybean has prospective to be used as a substitute of milk due to its health benefits. It is a rich source of iso-flavones, omega-3-fatty acid, dietary fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, protein and oligosaccharides. The current study was designed to examine the effects of galacto-manan on ice cream by using commercially available (silk) and locally prepared soy milk. Galacto-mannan (guar gum) was used in different concentration (0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6%) for the preparation of ice cream. Ice cream was analyzed for physico-chemical and sensory characteristics at 0, 30 and 60 days of storage interval. Overrun, meltdown, viscosity, total solids, pH and acidity were affected significantly by ice cream samples as well as storage. While non-significant effects of stabilizer and storage were found on fat, protein, and ash contents of ice cream. On organoleptic evaluation, the highest scores were awarded to the ice cream sample prepared with 0.5% of guar gum. Ice cream manufactured with locally prepared soy milk and guar gum revealed comparable quality with lower cost

    Representations of the event in the drawings of the civilizations of the ancient world (selected models)

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    This research is concerned with studying the representations of the event in the drawings of the ancient civilizations of the world, and the research consists of two axes, the axis of the theoretical framework, which included (the research problem, its aim, its limits, and the definition of its terminology). The research aims to reveal how the event pattern was formulated by the artist on the surface of his visual achievement, and the limits of the search were spatial in the ancient civilizations of Iraq, Egypt, Greece and Rome, but the limits of the temporal research could not be determined because they were before birth, and objectively: representations of the event in the civilizations of the ancient world This axis also included four topics The first: the event in the arts of ancient Iraq, the second: the event in the arts of ancient Egypt, the third: the event in Greek art, and the fourth: the event in Roman art, ending with the indicators produced by the theoretical framework, while the second applied axis was represented by the research procedures, namely (the research community The research concluded with the results and the most important sources that the researcher relied on