20 research outputs found

    Critique libérale de la notion de droits des minorités

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    Prijepori oko koncepta manjinskih prava u okviru liberalne teorije otvaraju raspravu unutar političkih i akademskih zajednica zemalja zapadne demokracije. Prava manjina sagledavaju se iz perspektive liberalizma s obzirom na to da ga se kao teoriju doživljava susretljivijim od konzervativizma i socijalizma te zbog činjenice da definira politički moral u tim zemljama. Cilj rada jest ponuditi odgovore na neka od ključnih pitanja rasprave. Bi li liberali trebali, unutar liberalne koncepcije društvene pravde temeljene na načelu jednakosti svih pojedinaca, prihvatiti model nadopune općih individualnih prava posebnim pravima manjina? Je li poopćeni princip »ne-diskriminacije«, kao ključ zapadnih demokracija za pravedno rješavanje etnokulturnih odnosa, zaista pravedan? Gdje su postavljene granice liberalne tolerancije te može li liberalizam biti mjesto susreta svih kultura? Analizom suprotstavljenih stavova raznih istaknutih liberalnih teoretičara o spomenutim, ali i drugim pitanjima rad progovara o upitnoj konzistentnosti liberalne kritike manjinskih prava nacionalnih i etničkih skupina na razini političke legitimacije, dok na teorijskoj razini pitanje ostavlja otvorenim.Controversies regarding the minority rights’ concept within liberal theory are opening up a debate in the political and academic communities of the Western democracies. Minority rights are discussed from the point of view of liberalism since it is more hospitable as a theory than conservatism and socialism, and due to the fact that it defines political morals in those countries. The aim of this article is to offer answers to some of the debate’s key questions. Should the liberals accept the model of universal individual rights combined with special minority rights within the liberal concept of social justice, founded on the principle of individual equality? Is a generalized, “non-discriminative” concept, such as the Western democracies’ key for fair treatment of ethno-cultural issues, really fair? Where are the limits of liberal tolerance set, and can liberalism be the cultures’ intersection point? By analyzing the opposed positions of various significant liberal theoreticians about the afore-mentioned and other issues, this article points to the questionable consistency of liberal critique of national and ethnic minority rights on the level of political legitimacy whilst this question remains open on the theoretical stage.La polémique induite par la notion de droits des minorités selon la théorie libérale donne lieu à des débats au sein des communautés politiques et académiques des pays démocratiques occidentaux. Dans cet article, les droits des minorités sont examinés sous l’angle de perspective du libéralisme puisque sa théorie est jugée plus accommodante que celle du conservatisme ou du socialisme et qu’il dicte la morale politique dans ces pays. L’étude se pose pour objectif d’esquisser des réponses à certaines questions fondamentales du débat. Concrètement, les libéraux sont-ils censés accepter – à l’aune de la conception libérale de la justice sociale basée sur le principe de l’égalité des individus – le modèle impliquant l’établissement de droits des minorités spéciaux complémentaires aux droits généraux de l’individu ? Le principe généralisé de « non-discrimination », perçu comme la clé des démocraties occidentales pour une solution juste aux relations ethnoculturelles, est-il vraiment équitable ? Quelles sont les limites de la tolérance libérale et le libéralisme peut-il servir de lieu de rencontre de toutes les cultures existantes ? Par une analyse de points de vues contradictoires d’une pléiade de théoriciens éminents sur le sujet exposé, ainsi que sur d’autres questions, l’étude aborde la contestable consistance de la critique libérale des droits des minorités nationales et ethniques au sens de la légitimité politique, mais laisse la question en suspens du point de vue théorique

    Die Stadt im postindustriellen Zeitalter: Einige wichtige Ökonomische Merkmale der Zeitgenössischen Stadt

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    Temeljni cilj ovog rada je sustavan prikaz važnijih obilježja grada u postindustrijsko doba1, tj. važnijih ekonomskih obilježja suvremenog grada. Kritičkim pregledom relevantne literature s područja sociologije i urbane geografije kao važnija obilježja grada u postindustrijsko doba izdvojeni su i raspravljeni sljedeći procesi: deindustrijalizacija, tercijarizacija, ekonomska polarizacija stanovništva, rast udjela kućnih proizvodnih pogona i „znojnica“, rast udjela neslužbene ekonomije, gentrifikacija i fleksibilizacija rada. Nadalje, izloženi su suprotstavljeni stavovi, tj. debata istaknutijih istraživača o položaju i ulozi suvremenog grada u proizvodnji (socio)ekonomskog napretka. Nakon što je u industrijsko doba imao ulogu najvažnijeg „inkubatora“ znanja i inovacija, je li ta uloga obilježje grada i u postindustrijsko doba? Postaje li mjesto (eng. place) u doba naprednih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija sve manje važnim prostorom (eng. space) proizvodnje gospodarskog (i društvenog) napretka? Preuzima li metropolitanska regija od (središnjeg) grada ulogu ishodišta ekonomskog napretka? Rad progovara o ovim, ali i o nekim drugim pitanjima debate. Zaključeno je kako mjesto, tj. grad i dalje ostaje važno ishodište (socio)ekonomskog napretka te kako eventualna dominacija metropolitanske regije nad (središnjim) gradom ne znači da je grad kakvog poznajemo iz industrijskog doba u potpunosti nestao.The main aim of this paper is to systematically examine important characteristics of the city in the postindustrial age, with particular focus on important economic characteristics of the modern city. Critical analysis of literature in the field of sociology and urban geography revealed the following processes as the most important characteristics of the post-industrial city, which are then further discussed in the paper: deindustrialization, tertiarization, economic polarization of population, increase in home manufactures and “sweatshops”, increase in unofficial economy, gentrification and flexibilization of labor. Additionally, opposing viewpoints of the most prominent researchers, regarding the position and role of the modern city in the production of (socio-) economic progress will be presented. Will the role that the city had in the industrial age, as the most important “incubator” of knowledge and innovation, continue to be its most important characteristics in the post-industrial age? Is the city becoming more of a place in the age of developing information and communication technologies and less important as the space of the production of economic (and social) progress? Is the metropolitan region taking over the (central) role from the city as the source of economic progress? This paper discusses these and other issues surrounding this debate. The conclusion is that the place, i.e. the city still remains an important source of (socio-) economic progress and that possible domination of the metropolitan region over the (central) city will not necessarily result in coimplete disappearance of the city as we know it from the industrial age.Das Grundziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einige wichtige Merkmale der Stadt im postindustriellen Zeitalter, d.h. einige wichtige ökonomische Merkmale der zeitgenössischen Stadt systematisch darzustellen. Mit Hilfe eines kritischen Überblicks über die relevante Literatur aus dem Gebiet der Soziologie und Stadtgeographie wurden folgende Prozesse als wichtige Merkmale der Stadt im postindustriellen Zeitalter horvorgehoben und erörtert: Deindustrialisierung, Tertiärisierung, ökonomische Polarisierung der Bevölkerung, Wachstum des Anteils produzierender Familienbetrieben und „Schwitzbuden“, Wachstum des Anteils der inoffiziellen Ökonomie, Gentrifizierung und Flexibilisierung der Arbeit. Weiterhin werden entgegengesetzte Meinungen dargestellt, d.h. die Debatte herausragender Forscher zum Thema Lage und Rolle der zeitgenössischen Stadt in der Erzeugung des (sozio)ökonomischen Fortschritts. Nachdem die Stadt im Industriezeitalter die Rolle des wichtigsten Inkubators des Wissens und der Innovationen gespielt hat, ist dies auch im postindustriellen Zeitalter ein Merkmal der Stadt? Wird der Ort (Engl. place) im Zeitalter fortgeschrittener Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zu einem immer weniger wichtigem Raum (Engl. space) der Erzeugung vom wirttschaftlichen (und sozialen) Fortschritt? Übernimmt die Metropolregion von der (zentralen) Stadt die Rolle der Quelle des ökonomischen Fortschritts? In der Arbeit ist die Rede über diese aber auch über einige andere Fragen aus der Debatte. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der Ort, d.h. die Stadt auch weiterhin eine wichtige Quelle des (sozio)ökonomischen Fortschritts bleibt und dass die mögliche Vorherrschaft der Metropolregion über die (zentrale) Stadt nicht bedeutet, dass die Stadt, so wie wir sie aus dem Industriezeitalter kennen, völlig verchwunden ist

    Differences in Social Capital Across the Croatian Population Based on the Level of Settlement Urbanisation

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    U ovom radu analizirane su razlike u društvenom kapitalu između sredina različitog stupnja urbaniziranosti u Hrvatskoj. Iako je analiza tih razlika u međunarodnim okvirima istraživački plodna tema, u Hrvatskoj dosad ciljano nije provedena. Slijedeći Putnamov pristup, društveni kapital je konceptualiziran i operacionaliziran kroz tri dimenzije: povjerenje u institucije, neformalnu i formalnu društvenu umreženost te društvenu, tj. političku i građansku, participaciju. Podaci su prikupljeni 2015. godine anketnim istraživanjem. Korišten je etapno stratificiran reprezentativan uzorak punoljetnog stanovništva Hrvatske (N = 1 000). Veće povjerenje u političke i društvene institucije ustanovljeno je među ruralnim nego urbanim stanovništvom. Stanovništvo velikih gradova iskazalo je manje razine neformalne društvene umreženosti (kontakti s rođacima i susjedima) od stanovništva sela i gradova srednje i manje veličine, dok u pogledu formalne društvene umreženosti (članstvo u udrugama) razlike nisu pronađene. Stanovništvo gradova srednje i manje veličine u volonterskom je radu (građanska participacija) bilo aktivnije nego ruralno. Na posljednjim parlamentarnim izborima (politička participacija) glasalo je više stanovnika velikih nego srednjih i manjih gradova, dok je na posljednjim predsjedničkim izborima glasalo više stanovnika velikih gradova nego sela. Nalazi osvjetljuju teme koje tek treba istražiti, poput odrednica društvenog kapitala unutar sredina sličnog stupnja urbaniziranosti te regionalnih razlika u društvenom kapitalu među sredinama visoke, srednje i niske urbaniziranosti.This paper examines differences in social capital among the Croatian population across areas with different urbanisation levels. Although the analysis of such differences has been a productive research topic internationally, no studies in Croatia have aimed for it so far. Following Putnam’s approach, social capital was conceptualised and operationalised by three dimensions: trust in institutions, informal as well as formal social networks, and social (political and civic) participation. The data were gathered in a 2015 survey. A representative multi-stage stratified sample of adults from Croatia was used (N = 1 000). Trust in political and civic institutions was higher in rural than in urban areas. Compared to rural areas and small-to-medium-sized urban settlements, the population of large urban settlements engaged less in informal social networks (contacts with relatives and neighbours). No differences among settlements were found regarding membership in civic associations (formal social networks). The population of small-to-medium-sized cities reported more volunteering activities (political participation) than the residents of rural areas. In terms of political participation, the residents of large cities reported a higher voter turnout than the residents of small-to-medium-sized cities in the last parliamentary elections, as well as a higher voter turnout than the residents of rural areas in the last presidential elections. The findings shed light on topics that need to be examined in Croatia in future research, such as determinants of social capital within areas with a similar level of urbanisation and regional differences in social capital across areas with a high, medium and low level of urbanisation

    Value Preferences of Croatian Citizens as Determinants of Materialism

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    Temeljni ciljevi ovog rada jesu: ispitati faktorsku strukturu skale materijalizma, razinu usmjerenosti građana Hrvatske prema materijalizmu, utvrditi hijerarhiju vrijednosti i objasniti povezanost vrijednosti i materijalizma uz kontrolu sociodemografskih obilježja. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku punoljetnoga stanovništva (N =1004). Za mjerenje materijalizma upotrijebljena je kratka verzija skale materijalizma (The Material Values Scale, Richins, 2004), a za mjerenje vrijednosti skraćeni Upitnik osobnih vrednota, PVQ; Schwartz i sur., 2001). Građanima uglavnom nije važno posjedovanje i stjecanje materijalnog u smislu glavne preokupacije u životu (centralnost) te ne procjenjuju da posjedovanje i stjecanje dobara stvara doživljaj sreće (sreća u posjedovanju). Rezultati nadalje pokazuju da se najveća važnost pridaje tradiciji, univerzalizmu i dobrohotnosti, dok se najmanja važnost pridaje poticaju i moći. Što se tiče temeljnih vrijednosti kao mogućih odrednica dimenzija materijalizma, pokazalo se da sa deset vrijednosnih tipova uz kontrolu sociodemografskih obilježja možemo objasniti 16% ukupne varijance sreće u posjedovanju, kao prve izmjerene dimenzije materijalizma, te 39% ukupne varijance centralnosti, kao druge dimenzije materijalizma.The aim of this study is to check the factor structure of The Material Values Scale, examine the orientation of Croatian residents towards materialism, examine their basic human value hierarchy, and to identify and explain the relationship between values and materialism with control of sociodemographic characteristics. The survey was carried out on a representative sample of 1004 adult Croatian residents. The short version of The Material Values Scale (MVS) (Richins, 2004) was applied for the materialism examination and the short version of the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) (Schwartz et al., 2001) was applied for the value examination. The results show that possession and acquisition of goods are mainly not important for Croatian residents in terms of the main preoccupation in life, and, on average, they do not believe that consumption leads to happiness. Croatian residents attribute more importance to tradition, universalism and benevolence and less to stimulation and power. In terms of the relationship between values and materialism, it turned out that ten value types with control of socio-demographic characteristics explain 16% of the total variance of happiness, as a first measured dimension of materialism, and 39% of the total variance of centrality as a second dimension of materialism

    Solidarity Economy Potential in the City of Split – A Qualitative Study

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    Temeljni cilj ovog rada istražiti je pokazuje li scena solidarnosti u Splitu neka od temeljnih obilježja koncepta solidarne ekonomije. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni ključni akteri scene solidarnosti u Splitu, tj. korišten je namjeran uzorak kombiniran s metodom snježne kugle, koji čini 21 nosilac upravljačkih pozicija iz devet organizacija različitih pravno-organizacijskih oblika (npr. udruge, zadruge, politička inicijative, tvrtke). Provedeni su polustrukturirani intervjui, a dobivena analitička građa obrađena je metodom tematske analize u kompjuterskom programu za obradu kvalitativnih podataka (Atlas ti.). Analizom se iskristaliziralo šest tema kroz koje ispitanici opisuju svoje djelovanje u području solidarnosti te stavove o vlastitom društvenom doprinosu i konceptu solidarne ekonomije. Teme obuhvaćaju: područje rada, definicije solidarne ekonomije, način rada organizacije, strukturu donošenja odluka, zagovaranje javnih politika i društveni doprinos. Utvrđeno je kako neki od nezaobilaznih elemenata scene solidarnosti u Splitu odgovaraju nekim od temeljnih obilježja solidarne ekonomije te kako se ključni akteri u tom području teško identificiraju s konceptom solidarne ekonomije.The main aim of the paper was to explore whether the solidarity scene in Split had some of the basic characteristics of the solidarity economy concept. The research encompassed the key actors of the solidarity scene in Split, i.e. we used a purposive sample combined with the snowball method that contained 21 persons holding managerial positions in 9 organizations of various legal and organizational form (e.g. associations, cooperatives, political initiatives, companies). Semi-structural interviews were conducted, and the data was analyzed in the computer program for analyzing qualitative data (Atlas.ti), using the thematic analysis method. The analysis revealed six themes through which the interviewees were describing their activity in the field of solidarity and attitudes to their own social contribution and the solidarity economy concept. These themes were: the field of work, definitions of solidarity economy, work organization, decision making structure, public policies advocacy and social contribution. It has been discovered that some of the unavoidable elements of the Split’s solidarity scene correspond to some of the basic characteristics of the solidarity economy concept and that the key actors in the field are having a hard time identifying themselves with the concept

    Automatic Testing of Application Programming Interfaces based on REST Architecture

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    Razvojem web-servisa u posljednjih 20 godina REST se pokazao kao najpopularniji stil arhitekture te je danas uvjerljivo najkorišteniji. Tijekom istraživanja postojećih rješenja postao je očit nedostatak sustava za testiranje web-servisa temeljenih na principima REST-a, koji bi ujedno podržavao često korištene standarde za specifikaciju web-servisa. Razvijeno je programsko rješenje koje omogućuje automatsko stvaranje testova iz specifikacije web-servisa, njihovo pokretanje i prikaz rezultata. Web-aplikacija napisana je u programskom jeziku Python s Django radnim okvirom, a korisničko sučelje aplikacije u jeziku JavaScript s React bibliotekom.With the development of web services in the last 20 years, REST has proven to be the most popular style of architecture and is by far the most used today. While researching existing solutions, it had become apparent that there is a lack of a system for testing web services based on REST principles which would also support frequently used standards for web service specification. A software solution has been developed that allows automated creation of tests from the web service specification, running them and displaying the results. The web application is written in the Python programming language with the Django framework, and the user interface is written in the JavaScript programming language with the React librar

    Automatic Testing of Application Programming Interfaces based on REST Architecture

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    Razvojem web-servisa u posljednjih 20 godina REST se pokazao kao najpopularniji stil arhitekture te je danas uvjerljivo najkorišteniji. Tijekom istraživanja postojećih rješenja postao je očit nedostatak sustava za testiranje web-servisa temeljenih na principima REST-a, koji bi ujedno podržavao često korištene standarde za specifikaciju web-servisa. Razvijeno je programsko rješenje koje omogućuje automatsko stvaranje testova iz specifikacije web-servisa, njihovo pokretanje i prikaz rezultata. Web-aplikacija napisana je u programskom jeziku Python s Django radnim okvirom, a korisničko sučelje aplikacije u jeziku JavaScript s React bibliotekom.With the development of web services in the last 20 years, REST has proven to be the most popular style of architecture and is by far the most used today. While researching existing solutions, it had become apparent that there is a lack of a system for testing web services based on REST principles which would also support frequently used standards for web service specification. A software solution has been developed that allows automated creation of tests from the web service specification, running them and displaying the results. The web application is written in the Python programming language with the Django framework, and the user interface is written in the JavaScript programming language with the React librar

    Analysis of shielding gas influence on penetration profile at MIG welding of aluminum.

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    Tema ovog rada je „Analiza utjecaja zaštitnog plina na profil penetracije kod MIG zavarivanja aluminija“ Teorijski dio rada opisuje svojstva aluminija i aluminijskih legura, njihovu primjenu i proizvodnju. Obrađene su tehnologije zavarivanja aluminija te ukratko opisan MIG postupak zavarivanja aluminija. Detaljno su opisani zaštitni plinovi korišteni kod zavarivanja aluminija – argon, helij te plinske mješavine argona i helija. Eksperimentalni dio rada sastoji se od pripreme 3 uzorka aluminijske legure 5083 debljine 10 mm, izvođenja postupka MIG zavarivanja pulsnim lukom i istim parametrima zavarivanja te analizom dobivenih rezultata zavarivanja. Zavareni kutni spojevi podvrgnuti su vizualnoj i penetrantskoj kontroli zavara, izradi makroizbrusaka i mjerenju geometrije. Analizom rezultata ispitivanja utvrđen je utjecaj različitih plinskih mješavina na profil penetracije. Pokazana je razlika u iznosu dubine i obliku penetracije u ovisnosti o postocima argona i helija u zaštitnoj plinskoj mješavini.The topic of this paper is "Analysis of shielding gas influence on penetration profile at MIG welding of aluminum." The theoretical part of the thesis describes the properties of aluminum and aluminum alloys, their applications, and production. Welding technologies of aluminum are discussed, and the MIG welding process of aluminum is described. The protective gases used in aluminum welding - argon, helium, and gas mixtures of argon and helium - are described in detail. The experimental part of the paper consists of preparing three samples of 10 mm thick aluminum alloy 5083, performing the MIG welding process with a spray arc and the same welding parameters and analyzing the obtained welding results. The welded corner joints were visually and penetrant inspected, and macro examinations were done, followed by measuring the geometry. The analysis of the results showed the influence of different shielding gas mixtures on penetration profile. The difference was shown in the depth and shape of the penetration, depending on the percentage of argon and helium in the shielding gas mixture

    Konceptualni okvir za istraživanja ekonomije suradnje

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    This paper aims to establish a comprehensive and easily operationalizable conceptual framework for explorations of the collaborative economy (CE). While the phenomenon has attracted increasing attention among businesses, customers, politicians/regulators, and researchers, a widely accepted conceptualization still does not exist. In the present study the CE accommodates for-profit and/or not-for-profit exchange of products that are: a) temporarily provided to others (i.e. shared) by their owners when the assets are under-utilized; b) shared occasionally i.e. up to a certain extent; c) shared by amateurs/ non-professionals when having a professional license is mandatory; and d) shared via on-line platforms. If all the requirements are (simultaneously) fulfilled, shared products embrace both goods and services and sharing providers embrace both individuals (e.g., P2P) and organizations (e.g., B2P). The proposed framework is discussed in the context of the CE key "surrounding" concepts – the on-demand economy, gig economy, second-hand & circular economy, and rental economy.Ovaj rad ima za cilj uspostaviti sveobuhvatan i lako operacionalizirajući konceptualni okvir za istraživanja ekonomije suradnje. Iako ova ekonomija privlači sve veću pozornost kompanija, potrošača, političara / regulatora i istraživača, široko prihvaćene konceptualizacije fenomena još uvijek nema. U ovom članku ekonomija suradnje obuhvaća profitnu i neprofitnu razmjenu proizvoda koji su: a) od vlasnika privremeno ustupljeni drugima na upotrebu (tj. dijeljeni) onda kada su podiskorišteni; b) koji su dijeljeni sporadično, tj. do određene mjere; c) koji su dijeljeni od amatera / neprofesionalaca u slučajevima kada je profesionalna dozvola za to dijeljenje potrebna; i d) koji su dijeljeni putem online-platformi. Ako su svi ovi uvjeti (istodobno) ispunjeni, dijeljeni proizvodi obuhvaćaju dobra i usluge, a djelitelji mogu biti osobe (npr. P2P) i organizacije (npr. B2P). Predloženi konceptualni okvir raspravljen je u kontekstu ključnih koncepata "susjedskih" ekonomija suradnje – ekonomiji na zahtjev, ekonomiji honorarnih poslova, iz druge ruke i cirkularnoj ekonomiji te rentnoj ekonomiji