Automatic Testing of Application Programming Interfaces based on REST Architecture


Razvojem web-servisa u posljednjih 20 godina REST se pokazao kao najpopularniji stil arhitekture te je danas uvjerljivo najkorišteniji. Tijekom istraživanja postojećih rješenja postao je očit nedostatak sustava za testiranje web-servisa temeljenih na principima REST-a, koji bi ujedno podržavao često korištene standarde za specifikaciju web-servisa. Razvijeno je programsko rješenje koje omogućuje automatsko stvaranje testova iz specifikacije web-servisa, njihovo pokretanje i prikaz rezultata. Web-aplikacija napisana je u programskom jeziku Python s Django radnim okvirom, a korisničko sučelje aplikacije u jeziku JavaScript s React bibliotekom.With the development of web services in the last 20 years, REST has proven to be the most popular style of architecture and is by far the most used today. While researching existing solutions, it had become apparent that there is a lack of a system for testing web services based on REST principles which would also support frequently used standards for web service specification. A software solution has been developed that allows automated creation of tests from the web service specification, running them and displaying the results. The web application is written in the Python programming language with the Django framework, and the user interface is written in the JavaScript programming language with the React librar

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