63 research outputs found

    Hotel Room Cleaning: Time Study and Analysis of Influential Variables in a Spanish Hotel

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    Purpose: Housekeeping is an important hotel process from the point-of-view of the number of work hours it takes and its impact on customer satisfaction. However, few previous scientific studies have addressed this topic or the variables that are determinants of the time required to clean a room. Design/methodology/approach: A stopwatch Time Study has been performed in a 4-star-hotel. Additionally, data on several variables that could affect cleaning time have been collected and subjected to regression analysis. Findings: Results show that only the task-related variables have a statistically significant influence on total cleaning time. None of the analyzed employee-related variables have any effect on cleaning time. Moreover, five tasks represent over 2/3 of the total cleaning time. Originality/value: In addition to empirically identifying the variables that influence cleaning time and to what extent, this study demonstrates the advantages of using stopwatch time studies to establish cleaning times


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    [p.4] Com ens hem de moure?[p.8] Mobilitat, sostenibilitat i solidaritat[p.10] Aprenent a viure d’altra manera[p.14] Sostenibilització curricular: cosa de tots[p.18] Escola-família-barri: nou espai amic[p.20] Universitats sostenibles: utopia inabastable?[p.21] Sa i estalvi[p.40] Ciutats per a cotxes o cotxes per la ciutat?[p.43] El viatge: art i consciència[p.47] Entrevista: Educació política i mobilitat a l’Índia. Ranjit Gadgil[p.50] Explica-m’ho tu![p.54] Entrevista: Ocupació verda per a una societat decarbonitzada. Michael RennerPeer Reviewe


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    Óscar Alzaga Villaamil. La conquista de la transición (1960-1978). Memorias documentadas (María Garrote de Marcos) Artemi Rallo Lombarte. Investiduras fallidas y Constitución ignota (Nieves Alonso García) Juan Francisco Sánchez Barrilao. Pluralismo ordinamental y Derecho constitucional: El Derecho como relaciones entre ordenamientos jurídicos (Patricia García Majado) María Salvador Martínez. Partidos políticos. El estatuto constitucional en los partidos y su desarrollo legal (Eva Sáenz Royo) María Garrote De Marcos. El sistema electoral español: memoria, balance y cambio (Carlos Fernández Esquer) María Isabel González Pascual. La salvaguarda de la autonomía política ante las crisis (Andrés Dueñas Castrillo) Ángel Sánchez Navarro y Rosa Fernández Riveira (Dirs.). Reflexiones para una democracia de calidad en una era tecnológica y Jordi Barrat i Esteve y Miguel Pérez Moneo (Eds.). La digitalización de los partidos políticos y el uso del voto electrónico (José Luis Mateos Crespo

    Significado y alcance de la inviolabilidad del Rey

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze both the role that the royal prerogative plays in the Spanish democratic system and its particular legal regime. For that purpose, it will be detached from past or historical conceptions which before justified its existence, trying to find its present foundation in the framework of a democratic Constitution, which will determine the function it is called to play in the Spanish legal order. Then, the paper will explore its legal scope, both in substantive and temporal terms, so as to verify whether it is compatible with the function the inviolability holds and, consequently, if we are dealing with a justifiable prerogative or an intolerable privilege.El objeto del presente artículo es analizar el papel que la inviolabilidad regia desempeña en el marco del sistema democrático español y su particular régimen jurídico. Para ello, aquélla tratará de desvincularse de concepciones pretéritas que justificaban su existencia, tratando de hallarle su fundamento en el marco de una Constitución democrática, desentrañando, a partir de la misma, la función que dicho instituto ostenta en el ordenamiento español. A continuación, tratará de estudiarse su alcance, tanto en términos temporales como materiales, a efectos de comprobar si resulta compatible o no con la función que la inviolabilidad tiene asignada; todo ello a efectos de determinar si nos hallamos ante una justificable prerrogativa o ante un intolerable privilegio.The aim of this paper is to analyze both the role that the royal prerogative plays in the Spanish democratic system and its particular legal regime. For that purpose, it will be detached from past or historical conceptions which before justified its existence, trying to find its present foundation in the framework of a democratic Constitution, which will determine the function it is called to play in the Spanish legal order. Then, the paper will explore its legal scope, both in substantive and temporal terms, so as to verify whether it is compatible with the function the inviolability holds and, consequently, if we are dealing with a justifiable prerogative or an intolerable privilege

    Significado y alcance de la inviolabilidad del Rey

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze both the role that the royal prerogative plays in the Spanish democratic system and its particular legal regime. For that purpose, it will be detached from past or historical conceptions which before justified its existence, trying to find its present foundation in the framework of a democratic Constitution, which will determine the function it is called to play in the Spanish legal order. Then, the paper will explore its legal scope, both in substantive and temporal terms, so as to verify whether it is compatible with the function the inviolability holds and, consequently, if we are dealing with a justifiable prerogative or an intolerable privilege.El objeto del presente artículo es analizar el papel que la inviolabilidad regia desempeña en el marco del sistema democrático español y su particular régimen jurídico. Para ello, aquélla tratará de desvincularse de concepciones pretéritas que justificaban su existencia, tratando de hallarle su fundamento en el marco de una Constitución democrática, desentrañando, a partir de la misma, la función que dicho instituto ostenta en el ordenamiento español. A continuación, tratará de estudiarse su alcance, tanto en términos temporales como materiales, a efectos de comprobar si resulta compatible o no con la función que la inviolabilidad tiene asignada; todo ello a efectos de determinar si nos hallamos ante una justificable prerrogativa o ante un intolerable privilegio

    Libertad de circulación de las personas, leyes de policía sanitaria y COVID-19

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    This paper aims at analyzing, on the one hand, the territorial and time limitations of the freedom of movement imposed in Spain due to the Covid-19 pandemic on the basis of the health legislation. On the other hand, it also aims at studying the new authorization and ratification mechanism of health measures. The purpose of that all is to check the legal viability of that measures imposed outside of the law of exception and the problems it has recently raised.Este trabajo trata de analizar, por un lado, la cobertura jurídica de las limitaciones generalizadas de la libertad de circulación, espaciales (cierres perimetrales) o temporales (confinamientos nocturnos) impuestas con ocasión de la pandemia del Covid-19 al amparo de la legislación sanitaria especial sobre salud pública. Por otro, estudia el mecanismo de autorización y ratificación de medidas sanitarias por parte de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa, todo ello en aras de comprobar la viabilidad de la imposición de dichas medidas al margen del Derecho de excepción y los problemas que ésta plantea

    La configuración de la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular: resistencias y soluciones (The Configuration of the Popular Legislative Initiative: Resistances and Solutions)

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    La iniciativa legislativa popular constituye una herramienta de participaci&oacute;n ciudadana en los asuntos p&uacute;blicos. Su fin no es otro sino obligar a las C&aacute;maras a que se pronuncien acerca de diferentes cuestiones que, en un momento dado, la sociedad considera relevantes. Sin embargo, la configuraci&oacute;n que de este mecanismo se ha hecho en nuestro ordenamiento jur&iacute;dico, tanto a nivel constitucional como legal, merma considerablemente la eficacia de este instrumento participativo. Este trabajo trata de analizar, precisamente, cu&aacute;les son esas resistencias jur&iacute;dicas proponiendo, en la medida de la posible, ciertos remedios para combatirlas.The popular legislative initiative is a participative tool of the citizenship in public affairs. Its aim is no other than to oblige the Parliament to discuss about different matters that society, at any one time, consider relevant. However, the legal configuration this mechanism holds in the Spanish legal system, both at constitutional and legal levels, reduces notably the efficacy of this participative tool. This paper aims to analyse which are those resistances, proposing, as far as possible, certain remedies in order to overcome them.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3048865</p