La configuración de la Iniciativa Legislativa Popular: resistencias y soluciones (The Configuration of the Popular Legislative Initiative: Resistances and Solutions)


La iniciativa legislativa popular constituye una herramienta de participaci&oacute;n ciudadana en los asuntos p&uacute;blicos. Su fin no es otro sino obligar a las C&aacute;maras a que se pronuncien acerca de diferentes cuestiones que, en un momento dado, la sociedad considera relevantes. Sin embargo, la configuraci&oacute;n que de este mecanismo se ha hecho en nuestro ordenamiento jur&iacute;dico, tanto a nivel constitucional como legal, merma considerablemente la eficacia de este instrumento participativo. Este trabajo trata de analizar, precisamente, cu&aacute;les son esas resistencias jur&iacute;dicas proponiendo, en la medida de la posible, ciertos remedios para combatirlas.The popular legislative initiative is a participative tool of the citizenship in public affairs. Its aim is no other than to oblige the Parliament to discuss about different matters that society, at any one time, consider relevant. However, the legal configuration this mechanism holds in the Spanish legal system, both at constitutional and legal levels, reduces notably the efficacy of this participative tool. This paper aims to analyse which are those resistances, proposing, as far as possible, certain remedies in order to overcome them.DOWNLOAD THIS PAPER FROM SSRN:</p

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