206 research outputs found

    Да ли мали град са туристичком функцијом има демографски потенцијал?

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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators — tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia


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    This research is conducted to determine impacts of tourism development on the demographic image of selected small towns in Serbia. Analyzing the following indicators – tourism potential, the share of inhabitants employed in the tourism industry, tourist turnover, and tradition in tourism, the group of 23 small towns is singled out. Further, the selected small towns with dominant tourism function are observed within four tourism clusters. Demographic characteristics of these urban settlements are analyzed through population indicators: total population increase/decrease, age and sex structure, economic activity, education structure, etc., according to the latest available data. The level of local population involvement in tourism is examined, as well as the influence of these small towns on the immediate rural surroundings. The results of conducted analysis show that tourism has an important impact on demographic development in several observed small towns. In the case of other selected small towns, the tourism influence on population increase or migration is stagnating. Despite that, increasing number of employed in the tourism industry is recorded, which implies that tourism is recognized within local community as an activity that could contribute to the development of small towns in Serbia.

    Fostering Internationalization in Adult Education Graduate Programs in the United States: Opportunities for Growth

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    Internationalization is a key element of higher education missions to prepare learners for the global dimensions of their lives and work, which are increasingly integrated. In the United States, adult education graduate programs play a vital role in the wider educational landscape, particularly because of their interconnectedness with diverse disciplines and a working learner student population. Although student and scholar mobility remain important to fostering connections, adult education graduate programs can broaden the scope of internationalization aims. This paper proposes three main opportunities for internationalization growth within adult education graduate programs: incorporating intercultural literacy in formal curricula, emphasizing a continuing professional education approach, and integrating the formal – nonformal – informal education continuum in programs. Conceptualizing efforts within these opportunity sectors can spur innovation central to internationalization initiatives

    Hydrothermal synthesis of LiFePO4

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    Poster presented at the 11th Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2009, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, August 31 – September 4, 2009

    The importance of biomarkers and specific diagnostic procedures in the early detection and different phenotypes of Takayasu arteritis

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    Uvod: Takajaši arteritis (TA) je idiopatska, zapaljenska bolest hroničnog toka, koja se karakteriše granulomatoznim zapaljenjem aorte i njenih grana. Određeni genetički faktori mogu imati značaja u nastanku TA. Sekundarni antifosfolipidni sindrom (AFS) se može javiti u sklopu TA i karakteriše se vaskularnim i/ili komplikacijama u vezi sa trudnoćom i/ili porođajem, u prisustvu antifosfolipidnih (AF) antitela. U dijagnostici i praćenju ovih bolesnika se primenjuje ehosonografski (EHO) Doppler pregled krvnih sudova, kompjuterizovana tomografija sa kontrastnom angiografijom (CTA) i poslednjih godina, poziciona emisiona tomografija u kombinaciji sa niskorezolutivnom komjuterizovanom tomografijom uz primenu radioobeleživača - fluorodeoksiglukoze (18FDG PET-CT). Za procenu aktivnosti bolesti se najčešće koriste klinički skor NIH (National Institute of Health) i Indijski skor aktivnosti TA (Indian Takayasu’s Arteritis score, ITAS2010). Progresija bolesti se može indirektno proceniti i primenom skorova: Indeksa ošećenja kod vaskulitisa (Vasculitis Damage Index, VDI), Indeksa oštećenja za pacijente sa TA (Takayasu Arteritis Damage Score, TADS) i Kombinovanog skora oštećenja kod pacijenata sa arteritisom (Combined Arteritis Damage Score, CARDS). Pouzdani serumski biomarkeri vaskularnog i/ili sveukupno oštećenja do sada nisu identifikovani. Ciljevi istraživanja: Identifikacija biomarkera i dijagnostičkih procedura od značaja za postavljanje dijagnoze i praćenje toka TA; analiza genetičkih faktora i biomarkera koji bi mogli da se dovedu u vezu sa različitom fenotipskom ekspresijom, statusom aktivnosti, odgovorom na primenjene različite modalitete lečenja i pojavom komplikacija bolesti. Pacijenti i metode: Ovom studijom preseka obuhvaćeno je 33 pacijenata sa TA; dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovu klasifikacionih kriterijuma Američkog koledža za reumatologiju (American College of Rheumathology, ACR) iz 1990. godine za adultne pacijente, i kriterijuma EULAR/PRINTO/PRES za pedijatrijski uzrast. DNK je izolovana iz periferne krvi korišćenjem automatizovanog sistema Maxwell 16 Purification Kit. Tipizacija humanih leukocitnih antigena (Human Leucocyte Antigens, HLA) je učinjena korišćenjem oligonukleotidnih proba koje su specifične za sekvencu (Sequence-specific oligonucleotide, SSO). Dobijena p vrednost je korigovana primenom Benjamini- Hochberg metoda. Polimorfizam TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) gena (rs1800692) je ispitivan TaqMan metodom sa komercijalno dostupnom smešom (#C__514879_10). Koncentracije aminoterminalnog propeptida prokolagena tipa III (Aminoterminal propeptide of procollagen type III, PIIINPI), hijaluronske kiseline (Hyaluronic acid, HA), i tkivnog inhibitora matriksne metaloproteinaze-1 (Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1, TIMP-1) su analizirane pomoću imunoeseja ADVIACentaur®, a skor ELF (Enchanced Liver Fibrosis) je automatski izračunavan prema proizvođačkoj specifikaciji. Takođe, analizirani su rezultati imidžing dijagnostike, antikardiolipinskih (AclA), antitela protiv β2 glikoproteina 1 (β2GPI), lupus antikoagulansa (LA) i rutinskih biohumoralnih parametara. Rezultati: Ispitanike je činilo 93,9% osoba ženskog pola. Prosečna starost iznosila je 43,9±16,3 godina, uz medijanu kašnjenja u postavljanju dijagnoze od 2 (1- 4,5) godine, u odnosu na pojavu prvih simptoma...Introduction: Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic, idiopathic, inflammatory disease, characterized by granulomatous inflammation of the aorta and its branches. Certain genetic factors may play an important role in the development of TA. Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) may occur in patients with TA and it is characterized by vascular and/or complications related to pregnancy and/or delivery, in the presence of antiphospholipid (AP) antibodies. Echosonographic (ECHO) Doppler examination, computed tomography with contrast angiography (CTA), and the positional emission tomography combined with a low-resolution computed tomography using the fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG PET-CT), can be used for diagnosis and monitoring in patients with TA. The NIH (National Institute of Health) clinical score and the Indian Takayasu’s Arteritis score (ITAS2010) are used the most often for assessing disease activity. Disease progression can be assessed using the Vasculitis Damage Index (VDI), Takayasu Arteritis Damage Score (TADS) and Combined Arteritis Damage Score (CARDS). Serum biomarkers reflecting vascular and/or overall progression of the disease have not been identified so far. Objectives: This study aimed to identify serum biomarkers and diagnostic procedures relevant for diagnosis and disease monitoring; analysis of genetic factors and biomarkers that might be related to different phenotypic expression, disease activity status, response to different treatment and disease related complications. Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study included 33 patients with TA; the diagnosis was made according to the 1990 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria for adults, and the EULAR/PRINTO/PRES criteria for pediatric patients. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood using the automated Maxwell 16 Purification Kit. Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) typing was performed using the sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes; p values were corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) gene polymorphism (rs1800692) was examined using the TaqMan method with a commercially available mixture (# C__514879_10). Concentrations of Aminoterminal Propeptide Procollagen Type II (PIIINPI), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), and Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) were analyzed using the ADVIACentaur®, and the ELF (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis) score is automatically calculated according to the manufacturer's specification. The results of imaging procedures, routine serology parameters and AP antibodies: anticardiolipin (AclA), antibodies against β2 glycoprotein 1 (β2GPI) and lupus anticoagulants (LA) were also analyzed. Results: Of all patients, 93.9% were females with an average age of 43.9 ± 16.3 years, and a median delay in diagnosis of 2 (1-4.5) years from the appearance of the first symptoms. The HLA-B*52, HLA-A*32, HLA-B*15, HLA-B*57, and HLA-C*03 alleles, and DRB1*15:02-DQB1*05 haplotype were more frequent in TA than controls, although only HLA-B*52 remained significance after the statistical correction. HLA-B*52 allele in the TA group was 10% (5/50), while it was present in 1.2% controls (46/3984) (p = 0.0004, padj = 0.011). Carriage of HLA-B*52 was associated with a significantly earlier disease onset and more severe clinical presentations. Carriers of HLA-C*03 experienced a milder clinical form of the disease..

    Eko-turizam Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure - stanje i perspektive

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    Eko-turizam predstavlja selektivni vid turizma, čiji je cilj očuvanje prirode, osiguranje dobrobiti lokalnog stanovništva i edukacija turista o problemima zagađenja životne sredine. Na taj ovaj način se nastoji da se podigne svest ljudi o značaju očuvanja životne sredine, kako zbog sadašnjih tako i budućih generacija. Područje Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure je proučavano zato što je proglašeno Predelom izuzetnih odlika, nalazi se na IBA listi i deo je EMERALD mreže u Srbiji. Pored potencijala za razvoj eko-turizma, klisura poseduje raznovrsne prirodne i antropogene turističke potencijale. Posmatrajući klisuru kao kompleksan turistički motiv, analizirano je trenutno stanje i buduće perspektive razvoja eko-turizma Ovčarsko-kablarske klisure.Eco-tourism represents selective type of tourism which has a goal: protection of nature, ensuring well-being of local population and tourists education about environmental pollution. By this representation, main intention is increasing the awareness about importance of environmental protection for both current and future generations. Area of the Ovcar-Kablar gorge has been studied because it was announced as “Area of exceptional quality”, it exists in a IBA list and it is part of Serbia EMERALD network. Besides ecotourism growing potential, this gorge owns various natural and anthropogenic tourist potentials. Looking at the gorge as a complex tourist motive, this paper analyzes current state and future eco-tourism development directions of the Ovcar-Kablar gorge.Konferencija je organizovana u saradnji sa Katedrom za životnu sredinu Geografskog Fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu

    The influence of the high intra-abdominal pressure concerning intra-abdominal hypertension on a mortality rate at the intensive care unit.

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    Uvod. Pritisak unutar trbušne duplje normalno je nešto iznad atmosferskih vrednosti. Samo malo povećanje intraabdominalnog pritiska može dovesti do niza štetnih posledica u funkciji respiratornog, kardiovaskularnog, bubrežnog, centralnog i gastrointestinalnog sistema. Intraabdominalni pritisak se može meriti direktno invazivnim metodama i indirektno kroz kateter plasiran u mokraćnu bešiku. Indirektni način merenja je jeftin, jednostavan i daje iste rezultate kao i direktno merenje. Znatno povećanje intraabdominalnog pritiska se stalno sreće kod pacijenata u jedinicu intenzivnog lečenja, kod rupture aneurizme abdominalne aorte, abdominalne traume i akutnog pankreatitisa. Abdominalni kompartment sindrom predstavlja kombinaciju povećanog intraabdominalnog pritiska i multiorganske disfunkcije. Ovaj sindrom ima visok stepen smrtnosti, najviše zbog razvoja sepse i multiorganoskog oštećenja organa. Dijagnoza abdominalnog kompartment sindroma zahteva brižljivu identifikaciju pacijenata sa rizikom, redovno merenje intraabdominalnog pritiska, adekvatnu nadoknadu tečnosti i hiruršku dekompresiju. Danas, preporučljiv i ispravan vid lečenja, kod razvijenog abdominalnog kompartment sindroma je hirurška dekompresija. Ciljevi istraživanja. Rano prepoznavanje promena osnovnih vitalnih funkcija kod pacijenata sa povećanim IAP, prognostički faktori vezani za IAP koji utiču na evoluciju patološkog poremećaja, uticaj IAP na stopu smrtosti kod pacijenata suspektnih na IAH Materijal i metod rada. Prospektivna studija je sprovedena kod 100 pacijenta suspektnih na postojanje IAH i ACS u jedinici hirurške intenzivne nege i lečenja u Kliničko bolničkom Centru (KBC) “Zvezdara“ u Beogradu, u periodu januar 2014. do decembra 2015. godine. Rizična grupa pacijenata obuhvatala je pacijente koji imaju faktore rizika za smanjenje komplijanse trbušnog zida (akutno respiratorno oštećenje sa povećanim intratorakalnim pritiskom, abdominalna operacija sa čvrstim fascijalnim zatvaranjem), porast intraluminalnog sadržaja (gastropareza, ileus, pseudo-obstrukcija kolona), porast abdominalnog sadržaja (hemoperitoneum, pneumoperitoneum, ascites, poremećaj funkcije jetre, pankreatitis, peritonitis) i prekomernu nadoknadu tečnosti ili kapilarno krvarenje (acidoza (pH < 7,2), hipotenzija, masivna nadoknada tečnosti (> 5 l /24 sata), oligurija, sepsa). Studija nije obuhvatala pacijente koji su imali traumu, opekotine ili su bili prethodno operisani. Svi pacijenti su podeljeni na osnovu izmerenih vrednosti..

    Influence of diabetes on stent thrombosis in patients with implanted first generation drugeluting stents

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se odredi nivo pojava trombotičkih komlikacija kod pacijenata kod kojih su implantirani stentovi prve generacije obloženi lekom (drugeluting stentovi) u zavisnosti od postojanja šećerne bolesti. U skladu sa ovim osnovnim ciljem definisani su konkretni zadaci: 1. analiza učestalosti pojave akutnih, subakutnih, udaljenih i vrlo udaljenih tromboza u zavisnosti od postojanja šećerne bolesti kod pacijenata kod kojih su implantirani stentovi prve generacije obloženi lekom (drug-eluting stentovi). 2. analiza uticaja kvaliteta glikoregulacije na pojavu tromboze stenta 3. utvrđivanje incidence značajnih srčanih događajaThe main goal of the research is to determine the level of thrombotic complications in patients with implanted first-generation stents coated with a drug (drug-eluting stents), depending on the existence of diabetes. In accordance with this basic goal, specific tasks are defined: 1. analysis of the frequency of acute, subacute, distant and very distant thrombosis depending on the existence of diabetes in patients in whom first-generation stents coated with the drug (drug-eluting stents) were implanted. 2. analysis of the influence of the quality of glycoregulation on the occurrence of stent thrombosis 3. determining the incidence of significant cardiac event

    Environmental reporting – normative and accounting aspects

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    Companies are part of society in which they are performing their business activities, so, in addition to achieving their economic goals, they must take into account the impact of their activities on the environment and society as well, which means that, it is necessary to act in a socially responsible and acceptable way, and thus accomplish certain benefits. Due to the obvious changes in the natural environment (e.g. climate change and its consequences, water shortages, air pollution, degradation of ecosystems and ozone layer depletion) and the material effect of the global “life-style” on the environment, there has been an increasing awareness in a lot of countries and societies that the environment and its resources are the major elements that are crucially necessary for the future of mankind. This growing awareness has led on the one hand to the regulatory activities of national and international institutions and on the other hand to the public concerns about environmental issues. As a consequence the concept of “sustainable development” of society was broadly and globally accepted as a core of national and international policy in the early 90-ies of the last century. This more or less global commitment and conviction has, besides other aspects, also drawn attention to the impact of companies` business activities on the environment and the society and has led to the concept that the value of a company should not only be measured according to its financial performance but also to its environmental and social performance of the business, including the positive and negative impacts on the natural and social environment. This performance concept is referred to as the triple bottom line performance and is increasingly considered by the major stakeholders of companies (such as capital provider, suppliers, customers and society in general). Companies need to respond to the expectations of their stakeholders so that they will include the impacts of their business activities on the environment and society in their strategic and operative management systems, as well as their decision making process and their system of external financial and non-financial reporting. Including of these effects in the system of external financial and nonfinancial reporting, i.e. the expansion of the traditional model of external financial reporting with non-financial information is of particular importance, because corporate reporting is crucial for the evaluation of the company by its stakeholders and therefore for its future (financial) success. Information about environmental aspects of the business were firstly disclosed as a part of the annual report, then shortly as a part of the so-called social reporting, then in the form of a standalone environmental report, sustainability report, and recently within an integrated report. In order to define content and form of the above mentioned reports a number of guidelines and regulatory requirements for reporting have been developed by European and international organizations and institutions. At the EU level particularly important are Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) established by the European Commission, European Commission Recommendation on the recognition, measurement and disclosure of environmental issues in the annual accounts and annual reports of companies, certain Directives of the European Commission as well as Proposal of an environmental reporting framework issued by Federation of European Accountants, while at the global level Sustainability Reporting Guidelines established by Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and International Integrated Reporting Framework issued by International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) are the most comprehensive guidelines for sustainaibility reporting. In order to improve credibility and quality of disclosed information about environmental (and wider social) aspects of the business, it is important to conduct an audit or assurance of sustainability reports depending on the reporting form, which also caused the development of certain standards such as International Auditing Practice Statement 1010, International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 and AA1000 Assurance Standard. While at the EU level and around the world a lot has already been done regarding this matter, and the sustainability reporting level in the world is constantly increasing, for companies which are operating in the Republic of Serbia this reporting concept is the relative novelty, considering that the most of our companies are still trying to find their interest in this area and to become familiar with the sustainability reporting guidelines, reporting methods as well as with the significance of the assurance