The importance of biomarkers and specific diagnostic procedures in the early detection and different phenotypes of Takayasu arteritis


Uvod: Takajaši arteritis (TA) je idiopatska, zapaljenska bolest hroničnog toka, koja se karakteriše granulomatoznim zapaljenjem aorte i njenih grana. Određeni genetički faktori mogu imati značaja u nastanku TA. Sekundarni antifosfolipidni sindrom (AFS) se može javiti u sklopu TA i karakteriše se vaskularnim i/ili komplikacijama u vezi sa trudnoćom i/ili porođajem, u prisustvu antifosfolipidnih (AF) antitela. U dijagnostici i praćenju ovih bolesnika se primenjuje ehosonografski (EHO) Doppler pregled krvnih sudova, kompjuterizovana tomografija sa kontrastnom angiografijom (CTA) i poslednjih godina, poziciona emisiona tomografija u kombinaciji sa niskorezolutivnom komjuterizovanom tomografijom uz primenu radioobeleživača - fluorodeoksiglukoze (18FDG PET-CT). Za procenu aktivnosti bolesti se najčešće koriste klinički skor NIH (National Institute of Health) i Indijski skor aktivnosti TA (Indian Takayasu’s Arteritis score, ITAS2010). Progresija bolesti se može indirektno proceniti i primenom skorova: Indeksa ošećenja kod vaskulitisa (Vasculitis Damage Index, VDI), Indeksa oštećenja za pacijente sa TA (Takayasu Arteritis Damage Score, TADS) i Kombinovanog skora oštećenja kod pacijenata sa arteritisom (Combined Arteritis Damage Score, CARDS). Pouzdani serumski biomarkeri vaskularnog i/ili sveukupno oštećenja do sada nisu identifikovani. Ciljevi istraživanja: Identifikacija biomarkera i dijagnostičkih procedura od značaja za postavljanje dijagnoze i praćenje toka TA; analiza genetičkih faktora i biomarkera koji bi mogli da se dovedu u vezu sa različitom fenotipskom ekspresijom, statusom aktivnosti, odgovorom na primenjene različite modalitete lečenja i pojavom komplikacija bolesti. Pacijenti i metode: Ovom studijom preseka obuhvaćeno je 33 pacijenata sa TA; dijagnoza je postavljena na osnovu klasifikacionih kriterijuma Američkog koledža za reumatologiju (American College of Rheumathology, ACR) iz 1990. godine za adultne pacijente, i kriterijuma EULAR/PRINTO/PRES za pedijatrijski uzrast. DNK je izolovana iz periferne krvi korišćenjem automatizovanog sistema Maxwell 16 Purification Kit. Tipizacija humanih leukocitnih antigena (Human Leucocyte Antigens, HLA) je učinjena korišćenjem oligonukleotidnih proba koje su specifične za sekvencu (Sequence-specific oligonucleotide, SSO). Dobijena p vrednost je korigovana primenom Benjamini- Hochberg metoda. Polimorfizam TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) gena (rs1800692) je ispitivan TaqMan metodom sa komercijalno dostupnom smešom (#C__514879_10). Koncentracije aminoterminalnog propeptida prokolagena tipa III (Aminoterminal propeptide of procollagen type III, PIIINPI), hijaluronske kiseline (Hyaluronic acid, HA), i tkivnog inhibitora matriksne metaloproteinaze-1 (Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1, TIMP-1) su analizirane pomoću imunoeseja ADVIACentaur®, a skor ELF (Enchanced Liver Fibrosis) je automatski izračunavan prema proizvođačkoj specifikaciji. Takođe, analizirani su rezultati imidžing dijagnostike, antikardiolipinskih (AclA), antitela protiv β2 glikoproteina 1 (β2GPI), lupus antikoagulansa (LA) i rutinskih biohumoralnih parametara. Rezultati: Ispitanike je činilo 93,9% osoba ženskog pola. Prosečna starost iznosila je 43,9±16,3 godina, uz medijanu kašnjenja u postavljanju dijagnoze od 2 (1- 4,5) godine, u odnosu na pojavu prvih simptoma...Introduction: Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic, idiopathic, inflammatory disease, characterized by granulomatous inflammation of the aorta and its branches. Certain genetic factors may play an important role in the development of TA. Secondary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) may occur in patients with TA and it is characterized by vascular and/or complications related to pregnancy and/or delivery, in the presence of antiphospholipid (AP) antibodies. Echosonographic (ECHO) Doppler examination, computed tomography with contrast angiography (CTA), and the positional emission tomography combined with a low-resolution computed tomography using the fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG PET-CT), can be used for diagnosis and monitoring in patients with TA. The NIH (National Institute of Health) clinical score and the Indian Takayasu’s Arteritis score (ITAS2010) are used the most often for assessing disease activity. Disease progression can be assessed using the Vasculitis Damage Index (VDI), Takayasu Arteritis Damage Score (TADS) and Combined Arteritis Damage Score (CARDS). Serum biomarkers reflecting vascular and/or overall progression of the disease have not been identified so far. Objectives: This study aimed to identify serum biomarkers and diagnostic procedures relevant for diagnosis and disease monitoring; analysis of genetic factors and biomarkers that might be related to different phenotypic expression, disease activity status, response to different treatment and disease related complications. Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study included 33 patients with TA; the diagnosis was made according to the 1990 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria for adults, and the EULAR/PRINTO/PRES criteria for pediatric patients. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood using the automated Maxwell 16 Purification Kit. Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) typing was performed using the sequence-specific oligonucleotide (SSO) probes; p values were corrected using the Benjamini-Hochberg method. TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) gene polymorphism (rs1800692) was examined using the TaqMan method with a commercially available mixture (# C__514879_10). Concentrations of Aminoterminal Propeptide Procollagen Type II (PIIINPI), Hyaluronic Acid (HA), and Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) were analyzed using the ADVIACentaur®, and the ELF (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis) score is automatically calculated according to the manufacturer's specification. The results of imaging procedures, routine serology parameters and AP antibodies: anticardiolipin (AclA), antibodies against β2 glycoprotein 1 (β2GPI) and lupus anticoagulants (LA) were also analyzed. Results: Of all patients, 93.9% were females with an average age of 43.9 ± 16.3 years, and a median delay in diagnosis of 2 (1-4.5) years from the appearance of the first symptoms. The HLA-B*52, HLA-A*32, HLA-B*15, HLA-B*57, and HLA-C*03 alleles, and DRB1*15:02-DQB1*05 haplotype were more frequent in TA than controls, although only HLA-B*52 remained significance after the statistical correction. HLA-B*52 allele in the TA group was 10% (5/50), while it was present in 1.2% controls (46/3984) (p = 0.0004, padj = 0.011). Carriage of HLA-B*52 was associated with a significantly earlier disease onset and more severe clinical presentations. Carriers of HLA-C*03 experienced a milder clinical form of the disease..

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