66 research outputs found

    Analiza zadataka u udžbenicima i radnim bilježnicama povijesti prema dimenzijama revidirane Bloomove taksonomije

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    U ovom radu vrši se analiza zadataka u udžbenicima i radnim bilježnicama kao glavnim nastavnim sredstvima. Cilj je vidjeti kako i koliko su oni usmjereni na učeničku aktivnost. Istražuje se koliko udžbenici i radne bilježnice povijesti usmjeravaju učenike na razmišljanje ili se zadaci i pitanja svode na činjenično znanje. Kao teorijsko polazište izabrana je najsustavnija i najšire upotrebljavana klasifikacija obrazovanih ciljeva - revidirana Bloomova taksonomija. Tamo se kognitivni procesi dijele u šest razina: zapamtiti, razumjeti, primijeniti, analizirati, vrednovati i stvarati. Kod stvaranja udžbenika i radnih bilježnica trebalo bi težiti da zadaci što više potiču učenike na korištenje viših misaonih procesa. Izvori za analizu su odabrani udžbenici i radne bilježnice povijesti za osnovnu školu koji su odobreni od strane Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta za školsku godinu 2015./2016 triju izdavačkih kuća: Profil, Školska knjiga i Alfa. Istraživanje je pokazalo da nema velike razlike kod udžbenika i radnih bilježnica s obzirom na izdavačku kuću već se kod svih pojavljuje manjak pitanja i zadataka na višim razinama kognitivnih procesa. Najzastupljenija kategorija zadataka odnosi se na prvu razinu zapamćivanja tako da je naglasak na reprodukciji naučenih informacija, a ne na poticanju razmišljanja. Valja istaknuti da ipak kod nekih udžbenika i radnih bilježnica postoje pokušaji da se zadaci oblikuju na drugačiji način, ali još uvijek nedovoljno.In this work, we carried out tasks analysis from textbooks and workbooks, which represent major educational tools. The aim is to see how and how much are the tasks focused on the students activity. The work explores how much history textbooks and workbooks are directing students to think or are these tasks and issues based on factual knowledge only. As a theoretical starting point, we chose Revised Bloom's Taxonomy as the most systematic and the most widely used classification of educated goals. In there, cognitive processes are divided into six levels: remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and create. In the creation of textbooks and workbooks, there should be an aspiration that tasks should encourage students to use higher thinking processes. Sources for the analysis are selected history textbooks and workbooks for elementary school, approved by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports for the school year 2015/2016 from three record labels: Profil, Školska knjiga, and Alfa. Research has shown that there are no big differences in textbooks and workbooks based on the record labels because all of them are lacking questions and tasks on higher levels of cognitive processes. The most common task categories refer to the first level of memorization so that the emphasis is on the reproduction of learned information, and not on thinking encouragement. It should be noted, however, that in some textbooks and workbooks there are attempts to shape the tasks in a different way, but still unsatisfactorily

    The female teacher in Croatia in 19 th century

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    U ovome radu govori se o položaju učiteljica u Hrvatskoj u 19. stoljeću. U prvome dijelu rada nastojali smo ukratko opisati posebnosti razdoblje predrealizma ili Šenoinog doba. Nakon toga opisali smo odgoj i obrazovanje mladih djevojaka u 19. stoljeću u Hrvatskoj. Naime, djevojčice su se mogle školovati u pučkim školama, zajedno s dječacima, ili u zavodu i institutu. Primarna uloga školovanja djevojčica bila je da ih pripremi za stvarni život, kako bi bile dobre kućanice, supruge i majke, a učiteljice je u početku obrazovala Crkva koja je nastojala, pomoću njih, širiti svoju vjeru i kršćanski nauk. U drugome dijelu rada nastojali smo usporediti učiteljice Branku Kunovićevu i Đurđicu Agićevu. Naveli smo njihove zajedničke osobine, ali i po čemu su jedinstvene. Na kraju rada prikazali smo i kakvi su njihovi učenici, što ih sve poučavaju i u kakvome se stanju nalaze školske zgrade.This work is talking about the position of teachers in 19th century. In first part of this work we have tried to briefly describe particularities of the period of prerealism or Šenoa's era. After that we described education and training of girls in 19th century in Croatia. In fact, girls were able to educate in public schools, togehther with boys or in institution and Institute. Primary role of educating girls was to prepare them for life, so they could be good housewifes, wifes and mothers, and in the begining teachers were educated by Church which tried, by them, spread their belief and Christian Doctrine. In the second part of this work we have tried to comapre teachers Branka Kunovićeva and Đurđica Agićeva. We mentioned common features but we have also mentioned what makes them unique. At the end of this work we showed what their students were like, what are they teching them and in what shape school buildings are

    The female teacher in Croatia in 19 th century

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    U ovome radu govori se o položaju učiteljica u Hrvatskoj u 19. stoljeću. U prvome dijelu rada nastojali smo ukratko opisati posebnosti razdoblje predrealizma ili Šenoinog doba. Nakon toga opisali smo odgoj i obrazovanje mladih djevojaka u 19. stoljeću u Hrvatskoj. Naime, djevojčice su se mogle školovati u pučkim školama, zajedno s dječacima, ili u zavodu i institutu. Primarna uloga školovanja djevojčica bila je da ih pripremi za stvarni život, kako bi bile dobre kućanice, supruge i majke, a učiteljice je u početku obrazovala Crkva koja je nastojala, pomoću njih, širiti svoju vjeru i kršćanski nauk. U drugome dijelu rada nastojali smo usporediti učiteljice Branku Kunovićevu i Đurđicu Agićevu. Naveli smo njihove zajedničke osobine, ali i po čemu su jedinstvene. Na kraju rada prikazali smo i kakvi su njihovi učenici, što ih sve poučavaju i u kakvome se stanju nalaze školske zgrade.This work is talking about the position of teachers in 19th century. In first part of this work we have tried to briefly describe particularities of the period of prerealism or Šenoa's era. After that we described education and training of girls in 19th century in Croatia. In fact, girls were able to educate in public schools, togehther with boys or in institution and Institute. Primary role of educating girls was to prepare them for life, so they could be good housewifes, wifes and mothers, and in the begining teachers were educated by Church which tried, by them, spread their belief and Christian Doctrine. In the second part of this work we have tried to comapre teachers Branka Kunovićeva and Đurđica Agićeva. We mentioned common features but we have also mentioned what makes them unique. At the end of this work we showed what their students were like, what are they teching them and in what shape school buildings are

    A36 Prevalence of HIV-1 subtypes in Slovenia with an emphasis on molecular and phylogenetic investigation of subtype A

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    21st International BioInformatics Workshop on Virus Evolution and Molecular EpidemiologyIn Slovenia, a small country in Central Europe, less than 1 per 1,000 inhabitants are estimated to be infected with HIV-1. As in most of the Central and Western European countries, the majority of patients diagnosed with HIV-1 are infected with subtype B. However, due to migration, other subtypes can become more prevalent in the country. The aim of this study was to determine HIV-1 subtypes circulating in Slovenia and to further examine the molecular epidemiology of subtype A. A total of 367 Slovenian HIV-1 sequences were included in the study, representing 58% of all patients diagnosed in Slovenia until the end of the year 2013. Subtype was assigned by employing different HIV subtyping tools coupled with Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. The latter was performed to examine the molecular epidemiology of subtype A as well. Identified clusters of Slovenian subtype A sequences were further analyzed for the determination of the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) by using Monte Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) method available in BEAST 2.1.3 software. We determined the prevalence of subtype B to be 85.3%, while subtype A was the most prevalent non-B subtype found in 18 patients (4.9%), followed by CRF02_AG (2.4%), subtype C (1.1%), subtypes D, G and CRF01_AE (0.8% each) and subtypes F1 and CRF22_01A1 (0.3% each). Subtypes could not be assigned to 12 sequences (3.3%). The phylogenetic tree obtained by ML analysis of the subtype A and subtype A related recombinants revealed that Slovenian sequences were part of 6 major international clusters. Two clusters consisting only of Slovenian sequences were identified and thus additional MCMC analysis was employed. Results of a Slovenian cluster of 4 subtype A sequences showed a posterior probability value of 1 and a tMRCA between the years 1985 and 2008, with a mean in the year 2001. In conclusion, in a Central European country, where subtype B predominates, the second most common subtype was found to be subtype A. Non-B subtypes were observed in one out of seven patients in Slovenia, a fraction that is not negligible, thus proving importance of surveillance of HIV subtype diversity and corresponding molecular epidemiology of non-B subtypes.publishersversionpublishe

    GSTM1 and GSTT1 double null genotypes determining cell fate and proliferation as potential risk factors of relapse in children with hematological malignancies after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

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    PURPOSE This study aimed to retrospectively evaluate the genetic association of null variants of glutathione S-transferases GSTM1 and GSTT1 with relapse incidence in children with hematological malignancies (HMs) undergoing busulfan (BU)- containing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and to assess the impact of these variants on BU-induced cytotoxicity on the immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) and tumor THP1 GST gene-edited cell models. METHODS GSTM1- and GSTT1-null alleles were genotyped using germline DNA from whole blood prior to a conditioning BU-based regimen. Association of GSTM1- and GSTT1-null variants with relapse incidence was analyzed using multivariable competing risk analysis. BU-induced cell death studies were conducted in GSTs- null and non-null LCLs and CRISPR-Cas9 gene-edited THP1 leukemia cell lines. RESULTS Carrying GSTM1/GSTT1 double null genotype was found to be an independent risk factor for post-HSCT relapse in 86 children (adjusted HR: 6.52 [95% Cl, 2.76-15.42; p = 1.9 × 10-5]). BU-induced cell death preferentially in THP1GSTM1(non-null) and LCLsGSTM1(non-null) as shown by decreased viability, increased necrosis and levels of the oxidized form of glutathione compared to null cells, while GSTT1 non-null cells showed increased baseline proliferation. CONCLUSION The clinical association suggests that GSTM1/GSTT1 double null genotype could serve as genetic stratification biomarker for the high risk of post-HSCT relapse. Functional studies have indicated that GSTM1 status modulates BU-induced cell death. On the other hand, GSTT1 is proposed to be involved in baseline cell proliferation

    Crime and solving crimes in Tribuson's novel cycle on inspector Banić

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    U ovome je radu prikazana analiza zločina, sâma istraga te kazna u Tribusonovom ciklusu romana o istražitelju Baniću. Na početku rada prikazali smo bogat književni opus jednoga od triju najproduktivnijih hrvatskih pisaca, Gorana Tribusona. Naime, Tribusonovo književno stvaralaštvo možemo podijeliti na tri tematska područja: fantastično područje, autobiografsko područje te kriminalistički romani. U daljnjem tekstu prikazali smo kratku povijest kriminalističkoga romana u hrvatskoj književnosti, a potom smo se osvrnuli na strukturu kriminalističkoga romana. Naime, svaki kriminalistički roman ima linearno-povratnu naraciju i zagonetku koju je potrebno riješiti kako bi se ponovno uspostavila ravnoteža. Stoga, o kompoziciji kriminalističkoga romana ovise: sekvence, kompozicijski blokovi te enigma. Enigma je ključna u kriminalističkome romanu jer sadrži ono presudno čime će radnju pokretati naprijed. Stoga možemo govoriti o četiri oblika zagonetke koje su prisutne u kriminalističkim romanima. Nadalje, sâmoj analizi pristupili smo tako što smo obratili pozornost na prostor u kojemu se odvija radnja pojedinoga romana te smo pri tome uočili i društveno stanje. Potom smo opisali zločine, kako se provodila istraga tj. s kime je sve istražitelj Banić razgovarao i koje je dokaze prikupio, a na kraju smo opisali kazne te ih usporedili s Kaznenim zakonom Republike Hrvatske tj. SFRJ-a. Osim toga, potrebno je spomenuti da smo se pri analizi koristili Lasićevom, Pavličićevom i Mandićevom strukturom kriminalističkoga romana.This paper presents an analysis of the crime, the investigation itself, and punishment in Tribuson's cycle of novels about Investigator Banić. At the beginning of the paper, we presented the rich literary work of one of the three most productive Croatian writers, Goran Tribuson. Namely, Tribuson's literary work can be divided into three thematic areas: fantasy area, autobiographical area and crime novels. In the following text, we present a brief history of the crime novel in Croatian literature, and then we look at the structure of the crime novel. Namely, every crime novel has a linear-feedback narrative and a riddle that needs to be solved in order to re-establish balance. Therefore, the following depend on the composition of a crime novel: sequences, compositional blocks and enigma. The enigma is crucial in a crime novel because it contains the crucial thing that will move the action forward. So we can speak of four forms of riddle that are present in crime novels. Furthermore, we approached the analysis itself by paying attention to the space in which the plot of a particular novel takes place, and we also noticed the social situation. Then we described the crimes, how the investigation was conducted, ie. with whom investigator Banić talked and what evidence he collected, and finally we described the punishments and compared them with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia, ie. the SFRY. In addition, it is necessary to mention that we used Lasić's, Pavličić's and Mandić's structure of the crime novel in the analysis

    Crime and solving crimes in Tribuson's novel cycle on inspector Banić

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    U ovome je radu prikazana analiza zločina, sâma istraga te kazna u Tribusonovom ciklusu romana o istražitelju Baniću. Na početku rada prikazali smo bogat književni opus jednoga od triju najproduktivnijih hrvatskih pisaca, Gorana Tribusona. Naime, Tribusonovo književno stvaralaštvo možemo podijeliti na tri tematska područja: fantastično područje, autobiografsko područje te kriminalistički romani. U daljnjem tekstu prikazali smo kratku povijest kriminalističkoga romana u hrvatskoj književnosti, a potom smo se osvrnuli na strukturu kriminalističkoga romana. Naime, svaki kriminalistički roman ima linearno-povratnu naraciju i zagonetku koju je potrebno riješiti kako bi se ponovno uspostavila ravnoteža. Stoga, o kompoziciji kriminalističkoga romana ovise: sekvence, kompozicijski blokovi te enigma. Enigma je ključna u kriminalističkome romanu jer sadrži ono presudno čime će radnju pokretati naprijed. Stoga možemo govoriti o četiri oblika zagonetke koje su prisutne u kriminalističkim romanima. Nadalje, sâmoj analizi pristupili smo tako što smo obratili pozornost na prostor u kojemu se odvija radnja pojedinoga romana te smo pri tome uočili i društveno stanje. Potom smo opisali zločine, kako se provodila istraga tj. s kime je sve istražitelj Banić razgovarao i koje je dokaze prikupio, a na kraju smo opisali kazne te ih usporedili s Kaznenim zakonom Republike Hrvatske tj. SFRJ-a. Osim toga, potrebno je spomenuti da smo se pri analizi koristili Lasićevom, Pavličićevom i Mandićevom strukturom kriminalističkoga romana.This paper presents an analysis of the crime, the investigation itself, and punishment in Tribuson's cycle of novels about Investigator Banić. At the beginning of the paper, we presented the rich literary work of one of the three most productive Croatian writers, Goran Tribuson. Namely, Tribuson's literary work can be divided into three thematic areas: fantasy area, autobiographical area and crime novels. In the following text, we present a brief history of the crime novel in Croatian literature, and then we look at the structure of the crime novel. Namely, every crime novel has a linear-feedback narrative and a riddle that needs to be solved in order to re-establish balance. Therefore, the following depend on the composition of a crime novel: sequences, compositional blocks and enigma. The enigma is crucial in a crime novel because it contains the crucial thing that will move the action forward. So we can speak of four forms of riddle that are present in crime novels. Furthermore, we approached the analysis itself by paying attention to the space in which the plot of a particular novel takes place, and we also noticed the social situation. Then we described the crimes, how the investigation was conducted, ie. with whom investigator Banić talked and what evidence he collected, and finally we described the punishments and compared them with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia, ie. the SFRY. In addition, it is necessary to mention that we used Lasić's, Pavličić's and Mandić's structure of the crime novel in the analysis

    Development of a robust method for fast identification and quantification of corticosteroids in creams and ointments based on high-performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry

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    Kortikosteroidi so hormoni, prisotni v telesu, ki zmanjšujejo škodljiv vnetni odgovor organizma. S sintetičnimi kortikosteroidnimi molekulami posnemamo njihovo delovanje in jih uporabljamo za sistemsko ali lokalno zdravljenje kroničnih ali akutnih bolezni, povezanih z vnetjem in bolečino. Za lokalno delovanje na koži vgrajujemo različno aktivne kortikosteroidne molekule v kreme, mazila, losjone ali gele. Topikalne kortikosteroide z nižjo jakostjo uporabljamo za zdravljenje opeklin in alergijskih kožni bolezni, visoko jakostne pa za zdravljenje npr. zadebeljenjih keratotičnih dermatoz. Pri dolgotrajni in prepogosti uporabi takšnih zdravilnih učinkovin in oblik na površino kože pride do reverzibilne ali celo ireverzibilne lokalne atrofije prizadetega dela ter neželenih sistemskih učinkov na hipotalamično-hipofizno-nadledvično os. V magistrski nalogi sem se ukvarjala s perečim problemom ilegalnih proizvodov na trgu, ki naj bi bili izdelani na rastlinski bazi, a vendar vsebujejo sintetične kortikosteroide. Tukaj so predvsem izpostavljeni otroci z večjo površino kože in starostniki, s tanjšo kožno bariero, ki zlahka absorbira vase različne snovi. Nezaveden in tudi nenadzorovan nanos kortikosteroidov na kožo lahko povzroči poslabšanje kožne bolezni zaradi nastanka nepovratnih kožnih atrofij in zavrtja obnove kožnih celic ter oslabljen imunski odziv in posledično razvoj številnih glivičnih okužb. V analizo smo dobili vzorec neznane kreme, ki naj bi bila povsem naravnega, rastlinska izvora, brez prisotnosti kortikosteroidov. Razvili smo enostavno, hitro in robustno HPLC/MS metodo za analizo kreme, s katero smo analite tudi kvantificirali. Pri HPLC-ju smo uporabili reverznofazno kolono in optimizirali metodo za ločbo kortikosteroidnih molekul, ki smo jih imeli na voljo. Z enojnim kvadrupolnim masnim spektrometrom smo ionizirane analite detektirali in posneli masne spektre za posamezne vzorce ter poleg identifikacije z metodo umeritvene krivulje poskušali vsebnost analitov tudi ovrednotiti. Med samim praktičnim delom smo se soočali s problematiko ustrezne priprave vzorca krem predvsem zaradi netopnosti podlage, sam analit pa je bil topen v zmesi acetonitrila in vode. Izvedbo HPLC smo morali časovno podaljšati, da smo dobili ustrezno ločbo vseh predlaganih kortikosteridnih molekul, za kvantifikacijo pa smo izbrali v večini primerov detekcijo adukta molekul z natrijevim ionom. V kremi smo našli kortikosteroid betametazon dipropionat v približno desetkrat nižjih koncentracijah kot ga vsebujejo lekarniške kreme, kar je že zadosti velika količina za neželene učinke molekule s tako močnim delovanjem.Corticosteroids are hormones present in the body reducing the harmful inflammatory response of the organism. Synthetic corticosteroid molecules are used for the treatment of systemic or local chronic or acute diseases associated with inflammation and pain. For the local application on the skin, we incorporate different corticosteroids of various potency into creams, ointments, lotions or gels. Less potent topical corticosteroids can be used for treating burns and allergic skin diseases, and highly potent ones on the other hand for the treatment of e.g. thickened keratotic dermatoses. If we are applying them on the skin for too long or too frequent, it can lead to reversible or even irreversible local atrophy of the skin and unwanted systemic effects on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. In my master\u27s thesis, I addressed a problem of illegal products on the market, which are supposed to be based on herbs, but actually contain synthetic corticosteroids. More exposed are children who have greater skin area and elderly people, with a thinner, easily absorbing skin barrier. Daily uncontrolled, without supervision application of corticosteroids on the skin can cause a worsening of the skin disease due to the formation of irreversible skin atrophy and the inhibition of skin cell renewal, in addition a weakened immune response can lead to the development of many fungal infections. We have received a sample of unknown cream, which was supposed to be of natural, plant origin, without the presence of corticosteroids. For the analysis of creams we developed a simple, fast and robust method with the HPLC / MS system, with this method we also quantified the analytes. We used a reverse phase column in and optimized the HPLC method for separating the chosen corticosteroid molecules. For individual samples we were detecting the ionized analytes and recorded the mass spectra with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer, and in addition we also evaluated analytes content with the calibration curve method. During the practical work we were faced with the problem of the sample preparation particularly due to the insolubility of the cream base, but the analyte itself was soluble in the mixture of acetonitrile and water. We had to extend HPLC method in order to obtain an appropriate separation of all the proposed corticosteroid molecules, for the quantification we have chosen adduct of sodium ion molecules in most cases. We found a betamethasone dipropionate in tested cream at approximately ten times lower concentrations than are the contents in regular pharmacy creams, which is already sufficient for the adverse effects of such a potent molecule.