11 research outputs found

    Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia

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    Iako se Sredozemlje smatra jednom od najstarijih prostornih cjelina u svijetu, njegove su granice još uvijek predmet istraživanja i rasprava. Ovaj rad nastoji pridonijeti definiranju Sredozemlja ili Mediterana kroz ispitivanje percepcije njegova prostornog obuhvata u Hrvatskoj i povezanosti s fizičkim i sociokulturnim obilježjima prostora. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom kognitivnih karata na uzorku od dvjesto ispitanika. Kao rezultat dobivena je široka granična zona koja razdvaja tzv. \u27\u27pravo\u27\u27 Sredozemlje od područja koja nisu dijelovi Sredozemlja. Ta zona u određenoj mjeri ima svojstva neizrazitog skupa (engl. fuzzy set) koji predstavlja postupni prijelaz između polova pripadnosti određenom skupu. Rezultati istraživanja na ispitanicima pokazali su da je najveća podudarnost percipiranih granica Sredozemlja s dinarskim smjerom pružanja reljefa (sjeverozapad-jugoistok), osim u Istri, te s obalnom crtom u čitavom hrvatskom primorju. Rezultati također pokazuju da su pri odabiru percipirane granice Sredozemlja čimbenici prirodne sredine važniji od sociokulturnih.Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean

    Assessment of nutritional support in patients after liver and kidney transplantation

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    During the last decades organ transplantation has evolved into a proven therapy for end-stage organ failure. However, the long-term success of organ transplantation depends significantly on the patients’ ability to overcome possible postoperative complications and to recover from a severe metabolic imbalance. Therefore, in the present study we assessed the accuracy of the early post-operative nutritional intake in a vulnerable group of patients after organ transplantation and compared it with the calculated minimal nutritional requirements. A number of 61 patients were included in the study, 48 with liver, 11 with kidney, and two patients with both, liver and kidney transplants. Mini nutritional assessment (MNA) was applied and total nutritional intake was recorded for fourteen consecutive post-transplant days. Serum concentrations of proteins, urea and creatinine, as well as catalytic concentrations of liver enzymes were measured. Urea to creatinine ratio was calculated. According to body mass index (BMI) only a few patients were malnourished, but low serum protein levels indicated a significant protein catabolism. Nutritional requirements were provided mainly by glucose, with low amounts of proteins, i.e. amino acids, and fats. It took more than seven days to reach the appropriate nutritional intake. Because of the intensive catabolism, especially of proteins, nutrition of organ transplant recipients requires permanent monitoring and better nutritional support through formulas for enteral and total parenteral nutrition

    Historical-Geographical Development of Krapina Settlement

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    Tema rada je historijskogeografski razvoj i transformacija naselja Krapine analiziranog po relevantnim historiografskim epohama. Razvoj pratimo kroz osnovne faze razvoja, počevši od pretpovijesti do danas, sa važnim povijesnim događajima za razvoj naselja. Najveća pažnja posvećena je razvoju naselja u srednjem vijeku jer je Krapina poznata kao najstariji srednjovjekovni grad u Krapinsko-zagorskoj županiji. U završnom dijelu rada iznesene su mogućnosti budućeg razvoja naselja Krapine.This thesis discusses the historical-geographical development and transformation of the Krapina settlement through the relevant historiographical epochs. The development is categorized in basic stages, starting from the prehistoric to modern times, and contains references to consequential historic events of each stage. A special emphasis is given to the Middle Ages, being that Krapina is renown as the oldest medieval cities in the Krapina-Zagorje County. The thesis is concluded with the discussion on the potential of Krapina’s future development

    Grad Pregrada - historijsko - geografski razvoj i suvremeno značenje grada

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    Atherosclerotic lesions of supra-aortic arteries in diabetic patients

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    The aim of this prospective study was to determine the prevalence and localization of stenotic atherosclerotic lesions of supra-aortic arteries in diabetic patients according to age and sex. Angiograms obtained by digital subtraction angiography were analyzed in 150 diabetic patients (study group) and 150 non-diabetic patients (control group) with symptoms of cerebral ischemia. Diabetic patients were found to have a significantly higher prevalence of stenotic atherosclerotic lesions of the internal carotid artery. Lesions of the large supra-aortic arteries were significantly more common in the left than in the right side of the neck (p < 0.001), but the difference between the diabetic and the non-diabetic group did not reach statistical significance. Hemodynamic conditions were found to be more important than diabetes for the occurrence of atherosclerotic lesions in these arteries. Changes in the proximal segment of the left common carotid artery were the most common finding in diabetic patients, hence attention should be paid to this localization on control examinations

    Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia

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    Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean

    Effect of dietary supplementation with dry and raw white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) on biochemical blood parameters of Lika pramenka lambs

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    SUMMARY The objective of this study was to examine whether the intake of the dry and raw fruiting bodies of white button mushrooms influence biochemical blood parameters in lambs of the Lika Pramenka sheep breed. This study was performed on 42 clinically healthy, three-month-old lambs (21 females and 21 males), randomly divided into three groups comprised of 14 lambs each (seven males and seven females). The group I was a control, in which lambs were fed on a standard diet. The group II was fed for six weeks on commercial lamb feed supplemented with 1.5% Agaricus bisporuspowder (ABP), and the group III was fed on a commercial lamb feed supplemented with 15% of raw Agaricus bisporus (ABR). Supplementation within both treatment groups significantly reduced blood glucose concentrations (p<0.0001) in both sexes compared to the control and baseline. When the blood glucose level between supplemented groups was compared, there was a statistically significant (p<0.0001)lower level in group ABP than in ABR. Total cholesterol concentrations showed the same trend. Group ABP had a statistically significant (p<0.0001) lower total cho-lesterol concentration compared with the baseline and the control and ABR groups. It was concluded that feed supplemented with Agaricus bisporus mushroom had a lowering effect on the blood glucose and total cholesterol concentrations in lambs

    Od ideje do lutkovne predstave, mentor red. prof. Edi Majaron, sodelavec Jože Zajec

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    Razstavljajo študenti 1. letnika Likovne pedagogike. Predstave so nastale pri izbirnem predmetu Scenografija z lutkarstvom. Pridružujejo se študenti SRP 2. letnik, izbirni predmet Ustvarjanje z lutkami