121 research outputs found

    Does game-based teaching have an impact on students creativity?

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    U čovjekovoj prirodi je da kroz igru istražuje, mijenja i kreira. Današnji način življenja odvojio je posao od igre. Odrasli djeci učenje predstavljaju kao posao koji se mora obaviti te se time ono odvaja od igranja čime to postaje nešto što se ne želi, ali mora, a igra, koja je zapravo sve što osoba želi, gubi na vrijednosti. Zato mudar i kreativan učitelj današnjice treba iskoristiti igru kao sredstvo pomoću kojeg će pridobiti dječju pozornost i stvoriti uvjete u kojima se dječja želja za igrom neće sputavati nego poticati vođenom, ciljanom i usmjerenom aktivnošću u cilju stvaranja kreativnih kompetentnih ličnosti. Ovim radom ispitalo se utječe li igra u nastavi na kreativnost djece te koliko su učenici kreativni. U istraživanju je korištena kvalitativna i kvantitativna metodologija u okviru koje su provedeni test kreativnosti, anketa i formativna evaluacija nastave održane metodom igre u nastavi. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvjema osnovnim školama na području grada Osijeka. Provedenim istraživanjem dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju kako se kreativnost u školi treba više poticati te da igra u nastavi osigurava povoljne uvjete za poticanje kreativnosti.Man's nature is to explore, change and create through play. Today's way of living separates work from playing. Learning is also presented to children as a job that has to be done so it becomes something that one does not want to do but must; and play, which is everything one wants to do, has relatively little value. That's why clever educators today might use “play” as a tool to get children’s' attention and to create conditions in which children’s' drive to play won’t be beaten but originated through guided, targeted and focused activity which has an aim to o create creative, competent personalities. The aim of this research was to investigate whether game-based teaching has an impact in pupils' creativity and how creative are pupils. A qualitative and quantitative methodology was used in the research, in which creativity test, survey and formative evaluation of game-based teaching classes were carried out. The study was conducted in two elementary schools in the city of Osijek. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that creativity in school environment must be stimulated more and that game based teaching can provide favorable conditions for stimulating creativity

    Comparison of clinic-pathological characteristics of breast tumor in Croatia in 2017 in correlation to patient's age

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti osobitosti tumora dojke kao što su: veličina tumora, fokalnost, bilatralnost, histološki tip, histološki gradus, imunofenotip, klinički stadij, te način liječenja ovisno o dobnim skupinama. ISPITANICI I METODE: U studiju su uključeni bolesnici kojima je karcinom dojke dijagnosticiran u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 01. 01. 2017. do 31. 12. 2017. godine. Uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju KBC-a Split, Klinike za tumore Zagreb, KBC-a Zagreb, KBC-a Rijeka, KBC-a Osijek, KB Dubrava, OB Zadar, OB Šibenik, OB Pula, ŽB Čakovec, OB Slavonski Brod, Poliklinike Edumed, Poliklinike Eljuga, OB Našice i OB Knin analizirani su podaci o dobi bolesnika, veličini tumora, histološkom tipu, gradusu, fokalnosti, statusu hormonskih receptora, HER2 statusu, proliferacijskom indeksu, imunofenotipu, kliničkom stadiju, te primijenjenom kirurškom i onkološkom liječenju. Za usporedbu kvantitativnih podataka između istraživanih skupina korišteni su T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test ovisno o broju skupina i raspodjeli kvantitativne varijable. Za utvrđivanje povezanosti dvaju kvalitativnih varijabli korišten je hi-kvadrat test. REZULTATI: U 2017. godini u Republici Hrvatskoj registrirano je 2613 oboljelih od karcinoma dojke (98,8% žena i 1,2% muškaraca). Stopa incidencije oboljelih od karcinoma dojke životne dobi od 20 do 95 godina u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 77,1 na 100 000 stanovnika. Stopa incidencije za žene oboljele od karcinoma dojke u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 145 na 100 000 žena. Od ukupnog broja žena s karcinomom dojke, najveći broj žena (28,6%) bilo je u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 69 godina, a žene mlađe životne dobi (dobne skupine od 20-29, od 30-39 godina) činile su 5,2% ukupnog broja oboljelih. Stopa incidencije za muškarace oboljele od karcinoma dojke životne dobi od 20 do 95 godina u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 0,193 na 100 000 muškaraca. Od ukupnog broja muškaraca s karcinomom dojke, 61% bilo je u dobnoj skupini od 60-69 godina, a muškarci mlađe životne dobi (dobne skupine od 20-29, od 30-39 godina) činili su 3,2% ukupnog broja oboljelih. Postoji značajna razlika vrste liječenja u odnosu na dobne skupine (χ2=82,3; P70 godina u kliničkom stadiju IV nego u kliničkom stadiju I, dok je udio bolesnica dobne skupine 30-39 godina za 3,9 puta veći u kliničkom stadiju I nego u kliničkom stadiju IV. Nije dokazana statistički značajna razlika između bolesnica mlađe i starije životne dobi u odnosu na bilateralnost (χ2=3,99; P=0,550), gradus (χ2=3,1; P=0,216) i histološki tip tumora (χ2=5,2; P=0,074). ZAKLJUČCI: Najveći broj žena s karcinomom dojke dijagnosticiranim u Republici Hrvatskoj u 2017. godini nalazio se u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 69 godina. U bolesnica mlađe životne dobi, koje su činile su 5,2% ukupnog broja žena, zabilježen je značajno veći broj mutifokalnih tumora, te su češće neoadjuvantno liječene, u odnosu na pacijentice starije životne dobi kod kojih je značajno veći udio bio kompletno operiran. U bolesnica starije životne dobi zabilježen je značajno veći dijametar tumora, te veći udio tumora visokog kliničkog stadija. Karcinomi dojke koji su dijagnosticirani u mlađoj životnoj dobi poseban su biološki entitet, često zahtijevaju agresivnije liječenje, te sveobuhvatan pristup uz sudjelovanje liječnika različitih specijalnosti – radiologa, kirurga, patologa, onkologa, ginekologa, te genetičara.OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this study was to compare clinic-pathological characteristics of breast tumors such as: tumor size, focality, bilaterality, histological type, histological grade, immunophenotype, clinical stage and treatment in correlation to patient's age. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with breast cancer in Croatia in the period from 01.01.2017. till 31.12.2017. Clinical data was obtained from the medical documentation of CHC Split, Clinic for Tumors Zagreb, CHC Zagreb, CHC Rijeka, CHC Osijek, CHC Sestre milosrdnice, CH Dubrava, GH Zadar, GH Sibenik, GH Pula, CH Čakovec, GH Slavonski Brod, Polyclynic Edumed and Eljuga, GH Nasice and GH Knin on regarding the patient age, tumor size, histological type, tumor grade, focality, bilaterality, hormone receptor status, HER2 status, proliferation index, immunophenotype, clinical stage and the surgical and oncological treatment. For comparison of quantitative data between the investigated groups T-test, Mann-Whitney, U test, Kruskal-Wallis test were used, depending on the number of groups and the distribution of quantitative variables. To establish the correlation between the two qualitative variables, the Chi-square test was used. RESULTS: In Croatia 2613 cancer patients (98,8% of women and 1,2% of men) were registered in 2017. The incidence rate of breast cancer in the age groups from 20 to 95 years in Croatia in 2017 was 77,1 per 100 000 inhabitants. The incidence rate of women with breast cancer was 145 per 100 000 women. Most of the women with breast cancer (28,6%) were in the age group from 60 to 69 years and there was 5,2% of young women (age groups 20-29, 30-39 years). Incidence rate of male breast cancer in patients from 20 to 95 years old in Croatia in 2017 was 0,193 per 100 000 males, 61% were in the age group from 60 to 69 years and there was 3,2% of young men (age groups 20-29, 30-39 years). There was statistically significant difference in the type of treatment compared to the age groups (χ2=82,3; P70 years in clinical stage IV than in clinical stage I, while the share of patients in the age group from 30 to 39 years was 3,9 times higher in clinical stage I than in clinical stage IV. There was no statistically significant difference between the young and the eldery patients regarding the bilaterality (χ2=3,99; P=0,550), grade (χ2=3,1; P=0,216) and histological type of tumor (χ2=5,2; P=0,074). CONCLUSION: The greatest proportion of women with breast cancer diagnosed in Croatia in 2017 were in the age group from 60 to 69 years. In young patients, which counted 5,2% of the total number of women with breast cancer, higher number of multifocal tumors was diagnosed. Young patients were more often treated with neoadjuvant therapy, compared to older patients, who were more likely surgically treated. Tumors with larger diameter and higher clinical stage were more often diagnosed in older patients. Breast cancer diagnosed in young adults is a special biological entity, which often require more aggressive treatment and a comprehensive approach that includes doctors of various specializations-radiologist, surgeon, pathologist, oncologists, gynecologists and geneticists


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    Questo contributo è nato da un vivo interesse per la metodologia di Ap-prendimento Cooperativo ossia Cooperative Learning (CL) che l\u27autrice ha cono-sciuto durante il Master Itals (a.a. 2006/2007). Viene presentato il CL, i suoi re¬quisiti fondamentali, arricchito da un esempio relativo all\u27insegnamento delle abi¬lità sociali che sono indispensabili per far funzionare CL perché nel mondo d\u27oggi queste abilità non vanno date per scontate. Vengono esposti i pro e i contro Ap¬prendimento Cooperativo di Spencer Kagan, uno dei fondatori della metodologia CL. Il CL è ancora poco conosciuto e diffuso tra insegnanti delle scuole croate. Si effettua un’osservazione sullo stato attuale e sulle prospettive per il futuro, indi¬cando come leader un\u27organizzazione non governativa Korak po Korak che finora ha fatto molti sforzi per la promozione di questa metodologia di apprendimento orientata al discente e non alla materia di apprendimento.Ovaj rad nastao je kao rezultat iznimnog zanimanja za metodologiju suradničkog učenja odnosno Cooperative Learning (CL) s kojom se autorica susrela za vrijeme Master Itals na Sveučilištu Ca\u27 Foscari (ak.god. 2006/2007). Rad predstavlja CL, osnovne pretpostavke za njegovo funkcioniranje te donosi primjer podučavanja socijalnih vještina koje su neophodne za funkcioniranje CL jer u današnjem svijetu ove vještine ne možemo uzimati zdravo za gotovo. Navode se zatim razlozi za i protiv primjene CL Spencera Kagana, jednog od osnivača metodologije CL. Suradničko učenje još je nedovoljno poznato i rašireno među nastavnicima hrvatskih škola. Prikazana je sadašnja situacija i perspektive, ističući ulogu vodeće organizacije Korak po Korak koja je do sada napravila mnogo u promicanju ove metodologije učenja koja stavlja učenika u centar procesa učenja, a ne ono što se uči.This paper is a result of a strong interest in the methodology of Cooperative Learning (CL) which the author learned about during the Master ITALS at Venetian University Ca\u27 Foscari (2006/2007). The paper highlights the CL, the basic requirements for its functioning, introducing at the same time an example of how to teach successfully the social skills which cannot be taken for granted, nowdays. Furhermore, it presents pros and cons for the implementing of CL by Spencer Kagan, one of its founders. The CL is not still sufficiently known and used among the Croatian teachers. The current situation and the perspectives of CL in Croatia have been highlighted too, pointing out the role of the leading organization in that field Korak po Korak. So far it has made a lot in promotion of this methodology which puts a student in the center of the learning process and not a subject of teaching

    Does game-based teaching have an impact on students creativity?

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    U čovjekovoj prirodi je da kroz igru istražuje, mijenja i kreira. Današnji način življenja odvojio je posao od igre. Odrasli djeci učenje predstavljaju kao posao koji se mora obaviti te se time ono odvaja od igranja čime to postaje nešto što se ne želi, ali mora, a igra, koja je zapravo sve što osoba želi, gubi na vrijednosti. Zato mudar i kreativan učitelj današnjice treba iskoristiti igru kao sredstvo pomoću kojeg će pridobiti dječju pozornost i stvoriti uvjete u kojima se dječja želja za igrom neće sputavati nego poticati vođenom, ciljanom i usmjerenom aktivnošću u cilju stvaranja kreativnih kompetentnih ličnosti. Ovim radom ispitalo se utječe li igra u nastavi na kreativnost djece te koliko su učenici kreativni. U istraživanju je korištena kvalitativna i kvantitativna metodologija u okviru koje su provedeni test kreativnosti, anketa i formativna evaluacija nastave održane metodom igre u nastavi. Istraživanje je provedeno u dvjema osnovnim školama na području grada Osijeka. Provedenim istraživanjem dobiveni su rezultati koji pokazuju kako se kreativnost u školi treba više poticati te da igra u nastavi osigurava povoljne uvjete za poticanje kreativnosti.Man's nature is to explore, change and create through play. Today's way of living separates work from playing. Learning is also presented to children as a job that has to be done so it becomes something that one does not want to do but must; and play, which is everything one wants to do, has relatively little value. That's why clever educators today might use “play” as a tool to get children’s' attention and to create conditions in which children’s' drive to play won’t be beaten but originated through guided, targeted and focused activity which has an aim to o create creative, competent personalities. The aim of this research was to investigate whether game-based teaching has an impact in pupils' creativity and how creative are pupils. A qualitative and quantitative methodology was used in the research, in which creativity test, survey and formative evaluation of game-based teaching classes were carried out. The study was conducted in two elementary schools in the city of Osijek. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that creativity in school environment must be stimulated more and that game based teaching can provide favorable conditions for stimulating creativity

    Comparison of clinic-pathological characteristics of breast tumor in Croatia in 2017 in correlation to patient's age

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    CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti osobitosti tumora dojke kao što su: veličina tumora, fokalnost, bilatralnost, histološki tip, histološki gradus, imunofenotip, klinički stadij, te način liječenja ovisno o dobnim skupinama. ISPITANICI I METODE: U studiju su uključeni bolesnici kojima je karcinom dojke dijagnosticiran u Republici Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 01. 01. 2017. do 31. 12. 2017. godine. Uvidom u medicinsku dokumentaciju KBC-a Split, Klinike za tumore Zagreb, KBC-a Zagreb, KBC-a Rijeka, KBC-a Osijek, KB Dubrava, OB Zadar, OB Šibenik, OB Pula, ŽB Čakovec, OB Slavonski Brod, Poliklinike Edumed, Poliklinike Eljuga, OB Našice i OB Knin analizirani su podaci o dobi bolesnika, veličini tumora, histološkom tipu, gradusu, fokalnosti, statusu hormonskih receptora, HER2 statusu, proliferacijskom indeksu, imunofenotipu, kliničkom stadiju, te primijenjenom kirurškom i onkološkom liječenju. Za usporedbu kvantitativnih podataka između istraživanih skupina korišteni su T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test ovisno o broju skupina i raspodjeli kvantitativne varijable. Za utvrđivanje povezanosti dvaju kvalitativnih varijabli korišten je hi-kvadrat test. REZULTATI: U 2017. godini u Republici Hrvatskoj registrirano je 2613 oboljelih od karcinoma dojke (98,8% žena i 1,2% muškaraca). Stopa incidencije oboljelih od karcinoma dojke životne dobi od 20 do 95 godina u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 77,1 na 100 000 stanovnika. Stopa incidencije za žene oboljele od karcinoma dojke u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 145 na 100 000 žena. Od ukupnog broja žena s karcinomom dojke, najveći broj žena (28,6%) bilo je u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 69 godina, a žene mlađe životne dobi (dobne skupine od 20-29, od 30-39 godina) činile su 5,2% ukupnog broja oboljelih. Stopa incidencije za muškarace oboljele od karcinoma dojke životne dobi od 20 do 95 godina u RH u 2017. godini iznosi 0,193 na 100 000 muškaraca. Od ukupnog broja muškaraca s karcinomom dojke, 61% bilo je u dobnoj skupini od 60-69 godina, a muškarci mlađe životne dobi (dobne skupine od 20-29, od 30-39 godina) činili su 3,2% ukupnog broja oboljelih. Postoji značajna razlika vrste liječenja u odnosu na dobne skupine (χ2=82,3; P70 godina u kliničkom stadiju IV nego u kliničkom stadiju I, dok je udio bolesnica dobne skupine 30-39 godina za 3,9 puta veći u kliničkom stadiju I nego u kliničkom stadiju IV. Nije dokazana statistički značajna razlika između bolesnica mlađe i starije životne dobi u odnosu na bilateralnost (χ2=3,99; P=0,550), gradus (χ2=3,1; P=0,216) i histološki tip tumora (χ2=5,2; P=0,074). ZAKLJUČCI: Najveći broj žena s karcinomom dojke dijagnosticiranim u Republici Hrvatskoj u 2017. godini nalazio se u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 69 godina. U bolesnica mlađe životne dobi, koje su činile su 5,2% ukupnog broja žena, zabilježen je značajno veći broj mutifokalnih tumora, te su češće neoadjuvantno liječene, u odnosu na pacijentice starije životne dobi kod kojih je značajno veći udio bio kompletno operiran. U bolesnica starije životne dobi zabilježen je značajno veći dijametar tumora, te veći udio tumora visokog kliničkog stadija. Karcinomi dojke koji su dijagnosticirani u mlađoj životnoj dobi poseban su biološki entitet, često zahtijevaju agresivnije liječenje, te sveobuhvatan pristup uz sudjelovanje liječnika različitih specijalnosti – radiologa, kirurga, patologa, onkologa, ginekologa, te genetičara.OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this study was to compare clinic-pathological characteristics of breast tumors such as: tumor size, focality, bilaterality, histological type, histological grade, immunophenotype, clinical stage and treatment in correlation to patient's age. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The study included patients diagnosed with breast cancer in Croatia in the period from 01.01.2017. till 31.12.2017. Clinical data was obtained from the medical documentation of CHC Split, Clinic for Tumors Zagreb, CHC Zagreb, CHC Rijeka, CHC Osijek, CHC Sestre milosrdnice, CH Dubrava, GH Zadar, GH Sibenik, GH Pula, CH Čakovec, GH Slavonski Brod, Polyclynic Edumed and Eljuga, GH Nasice and GH Knin on regarding the patient age, tumor size, histological type, tumor grade, focality, bilaterality, hormone receptor status, HER2 status, proliferation index, immunophenotype, clinical stage and the surgical and oncological treatment. For comparison of quantitative data between the investigated groups T-test, Mann-Whitney, U test, Kruskal-Wallis test were used, depending on the number of groups and the distribution of quantitative variables. To establish the correlation between the two qualitative variables, the Chi-square test was used. RESULTS: In Croatia 2613 cancer patients (98,8% of women and 1,2% of men) were registered in 2017. The incidence rate of breast cancer in the age groups from 20 to 95 years in Croatia in 2017 was 77,1 per 100 000 inhabitants. The incidence rate of women with breast cancer was 145 per 100 000 women. Most of the women with breast cancer (28,6%) were in the age group from 60 to 69 years and there was 5,2% of young women (age groups 20-29, 30-39 years). Incidence rate of male breast cancer in patients from 20 to 95 years old in Croatia in 2017 was 0,193 per 100 000 males, 61% were in the age group from 60 to 69 years and there was 3,2% of young men (age groups 20-29, 30-39 years). There was statistically significant difference in the type of treatment compared to the age groups (χ2=82,3; P70 years in clinical stage IV than in clinical stage I, while the share of patients in the age group from 30 to 39 years was 3,9 times higher in clinical stage I than in clinical stage IV. There was no statistically significant difference between the young and the eldery patients regarding the bilaterality (χ2=3,99; P=0,550), grade (χ2=3,1; P=0,216) and histological type of tumor (χ2=5,2; P=0,074). CONCLUSION: The greatest proportion of women with breast cancer diagnosed in Croatia in 2017 were in the age group from 60 to 69 years. In young patients, which counted 5,2% of the total number of women with breast cancer, higher number of multifocal tumors was diagnosed. Young patients were more often treated with neoadjuvant therapy, compared to older patients, who were more likely surgically treated. Tumors with larger diameter and higher clinical stage were more often diagnosed in older patients. Breast cancer diagnosed in young adults is a special biological entity, which often require more aggressive treatment and a comprehensive approach that includes doctors of various specializations-radiologist, surgeon, pathologist, oncologists, gynecologists and geneticists

    Prijevodni problemi kod studenata prevoditeljskog studija

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    Die folgende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der Übersetzungsprobleme bei Studierenden des Übersetzerstudiums. Das Ziel war es, zu untersuchen, • warum die Versuchspersonen Fehler machen, • welche Fehler am häufigsten vorkommen, • womit die Versuchspersonen die meisten Schwierigkeiten haben, • was der Grund für das Entstehen dieser Schwierigkeiten ist, • wie sie diese Schwierigkeiten letztendlich bewältigen und zu ihrer endgültigen Übersetzung gelangen. Schwierigkeiten und Probleme beim Übersetzen entstehen aus verschiedenen Gründen. Großen Einfluss hat natürlich die Erfahrung des Übersetzers: je erfahrener der Übersetzer ist, umso offener, freier und sicherer ist er bei seinen Übersetzungen. Außerdem spielt das Gebiet, d.h. das Thema des Ausgangstextes eine große Rolle. Wenn sich der Übersetzer auf dem Gebiet nicht auskennt, wird er wahrscheinlich Schwierigkeiten beim Übertragen in die Zielsprache haben. Noch ein wichtiger Faktor beim Übersetzen ist die Persönlichkeit des Übersetzers. Wenn der Übersetzer nicht offen für alternative Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten ist und an sich und seinen Übersetzungsvorschlägen zweifelt, kommt es zu Schwierigkeiten, denn dann greift der Übersetzer zu unpassenden Übersetzungen. Andere Faktoren sind noch eine ausreichende sprachliche Kompetenz in der Ausgangs- und Zielsprache, die Benutzung verschiedener Hilfsmittel u.a. Die verschiedenen Arten von Problemen, die in den analysierten Protokollen vorkommen, wurden mit Hilfe von Krings‘ Indikatorenmodell erschlossen und anschließend in drei Gruppen eingeteilt: in Wiedergabe-, Rezeptions- und kombinierte Rezeptions- und Wiedergabeprobleme. Analysiert wurden vier Protokolle, die nach der Methode des Lauten Denkens aufgezeichnet und nach GAT (Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssystem) transkribiert wurden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Einsicht in konkrete Übersetzungsprobleme bei Studierenden zu bekommen und somit den Übersetzungsprozess besser zu verstehen

    Prijevodni problemi kod studenata prevoditeljskog studija

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    Die folgende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema der Übersetzungsprobleme bei Studierenden des Übersetzerstudiums. Das Ziel war es, zu untersuchen, • warum die Versuchspersonen Fehler machen, • welche Fehler am häufigsten vorkommen, • womit die Versuchspersonen die meisten Schwierigkeiten haben, • was der Grund für das Entstehen dieser Schwierigkeiten ist, • wie sie diese Schwierigkeiten letztendlich bewältigen und zu ihrer endgültigen Übersetzung gelangen. Schwierigkeiten und Probleme beim Übersetzen entstehen aus verschiedenen Gründen. Großen Einfluss hat natürlich die Erfahrung des Übersetzers: je erfahrener der Übersetzer ist, umso offener, freier und sicherer ist er bei seinen Übersetzungen. Außerdem spielt das Gebiet, d.h. das Thema des Ausgangstextes eine große Rolle. Wenn sich der Übersetzer auf dem Gebiet nicht auskennt, wird er wahrscheinlich Schwierigkeiten beim Übertragen in die Zielsprache haben. Noch ein wichtiger Faktor beim Übersetzen ist die Persönlichkeit des Übersetzers. Wenn der Übersetzer nicht offen für alternative Übersetzungsmöglichkeiten ist und an sich und seinen Übersetzungsvorschlägen zweifelt, kommt es zu Schwierigkeiten, denn dann greift der Übersetzer zu unpassenden Übersetzungen. Andere Faktoren sind noch eine ausreichende sprachliche Kompetenz in der Ausgangs- und Zielsprache, die Benutzung verschiedener Hilfsmittel u.a. Die verschiedenen Arten von Problemen, die in den analysierten Protokollen vorkommen, wurden mit Hilfe von Krings‘ Indikatorenmodell erschlossen und anschließend in drei Gruppen eingeteilt: in Wiedergabe-, Rezeptions- und kombinierte Rezeptions- und Wiedergabeprobleme. Analysiert wurden vier Protokolle, die nach der Methode des Lauten Denkens aufgezeichnet und nach GAT (Gesprächsanalytisches Transkriptionssystem) transkribiert wurden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Einsicht in konkrete Übersetzungsprobleme bei Studierenden zu bekommen und somit den Übersetzungsprozess besser zu verstehen


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    The objective of this study is to examine the prevalence of violence against teachers by students. The study included 175 teachers, five primary and five secondary schools. The age of respondents (teachers) ranges from 20 to 65, with average age being 44,33 years. The used instrument has assessed violence against teachers and has consisted of data about the characteristics of respondents, frequency and type of violence experienced from students.The results suggest that violence against teachers in primary and secondary schools in Zagreb taken in to sample is very much present. Since 74,3% teachers has experienced violence from their students during the year that kind of behavior is more of a rule than an exception. Students in primary and secondary schools show violent behavior against their teachers at an equal level. Male teachers, as opposed to female teachers, are more frequently victims of violent behavior (posting inappropriate content online) from their students. Also, there is a statistically significant correlation (negative) between age (years of service in school) and frequency of experienced violence from students

    Labour market lexis: New words for new trends

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    Polazeći od potrebe za analizom i usustavljivanjem leksičkih promjena u talijanskom jeziku izazvanih novim dinamikama u području zapošljavanja, cilj ovog rada je prikupiti odgovarajući korpus neologizama, sustavno ih analizirati te usporediti s hrvatskim inačicama. Korpus čini popis izraza iz domene svijeta rada koji su iz talijanskih dnevnih novina prikupili talijanski lingvisti, a proširili smo ga izrazima ekscerpiranim iz talijanskih rječnika novih i stranih riječi te iz mrežnih oglasa za zapošljavanje. Hrvatske ekvivalente potražili smo u hrvatskim rječnicima novih i stranih riječi te u internetskoj Rječničkoj bazi Hrvatskog jezičnog portala posluživši se pritom i Google pretragom hrvatskih internetskih tekstova različitog tipa. Komparacijom talijanskih i hrvatskih neologizama u leksiku tržišta rada, od kojih većina nastaje prema engleskom modelu, analizirali smo njihovu zastupljenost i načine prilagodbe u dvama jezicima. S obzirom na razmjernu otvorenost talijanskog leksika stranim utjecajima s jedne te purističku orijentiranost i veću hermetičnost hrvatskog leksika s druge strane, naša analiza i usustavljivanje potvrdili su znatno veću prisutnost izvornih, neprilagođenih engleskih pojmova te poluprevedenica u talijanskom korpusu. Nadalje, razmjerno mali broj izvorno talijanskih neologizama svjedok je globalizacije kako talijanskog tržišta rada tako i pripadajućeg mu leksika.Starting from the need to analyse and to classify the lexical changes in the Italian language caused by the new dynamics in the field of employment, the goal of this paper is to collect an adequate corpus of neologisms, to analyse and to compare them to their Croatian equivalents. The corpus consists of the expressions from the field of labour extracted from the Italian daily papers and from the Italian dictionaries of new and foreign words and from online work ads. The Croatian equivalents were checked for in the Croatian dictionaries of new and foreign words as well as in the online Dictionary database of Croatian Language Portal (HJP). By comparing the Italian and the Croatian neologisms we have analysed their presence and the modality of adaptation in both languages. Considering relative openness of the Italian language to foreign influences on one side, and purist orientation and hermetic tendencies of the Croatian language on the other side, our analysis and classification have confirmed the much greater presence of original, non adapted English terms in the Italian corpus. A relatively small number of original Italian neologisms confirms the globalisation of Italian labour market and its lexis