13 research outputs found

    Undervisning av ryttarkänsla under gruppridlektioner

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    Ridsport kräver samarbete mellan människa och häst. När ryttaren uppnår ett fungerande sådant samarbete kan detta ibland benämnas som ryttarkänsla. Ryttarkänsla är en personlig känsla och det finns nästan lika många definitioner som det finns ryttare. Att ryttaren lär sig hitta och utveckla sin ryttarkänsla är viktigt för hästens välfärd då ryttaren med tiden hittar och lär sig använda mindre och mer finstämda hjälper med rätt timing. En utveckling av ryttarkänslan ger även efter hand ryttaren en förståelse och förmåga att rida olika typer av hästar på deras villkor med förståelse för individen. Att uppnå ryttarkänsla kan vara en av målsättningarna med ridningen för aktiva inom sporten oavsett inriktning och det är därför av stor vikt att belysa ämnet redan i början av ryttarens karriär, som i många fall startar på en ridskola. Studiens syfte är att dels att utforska ridlärares uppfattningar kring hur de vill förmedla ryttarkänsla, dels att synliggöra på vilka sätt interaktion angående ryttarkänsla kan förekomma vid grupplektioner på ridskola. Frågeställningarna var följande; Hur vill ridlärare undervisa för att eleverna ska uppnå ryttarkänsla under gruppridlektion? Hur instruerar ridlärare för att eleverna ska uppnå ryttarkänsla under gruppridlektioner? Materialet som använts var tio intervjuer med ridlärare som är en del av ett större material. Detta material har analyserats genom fenomenografisk metod. Därtill har sex filmer av inspelade ridlektioner med olika ridlärare använts som material och analyserats med hjälp av multimodal interaktionsanalys. Resultatet visade att samtliga ridlärare önskade i olika grad arbeta med ridtekniska instruktioner för att få sina elever att uppnå ryttarkänsla under grupplektioner. De flesta ridlärare uttryckte att de strävade efter att använda metaforer och liknelser i sin undervisning. De beskrev att de önskade använda positiv återkoppling i ögonblicket eleven gjorde rätt för att bekräfta rätt känsla. För att uppnå ryttarkänsla i praktiken genom instruktioner i grupp använde ridlärarna till stor grad återkoppling och instruktioner om kroppslig uppfattning. Alla ridlärare använde sig av metaforer och liknelser under gruppundervisning, men i olika grad. Samtliga ridlärare använde sig av hästen för att visa på dess reaktion och koppla den till ryttarens agerande.The equestrian sport is a sport demanding collaboration between the human and the horse. When the rider achieves such a cooperation, this is entitled as equestrian feel. Equestrian feel is a personal feeling and there are almost as many definitions as there are riders. The rider finding and developing their equestrian feel is crucial for the horse's welfare as the rider with time finds and learns to use smaller and more delicate aids with the right timing. A development of the equestrian feel gradually gives the rider an understanding and the ability to ride different kinds of horses on their conditions and with an understanding for the individual. To achieve equestrian feel may be part of the goal of the equestrian sport for active practitioners in all disciplines, thus the importance of illustrating the subject in the beginning of the rider’s equestrian career, which often is commenced at a riding school. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of how riding instructors want to teach for their students to achieve equestrian feel during group lessons and to find out how the instructors use their instructions to achieve the goal.The questions used were; How do riding teachers want to teach in order for students to achieve a equestrian feel during group lessons? How do riding instructors instruct students to achieve equestrian feel during group lessons? The material used was ten interviews with riding teachers which is part of a larger material. This material has been analyzed using a phenomenographic method. Six additional films of recorded riding lessons held by different riding teachers have been used as material and have been analyzed using multimodal interaction analysis. The result of the study showed that riding teachers wanted to use technical instructions to get their students to achieve equestrian feel during group lessons to a certain extent. Most riding teachers described that they strived to use metaphors and parables when instructing. They also strived to use instant positive feedback in the exact moment to confirm the right feeling. To instruct on equestrian feel the riding teachers used feedback and instructions regarding physical perception to a large extent. During lessons, all riding teachers used metaphors and parables, but to a various extent. All riding teachers used the horse to emphasize its reaction and connect that to the rider’s actions

    Nitrifying biofilms deprived of organic carbon show higher functional resilience to increases in carbon supply

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    In nitrifying biofilms, the organic carbon to ammonia nitrogen (C/N) supply ratio can influence resource competition between heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria for oxygen and space. We investigated the impact of acute and chronic changes in carbon supply on inter-guild competition in two moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR), operated with (R1) and without (R0) external organic carbon supply. The microbial and nitrifying community composition of the reactors differed significantly. Interestingly, acute increases in the dissolved organic carbon inhibited nitrification in R1 ten times more than in R0. A sustained increase in the carbon supply decreased nitrification efficiency and increased denitrification activity to a greater extent in R1, and also increased the proportion of potential denitrifiers in both bioreactors. The findings suggest that autotrophic biofilms subjected to increases in carbon supply show higher nitrification and lower denitrification activity than carbon-fed biofilms. This has significant implications for the design of nitrifying bioreactors. Specifically, efficient removal of organic matter before the nitrification unit can improve the robustness of the bioreactor to varying influent quality. Thus, maintaining a low C/N ratio is important in nitrifying biofilters when acute carbon stress is expected or when anoxic activity (e.g. denitrification or H2S production) is undesirable, such as in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)

    Nitrifying biofilms deprived of organic carbon show higher functional resilience to increases in carbon supply

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    In nitrifying biofilms, the organic carbon to ammonia nitrogen (C/N) supply ratio can influence resource competition between heterotrophic and nitrifying bacteria for oxygen and space. We investigated the impact of acute and chronic changes in carbon supply on inter-guild competition in two moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR), operated with (R1) and without (R0) external organic carbon supply. The microbial and nitrifying community composition of the reactors differed significantly. Interestingly, acute increases in the dissolved organic carbon inhibited nitrification in R1 ten times more than in R0. A sustained increase in the carbon supply decreased nitrification efficiency and increased denitrification activity to a greater extent in R1, and also increased the proportion of potential denitrifiers in both bioreactors. The findings suggest that autotrophic biofilms subjected to increases in carbon supply show higher nitrification and lower denitrification activity than carbon-fed biofilms. This has significant implications for the design of nitrifying bioreactors. Specifically, efficient removal of organic matter before the nitrification unit can improve the robustness of the bioreactor to varying influent quality. Thus, maintaining a low C/N ratio is important in nitrifying biofilters when acute carbon stress is expected or when anoxic activity (e.g. denitrification or H2S production) is undesirable, such as in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS)

    Utforming av læringsutbytte på emnenivå for profesjonsstudiet i medisin

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    Sluttrapport fra prosjektgruppen med mandat å utarbeide læringsutbyttebeskrivelser (LUB) på emnenivå for profesjonsstudiet i medisin i forbindelse med innføring av Forskrift om nasjonal retningslinje for medisinsutdanningen. Arbeidet ble ledet av Gunnhild Åberge Vie

    <i>In vitro</i> phagocytosis of opsonized latex beads by HD11 cells as a method to assess the general opsonization potential of chicken serum

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    <p>Opsonins, an important arm of the innate immune system, are various soluble proteins, which play a critical role in destruction of invading pathogens directly or via engulfment of pathogens through the intermediate of phagocytosis. The diversity of opsonin profiles is under genetic influence and may be associated with variation in disease resistance. The aim of this study was to set up an assay to determine serum opsonophagocytic potential (OPp) for chicken sera by flow cytometry and to evaluate the assay using samples from different chicken lines. Two chicken lines selected for high and low concentrations of mannose-binding lectin, a known opsonin, in serum were used to establish the method. Furthermore, the presumed “robust” Hellevad chickens and two other commercial chicken lines (Hisex and Bovans) were tested to evaluate OPp as a parameter reflecting general immune competence. The results showed that Hellevad and Bovans chickens had higher OPp than Hisex chickens. There were no correlations between concentrations of total IgY or mannose-binding lectin and OPp. However, a strong positive correlation was observed between vaccine-induced infectious bronchitis virus titres and OPp. Moreover, inverse relationships were observed between concentrations of total serum IgM as well as natural antibody levels, and OPp. In conclusion, <i>in vitro</i> opsonophagocytosis assessment and determination of OPp may be of relevance when addressing general innate immunocompetence.</p> <p><b>RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS</b></p><p>A flow cytometry method was developed to assess poultry serum opsonophagocytosis potential.</p><p>This method is based on serum-opsonin-coated polystyrene beads and HD11 cell phagocytosis.</p><p>Serum samples from different commercial chicken lines were compared.</p><p>Opsonophagocytic potential may be included in assay panels for general immune competence of poultry.</p><p></p> <p>A flow cytometry method was developed to assess poultry serum opsonophagocytosis potential.</p> <p>This method is based on serum-opsonin-coated polystyrene beads and HD11 cell phagocytosis.</p> <p>Serum samples from different commercial chicken lines were compared.</p> <p>Opsonophagocytic potential may be included in assay panels for general immune competence of poultry.</p