23 research outputs found

    Elektromagnetsko polje na frekvenciji mobilnih telefona (900 MHz) izaziva stres i modifikacije DNA u gujavici Eisenia fetida

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    Eisenia fetida earthworms were exposed to electromagnetic field (EMF) at a mobile phone frequency (900 MHz) and at field levels ranging from 10 to 120 V m-1 for a period of two hours (corresponding to specific absorption rates ranging from 0.13 to 9.33 mW kg-1). Potential effects of longer exposure (four hours), field modulation, and a recovery period of 24 h after two hours of exposure were addressed at the field level of 23 V m-1. All exposure treatments induced significant DNA modifications as assessed by a quantitative random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR. Even after 24 h of recovery following a two hour-exposure, the number of probe hybridisation sites displayed a significant two-fold decrease as compared to untreated control earthworms, implying a loss of hybridisation sites and a persistent genotoxic effect of EMF. Expression of genes involved in the response to general stress (HSP70 encoding the 70 kDa heat shock protein, and MEKK1 involved in signal transduction), oxidative stress (CAT, encoding catalase), and chemical and immune defence (LYS, encoding lysenin, and MYD, encoding a myeloid differentiation factor) were up-regulated after exposure to 10 and modulated 23 V m-1 field levels. Western blots showing an increased quantity of HSP70 and MTCO1 proteins confirmed this stress response. HSP70 and LYS genes were up-regulated after 24 h of recovery following a two hour-exposure, meaning that the effect of EMF exposure lasted for hours.U ovom istraživanju gujavice vrste Eisenia fetida bile su izložene elektromagnetskom polju (EMP) na frekvenciji mobilnih telefona (900 MHz) te poljima jačine 10 do 120 V m-1 u dvosatnom razdoblju (što odgovara specifičnim ratama apsorpcije od 0,13 do 9,33 mW kg-1). Utjecaj dužeg izlaganja (4 sata), modulacije polja te vrijeme oporavka od 24 sata nakon dva sata izlaganja proučavan je pri jačini polja od 23 V m-1. Metoda kvantitativne nasumično umnožene polimorfne DNA (engl. quantitative random amplified polymorphic DNA – qRAPD) otkrila je značajne modifikacije DNA na svim proučavanim tretmanima. Čak i nakon 24-satnog oporavka broj hibridizacijskih mjesta bio je dvostruko manji u odnosu na broj zabilježen u kontrolnim gujavicama, što upozorava na gubitak hibridizacijskih mjesta i na dugoročan utjecaj EMP-a. Ekspresija gena uključenih u odgovor na stres (HSP70: kodira za 70kDa heat shock protein i MEKK1: uključen u provođenje signala), oksidacijski stres (CAT: kodira za katalazu) te kemijsku i imunosnu obranu (LYS: kodira za lysenin i MYD: kodira za faktor mijeloidne diferencijacije) bila je povišena nakon izlaganja polju jačine 10 V m-1 te moduliranome polju jačine 23 V m-1. Western blot analiza potvrdila je odgovor na stres detekcijom povišene količine HSP70 i MTCO1 proteina. HSP70 i LYS geni imali su povišenu ekspresiju i nakon razdoblja oporavka, što upućuje na dugotrajan utjecaj EMP-a

    različiti učinci radiofrekvencijskog elektromagnetskog polja na ličinke medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera) u ovisnosti o oblikovanju pokusa

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    Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) at the operating frequencies of different communication devices can cause various biological effects. However, there is a lack of studies on the oxidative stress response and genotoxicity in the honey bee (Apis mellifera) after exposure to RF-EMF. In this study, we investigated the oxidative stress and DNA damage in honey bee larvae situated in waxcomb cells, exposed to modulated RF-EMF 23 Vm-1. The glutathione S-transferase activity decreased, whereas the catalase activity increased significantly in the honey bee larvae upon RF-EMF exposure. Superoxide dismutase activity, the level of lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage were not statistically altered in exposed honey bee larvae when compared to the control group. These results suggest that the biological effects of modulated RF-EMF in honey bee larvae depend on the exposure design.Izloženost radiofrekvencijskom elektromagnetskom polju (RF-EMF) na radnoj frekvenciji različitih komunikacijskih uređaja može imati razne biološke učinke. Nedostaju istraživanja odgovora na oksidacijski stres i genotoksičnost u medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera) poslije izloženosti RF-EMF-u. U ovom je radu istražen oksidacijski stres i DNA oštećenja u ličinkama medonosnih pčela smještenih u stanicama saća i izloženih modulirajućem RF-EMF 23 Vm-1. Aktivnost glutation S-transferaze smanjena je, dok je aktivnost katalaze značajno povećana u ličinkama medonosnih pčela izloženih RF-EMF-u. Nije bilo statistički značajne promjene u aktivnosti superoksid-dismutaze, razini lipidne peroksidacije i DNA oštećenju između ličinaka medonosne pčele i kontrolne skupine. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da biološki učinci modulirajućeg RF-EMF u ličinkama medonosne pčele ovise o oblikovanju izloženosti

    Kavezno izlaganje lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) u procjeni genotoksičnog utjecaja onečišćenja

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    Genotoxic effects are often the earliest signs of pollution-related environmental disturbance. In this study, we used the comet assay and micronucleus test to assess DNA damage in the erythrocytes of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) exposed to environmental pollution in situ. Fish were collected from a fi sh farm in the Trogir Bay and their cages placed at an unpolluted reference site Šolta (Nečujam Bay) and a polluted site Vranjic (Kaštela Bay) for four weeks. A group of fi sh which remained at the fi sh farm Trogir Bay were used as the second control group. Fish exposed at the Vranjic site showed a signifi cantly higher erythrocyte DNA damage, measured by the comet assay, than either control group. Micronucleus induction showed a similar gradient of DNA damage, but did not reach statistical signifi cance. Our results show that cage exposure of a marine fi sh D. labrax can be useful in environmental biomonitoring and confi rm the comet assay as a suitable tool for detecting pollution-related genotoxicity.Genotoksični učinak često je jedan od najranijih pokazatelja štetnog djelovanja onečišćenja okoliša. U ovom radu procijenjeno je oštećenje DNA u eritrocitima lubina (Dicentrarchus labrax) izloženima okolišnom onečišćenju s pomoću komet-testa i mikronukleus-testa. Lubini su prikupljeni na ribogojilištu i kavezno izloženi u periodu od četiri tjedna na dvije postaje različitog stupnja onečišćenja na jadranskoj obali: na kontrolnoj postaji Šolta (zaljev Nečujam) i na onečišćenoj postaji Vranjic (Kaštelanski zaljev). Zasebna skupina lubina skupljena na ribogojilištu poslužila je kao druga kontrola. Rezultati komet-testa pokazali su statistički značajan porast oštećenja DNA na postaji Vranjic u usporedbi s obje kontrolne postaje. Rezultati mikronukleus-testa pokazali su sličan gradijent onečišćenja, iako nisu dosegli statističku značajnost. Ovi rezultati upućuju na primjenjivost kaveznog izlaganja lubina D. labrax u biomonitoringu vodenog okoliša te potvrđuju korisnost komet-testa kao prikladne metode za detekciju genotoksičnog utjecaja onečišćenja

    Environmental Epigenetics in Soil Ecosystems: Earthworms as Model Organisms

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    One of the major emerging concerns within ecotoxicology is the effect of environmental pollutants on epigenetic changes, including DNA methylation, histone modifications, and non-coding RNAs. Epigenetic mechanisms regulate gene expression, meaning that the alterations of epigenetic marks can induce long-term physiological effects that can even be inherited across generations. Many invertebrate species have been used as models in environmental epigenetics, with a special focus on DNA methylation changes caused by environmental perturbations (e.g., pollution). Among soil organisms, earthworms are considered the most relevant sentinel organisms for anthropogenic stress assessment and are widely used as standard models in ecotoxicological testing of soil toxicity. In the last decade, several research groups have focused on assessing the impact of environmental stress on earthworm epigenetic mechanisms and tried to link these mechanisms to the physiological effects. The aim of this review is to give an overview and to critically examine the available literature covering this topic. The high level of earthworm genome methylation for an invertebrate species, responsiveness of epigenome to environmental stimuli, availability of molecular resources, and the possibility to study epigenetic inheritance make earthworms adequate models in environmental epigenomics. However, there are still many knowledge gaps that need to be filled in, before we can fully explore earthworms as models in this field. These include detailed characterization of the methylome using next-generation sequencing tools, exploration of multigenerational and transgenerational effects of pollutants, and information about other epigenetic mechanisms apart from DNA methylation. Moreover, the connection between epigenetic effects and phenotype has to be further explored

    Low levels of Cd induce persisting epigenetic modifications and acclimation mechanisms in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris.

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    Toxic effects of cadmium (Cd), a common soil pollutant, are still not very well understood, particularly in regard to its epigenetic impact. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess DNA methylation changes and their persistence in the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris upon chronic low dose Cd exposure using methylation sensitive amplification polymorphism (MSAP). Moreover, the biomarker response and fitness of the earthworms, as well as the expression of detoxification-related genes (metallothionein (MT) and phytochelatin synthase (PCS)) was evaluated. Low levels of Cd caused an increase in genome-wide DNA methylation, which remained partly modified, even after several months of recovery in unpolluted soil. Increased cellular stress seemed to decrease after two weeks of exposure whereas fitness parameters remained unaffected by Cd, probably as a result from the activation of detoxification mechanisms like the expression of MTs. Interestingly, even though the level of Cd exposure was very low, MT expression levels indicate the development of acclimation mechanisms. Taken together, this study demonstrates that acclimation, as well as epigenetic modifications can occur already in moderately polluted environments. In addition, these effects can have long-lasting impacts on key species of soil invertebrates and might persist long after the actual heavy metal challenge has passed

    Raw fastq files of 16S rRNA gene sequences

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    The folder contains the sequencing data (raw 16S rRNA gene fastq sequences from a paired-end run on an Illumina MiSeq) used in analyses of the respective publication

    Regulatory Plasticity of Earthworm wMT-2 Gene Expression

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) are multifunctional proteins occurring throughout the animal kingdom. While the expression and transcriptional regulation of MTs is well-studied in vertebrates, the mechanism of MT activation is still unknown for most invertebrates. Therefore, we examined wMT-2 gene regulation and expression patterns in Lumbricus rubellus and L. terrestris. Transcription levels, the occupation of DNA binding sites, the expression of putative transcriptional regulators, and promotor DNA methylation were determined. We found that wMT-2 expression does not follow a circadian pattern. However, Cd-induced wMT-2 induction was observed, and was, interestingly, suppressed by physical injury. Moreover, the promotor region that is responsible for the wMT-2 gene regulation was elucidated. ATF, a putative transcriptional regulator, showed increased phosphorylation upon Cd exposure, suggesting that it plays a major role in wMT-2 gene activation. The promotor methylation of wMT-2, on the other hand, is probably not involved in transcriptional regulation. Elucidating the regulatory mechanism of the earthworm MT gene activation might provide insights into the molecular coordination of the environmental stress response in invertebrates, and might also reveal a link to wound repair and, in a broader sense, to immunity

    Data from: Earthworms and cadmium – heavy metal resistant gut bacteria as indicators for heavy metal pollution in soils?

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    Preservation of the soil resources stability is of high importance for ecosystems, particularly in the current era of environmental change, which presents a severe pollution burden (e.g. by heavy metals) to soil fauna. Gut microbiomes are becoming recognized as important players in organism health, with comprehension of their perturbations in the polluted environment offering new insights into the nature and extent of heavy metal effects on the health of soil biota. Our aim was to investigate the effect of environmentally relevant heavy metal concentrations of cadmium (Cd) on the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) gut microbiota. Our results revealed that Cd exposure led to perturbations of earthworm gut microbiota with an increase in bacteria previously described as heavy metal resistant or able to bind heavy metals, revealing the potential of the earthworm-gut microbiota system in overcoming human-caused heavy metal pollution. Furthermore, an ‘indicator species analysis’ linked the bacterial genera Paenibacillus, Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas, with Cd treatment, suggesting these bacterial taxa as biomarkers of exposure in earthworms inhabiting Cd-stressed soils. The results of this study help to understand the impact of anthropogenic disturbance on soil fauna health and will have implications for environmental monitoring and protection of soil resources