22 research outputs found

    Usporedba internetskih i papir-olovka ispitivanja zadovoljstva poslom

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    Parallel to the rising availability and application of Web-based organizational research, the issue of its validity becomes increasingly important. The research was designed to reveal any existing differences in job satisfaction survey data gathered using Intranet and paper-and-pencil administration modes. A sample of employees in one large organization in Serbia (N = 1923), answered either Intranet (N = 425) or paper-based job satisfaction survey (N = 1498). A 50-item version of a Job Satisfaction Scale was highly reliable for both data collection techniques. There was a significant method effect on all the checked indicators: demographic characteristics of Intranet and paper sub-samples based (gender, age, length of service and educational level); proportion of missing answers (on items about job satisfaction and demographic data), satisfaction with specific items and dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as overall job satisfaction. Interaction effects of administration mode by gender, age, length of service and education were not significant. Results stress that before accepting Webbased organizational surveys as a new gold standard we need empirical evidence that Web-based data can be combined and/or compared with paper-based data.Usporedo sa sve većom dostupnosti i primjenom internetskih organizacijskih istraživanja, pitanje njihove valjanosti postaje sve važnije. Istraživanje je usmjereno na pitanje postoje li razlike u podacima o zadovoljstvu poslom prikupljenih pomoćuintraneta i papir-olovka upitnika. Uzorak su činili zaposlenici velike tvrtke u Srbiji (N = 1923), koji su odgovorili na upitnike pomoću intraneta (N = 425) ili papir-olovka upitnika (N = 1498). Ljestvica zadovoljstva poslom od 50 čestica pokazala se visokopouzdanom za obje metode prikupljanja podataka. Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj metode na sve označene pokazatelje: sastav intranet i papir-olovka poduzoraka na temelju spola, dobi, staža i obrazovanja; udio neodgovorenih pitanja (na česticama o zadovoljstvu poslom i demografskim podacima), zadovoljstvo s određenim facetama (česticama) i dimenzijama zadovoljstva poslom te ukupno zadovoljstvo poslom. Interakcijski pokazatelji za spol, dob, staž i razinu obrazovanja u obje skupine nisu bili značajni. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za jasnim rezultatima o mogućnostima generalizacije takvih upitnika prije njihova postavljanja kao standarda ispitivanja

    Employees’ expirience of career shock: circumstances, dynamics, resources and outcomes

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    Ova disertacija se bavi doživljajem karijernog šoka zaposlenih u Srbiji analizirajući okolnosti koje dovode do karijernog šoka i dinamiku doživljaja karijernog šoka, kao i ulogu koju karijerni resursi i karijerni ishohodi imaju u doživljaju karijernog šoka. Problem je razmatran u svetlu Krumbolcove teorije učenja, Hobfolove Teorije očuvanja resursa, Hiršijevog Modela karijernih resursa, kao i konceptualizacije karijernog šoka koju predlažu Akermans i saradnici. S obzirom na obuhvatnost problema, istraživanje u okviru disertacije realizovno je kroz tri posebne istraživačke studije koje su se bavile delovima problema. U okviru prve studije koja je bila kvalitativna smo ispitali i analizirali okolnosti pod kojima zaposleni određeni događaj doživljavaju kao karijerni šok. U okviru druge studije, koja je takođe bila kvalitativna, ispitali samo kako zaposleni koji su zbog delatnosti svoje radne organizacije podložniji karijernim šokovima, doživljavaju karijerni šok koji je usledio kao posledica organizacione promene. Treća studija je bila kvantitativna, i u okviru nje smo se bavili ulogom koju karijerni resursi i karijerni ishodi imaju u doživljaju karijernog šoka zaposlenih. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da ispitanici u većoj meri navode događaje koji su za njih predstavljali pozitivni karijerni šok i događaje koji su u direktnoj vezi sa poslom. Rezultati takođe ukazuju da organizacione promene mogu predstavljati karijerni šok za zaposlene, ali isto tako, mogu biti doživljene samo kao stresni događaj odnosno da karijerni resursi ne doprinose doživljaju karijenog šoka, kao i da doživljaj karijernog šoka ne utiče na karijerne ishode. Daljom analizom došli smo do važnih uvida kada je konceptualizacija ovog fenomena u pitanju, a koji do sada nisu bili razmatrani. Intenzitet karijernog šoka nije presudan za određenje karijernog šoka, odnosno karijerni šokovi mogu biti niskog intenziteta, a valenca karijernog šoka može biti neutralna, što se razlikuje od konceptualizacije od koje smo pošli u istraživanju. Negativni karijerni šokovi mogu dovesti do pozitivnih ishoda, a u određenim situacijama karijerni šok se može posmatrati kao specifična vrsta stresora. Zapošljivost predstavlja najznačajniji karijerni resurs zaposlenih, a profesionalna samoefikasnost je medijator odnosa između karijerne angažovanosti i zadvoljstva karijerom kao karijernih ishoda i održive karijere. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju postulate teorija od kojih se pošlo u istraživanju, a rezultate bi trebalo posmatrati u kontekstu epidemije KOVID–19.Teorijski doprinos disertacije se ogleda u tome što je je ovo jedna od prvih studija istraživanja karijernih šokova u Srbiji i jedina koja se bavila doživljajem karijernog šoka zaposlenih.This dissertation deals with the experience of career shock of employees in Serbia, analyzing the circumstances that lead to career shock and the dynamics of the experience of career shock, as well as the role that career resources and career outcomes play in the experience of career shock. The problem was discussed in the light of Krumboltz's learning theory, Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources Theory, Hirschi's Model of Career Resources, as well as the conceptualization of career shock proposed by Akkermans et al. Considering the comprehensiveness of the problem, the research within the dissertation is realized through three separate research studies that dealt with parts of the problem. In the framework of the first study, which was qualitative, we examined and analyzed the circumstances under which employees perceive a certain event as a career shock. In the second study, which was also qualitative, we examined how employees who are more susceptible to career shocks due to the activities of their work organization, experience the career shock that followed as a consequence of the organizational change. The third study was quantitative, and within it we dealt with the role that career resources and career outcomes have in employees' experience of career shock. The obtained results indicate that participants to a greater extent mention events that were a positive career shock for them and events that are directly related to work. The results also indicate that organizational changes can represent a career shock for employees, but they can also be experienced only as a stressful event, that is, that career resources do not contribute to the experience of career shock, and that the experience of career shock does not affect career outcomes. Through further analysis, we have come to important insights when it comes to the conceptualization of this phenomenon, which have not been considered until now. The intensity of a career shock is not decisive for determining a career shock, that is, career shocks can be of low intensity, and the valence of a career shock can be neutral, which differs from the conceptualization from which we started in the research. Negative career shocks can lead to positive outcomes, and in certain situations career shock can be seen as a specific type of stressor. Employability represents the most important career resource of employees, and professional self-efficacy is a mediator of the relationship between career engagement and career satisfaction as a career outcomes and sustainable career. The obtained results confirm the postulates of the theories from which the research was started, and the results should be viewed in the context of the epidemic with the virus COVID–19. The theoretical contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the fact that this is one of the first studies of career shock research in Serbia and the only one that dealt with experiencing a career shock for employees

    Primena GIS-a u analizi intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine

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    This paper analyses the state of erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin, the right tributary of the Južna Morava River. To determine the erosion intensity (Z) and sediment production, the Gavrilović method was used, in combination with the bare-soil index (BSI), with the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and multispectral satellite imagery. An erosion coefficient of 0.31 has been identified in the territory of the Vlasina River Basin, which has an area of 1,061.72 km². The prominent vertical fragmentation of the relief, large amount of precipitation in the source parts, density of the river network (1.65 km/km 2), which is above the average river network density in Serbia, as well as inadequate land exploitation, are the main reasons why it is necessary to monitor the erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin. The annual production of the sediment is 462,496.30 m³, while the value of specific sediment production is 435,47 m³/km²/year. This study represents the attempt to apply modern technologies to d1etermine the intensity of erosion in the Vlasina River Basin, and the results obtained could be used for more adequate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning of the forest ecosystems and environmental protection.U ovom radu analizirano je stanje intenziteta erozije u slivu reke Vlasine, desne pritoke Južne Morave. Za određivanje intenziteta erozije (Z) i produkcije nanosa korišćen je metod Gavrilovića u kombinaciji sa indeksom ogolićenosti zemljišta (BSI), primenom geografskih informacionih sistema (GIS) i multispektralnih satelitskih snimaka. Na teritoriji sliva Vlasine koji ima površinu od 1.061,72 km2, identifikovan je koeficijent erozije od 0,31. Izražena vertikalna raščlanjenost reljefa, velika količina padavina u izvorišnim delovima, gustina rečne mreže (1,65 km/km2) koja je iznad prosečne gustine rečne mreže u Srbiji, kao i neadekvatan način korišćenja zemljišta predstavljaju glavne razloge zbog kojih je potrebno pratiti intenzitet erozije u slivu Vlasine. Godišnja produkcija nanosa iznosi 462.496,30 m3, dok je vrednost specifične produkcije nanosa 435,47 m3/km2/god. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj primene savremenih tehnologija za određivanje intenziteta erozije u slivu Vlasine, a dobijeni rezultati se mogu koristiti za adekvatnije upravljanje zemljišnim i vodnim resursima, održivo planiranje šumskih ekosistema i zaštitu životne sredine

    Study of various berry fruit quality during storage

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati fizikalno-kemijska i senzorska svojstva plodova više sorti kupina, jagoda, malina i borovnica uzgojenih u neposrednoj okolici Zagreba tijekom 7 dana skladištenja pri 4 °C u svrhu boljeg poznavanja svojstava sorti uzgojenih u Hrvatskoj. Shodno tome, 1., 4. i 7. dan skladištenja provedeno je određivanje topljive suhe tvari, pH vrijednosti, ukupne kiselosti, parametara boje (CIELab), tvrdoće pomoću teksturometra i senzorski je ocijenjena opća prihvatljivost, a mikrobiološka analiza provedena je samo 1. dan. Temeljem dobivenih rezultata pokazalo se da su se od svih ispitivanih vrsta voća borovnice pokazale najstabilnijima tijekom skladištenja te su senzorski dobro ocijenjene i to posebno sorta \u27Duke\u27 iz ekološkog uzgoja. Za druge sorte i općenito druge vrste, pozitivan utjecaj ekološkog uzgoja nije uočen. Među ispitivanim sortama kupina sorta \u27Thornfree\u27 se pokazala najstabilnijom, a sorta \u27Tulameen\u27 je bila najstabilnija i najbolje senzorski ocijenjena sorta malina. Jagode nisu pokazale zadovoljavajuću stabilnost tijekom 7 dana skladištenja, pri čemu se sorta \u27Joly\u27 pokazala najboljom do 4. dana skladištenja. Općenito, uspoređujući sorte koje su se u pojedinim vrstama istaknule kao najbolje primjećuje se da su imale visok udio topljive suhe tvari i nižu ukupnu kiselost te da se za jagodu i malinu preferirala svjetlija boja i srednja tvrdoća plodova, a za kupinu i borovnicu tamnija boja te tvrđi plodovi. Rezultati mikrobiološke analize upućuju na potrebu za primjenom strožih higijenskih mjera tijekom berbe i rukovanja voćem.The aim of this study was to examine the physical, chemical and sensory properties of several cultivars of blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries grown in Zagreb area during 7 days storage at 4 °C in order to gain better knowledge of properties of cultivars grown in Croatia. Therefore, on the 1st, 4th and 7th day of storage the determination of soluble solids, pH, total acidity, color parameters (CIELab), firmness using the texturometer and sensory evaluation of overall acceptance was carried out, while microbiological analysis was performed only on the 1st day. Based on the obtained results, blueberries showed the greatest stability during storage of all examined fruit types and they were sensorially good graded, particularly cultivar \u27Duke\u27 from organic breeding. Positive influence of organic breeding was not observed for other cultivars and for all fruit types in general. Among examined blackberry cultivars, cultivar \u27Thornfree\u27 proved to be the most stable, while \u27Tulameen\u27 was the most stable and the best sensory graded raspberry cultivar. Strawberries did not show satisfactory stability during 7 days of storage, with the \u27Joly\u27 as the best cultivar till the 4th storage day. Generally, comparing the cultivars that have been highlighted within each fruit type, they had high soluble solids content and lower total acidity, and that brighter color and medium fruit firmness were preferred for strawberry and raspberry, while darker color and firmer fruit were beneficial for blackberry and blueberry. The results of microbiological analysis indicate that more strict hygiene measures during harvesting and fruit handling are required


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    Artroskopija kuka intenzivno se razvija posljednjih desetak godina te ubrzano preuzima primat u liječenju raznih ozljeda i oštećenja i u samom kuku i u njegovoj neposrednoj blizini. Osnovna prednost artroskopske kirurgije kuka prema klasičnoj otvorenoj metodi operacijskog liječenja jest u izbjegavanju otvorene dislokacije kuka čime se smanjuje morbiditet bolesnika te ubrzavaju rehabilitacija i povratak svakodnevnim aktivnostima. Uspješnost artroskopskog zahvata ovisi o pravilnoj indikaciji za zahvat, iskustvu i vještini operatera, pravilno provedenoj rehabilitaciji te suradljivosti bolesnika, kao i o njegovim realnim očekivanjima. Osnovnim indikacijama za artroskopiju kuka danas se smatraju ozljede i oštećenja acetabularnog labruma i/ili zglobne hrskavice, femoroacetabularni sindrom sraza, ozljede i oštećenja ligamenta glave femura, slobodna i strana zglobna tijela te različite bolesti sinovijalne membrane (sinovijalna hondromatoza, pigmentirani vilonodularni sinovitis i druge upalne artropatije poput reumatoidnog artritisa). U ovom članku opisujemo indikacije, tehniku, komplikacije, kao i perspektivu artroskopije kuka, uz detaljan pregled suvremenih literaturnih podataka.In the last ten years, hip arthroscopy has been developing intensively and it is rapidly gaining primacy in the treatment of various injuries and damages to the hip itself and its immediate vicinity. The basic advantage of hip arthroscopy surgery versus classic open surgery is avoiding an open dislocation of the hip and, thus, reducing patient’s morbidity and accelerating his/her rehabilitation, which leads to a quicker return to everyday activities. The success of arthroscopic surgery depends on the correct indication for the surgery and on the experience and the skill of the operator. It also depends on the properly conducted rehabilitation and the patient’s compliance, as well as on the patient’s realistic expectations. Indications for hip arthroscopy today are the following: injury and damage to acetabular labrum and/or articular cartilage, femoroacetabular impingement syndrome, injuries and damages to the ligament of the femoral head, loose and foreign joint bodies as well as different conditions of synovial membrane (synovial chondromatosis, pigmented villonodular synovitis and other inflammatory arthropathy such as rheumatoid arthritis). In this article we describe the indications, technique, complications and the prospect of hip arthroscopy, with a detailed overview of contemporary literature data

    From left ventricular hypertrophy to Waldenström macroglobulinemia: a case report

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    Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a common cardiac finding generally caused by an adaptation of the myocardium to increased pressure or volume load, or systemic conditions or genetic mutations1. Amyloidosis still remains a mysterious disease, with extremely diverse palette of symptoms and poor prognosis, caused by extracellular deposits of autological proteins with a fibrillar ultrastructure and specific properties. According to anatomical and clinical criteria, it can be presented as systemic or localized type2

    Multihazard susceptibility assessment: A case study – Municipality of Štrpce (Southern Serbia)

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    The municipality of Štrpce (Southern Serbia) is an area located within Šar Mountain National Park, which is of great ecological importance. Due to the vicinity of settlements, it is necessary to analyze the terrain's susceptibility to natural hazards. The main goal of this research was to determine locations that are highly vulnerable at times of natural hazards (such as earthquakes, erosion, torrential flooding, snow avalanches, and forest fires). The first step in this research was to analyze seismic hazards for a 475 years return period (VII–VIII MCS for the observed area), which was possible by means of Geographic Information Systems. The second step was to determine the intensity of erosion and total sediment production using the Erosion Potential Model. The third step was related to the analysis of the potential of torrential floods using the Flash Flood Potential Index. The Avalanches Potential Index method was used as the fourth step. The fifth step included the analysis of a terrain susceptibility to the occurrence of forest fires. Following the five criteria analysis, weight coefficients were assigned to each of the analyzed parameters by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), which provided results of the total susceptibility to natural hazards of the territory of Štrpce. Results indicated that over 45% of the municipality is highly or very highly susceptible to various natural hazards. This article represents a significant step toward a better understanding of natural hazards and it provides a unique knowledge basis for establishing the management and mitigation guidelines and measures, not only within the researched area but at regional and national levels as well

    Assessment of nutritional support in patients after liver and kidney transplantation

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    During the last decades organ transplantation has evolved into a proven therapy for end-stage organ failure. However, the long-term success of organ transplantation depends significantly on the patients’ ability to overcome possible postoperative complications and to recover from a severe metabolic imbalance. Therefore, in the present study we assessed the accuracy of the early post-operative nutritional intake in a vulnerable group of patients after organ transplantation and compared it with the calculated minimal nutritional requirements. A number of 61 patients were included in the study, 48 with liver, 11 with kidney, and two patients with both, liver and kidney transplants. Mini nutritional assessment (MNA) was applied and total nutritional intake was recorded for fourteen consecutive post-transplant days. Serum concentrations of proteins, urea and creatinine, as well as catalytic concentrations of liver enzymes were measured. Urea to creatinine ratio was calculated. According to body mass index (BMI) only a few patients were malnourished, but low serum protein levels indicated a significant protein catabolism. Nutritional requirements were provided mainly by glucose, with low amounts of proteins, i.e. amino acids, and fats. It took more than seven days to reach the appropriate nutritional intake. Because of the intensive catabolism, especially of proteins, nutrition of organ transplant recipients requires permanent monitoring and better nutritional support through formulas for enteral and total parenteral nutrition

    Brašno - Kruh '15

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    Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour – Bread ’15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists Brašno – Kruh ’1

    Employees’ expirience of career shock: circumstances, dynamics, resources and outcomes

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    Ova disertacija se bavi doživljajem karijernog šoka zaposlenih u Srbiji analizirajući okolnosti koje dovode do karijernog šoka i dinamiku doživljaja karijernog šoka, kao i ulogu koju karijerni resursi i karijerni ishohodi imaju u doživljaju karijernog šoka. Problem je razmatran u svetlu Krumbolcove teorije učenja, Hobfolove Teorije očuvanja resursa, Hiršijevog Modela karijernih resursa, kao i konceptualizacije karijernog šoka koju predlažu Akermans i saradnici. S obzirom na obuhvatnost problema, istraživanje u okviru disertacije realizovno je kroz tri posebne istraživačke studije koje su se bavile delovima problema. U okviru prve studije koja je bila kvalitativna smo ispitali i analizirali okolnosti pod kojima zaposleni određeni događaj doživljavaju kao karijerni šok. U okviru druge studije, koja je takođe bila kvalitativna, ispitali samo kako zaposleni koji su zbog delatnosti svoje radne organizacije podložniji karijernim šokovima, doživljavaju karijerni šok koji je usledio kao posledica organizacione promene. Treća studija je bila kvantitativna, i u okviru nje smo se bavili ulogom koju karijerni resursi i karijerni ishodi imaju u doživljaju karijernog šoka zaposlenih. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da ispitanici u većoj meri navode događaje koji su za njih predstavljali pozitivni karijerni šok i događaje koji su u direktnoj vezi sa poslom. Rezultati takođe ukazuju da organizacione promene mogu predstavljati karijerni šok za zaposlene, ali isto tako, mogu biti doživljene samo kao stresni događaj odnosno da karijerni resursi ne doprinose doživljaju karijenog šoka, kao i da doživljaj karijernog šoka ne utiče na karijerne ishode. Daljom analizom došli smo do važnih uvida kada je konceptualizacija ovog fenomena u pitanju, a koji do sada nisu bili razmatrani. Intenzitet karijernog šoka nije presudan za određenje karijernog šoka, odnosno karijerni šokovi mogu biti niskog intenziteta, a valenca karijernog šoka može biti neutralna, što se razlikuje od konceptualizacije od koje smo pošli u istraživanju. Negativni karijerni šokovi mogu dovesti do pozitivnih ishoda, a u određenim situacijama karijerni šok se može posmatrati kao specifična vrsta stresora. Zapošljivost predstavlja najznačajniji karijerni resurs zaposlenih, a profesionalna samoefikasnost je medijator odnosa između karijerne angažovanosti i zadvoljstva karijerom kao karijernih ishoda i održive karijere. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju postulate teorija od kojih se pošlo u istraživanju, a rezultate bi trebalo posmatrati u kontekstu epidemije KOVID–19.Teorijski doprinos disertacije se ogleda u tome što je je ovo jedna od prvih studija istraživanja karijernih šokova u Srbiji i jedina koja se bavila doživljajem karijernog šoka zaposlenih.This dissertation deals with the experience of career shock of employees in Serbia, analyzing the circumstances that lead to career shock and the dynamics of the experience of career shock, as well as the role that career resources and career outcomes play in the experience of career shock. The problem was discussed in the light of Krumboltz's learning theory, Hobfoll's Conservation of Resources Theory, Hirschi's Model of Career Resources, as well as the conceptualization of career shock proposed by Akkermans et al. Considering the comprehensiveness of the problem, the research within the dissertation is realized through three separate research studies that dealt with parts of the problem. In the framework of the first study, which was qualitative, we examined and analyzed the circumstances under which employees perceive a certain event as a career shock. In the second study, which was also qualitative, we examined how employees who are more susceptible to career shocks due to the activities of their work organization, experience the career shock that followed as a consequence of the organizational change. The third study was quantitative, and within it we dealt with the role that career resources and career outcomes have in employees' experience of career shock. The obtained results indicate that participants to a greater extent mention events that were a positive career shock for them and events that are directly related to work. The results also indicate that organizational changes can represent a career shock for employees, but they can also be experienced only as a stressful event, that is, that career resources do not contribute to the experience of career shock, and that the experience of career shock does not affect career outcomes. Through further analysis, we have come to important insights when it comes to the conceptualization of this phenomenon, which have not been considered until now. The intensity of a career shock is not decisive for determining a career shock, that is, career shocks can be of low intensity, and the valence of a career shock can be neutral, which differs from the conceptualization from which we started in the research. Negative career shocks can lead to positive outcomes, and in certain situations career shock can be seen as a specific type of stressor. Employability represents the most important career resource of employees, and professional self-efficacy is a mediator of the relationship between career engagement and career satisfaction as a career outcomes and sustainable career. The obtained results confirm the postulates of the theories from which the research was started, and the results should be viewed in the context of the epidemic with the virus COVID–19. The theoretical contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the fact that this is one of the first studies of career shock research in Serbia and the only one that dealt with experiencing a career shock for employees