30 research outputs found

    Una plataforma de préstamo y lectura de libros electrónicos para las bibliotecas

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    Ponencias de la Jornada sobre préstamo de e-readers y contenidos electrónicos en las bibliotecas universitarias "El libro electrónico en la biblioteca universitaria" celebrada el 8 de marzo de 2012 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    Projecte d’homologació d'un Suzuki Vitara amb modificacions per millorar les seves aptituds tot terreny

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    El projecte consisteix en realitzar i homologar tota una sèrie de modificacions en un Suzuki Vitara 1.6 16V 5 portes per a millorar les seves aptituds en terrenys fora pistes sense comprometre, en excés, les seves aptituds en carretera. Aquestes modificacions es realitzaran mantenint sempre present el manual de reformes de vehicles vigent, sobre el qual es dimensionarà el projecte per tal de complir les normatives i directrius específiques. En el projecte es redactarà tant el procés dut a terme en les modificacions com en l’homologació d’aquestes

    Own-Synthetize Nanoparticles to Develop Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Materials (NEPCM) to Improve the Energy Efficiency in Buildings

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    The use of adequate thermal energy storage (TES) systems is an opportunity to increase energy efficiency in the building sector, and so decrease both commercial and residential energy consumptions. Nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) have attracted attention to address one of the crucial barriers (i.e. low thermal conductivity) to the adoption of phase change materials (PCM) in this sector. In the present study two PCM based on fatty acids, capric and palmitic acid, were nano-enhanced with low contents (1.0 wt.%, 1.5 wt.% and 3.0 wt.%) of copper (II) oxide (CuO) nanoparticles. Copper (II) oxide (CuO) was synthesized via coprecipitation method obtaining 60⁻120 nm diameter sized nanoparticles. Thermal stability and high thermal conductivity were observed for the nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) obtained. Experimental results revealed remarkable increments in NEPCM thermal conductivity, for instance palmitic acid thermal conductivity was increased up to 60% with the addition of 3 wt.% CuO nanoparticles. Moreover, CuO nanoparticles sedimentation velocity decreases when increasing its content

    Degradation of fatty acid phase‐change materials (PCM): new approach for its characterization

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    The use of adequate thermal energy storage (TES) systems is an efficient way to achieve thermal comfort in buildings reducing the cooling and heating demand. Besides, deploy phase change materials (PCM) to meet and enhance the TES needs is highly effective and widely studied. In this paper, a study of the degradation of two fatty acids is presented, capric and myristic acids, in order to evaluate whether their thermo‐physical properties are affected throughout time during service. This was carried out by means of two different types of thermal treatments: degradation at constant temperature (thermal stability test), 60 °C during 100 h and 500 h, and degradation with heating and cooling cycling (thermal cycling stability), between a temperature range from 15 °C to 70 °C with 0.5 °C/min ramp during 500 and 1000 cycles. Despite no significant changes were meas‐ ured for myristic acid, experimental results revealed a decrease of melting enthalpy of 6.6% in capric acid thermally treated for 500 h. Evidences of chemical degradation were found that might explain the decrease in thermophysical properties during use

    Assessment of Solid Wastes and By-Products as Solid Particle Materials for Concentrated Solar Power Plants

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    The revalorization of solid wastes and by-products to be applied as solid particles in concentrated solar power (CSP) leads to cost savings and progresses toward more sustainable technology. Herein, the physicochemical, morphological, thermal, and solar absorption properties are evaluated for electric arc furnace dust, black slag from the steel industry, and Gossan waste from the Rio Tinto mining industry. The principal objectives of this work are (i) to carry out a thermal aging at 900 °C at different times, (ii) to assess the solid's stability throughout the evaluation of physicochemical, morphological, thermal, and optical properties of the material as received, after 300 and 500 h of thermal aging, and (iii) to determine the most appropriate candidate as a thermal energy storage medium and heat transfer fluid for the CSP concept with solid particles. The results show that electric arc furnace black slag is the most suitable candidate from the three solids studied, as it is the one that optimizes the combination of absorptance, thermal conductivity, and chemical stability after thermal aging

    Diversity of Multi-Drug Resistant Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) Causing Outbreaks of Colibacillosis in Broilers during 2012 in Spain

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    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) are the major cause of colibacillosis in poultry production. In this study, a total of 22 E. coli isolated from colibacillosis field cases and 10 avian faecal E. coli (AFEC) were analysed. All strains were characterised phenotypically by susceptibility testing and molecular typing methods such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multi-locus sequence typing (MLST). The presence of 29 virulence genes associated to APEC and human extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) was also evaluated. For cephalosporin resistant isolates, cephalosporin resistance genes, plasmid location and replicon typing was assessed. Avian isolates belonged to 26 O:H serotypes and 24 sequence types. Out of 22 APEC isolates, 91% contained the virulence genes predictors of APEC; iutA, hlyF, iss, iroN and ompT. Of all strains, 34% were considered ExPEC. PFGE analysis demonstrated a high degree of genetic polymorphism. All strains were multi-resistant, including those isolated from healthy animals. Eleven strains were resistant to cephalosporins; six contained blaCTX-M-14, two blaSHV-12, two blaCMY-2 and one blaSHV-2. Two strains harboured qnrA, and two qnrA together with aac(6’)-Ib-cr. Additionally, the emergent clone O25b:H4-B2-ST131 was isolated from a healthy animal which harboured blaCMY-2 and qnrS genes. Cephalosporin resistant genes were mainly associated to the presence of IncK replicons. This study demonstrates a very diverse population of multi-drug resistant E. coli containing a high number of virulent genes. The E. coli population among broilers is a reservoir of resistance and virulence-associated genes that could be transmitted into the community through the food chain. More epidemiological studies are necessary to identify clonal groups and resistance mechanisms with potential relevance to public health.This work was partially supported by the grants AGL2011- 28836 and AGL2013-47852-R from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) and grants CN2012/303 and EM2014/001 (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia and the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF). Work from LMG is supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) and the European Social FundS

    Optimal Selection, Characterization, and Life Cycle Assessment of Sustainable Materials for Thermal Energy Storage in Concentrating Solar Power: A Circular Economy Approach

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    [eng] The world's energy dilemma, balancing supply and demand, finds a potential solution in energy storage technologies. Energy storage systems store excess energy during low-demand periods for later use. This approach enhances grid stability, integrates renewable sources like solar and wind power cost-effectively, and reduces reliance on fossil fuel-based thermal power plants, thus lowering greenhouse gas emissions. One prominent and cost-effective technology is Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems integrated into Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. These plants utilize molten salts both as TES material and Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF). By storing solar heat and then generating electricity through a heat exchanger, it is possible to enable continuous electricity production, mitigating the "duck effect." To advance this technology and increase its competitiveness, the use of sustainable low-cost materials has been proposed to work as TES material in solar tower configurations, aiming to achieve a higher operating temperature. This translates into higher efficiency in converting heat to electricity, lower cost and environmental impact, and better compatibility with the structure. The main objective of this thesis is to provide a proven alternative material for the TES tanks in the next generation of CSP plants. With a selection of sustainable materials, testing and characterization of their properties and stability, and an environmental evaluation and comparison with conventional technology through a newly proposed Summary methodology to complete a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of alternative materials, a comprehensive evaluation of several sustainable materials from different origins will be completed. Two concepts will be evaluated throughout the thesis work: one involves the integration of sustainable materials with conventional technology to enhance stability and reduce compatibility issues, while the other presents insight into the new strategy of using solid particle materials for TES without molten salts. Additionally, several challenges faced during the testing of the materials have led the study to the need for a specific device to conduct thermal cycles with controlled heating and cooling ramps. This is addressed in the last chapter of the thesis, where a self-developed device capable of automatically completing thermal cycles of materials is presented. Throughout all tests and characterizations, a complete validation of alternative sustainable materials from different origins has been assessed and presented as candidates for TES applications in various technologies. The incorporation of these materials will help increase competitiveness by reducing the environmental impact and cost of electricity production.[cat] El dilema energètic mundial d’equilibrar l’oferta i la demanda d’electricitat troba una solució en les tecnologies d’emmagatzematge d’energia. Aquests sistemes retenen l’excés d’energia durant els períodes de baixa demanda per al seu ús posterior, millorant l’estabilitat de la xarxa i facilitant la integració de fonts renovables, disminuint així les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle. Una tecnologia destacada són els sistemes d’emmagatzematge d’energia tèrmica (TES) integrats en plantes d’energia termosolar de concentració (CSP). Aquestes plantes utilitzen sals foses com a material de TES o fluid de transferència de calor (HTF). Amb l’emmagatzematge de calor solar i la generació d’electricitat a través d’un intercanviador de calor, es pot produir electricitat contínuament, mitigant “l’efecte ànec”. Per millorar aquesta tecnologia, s’ha proposat l’ús de materials sostenibles de baix cost per a TES en configuracions de torres solars, buscant una temperatura d’operació més alta. Això implica una major eficiència en la conversió de calor a electricitat, un menor cost i impacte ambiental, i una millor compatibilitat amb l’estructura. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és proporcionar un material alternatiu provat per als tancs de TES en la pròxima generació de plantes CSP. Mitjançant la selecció de materials sostenibles, la caracterització de les seves propietats i estabilitat, i una avaluació ambiental incorporant noves metodologies d’avaluació d’anàlisi de cicle de vida (LCA), es Resum completarà una avaluació integral de diversos materials sostenibles de diferents orígens. Dos conceptes seran avaluats: la integració de materials sostenibles amb tecnologia convencional per millorar l’estabilitat i reduir problemes de compatibilitat, i la nova estratègia d’utilitzar materials de partícules sòlides per a TES sense sals foses. A més, diversos reptes trobats durant les proves dels materials han portat a estudiar la necessitat d’un dispositiu específic per dur a terme cicles tèrmics amb rampes d’escalfament i refredament controlades. Això s'aborda en l'últim capítol de la tesi, on es presenta un dispositiu auto-desenvolupat capaç de completar automàticament cicles tèrmics de materials. Al llarg de les proves, s’han validat materials sostenibles alternatius com a candidats per a aplicacions de TES. La incorporació d'aquests materials augmentarà la competitivitat d’aquestes fonts d’energia, reduint l’impacte ambiental i el cost de producció d’electricitat

    Projecte d’homologació d'un Suzuki Vitara amb modificacions per millorar les seves aptituds tot terreny

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    El projecte consisteix en realitzar i homologar tota una sèrie de modificacions en un Suzuki Vitara 1.6 16V 5 portes per a millorar les seves aptituds en terrenys fora pistes sense comprometre, en excés, les seves aptituds en carretera. Aquestes modificacions es realitzaran mantenint sempre present el manual de reformes de vehicles vigent, sobre el qual es dimensionarà el projecte per tal de complir les normatives i directrius específiques. En el projecte es redactarà tant el procés dut a terme en les modificacions com en l’homologació d’aquestes

    Own-Synthetize Nanoparticles to Develop Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Materials (NEPCM) to Improve the Energy Efficiency in Buildings

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    The use of adequate thermal energy storage (TES) systems is an opportunity to increase energy efficiency in the building sector, and so decrease both commercial and residential energy consumptions. Nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) have attracted attention to address one of the crucial barriers (i.e. low thermal conductivity) to the adoption of phase change materials (PCM) in this sector. In the present study two PCM based on fatty acids, capric and palmitic acid, were nano-enhanced with low contents (1.0 wt.%, 1.5 wt.% and 3.0 wt.%) of copper (II) oxide (CuO) nanoparticles. Copper (II) oxide (CuO) was synthesized via coprecipitation method obtaining 60–120 nm diameter sized nanoparticles. Thermal stability and high thermal conductivity were observed for the nano-enhanced phase change materials (NEPCM) obtained. Experimental results revealed remarkable increments in NEPCM thermal conductivity, for instance palmitic acid thermal conductivity was increased up to 60% with the addition of 3 wt.% CuO nanoparticles. Moreover, CuO nanoparticles sedimentation velocity decreases when increasing its content