141 research outputs found

    Misja: epidemia. Strach przed mutacją jako podstawa światotwórcza gier z trylogii StarCraft II

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    In the chapter Mission: Outbreak. A Fear of Mutation as the World-building Basis for the StarCraft II Trilogy, Krzysztof M. Maj recognizes the postmodern reinterpre-tation of the figure of the zombie in real-time-strategy-based world-building. Having considered a zombie-centric narrative as central to both the game mechanics (survival scenarios in zombie-infested gameworlds, fortification and last-stands design in tower defense games etc.) and to the retroactive nature of post-apocalypse (zombies as remi-niscence of a former human form), the author proceeds with a detailed analysis of the two major aspects of the StarCraft II storyline: the anthropocentric fear of muta-tion and xenonological need for evolution through assimilation. All things consid-ered, the chapter invites a critical reading of postcolonial and paradigmatic discourses that allows Terrans and the Protoss to reduce the Zerg’s xenobiological ability to evolve through infesting other lifeforms and absorbing their genetic material to a mere parasitism and a travesty of the process of natural evolution. Interpreted as zombie-like xenomorphs, the Zerg seem to reveal an unexpected depth in their design which all the more contributes to a better understanding of how the myth of zombism may influence science fiction and fantastic world-building.Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Fict

    Ksenologia i ksenotopografia Bernharda Waldenfelsa wobec podstawowych założeń światotwórczych literatury fantastycznej (Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, George R. R. Martin)

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    XENOLOGY AND XENOTOPOGRAPHY OF BERNHARD WALDENFELS The paper strives to adapt Bernhard Waldenfels’ xenology and so called ‘xenotopography’ for the philosophico-literary studies in fantastic world-building with a special concern of the ‘portal-quest’ model of fantasy and SF. Following Waldenfel’s remarks on the nature of post- Husserlian diastasis of our world [Heimwelt] and otherworld [Fremdwelt] and acknowledging the consequences of allocating one’s attitude towards the otherness in the symbolical borderland [‘sphere of intermonde’] in between, it is examined whether such a model can occur in the fantastic literature and what may be the consequence of xenotopographic reconsideration of its basic ontological premises. Additionally, the article offers an original xenotopograpfic model of worldbuilding which addresses three carefully chosen case studies of fantastic worlds from Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game tetralogy, Neil Gaiman’s Stardust and George R. R. Martin’s The Song of Ice and Fire. In the end, it is suggested that hitherto presented xenotopography gravely inspired a postmodern shift in the genres of fantasy and SF which results in more ethically conscious representations of the otherness and even more concise and alien comprehensive world-building

    Groza systemowej niewiedzy. O dystopijnej rzeczywistości "Przeglądu Końca Świata" Miry Grant

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    In the chapter Horror of the Systemic Unawareness. On A Dystopian Reality of Mira Grant’s “Newslfesh” Krzysztof M. Maj invites a Foucauldian reading of the epony-mous fear of being unaware of the truth about the “founding lie” of dystopian socio-stasis. While doing so, he proceeds with an analysis of the basic components of dysto-pian narrative, pondering on the subtle relationships between the so-called young adult dystopias, postapocalyptic lore, and “political technology of the body”—with the latter being an ultimate tool of authoritatian control observed in Newsflesh trilogy. Simultaneously, the chapter serves as a concise introduction to contemporary world-centered dystopian narratives, greatly inspired by a deconstructive approach to utopian and dystopian studies, with a particular emphasis on the subversion of metaphysical paradigms and binary oppositions, critique of logocentrism and panopticism, or dis-semination of power/knowledge. Finally, Maj argues that the state of unawareness may be both a curse and a blessing in a dystopian reality—a curse, as it strikes fear into the hearts of subdued citizens who learn thereby to be afraid of any rebellious activities, and a blessing, as it may inspire a strong individual to overcome their fear and challenge the reign of oppressive authorities.Krzysztof M. Ma

    Django Unchained

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    Utopia, or there and back again : on worldbuilding strategies in utopian and dystopian narratives

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    The paper aims to analyse worldbuilding strategies in a variety of eutopian (predominantly in literature) and dystopian narratives (in literature, movies and video games), in relation to the world-centred analyse that disseminates in contemporary narrative studies. Consequently, the study derives two possible worldbuilding models from a representative number of utopian texts, that is (1) a typical for early modern utopias and modern imaginary voyages "portal-quest" model (world W1 - gate / journey - world W2) and (2) an emblematic for the most postmodern dystopias model juxtaposing the centre and the peripheries, that deconstructs the first one in postcolonial perspective. Therefore, it becomes possible to compare worldbuilding foundations in so different a narrative like precursory 16th century Thomas More’s Utopia (1516) and 21st century video game Bioshock: Infinite by Irrational Games - which subsequently encourages utopian studies to notice the most contemporary narrative achievements within the genre

    Silmarillion : J. R. R. Tolkien’s allotopia from ardological perspective

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    The article Silmarillion - J. R. R. Tolkien’s Allotopia From Ardological Perspective aims at outlining the methodology for studying Tolkien’s world-building project without the need of acknowledging the text-centered reading paradigm. Having differentiated tolkienology, as text-focused, philological studies, from ardology, understood as world-building studies, Maj deconstructs the use of Tolkienian’s “subcreation” in literary theory as far too indebted in the metaphysics of presence to establish a neutral framework for studying the process of constructing a fictional reality. With the examples from Silmarillion - perhaps the best instance of modern mythography, in no way resembling the narrative arc of a prototypical fantasy novel - the author builds up on the notion of “allotopia” as the world independent insofar to create its own ontologies, topographies, languages, philosophy, history, literature, art, or even physical artifacts -without the need of anchoring the overall creation in a metaphysical paradigm. Correspondingly, the text offers an insight to a number of theories in postclassical narratology or postmodern philosophy that may help in understanding the scale of Tolkien’s solemn contribution to the art of fantastic world-building


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    Materiały do „Słownika Rodzajów Literackich

    Allotopia — An Introduction to The Genre

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    The article is the first Polish attempt to provide a theoretical framework for a relatively unknown term ‘allotopia’, coined by Umberto Eco in essay Il mondi della fantascienza. However, instead of following rather poststructuralist Eco’s reasoning, the text proceeds with the deconstruction of the underlain dichotomy between real (natural, ordinary, known, empirical, realistic) and unreal (unnatural, extraordinary, unknown, counterempirical, fantastic) world — which is subsequently exposed as fundamental for heretofore fantasy and SF studies. Consequently, the paper encourages postmodern reading of those ‘allotopian’ texts that resign from supporting a colonial, two-world model in favour of philosophy conscious worldbuilding.Artykuł jest pierwszą kompleksową próbą stworzenia teoretycznego zaplecza dla nierozpowszechnionego w polskiej humanistyce terminu „allotopia”, ukutego przez Umberta Eco w eseju Światy science fiction. W miejsce podążania za poststrukturalistycznym wywodem Umberta Eco, przedstawiona zostaje propozycja zdekonstruowania binarnej relacji między realnym (naturalnym, zwyczajnym, znanym, empirycznym i realistycznym) a nierealnym (nienaturalnym, nadzwyczajnym, nieznanym, kontrempirycznym i fantastycznym) światem — jako obowiązującej w dotychczasowych badaniach nad gatunkami fantastycznymi. W konsekwencji, artykuł zachęca do ponowoczesnego odczytywania tych „allotopijnych” tekstów, które rezygnują z wspierania kolonialnego modelu dwuświata na rzecz filozoficznie świadomego światotwórstwa