6 research outputs found
BRITE©: A Program to Promote Resilience Among Unemployed Families
- Publication venue
- Clemson University Libraries
- Publication date
- 01/04/2014
- Field of study
Unemployment may be the single most powerful force challenging families in the U.S. today. The objective of the study reported here was to develop, implement, and evaluate a pilot program, BRITE©, for unemployed individuals and their families. Results found that depression and problematic family functioning were significantly reduced from pre- to post-intervention. Follow-up with participants 6 to 9 months later also validated the efficacy of BRITE© and the use of a family systems approach to unemployment. Suggestions for future programming for unemployed families as well as some policy implications are discussed
Transient electrochemical techniques in liquid chromatography with microprocessor-based instrumentation
- Author
- A. M. Bond
- Anderson J. E.
- Anderson J. E.
- Bond A. M.
- Bond A. M.
- Bond A. M.
- Bond A. M.
- Breyer B.
- Brunt K.
- Conac M.
- Dieker J. W.
- Division of Chemical and Physical Sciences
- G. G. Wallace
- Hackman M. R.
- Hanekamp H. B.
- I. D. Heritage
- J. E. Anderson
- Jehrlng H.
- Kissinger P. T.
- Kissinger P. T.
- Lund W.
- Maitoza P.
- Mayer W. J.
- R. D. Jones
- Ruckl R.
- Trojanek A.
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Automated segmented flow electrochemical analyzer
- Author
- Alexander P. W.
- Delaney F.
- Derde
- Derde
- Derde
- Everitt
- Forina
- Forina
- Fraticell Y. M.
- Hanekamp H. B.
- Janata J.
- Jayaweera P.
- Jayaweera P.
- Jayaweera P.
- Johnson D. C.
- Kowalski Z.
- Louis. Ramaley
- Lunte C. E.
- Lunte C. E.
- Maitoza P.
- Massart D.
- Novic
- Owens D. S.
- Palitha. Jayaweera
- Peled D.
- Ploegmakers H. H. J. L.
- Ramaley L.
- Samuelsson R.
- Scanlon J. J.
- Scolari C. A.
- Sunden T.
- Superior Electric Co
- Thomas M. B.
- Thomas M. B.
- Trace Analysis Research Centre
- Wang J.
- Wang J.
- Wang J.
- Yarnitzky C. N.
- Zupan
- Zupan
- Zupan
- Zupan
- Zupan
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Family resilience and parenting stress in poor families
- Author
- Abidin R. R
- Abidin R. R.
- Anjos E. M
- Barros R. P
- Bem L. D
- Bronfenbrenner U
- Bussab W. O
- Cidade E. C
- Conger R. D
- Damaske S
- DellâAglio D. D
- Edson Marcos Leal Soares RAMOS
- Fernando Augusto Ramos PONTES
- FĂĄvero L
- Henry C. S
- Hughes S. O
- Katiane da Costa CUNHA
- Lima M. B. S
- MacPhee D
- Maia K
- Main G
- Maitoza R.
- McCubbin H. I
- McCubbin M
- Nascimento A. C
- Oliveira K. S
- Oliveira N. N.
- Patterson J. M.
- Peixoto M. J
- Pereira L. M
- Reitman D
- Rozemberg L
- Santos T. M
- Sen A.
- Shelleby E. C.
- Silva Ă. C. P
- Simone Souza da Costa SILVA
- Sousa V. F. S
- Steele H
- Walsh F.
- Yunes M. A. M
- Ăsis de CĂĄssia Palheta da SILVA
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2021
- Field of study
Liquid chromatographic determination of benzo[a]pyrene in natural, synthetic, and refined crudes
- Author
- Al-Mahdl A. K.
- Analytical Chemistry Division
- Barendrecht E.
- Bigley I. E. Ph.D.
- Boden H.
- Bond A. M.
- Bruce A. Tomkins
- Budnikov G. K.
- Cathro K. J.
- Cauquis G.
- Chant R.
- Coetzee J. F.
- Coffin D. L.
- Copeland T. R.
- Dark W. A.
- Delepine M.
- Dlx A. H.
- Felice L. J.
- Flato J. B.
- Fleet B.
- Grlest W. H.
- Hendrickson A. R.
- Hendrickson A. R.
- Hendrickson A. R.
- Hertz H. S.
- Hulanlcki A.
- John E. Caton
- Kissinger P. T.
- Kissinger P. T.
- Kltamura H.
- Kolrtyohann S. R.
- Kolthoff I. M.
- Liska O.
- Magee R.
- Maitoza P.
- Matsunaga A.
- May W.
- McKay J. F.
- O'Donnell J. F.
- O'Laughlin J. W.
- Roberta R. Reagan
- Scrlmage C.
- Smith E.
- Swartzfager D. G.
- Tindall G. W.
- Tomkins B. A.
- Toropova V. F.
- Ulakovlch N. A.
- Wayne H. Griest
- Wehry E. L.
- Wheeler S. H.
- Wise S. A.
- Publication venue
- 'American Chemical Society (ACS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Analytical Instrumentation
- Author
- A
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Adams V.
- Advances NIOSH
- Advantages
- Ahlstrom R. C. Jr.
- Ahuja S.
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Air Sampling Instruments
- Airflows
- Akron OH
- Allen T.
- Altpeter T.
- American Petroleum Institute
- American Public Health Association
- American Water Works Association
- American Water Works Association Research Foundation
- Ametek Process Instruments
- An
- An
- An Enabling Technology
- Analysis
- Analytical Chemistry
- and the sample loop is refilled with fresh sample. (Courtesy of Valco Instrument Co. Inc.
- Anderson G. L.
- Anderson R.
- Annino R.
- Annino R.
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Annual Book ASTM
- Any
- Aoki T.
- Appendix A
- Application
- Application Note
- Applications
- Applications
- Applications U.K
- Armstrong G. T.
- Arthur R. M.
- Arthur R. M.
- As
- As
- Assoc
- Association
- August
- Bacon A. T.
- Bailey S. J.
- Baird D. G.
- Baird R. B.
- Ball D. W.
- Ball D. W.
- Bandrup J.
- Bandrup J.
- Bandrup J.
- Basker V. R.
- Bates R. G.
- Bates R. G.
- Bates R. G.
- Becker W.
- Beebe K. R.
- Beebe K. R.
- Before
- Bekturov E.
- Belkim H. M.
- Berger D.
- Between 0
- Beutner H. P.
- Binder D. M.
- Black S. S.
- Blumenthal D. S.
- Boca Raton
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bollyky L. J.
- Bourne M. C.
- Brenner N.
- Bretherick L.
- Bretherick L.
- Buckler R. J.
- Buffle J.
- Buffle J. Ed.
- Bullon H. H.
- Buonauito R. P.
- Burgess D.
- Burgess D.
- Burns D. A.
- Calabrese E. J.
- Cali G. V.
- Campbell I. D.
- Capano D.
- Carbon
- Card
- Card
- Cardis T.
- Cardis T. M.
- Cascade
- Casey J. P.
- Cells
- Cerda A.
- Cessna G. D.
- Champness P. E.
- Chapter
- Chem
- Chemistry 0
- Chlorine Residual Analyzers
- Christopher D. E.
- Clansky K. B.
- Clansky K. B.
- Clark B. J.
- Clark K.
- Clarke A. G.
- Class
- Clevett K. J.
- Clevett K. J.
- Clevett K. J.
- Code
- Code
- Cole Parmer Catalog
- Conductance Data
- Conference
- Consistency
- Cont
- Control
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Control Staff
- Converse J. G.
- Cook B. W.
- Cooper H. R.
- Cornish D. C.
- Corrosion
- Corrosion Resistant Alloys
- Costs
- Covey T.
- Cowper C. J.
- Cox C. J.
- Cullis C. F.
- Cumbus J.
- Cutrone L.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- Dawson R.
- de Bard A. J.
- Dean J. A.
- Demand
- Dennis R.
- Denny R.
- Denny R.
- Detection Instruments
- Detector Types A.
- Dick J. G.
- Dierking J. O.
- Disteche A.
- Distribution
- Division
- Division
- Division
- Doe S.
- Dolan J. W.
- Double
- Draeger Gmbh
- Draeger Tube CMS
- Draeger Tube CMS
- Ds
- Dual-Beam Design
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Dubois R.
- Duncan J. E.
- Dundas M. E.
- Durst R. A.
- Dutka A. P.
- Dutka A. P.
- Dyer S. A.
- Efficient
- Electrical
- Enercorp Instruments Ltd H. F.
- Environmental protection Agency
- EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards U.S.
- EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards U.S.
- Equation
- Evans A.
- Evans R.
- Evans R.
- Evans R.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Ewing G. W.
- Fatt I.
- Federal Register
- Federal Register
- Federal Register
- Ferry J. D.
- Fifth Supplement
- Figliola R. S.
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Figure
- Finally
- Fiorini C.
- Fitzgibbon P.
- Floyd J. M.
- Fluids
- Fontana M. G.
- For
- For
- Ford D. L.
- Foundos A. P.
- Foxboro Co
- Frankenthal R. P.
- Frant M. S.
- Frei R. W.
- Freon
- Fresenius W.
- Fresenius W.
- Fresenius W.
- Frish M. B.
- Frisman M. L.
- From Pauling L.
- Fundamentals
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Fussell E.
- Gair G. M.
- Gallagher J. P.
- Galvin G. D.
- Gamma-Based Analyzers
- Gas Analyzers
- Gas Chromatography
- Gas Measurement Manual A.
- Gates S.
- Gatti F.
- Geisler C.
- Geisler C.
- Gerdes W. F.
- Gill A.
- Gillis K. A.
- Gimera M.
- Gjerde D.
- Gleit A.
- Global Photonics Technology Forecast
- Goedert M.
- Gordon I.
- Grayson M.
- Gregg W.
- Greyson J. C.
- Griess-Saltzman
- Groves B.
- Grupp J.
- Guilbault G. G.
- Guilbault G. G.
- Guillemin C. L.
- Gunnell J.
- Gunnell J.
- Handbook
- Harrick N. G.
- Harrison J. W.
- Helle H.
- Helle H.
- Helms J. W.
- Herdan G.
- Herman I. P.
- Hill N. H.
- Hill N. H.
- Hitchman M. L.
- Hoffman
- Honeywell
- Houser E. A.
- However
- Hughes T. A.
- Hughes T. J.
- Human
- Huskins D. J.
- Huskins D. J.
- Höffner E.
- If
- Implementation
- Implementation
- In
- In
- In
- In
- In-Line Liquid OH
- Inaccuracy
- Indust
- Industrial R
- Industrial Water
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Ingold W.
- Inks
- Inorganic Mass Spectrometry
- Installation
- Institute in Norway on vapor cloud explosions.
- Instrumentation
- InTech
- InTech
- International Standard
- Jack J. S.
- Jansson I. Ed.
- January
- Jenkins K.
- Jobin Y.
- Johnson R.
- Jones C.
- Jones R. H.
- Jones R. H.
- Judd D. B.
- Jutila J. M.
- Jutlia J. M.
- Kagan R. L.
- Kaiser J.
- Kalis G.
- Kalotay P.
- Kaminski C.
- Karasek F. W.
- Keenan J. H.
- Kehoe T. J.
- Kenkel J.
- Kissinger P. T.
- Kiuru E. S.
- Kizer P.
- Kizer P.
- Kohler H. M.
- Korolkoff N. O.
- Koryta J.
- Kraf D.
- Krieger Z.
- Krigman A.
- Kwon Y. W.
- LaBell F.
- Laird J. C.
- Lange N. A.
- Larson B.
- Laznow J.
- LeBlanc M.
- Lee C.
- Lee L.Y.
- Lee-Alvarez M.
- Leithe W.
- Leonardos G.
- Leone S. R.
- Letterman R. D.
- Lewis G.
- Lewis I. R.
- Lichtenstein S.
- Lide D. R.
- Lide D. R.
- Lide D. R.
- Limitations
- Lindsay S.
- LiptĂĄk B. G.
- List R. J.
- Liu B. Y. H.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Lodge J. P.
- Long D. A.
- Loo B. W.
- Low Levels
- Lucas R. N.
- L·m
- Maitoza P.
- Manka D. P.
- Mansion D.
- Many
- Marrano S. J.
- Martin J.
- Materials
- Matuski F. J.
- Matzner B. A.
- McCain J. D.
- McCreery R. L.
- McCreery R. L.
- McCreery R. L.
- McGraw-Hill
- McKinley J. J.
- McLafferty F. W.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMahon T. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McMillan G. K.
- McNeil B.
- Meagher R. F.
- Meas
- Measurement
- Mehl J. T.
- ment Society of America Ann Arbor
- Merman J. M.
- Merritt R.
- Mettes J.
- Mettes J.
- Meyer E.
- Meyers R. A.
- Meyers R. A.
- Miller T. E.
- Miller T. E.
- Mitchell M. K.
- Mitchell M. K.
- Mix P. E.
- Mizier M. O.
- Moisture
- Montagna J. C.
- Mooney E. F.
- Moore R. L.
- Moore R. L.
- Mracek K.
- Multivariate Calibration
- Munsinger R. A.
- Myers J.
- Myers J.
- Na S
- Nagda N. L.
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
- National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
- Negus L. E.
- Nelson R. I.
- Nelson R. L.
- Nelson R. L.
- Nelson R. L.
- Ness S. A.
- Ness S. A.
- Ness S. A.
- Neuberger E. D.
- New York
- New York
- Nichols G. D.
- Nichols G. D.
- Niessen W. R.
- Nitrate
- Norton H. N.
- Novak J.
- Nyquist R. A.
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- Of
- On
- Open
- Operating Pressure
- Ostroot G. F.
- Other Methods Fluorides
- Ozone
- Pa
- Pa
- Pack M. R.
- Pande A.
- Paper
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Partial List
- Particle Size
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Particulate Continuous Emission Monitoring
- Patterson J. W.
- Pearce T. C.
- Perry R. H.
- Perry R. H.
- Phenylmercuric 0.
- Poillon F.
- Portable
- Portable
- Portable
- Potential Applications
- Potential Applications
- Precision
- Problems
- Publishers
- Rabinovich V. A.
- Rabinovich V. A.
- Rafson H. J.
- Raman
- Raman
- Raman
- Raman
- Ramanujam R. S.
- Range
- range of 0.1 to 1.5 cfm (2.8 to 42 l/min). 7. Environmental Protection Agency
- Ranges
- Ranges
- Rao C. N. R.
- Ratliff T. A.
- Raw
- Rayburn S.
- Razaq M.
- Reference
- Reference Method A.
- Reference Methods
- Reference Methods
- Refractive Index
- Reid
- Relative
- Resistivity
- Response
- RGA.
- Riebe M. T.
- Robbins R. C.
- Robert Bade
- Rom J. J.
- Roussel G
- Rushton C.
- Saltz J.
- Saltzman R. S.
- Saltzman R. S.
- Sawicki E.
- Saybolt
- Saybolt
- Saybolt
- Schematic
- Schirmer R. E.
- Schirmer R. E.
- Schramm G.
- Secondary
- Section
- Section
- Seiler H.
- Selby T. W.
- Selecting
- Selective Field-Effect Transistors
- Sensidyne Detector Tube Selection
- Sensitivity
- Sensor Initiative
- Sensors
- September
- Several
- Sexton W. C.
- Sheble N.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Sherman R. E.
- Shinskey F. G
- Shinskey F. G.
- Shugar G.
- Significant
- Simko D. M.
- Single
- Skoog D. A.
- Smith A. L.
- Smith G. R.
- Sniffer
- Sokal R. R.
- Soleta D. D.
- Sons
- Sons
- Spectra
- Spectrophotometry
- Speed
- Speeds
- Spellicy R. L.
- Spellicy R. L.
- Spyres G.
- Standard
- Standard
- Standard
- Standard Design Pressure
- Standard Design Pressures
- Standard Methods
- Stoke's
- Stream
- Stream
- Such
- Table
- Table
- Tannermann J.
- Tannermann J.
- Tate J. D.
- Teflon
- Test Methods
- Tetrahedron
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- The
- There Appl
- These
- These
- Thin
- This
- This
- This
- This Cooper H. R.
- Thomas M. J. K.
- Threshold Limit Values
- Thus
- Tissis G. G.
- To
- To
- Today's
- Tool H. R.
- Top S
- Treiber H.
- trial Hygiene Association
- Trigg G. L.
- Turbidity
- Types
- Typical
- Typical Ranges
- TĂ
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- TĂ K
- Van Hall C. E.
- Van Hall C. E.
- Vander Kolk A. L.
- Vinyl
- Vol
- VĂĄna J.
- Wallace B.
- Waller M. H.
- Waller M. H.
- we chose Solutions Plus Inc.
- Weast R. C.
- Weaver R.
- Weiss M.
- Weiss M. D.
- Weiss M. D.
- Wheatstone
- When
- When
- White L. T.
- Wiederhold P. R.
- Wiederhold P. R.
- Wilks P. A.
- Williston S. H.
- Yang F.
- ysis Division Spring Symposia
- Zetter M.
- ”g
- ”m
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study