55 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggantian Sebagian Ransum Komersil dengan Bungkil Kelapa Hasil Fermentasi dengan Effective Microorganism-4 (Em-4) terhadap Bobot Karkas Ayam Pedaging

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of partial replacement of commercial ration with fermented coconut meal with effective microorganism-4 (EM-4) on the carcass weight of broilers. This study used 100 chicks aged 3 days old. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 kinds of treatment of rations containing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20% coconut meal fermented with EM-4 under four replications. Chickens reared for 4 weeks and at the end of the study two chickens were taken from each unit of the cage to cut and the carcas were analyzed. Parameters observed were feed intake, slaughter weight, and percentage of carcas. The data were processed using analysis of variance with Duncan's advanced test. The results showed that the use of coconut meal fermented with EM-4 in the ration of broiler was significant (P 0,05) on the percentage of carcass weight. It was concluded that the use of coconut meal fermented with EM-4 in broiler rations may be used only to the extent of 15%


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    Discourse on the concept of government is always being a lactual issue in Indonesia, especially in the lead up to regional elections or presidential elections. But essentially legislative elections cannot be ignored, each contestant in the general election competes to attract the votes of the people without regard to their spiritual competence. In this case, Alquran has formulated the basic concept of the government system. And this article tries to describe these basic concepts by using thematic and semantic approaches. By tracing various relevant terms, at least the Alquran uses awliya', khalifah, and ulil amri terms. These terms show leadership includes the executive and legislature. To be a leader in a government, at least professional competence and physical abilities are needed. The stability of a government depends absolutely on the ability of the leader to carry out his obligations. Although religious status is still disputed, but as long as it is not related to the divine aspect, the people must obey the leader even though many things are not liked by hi

    Performa Broiler yang Diberi Ransum Mengandung Daun Sengon (Albizzia Falcataria) yang Direndam dengan Larutan Kapur Tohor (CaO)

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    This research aims at meauring the use of Sengon leaves soaked in kapur tohor and it\u27s effect on the performance of broiler. The Study used 100 broiler Hubber aged 3 days and 5 treatments ration which contain different Sengon. The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatmen. Parameter measured were ration consumption, body weight gain, feed convertion and carcass. The result of this study shows that the use of sengon in the ration is effective significantly (P<0.05) on the ration consumtion, body weight gain,carcass and feed convertion. It could be concluded that Sengon can be used up to 7.5% in the ration of the broiler

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kulit Ari Biji Kedelai Hasil Fermentasi dengan Aspergillus niger sebagai Pengganti Jagung dan Bungkil Kedelai dalam Ransum terhadap Retensi Bahan Kering, Bahan Organik dan Serat Kasar pada Ayam Pedaging

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    The research on substitution of corn and soybean cake with fermented soybean husk by Aspergillus niger was done on 100 DOCs strains MB 202. Completely Randomizing Design (CRD) was used in five treatments: 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% of fermented soybean husk by four replications. Observed variables were the retentions of dry matter, organic matter and crude fiber. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results showed that substitution of corn and soybeans cake with fermented soybean husk had no significant effect (P&gt;0.05) on the retention of the dry matter but significantly (P&lt;0.05) affected retentions of organic matter and crude fiber. In conclusion, the fermented soybeans husk can be used as a substitute for corn and soybean cake up to 40% of broiler feed

    Analisa Kewajaran Belanja KegiatanPemeliharaan Kendaraan DInas dengan Pendekatan Analisa Standar Biaya di Pemerintah Kota Pariaman

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan model Analisa Standar Biaya (ASB) dan untuk mengetahui kewajaran belanja pada kegiatan pemeliharaan kendaraan dinas di pemerintah daerah Kota Pariaman. Data yang digunakan adalah data pemeliharaan dari tahun 2013, 2014 dan 2015 sedangkan pembentukan model ASB menggunakan metode regresi sederhana. Hasilnya untuk kegiatan pemeliharaan kendaraan roda empat didapat formula ASB 001 : Y=Rp.387.898 +Rp.34.962.979 X dan untuk kegiatan pemeliharaan kendaraan roda dua (ASB 002) : Y=Rp.1.940.961 + Rp.4.483.847 X. Hasil analisa kewajaran belanja untuk pemeliharaan kendaraan roda empat berdasarkan ASB 001, dari 61 data kegiatan didapat 5 anggaran kegiatan melebihi nilai wajar (over) yang beresiko terjadinya pemborosan dan 56 kegiatan lainnya dalam rentang wajar (BB<Y<BA). Terhadap kegiatan pemeliharaan kendaraan roda dua berdasarkan ASB 002 dari 156 kegiatan, dijumpai 1 kegiatan melebihi nilai wajar(over) sedangkan yang lainnya wajar. Kemudian dengan tiga pengujian kewajaran biaya lainnya yaitu dengan mengatur nilai persentase batas bawah dan batas atas (untuk Kendaraan roda empat) sebesar 5% ke 10% dan 10% ke 15% didapat jumlah kegiatan yang wajar meningkat, jumlah kegiatan dibawah wajar menurun sedangkan jumlah kegiatan yang over tetap. Selanjutnya dengan pengujian nilai persentase yang sama terhadap kegiatan pemeliharaan roda dua didapat jumlah kegiatan dengan nilai wajar meningkat, jumlah kegiatan dibawah wajar dan over mengalami penurunan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan penggunaan ASB dapat membantu pemerintah daerah dalam menyusun, mengevaluasi dan mengendalikan kewajaran anggaran belanja kegiatan tiap SKPD. Kata Kunci : Analisa Standar Biaya, Kewajaran Belanj

    Respon Biologis Pemberian Bungkil Kelapa Hasil Fermentasi Dengan Trichoderma Harzianum Dalam Ransum Terhadap Performans Ayam Pedaging

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    The experiment was aimed to see the effect of coconut cake fermentation with Trichoderma Harzianum (TH) in ration on the performance of male broiler. 100 heads of three-day-old broiler chiken were arranged to completely randomized treatment with 5 kinds of ration such as 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20 % of coconut cake fermentation with TH and 4 times replication. Data collected were feed consuption, body weight gain and feed conversion. Analisys of variance and Duncan's multiple range test were used to analize the data. The result showed that the use of coconat cake fermentation with TH significantly (P&lt;0,05) reduced body weight gain, but there was no effect (P&gt;0,05) on feed consumption and feed conversion. From the experiment result we concluded that only 15 % of coconut cake fermentation with TH which can be suggested in male broiler chiken ratio


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    Indonesia dalam periode musim penghujan setiap tahunnya, seringkali dilanda bencana longsor. Ada beberapa kejadian yang menimpa Provinsi Jawa Barat dan khususnya di Kabupaten Bogor. Salah satu lokasinya berada di Desa Urug Kecamatan Sukajaya Kabupaten Bogor. Adapun penyebab utama bencana longsor tersebut adalah dikarenakan curah hujan yang tinggi, akan tetapi tanah tidak sanggup menampung air hujan tersebut. Hasil identifikasi dengan mengambil informasi dari beberapa kalangan masyarakat disekitar lokasi maupun dari korban bencana longsor sendiri, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa bencana longsor memang terjadi diakibatlan oleh penebangan hutan secara liar. Sementara ini, solusi penggulangannya sedang dibuatkan Rumah Khusus (Rusus)  dari Pemerintah untuk korban bencana longsor tersebut. Lokasinya bertepatan di depan Kantor Desa Urug seluas ± 8 hektar. Untuk menunjang program Pemerintah dalam mengantisipasi bencana longsosr selanjutnya, perlu dilakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat agar peduli lingkungan dengan salah satu cara yaitu penanaman pohon kembali (reboisasi). Didalam program ini akan disampaikan pemahaman akan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dari berbagai aspek kehidupan dan salah satunya dengan penanaman pohon-pohon disekitar rumah dan lereng pemukiman. Kata Kunci : lingkungan, penebangan liar, tanah longsor, penanaman pohon


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