89 research outputs found

    Diamond detectors for dose and instantaneous dose‐rate measurements for ultra‐high dose‐rate scanned helium ion beams

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    Background The possible emergence of the FLASH effect—the sparing of normal tissue while maintaining tumor control—after irradiations at dose-rates exceeding several tens of Gy per second, has recently spurred a surge of studies attempting to characterize and rationalize the phenomenon. Investigating and reporting the dose and instantaneous dose-rate of ultra-high dose-rate (UHDR) particle radiotherapy beams is crucial for understanding and assessing the FLASH effect, towards pre-clinical application and quality assurance programs. Purpose The purpose of the present work is to investigate a novel diamond-based detector system for dose and instantaneous dose-rate measurements in UHDR particle beams. Methods Two types of diamond detectors, a microDiamond (PTW 60019) and a diamond detector prototype specifically designed for operation in UHDR beams (flashDiamond), and two different readout electronic chains, were investigated for absorbed dose and instantaneous dose-rate measurements. The detectors were irradiated with a helium beam of 145.7 MeV/u under conventional and UHDR delivery. Dose-rate delivery records by the monitoring ionization chamber and diamond detectors were studied for single spot irradiations. Dose linearity at 5 cm depth and in-depth dose response from 2 to 16 cm were investigated for both measurement chains and both detectors in a water tank. Measurements with cylindrical and plane-parallel ionization chambers as well as Monte-Carlo simulations were performed for comparisons. Results Diamond detectors allowed for recording the temporal structure of the beam, in good agreement with the one obtained by the monitoring ionization chamber. A better time resolution of the order of few μs was observed as compared to the approximately 50 μs of the monitoring ionization chamber. Both diamonds detectors show an excellent linearity response in both delivery modalities. Dose values derived by integrating the measured instantaneous dose-rates are in very good agreement with the ones obtained by the standard electrometer readings. Bragg peak curves confirmed the consistency of the charge measurements by the two systems. Conclusions The proposed novel dosimetric system allows for a detailed investigation of the temporal evolution of UHDR beams. As a result, reliable and accurate determinations of dose and instantaneous dose-rate are possible, both required for a comprehensive characterization of UHDR beams and relevant for FLASH effect assessment in clinical treatments

    Phase space generation for Proton and carbon ion Beams for external Users' applications at the heidelberg ion Therapy center

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    In the field of radiation therapy, accurate and robust dose calculation is required. For this purpose, precise modeling of the irradiation system and reliable computational platforms are needed. At the Heidelberg Ion Therapy Center (HIT), the beamline has been already modeled in the FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) code. However, this model was kept confidential for disclosure reasons and was not available for any external team. The main goal of this study was to create efficiently phase space (PS) files for proton and carbon ion beams, for all energies and foci available at HIT. PSs are representing the characteristics of each particle recorded (charge, mass, energy, coordinates, direction cosines, generation) at a certain position along the beam path. In order to achieve this goal, keeping a reasonable data size but maintaining the requested accuracy for the calculation, we developed a new approach of beam PS generation with the MC code FLUKA. The generated PSs were obtained using an infinitely narrow beam and recording the desired quantities after the last element of the beamline, with a discrimination of primaries or secondaries. In this way, a unique PS can be used for each energy to accommodate the different foci by combining the narrow-beam scenario with a random sampling of its theoretical Gaussian beam in vacuum. PS can also reproduce the different patterns from the delivery system, when properly combined with the beam scanning information. MC simulations using PS have been compared to simulations, including the full beamline geometry and have been found in very good agreement for several cases (depth dose distributions, lateral dose profiles), with relative dose differences below 0.5%. This approach has also been compared with measured data of ion beams with different energies and foci, resulting in a very satisfactory agreement. Hence, the proposed approach was able to fulfill the different requirements and has demonstrated its capability for application to clinical treatment fields. It also offers a powerful tool to perform investigations on the contribution of primary and secondary particles produced in the beamline. These PSs are already made available to external teams upon request, to support interpretation of their measurements

    Proton and helium ion radiotherapy for meningioma tumors: a Monte Carlo-based treatment planning comparison

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    Background: Due to their favorable physical and biological properties, helium ion beams are increasingly considered a promising alternative to proton beams for radiation therapy. Hence, this work aims at comparing in-silico the treatment of brain and ocular meningiomas with protons and helium ions, using for the first time a dedicated Monte Carlo (MC) based treatment planning engine (MCTP) thoroughly validated both in terms of physical and biological models. Methods: Starting from clinical treatment plans of four patients undergoing proton therapy with a fixed relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 and a fraction dose of 1.8 Gy(RBE), new treatment plans were optimized with MCTP for both protons (with variable and fixed RBE) and helium ions (with variable RBE) under the same constraints derived from the initial clinical plans. The resulting dose distributions were dosimetrically compared in terms of dose volume histograms (DVH) parameters for the planning target volume (PTV) and the organs at risk (OARs), as well as dose difference maps. Results: In most of the cases helium ion plans provided a similar PTV coverage as protons with a consistent trend of superior OAR sparing. The latter finding was attributed to the ability of helium ions to offer sharper distal and lateral dose fall-offs, as well as a more favorable differential RBE variation in target and normal tissue. Conclusions: Although more studies are needed to investigate the clinical potential of helium ions for different tumour entities, the results of this work based on an experimentally validated MC engine support the promise of this modality with state-of-the-art pencil beam scanning delivery, especially in case of tumours growing in close proximity of multiple OARs such as meningiomas

    Variable RBE in proton therapy: comparison of different model predictions and their influence on clinical-like scenarios

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    Background: In proton radiation therapy a constant relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 is usually assumed. However, biological experiments have evidenced RBE dependencies on dose level, proton linear energy transfer (LET) and tissue type. This work compares the predictions of three of the main radio-biological models proposed in the literature by Carabe-Fernandez, Wedenberg, Scholz and coworkers. Methods: Using the chosen models, a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) as well as two exemplary clinical cases (single field and two fields) for cranial proton irradiation, all delivered with state-of-the-art pencil-beam scanning, have been analyzed in terms of absorbed dose, dose-averaged LET (LETD), RBE-weighted dose (D-RBE) and biological range shift distributions. Results: In the systematic comparison of RBE predictions by the three models we could show different levels of agreement depending on (alpha/beta)(x) and LET values. The SOBP study emphasizes the variation of LETD and RBE not only as a function of depth but also of lateral distance from the central beam axis. Application to clinical-like scenario shows consistent discrepancies from the values obtained for a constant RBE of 1.1, when using a variable RBE scheme for proton irradiation in tissues with low (alpha/beta)(x), regardless of the model. Biological range shifts of 0.6-2.4 mm (for high (alpha/beta)(x)) and 3.0 -5.4 mm (for low (alpha/beta)(x)) were found from the fall-off analysis of individual profiles of RBE-weighted fraction dose along the beam penetration depth. Conclusions: Although more experimental evidence is needed to validate the accuracy of the investigated models and their input parameters, their consistent trend suggests that their main RBE dependencies (dose, LET and (alpha/beta)(x)) should be included in treatment planning systems. In particular, our results suggest that simpler models based on the linear-quadratic formalism and LETD might already be sufficient to reproduce important RBE dependencies for re-evaluation of plans optimized with the current RBE = 1.1 approximation. This approach would be a first step forward to consider RBE variations in proton therapy, thus enabling a more robust choice of biological dose delivery. The latter could in turn impact clinical outcome, especially in terms of reduced toxicities for tumors adjacent to organs at risk

    Development and benchmarking of a dose rate engine for raster‐scanned FLASH helium ions

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    Background:Radiotherapy with charged particles at high dose and ultra-highdose rate (uHDR) is a promising technique to further increase the therapeuticindex of patient treatments. Dose rate is a key quantity to predict the so-calledFLASH effect at uHDR settings. However, recent works introduced varying cal-culation models to report dose rate,which is susceptible to the delivery method,scanning path (in active beam delivery) and beam intensity.Purpose:This work introduces an analytical dose rate calculation engine forraster scanned charged particle beams that is able to predict dose rate from theirradiation plan and recorded beam intensity. The importance of standardizeddose rate calculation methods is explored here.Methods:Dose is obtained with an analytical pencil beam algorithm, usingpre-calculated databases for integrated depth dose distributions and lateralpenumbra. Dose rate is then calculated by combining dose information withthe respective particle fluence (i.e., time information) using three dose-rate-calculation models (mean, instantaneous, and threshold-based). Dose ratepredictions for all three models are compared to uHDR helium ion beam (145.7MeV/u, range in water of approximatively 14.6 cm) measurements performe

    Dosimetry optimization system and integrated software (DOSIS) : a comparison against Fluka code results over a standard phantom

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    Trabajo presentado en el X Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications (X LASNPA), 1-6 diciembre 2013. Montevideo, Uruguay.Actually, dual-imaging facilities allow obtainance of both mass and activity patient-specific distributions perfectly correlated, which are important to improve dose distributions estimations and radioimmunotherapy treatment planifications accuracy. Calculus methods at voxel level require both quantitative and qualitative validation to obtain improvements in patient-specific dosimetry. The present work presents advances on the development of a novel computational tool dedicated to 3D patient-specific dosimetry at voxel level; and its results analysis and visualization. With the aim of providing a dosimetric tool for planar and tridimensional methods at voxel level, as well as the development of a platform based on fullstochastic methods for α-, β- and γ-emitters used in radiopharmaceutical applications. DOSIS is based on the Boltzmann radiation transport equation to realize energy delivering calculations. Procedures for 2D and 3D dosimetry have been designed tacking into accont established formalism and standards on MIRD Pamphlets. Anatomic and metabolic images, and dose maps resulting of this calculus are analysed and procesed by a special developed and designed software. DOSIS has been preliminary validated on some standard clinic cases in comparison whith other standard procedures used commonly in radionuclide treatments, showing great accordance on its results and a friendly user usability. Finally, a dose calculation over a standard phantom is performed using DOSIS calculation code and FLUKA, validating the radiation transport code of DOSIS.publishedVersionFil: Pérez, Pedro Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Pedro Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Pedro Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina.Fil: Pérez, Pedro Antonio. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físico-Químicas y Naturales. Departamento de Física; Argentina.Fil: Botta, Francesca. European Institute of Oncology; Italia.Fil: Cremonesi, Marta. European Institute of Oncology; Italia.Fil: Ferrari, Mahila. European Institute of Oncology; Italia.Fil: Guerriero, Francesco. European Institute of Oncology; Italia.Fil: Malano, Francisco Mauricio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Malano, Francisco Mauricio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Malano, Francisco Mauricio. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina.Fil: Pedroli, Guido. European Institute of Oncology; Italia.Fil: Scarinci, Ignacio Emanuel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina.Fil: Valente, Mauro Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Valente, Mauro Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Valente, Mauro Andrés. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Laboratorio de Investigación e Instrumentación en Física Aplicada a la Medicina e Imágenes por Rayos X; Argentina.Física Atómica, Molecular y Química (física de átomos y moléculas incluyendo colisión, interacción con radiación, resonancia magnética, Moessbauer Efecto.

    On the parametrization of lateral dose profiles in proton radiation therapy.

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    Abstract Purpose The accurate evaluation of the lateral dose profile is an important issue in the field of proton radiation therapy. The beam spread, due to Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS), is described by the Moliere's theory. To take into account also the contribution of nuclear interactions, modern Treatment Planning Systems (TPSs) generally approximate the dose profiles by a sum of Gaussian functions. In this paper we have compared different parametrizations for the lateral dose profile of protons in water for therapeutical energies: the goal is to improve the performances of the actual treatment planning. Methods We have simulated typical dose profiles at the CNAO (Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica) beamline with the FLUKA code and validated them with data taken at CNAO considering different energies and depths. We then performed best fits of the lateral dose profiles for different functions using ROOT and MINUIT. Results The accuracy of the best fits was analyzed by evaluating the reduced χ2, the number of free parameters of the functions and the calculation time. The best results were obtained with the triple Gaussian and double Gaussian Lorentz–Cauchy functions which have 6 parameters, but good results were also obtained with the so called Gauss–Rutherford function which has only 4 parameters. Conclusions The comparison of the studied functions with accurate and validated Monte Carlo calculations and with experimental data from CNAO lead us to propose an original parametrization, the Gauss–Rutherford function, to describe the lateral dose profiles of proton beams

    The Organ Sparing Potential of Different Biological Optimization Strategies in Proton Therapy

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    Purpose Variable relative biological effectiveness (RBE) models allow for differences in linear energy transfer (LET), physical dose, and tissue type to be accounted for when quantifying and optimizing the biological damage of protons. These models are complex and fraught with uncertainties, and therefore, simpler RBE optimization strategies have also been suggested. Our aim was to compare several biological optimization strategies for proton therapy by evaluating their performance in different clinical cases. Methods and Materials Two different optimization strategies were compared: full variable RBE optimization and differential RBE optimization, which involve applying fixed RBE for the planning target volume (PTV) and variable RBE in organs at risk (OARs). The optimization strategies were coupled to 2 variable RBE models and 1 LET-weighted dose model, with performance demonstrated on 3 different clinical cases: brain, head and neck, and prostate tumors. Results In cases with low in the tumor, the full RBE optimization strategies had a large effect, with up to 10% reduction in RBE-weighted dose to the PTV and OARs compared with the reference plan, whereas smaller variations (<5%) were obtained with differential optimization. For tumors with high the differential RBE optimization strategy showed a greater reduction in RBE-weighted dose to the OARs compared with the reference plan and the full RBE optimization strategy. Conclusions Differences between the optimization strategies varied across the studied cases, influenced by both biological and physical parameters. Whereas full RBE optimization showed greater OAR sparing, awareness of underdosage to the target must be carefully considered.publishedVersio

    Overcoming hypoxia-induced tumor radioresistance in non-small cell lung cancer by targeting DNA-dependent protein kinase in combination with carbon ion irradiation

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    Background: Hypoxia-induced radioresistance constitutes a major obstacle for a curative treatment of cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of photon and carbon ion irradiation in combination with inhibitors of DNA-Damage Response (DDR) on tumor cell radiosensitivity under hypoxic conditions. Methods: Human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) models, A549 and H1437, were irradiated with dose series of photon and carbon ions under hypoxia (1% O2) vs. normoxic conditions (21% O2). Clonogenic survival was studied after dual combinations of radiotherapy with inhibitors of DNA-dependent Protein Kinase (DNAPKi, M3814) and ATM serine/threonine kinase (ATMi). Results: The OER at 30% survival for photon irradiation of A549 cells was 1.4. The maximal oxygen effect measured as survival ratio was 2.34 at 8 Gy photon irradiation of A549 cells. In contrast, no significant oxygen effect was found after carbon ion irradiation. Accordingly, the relative effect of 6 Gy carbon ions was determined as 3.8 under normoxia and. 4.11 under hypoxia. ATM and DNA-PK inhibitors dose dependently sensitized tumor cells for both radiation qualities. For 100 nM DNAPKi the survival ratio at 4 Gy more than doubled from 1.59 under normoxia to 3.3 under hypoxia revealing a strong radiosensitizing effect under hypoxic conditions. In contrast, this ratio only moderately increased after photon irradiation and ATMi under hypoxia. The most effective treatment was combined carbon ion irradiation and DNA damage repair inhibition. Conclusions: Carbon ions efficiently eradicate hypoxic tumor cells. Both, ATMi and DNAPKi elicit radiosensitizing effects. DNAPKi preferentially sensitizes hypoxic cells to radiotherapy

    Brainstem NTCP and dose constraints for carbon ion RT—Application and translation from Japanese to European RBE-weighted dose

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    Background and Purpose: The Italian National Center of Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO) has applied dose constraints for carbon ion RT (CIRT) as defined by Japan’s National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS). However, these institutions use different models to predict the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). CNAO applies the Local Effect Model I (LEM I), which in most clinical situations predicts higher RBE than NIRS’s Microdosimetric Kinetic Model (MKM). Equal constraints therefore become more restrictive at CNAO. Tolerance doses for the brainstem have not been validated for LEM I-weighted dose (DLEM I). However, brainstem constraints and a Normal Tissue Complication Probability (NTCP) model were recently reported for MKM-weighted dose (DMKM), showing that a constraint relaxation to DMKM|0.7 cm3 <30 Gy (RBE) and DMKM|0.1 cm3 <40 Gy (RBE) was feasible. The aim of this work was to evaluate the brainstem NTCP associated with CNAO’s current clinical practice and to propose new brainstem constraints for LEM I-optimized CIRT at CNAO. Material and Methods: We reproduced the absorbed dose of 30 representative patient treatment plans from CNAO. Subsequently, we calculated both DLEM I and DMKM, and the relationship between DMKM and DLEM I for various brainstem dose metrics was analyzed. Furthermore, the NTCP model developed for DMKM was applied to estimate the NTCPs of the delivered plans. Results: The translation of CNAO treatment plans to DMKM confirmed that the former CNAO constraints were conservative compared with DMKM constraints. Estimated NTCPs were 0% for all but one case, in which the NTCP was 2%. The relationship DMKM/DLEM I could be described by a quadratic regression model which revealed that the validated DMKM constraints corresponded to DLEM I|0.7 cm3 <41 Gy (RBE) (95% CI, 38–44 Gy (RBE)) and DLEM I|0.1 cm3 <49 Gy (RBE) (95% CI, 46–52 Gy (RBE)). Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that RBE-weighted dose translation is of crucial importance in order to exchange experience and thus harmonize CIRT treatments globally. To mitigate uncertainties involved, we propose to use the lower bound of the 95% CI of the translation estimates, i.e., DLEM I|0.7 cm3 <38 Gy (RBE) and DLEM I|0.1 cm3 <46 Gy (RBE) as brainstem dose constraints for 16 fraction CIRT treatments optimized with LEM I.publishedVersio