258 research outputs found

    Energy spectra of donors in GaAs-Ga_(1-x)Al_(x)As quantum well structures in the effective mass approximation

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    We present the results of a study of the energy spectrum of the ground state and the low-lying excited states for shallow donors in quantum well structures consisting of a single slab of GaAs sandwiched between two semi-infinite layers of Ga_(1-x)Al_(x)As. The effect of the position of the impurity atom within central GaAs slab is investigated for different slab thicknesses and alloy compositions. Two limiting cases are presented: one in which the impurity atom is located at the center of the quantum well (on-center impurity), the other in which the impurity atom is located at the edge of the quantum well (on-edge impurity). Both the on-center and the on-edge donor ground state are bound for all values of GaAs slab thicknesses and alloy compositions. The alloy composition x is varied between 0.1 and 0.4. In this composition range, Ga_(1-x)Al_(x)As is direct, and the single-valley effective-mass theory is a valid technique for treating shallow donor states. Calculations are carried out in the case of finite potential barriers determined by realistic conduction-band offsets

    Le Centre de Recherches en Relations Humaines de Montréal

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    Transport characteristics of L-point and Г-point electrons through GaAs-Ga_(1-x)Ai_xAs-GaAs(111} double heterojunctions

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    We present here a study on the transport characteristics of L‐point and Γ‐point derived electrons through abrupt GaAs–Ga_(1−x)Al_xAs–GaAs(111) double heterojunctions. The use of complex‐k band structures in the tight‐binding approximation and transfer matrices provide a reasonably accurate description of the wave function at the GaAs–Ga_(1−x)Al_xAs interface. A representation of the wave function in terms of bulk complex‐k Bloch states is used in the GaAs regions where the potential is bulklike. A representation of the wave function in terms of planar orbitals is used in the central Ga_(1−x)Al_xAs region where the potential deviates from its bulk value (i.e., interfacial region). Within this theoretical framework, realistic band structure effects are taken into account and no artificial rules regarding the connection of the wave function across the interface are introduced. The ten‐band tight‐binding model includes admixture in the total wave function of states derived from different extrema of the GaAs conduction band. States derived from the same extremum of the conduction band appear to couple strongly to each other, whereas states derived from different extrema are found to couple weakly. Transport characteristics of incoming L‐point and Γ‐point Bloch states are examined as a function of the energy of the incoming state, thickness of the Ga_(1−x)Al_xAs barrier, and alloy composition x. Transmission through the Ga_(1−x)Al_xAs barrier is either tunneling or propagating depending on the nature of the Bloch states available for strong coupling in the alloy. Since Bloch states derived from different extrema of the conduction band appear to couple weakly to each other, it seems possible to reflect the low velocity L‐point component of the current while transmitting the high velocity Γ‐point component

    Les recherches en psychologie sociale au Canada français (1946-1962)

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    Small band gap superlattices as intrinsic long wavelength infrared detector materials

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    Intrinsic long wavelength (lambda greater than or equal to 10 microns) infrared (IR) detectors are currently made from the alloy (Hg, Cd)Te. There is one parameter, the alloy composition, which can be varied to control the properties of this material. The parameter is chosen to set the band gap (cut-off wavelength). The (Hg, Cd)Te alloy has the zincblend crystal structure. Consequently, the electron and light-hole effective masses are essentially inversely proportional to the band gap. As a result, the electron and light-hole effective masses are very small (M sub(exp asterisk)/M sub o approx. M sub Ih/M sub o approx. less than 0.01) whereas the heavy-hole effective mass is ordinary size (M sub hh(exp asterisk)/M sub o approx. 0.4) for the alloy compositions required for intrinsic long wavelength IR detection. This combination of effective masses leads to rather easy tunneling and relatively large Auger transition rates. These are undesirable characteristics, which must be designed around, of an IR detector material. They follow directly from the fact that (Hg, Cd)Te has the zincblend crystal structure and a small band gap. In small band gap superlattices, such as HgTe/CdTe, In(As, Sb)/InSb and InAs/(Ga,In)Sb, the band gap is determined by the superlattice layer thicknesses as well as by the alloy composition (for superlattices containing an alloy). The effective masses are not directly related to the band gap and can be separately varied. In addition, both strain and quantum confinement can be used to split the light-hole band away from the valence band maximum. These band structure engineering options can be used to reduce tunneling probabilities and Auger transition rates compared with a small band gap zincblend structure material. Researchers discuss the different band structure engineering options for the various classes of small band gap superlattices

    Assessment in Action: A Journey through Campus Collaboration, a Learning Community, and Research Design

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    Members of the first cohort (2014) of the Association of College and Research Libraries’ (ACRL) Assessment in Action (AiA) learning community share the impact of the AiA program on library and university assessment initiatives. This article shares brief examples of effective and challenging cross-campus collaborative assessment projects and the five best practices the authors developed through the year-long experience of examining student success in three different academic library environments

    Vanderbilt Visions: An Exercise in Collaboration

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    Five months before the Fall 2007 semester the Committee on Undergraduate Information Literacy (CUIL) and Vanderbilt Libraries were notified their proposal to present one of the weekly sessions for Vanderbilt Visions, the university’s first-year orientation program, was accepted. Through a collaborative effort, over 30 staff from 5 libraries, the Center for Teaching, the Writing Studio and the Learning Resource Center worked together to design and present a session that focused on intellectual engagement at Vanderbilt and explored the differences between college and high school research. This was the first opportunity for the Libraries to work with our campus partners on such a large-scale project. Several challenges the planning and development group faced included: * Developing a multi-media program that would meet cross-disciplinary needs for students enrolled in 4 undergraduate schools * Ensuring that the diversity of the Vanderbilt community was reflected in the presentation * Determining the best way to present this session to 1700 students utilizing available staff resources * Introducing staff with differing levels of technical expertise to new technologies * Asking staff to take on a new, large-scale project scheduled for the 3rd week of fall semester - a time that is traditionally very busy This presentation will focus on how we met these challenges, what we learned from working with our campus partners, what we would do differently next time, and the unexpected benefits to our experience

    Autorité et tùches dans les petits groupes

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    L'expĂ©rimentation en psychologie sociale nous a appris Ă  distinguer entre groupes Ă©tendus et groupes restreints, entre groupes centrĂ©s sur la tĂąche et groupes centrĂ©s sur le groupe. Il ne s'agira ici que de groupes de travail et de petits groupes de travail. Nous tenterons de dĂ©gager les conditionnements psychologiques de l'exercice de l'autoritĂ© dans ce contexte prĂ©cis : des groupes restreints se consacrant Ă  rĂ©soudre des problĂšmes ou Ă  accomplir des tĂąches. Plusieurs optiques nous paraissent valables pour rendre ce phĂ©nomĂšne intelligible, cependant nous nous limiterons dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment Ă  ses seuls aspects et Ă  ses seules dimensions psychologiques. Nous tenterons spĂ©cifiquement de dĂ©finir les types de comportements, d'attitudes, d'interactions et de motivations les plus favorables Ă  l'exercice de l'autoritĂ© dans les petits groupes de travail.Nombre d'Ă©crits ont paru sur ce thĂšme exposant les rĂ©sultats des multiples recherches de ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Ces Ă©crits sont de trĂšs inĂ©gale valeur. Nous ne retiendrons ici que les donnĂ©es les plus concluantes, celles qui nous paraissent possĂ©der une valeur scientifique. Nous tenterons de systĂ©matiser ces donnĂ©es, en y intĂ©grant ce que nos propres recherches nous ont appris sur ce problĂšme. Nous serons ainsi amenĂ©s Ă  pratiquer une autopsie des façons arbitraires d'exercer l'autoritĂ© qui, trop souvent, prĂ©valent dans nos petits groupes de travail et les vouent fatalement Ă  la sclĂ©rose et Ă  la stĂ©rilitĂ©, quand ce n'est pas Ă  la nĂ©crose. Mais avant tout, cette Ă©tude voudrait constituer une anatomie du leadership fonctionnel en groupe de travail, c'est-Ă -dire dĂ©finir en termes opĂ©ratoires le style de leadership que devraient adopter les petits groupes de nos divers milieux pour devenir plus crĂ©ateurs et plus inventifs en s'acquittant de leur tĂąche. Le jour oĂč, au Canada français, les petits groupes s'inspireront de ces donnĂ©es scientifiques, non seulement l'autoritĂ© apprendra Ă  s'y exercer de façon plus dĂ©mocratique mais aussi leur dynamique de groupe aura chance de devenir plus fonctionnelle et leurs membres plus crĂ©ateurs

    Theoretical studies of electronic properties of semimagnetic superlattices in a magnetic field

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    We present our first theoretical study of the electronic properties of superlattices formed from semimagnetic semiconductors. Both Cd0.8Mn0.2Te/Cd0.7Mn0.3Te and Hg0.95Mn0.05Te/ Cd0.78Mn0.22Te systems are considered explicitly. Magnetic field splittings are calculated with and without the exchange interaction. We find that the exchange interaction dominates the magnetic effects in the wide-gap Cd0.8Mn0.2Te/Cd0.7Mn0.3Te system while the Landau level shift is also important in the Hg0.95Mn0.05Te/ Cd0.78Mn0.22Te system. We present calculations of the superlattice band-gap variation with temperature and its derivative with magnetic field as a function of the superlattice layer thickness. Variation of the band offset in determining the values of the various quantities is examined
