292 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Poor Performance in Grade 12 Mathematics: A Case Study of Bohlabela Cluster of Limpopo

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    It is generally believed that mathematics is for the gifted few. Consequently, many people feel the tension and anxiety related to the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in a wide variety of ordinary life and academic situation. This study aims to investigate anxiety as the determinant of poor performance in grade 12 Mathematics. Data was drawn from Bohlabela cluster in Sekhukhune district of Limpopo province through qualitative research approaches. The findings reveal that, while fear is a major determinant of poor performance in mathematics, other factors such as lack of time, material, financial and human resources also play a significant role in the performance of learners. We concluded that as long as learners continue to study under deficient conditions their performance will continue to slide down

    The effects of mood and perceived cost on self-disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior

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    The present study examined the effects of mood state (happy vs. neutral vs. sad) and perceptions of cost (anonymous vs. \u27non-anonymous\u27) on self-disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior (e.g. pedophilic, coercive). Research suggests that mood may affect decision making in \u27risky\u27 situations, such that a positive mood state may increase risky decision making. It could be argued that disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior can be conceptualized as a \u27risky\u27 situation; therefore, it is hypothesized that a positive mood state would increase disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior, but only when doing so is perceived to be \u27low\u27 in cost (i.e., anonymous). Online survey data was collected from 331 adult male and female community members recruited through an online posting service, and online and print advertisements in a weekly commuter publication. Participants provided demographic information; had their cost perception related to disclosing manipulated via different assurances of anonymity (i.e., anonymous vs. \u27non-anonymous\u27); and were induced into a happy, sad, or neutral mood state via an emotionally valenced autobiographical memory recall task. Participants then answered questions about deviant sexual fantasies, masturbatory fantasies, and behaviours; and attitudes toward sexual material; social desirability; trait happiness; and trait sadness. Results found that high cost perception (i.e., \u27non-anonymous\u27), compared to low cost perception (i.e., anonymous), depressed the number and frequency of deviant sexual fantasies and masturbatory fantasies, but not behaviours, reported by participants. Mood did not significantly affect sexual self-disclosure. These data suggest that an assurance of anonymity helps to facilitate sexual self-disclosure, but may have an \u27upper limit\u27 in its facilitative effect. This study was limited by a lack of statistical power and a relatively weak mood manipulation, both of which could be addressed in future research

    Pre-Service Teachers Perceptions of Inclusive Education at a University of Technology in South Africa

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    Currently inclusive education is one of the contemporary issues in education in both developed and developing countries though some countries are struggling to effectively implement it Research has demonstrated that inclusive education can only be firmly implemented if there is a proper curriculum appropriate resources and good teacher pedagogical and knowledge skills It is therefore imperative for teacher education to empower pre-service teachers with necessary knowledge and pedagogical skills to teach inclusively The article focused on Bachelor of Education B Ed 3rd year student teachers perceptions and views regarding inclusive education curriculum implementation at a University of Technology in South Africa UoT A qualitative research approach was employed with a case study design Purposive sampling was used to select 120 participants from 3rd year Bachelor of Education students from a University of technology in South Africa Structured focus group interviews were used to collect data and data was analysed using thematic analysi

    Misconduct Impeding Good Governance in The South African Public Service

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    Це дослідження має на меті вивчити корупцію як форму неправомірної поведінки, зафіксовану на державній службі Південної Африки в цілому. Систематичний аналіз літературних джерел і методів вирішення проблеми неправомірної поведінки показує, що існують причини для неправомірних дій, які перешкоджають належному врядуванню та ефективному управлінню державним сектором. Причини можуть бути соціально-економічними, політичними та інституційними. У статті чітко досліджуються інституційні причини неналежної поведінки на державній службі. У цьому дослідженні підкреслюється, що заохочення належного управління на державній службі Південної Африки залишатиметься складним, якщо повсякденні випадки правопорушень і корупції не розглядатимуться належним чином, що робить цю наукову проблему актуальною для вирішення. Дослідження в статті здійснюється в такому порядку: описується концептуальна основа державної служби Південної Африки, після чого йде обговорення контекстуальної основи та детальний розгляд інституційних причин корупції. Корупція розглядається як різновид протиправних дій, які можуть перешкоджати доброму врядуванню на державній службі. Концептуальний аналіз та аналіз документів були методологічними інструментами, використаними в процедурах дослідження. Настільний огляд доступної літератури та офіційного законодавства та нормативних документів, необхідних для дослідження, включено до методологічних інструментів процедур дослідження. Корупція як неправомірна поведінка аналізується контекстуально за допомогою підходів якісного дослідження. Результати показують, що в кожній організації та департаменті державного управління є непокірливі елементи, які протистоять порядку влади та політиці через розбіжності у поглядах чи поглядах, і якщо не вжити запобіжних чи реакційних заходів, управління може бути скомпрометовано. У висновку статті містяться пропозиції щодо модифікації політики та заходів для виправлення ситуації з урахуванням обставин Південної Африки. Незважаючи на те, що корупція не є новою проблемою, необхідно постійно обговорювати та залучати зацікавлені сторони, щоб розробити рішення, що відповідають конкретній країні.This study aims to explore corruption as a form of misconduct recorded in the South African public service in general. The systematic analysis of literary sources and methods for addressing the misconduct issue suggests that there are reasons for the wrongdoing that impede good governance and hinder efficient public sector governance. The reasons could be socio-economic, political, and institutional. The article explicitly explores institutional reasons for misconduct in public service. This study emphasises that encouraging good governance in the South African public service would remain difficult if the everyday occurrences of wrongdoing and corruption are not properly handled, making this scientific problem decision-relevant. The investigation in the article is carried out in the following order: the conceptual framework of the South African public service is described, followed by a discussion of the contextual framework and a detailed examination of the institutional reasons for corruption. Corruption is examined as a kind of wrongdoing that may obstruct good governance in the public service. Conceptual and document analysis were the methodological tools used in the study procedures. A desktop review of the available literature and the official legislation and regulatory papers necessary for the research are included in the methodological instruments of the research procedures. Corruption as misconduct is contextually analysed using qualitative research approaches. The results show that in every organisation and department of public administration are recalcitrant elements that oppose the order of authority and policy due to differences of opinion or outlook, and if no precautionary or reactionary measures are taken, management may be compromised. The article’s conclusion makes suggestions for policy modifications and remedial actions tailored to South Africa’s circumstances. Although corruption is not a new problem, there has to be continual discussion and involvement between stakeholders in order to develop solutions that are country-specific

    Report and policy brief from the 4th Africa Conference on Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research: Innovations in access to prevention, treatment and care in HIV/AIDS, Kisumu, Kenya, 29 April - 3 May 2007

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    About 520 delegates from all over Africa and 21 countries attended the conference. This report and policy brief summarises the key findings and suggested policy options that emerged from rapporteur reports of conference proceedings including the following themes: (1) Orphans and vulnerable children, (2) Treatment, (3) Prevention, (4) Gender and male involvement, (5) Male circumcision, (6) People living with HIV/AIDS, (7) Food and nutrition, (8) Socioeconomics, and (9) Politics/policy. Two (11.8%) of the 17 OVC projects from the three countries were classified as best practice interventions. Of the 83 abstracts that were accepted at the conference, only 7 (8.4%) were dealing with antiretroviral therapy (ART).There has been tremendous effort by various organisations to provide information about prevention of HIV/AIDS. Information received by adolescents has been effective in increasing their knowledge, but without positive sexual behaviour change.The conference noted the contribution of gender discrimination and violence to the HIV epidemic and the different risks that men and women face in relation to the epidemic. Social scientists need to study the deep cultural meanings attached to male circumcision among different ethnic groups to be able to guide the debate on the latest biomedical findings on the protective effect of circumcision against HIV. Palliative care and support is crucial for coping among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in order to deal with medical and psychological issues. Results from several countries have helped researchers to explore alternative ways of examining poverty in the context of HIV and AIDS. Policy frameworks which are likely to succeed in combating HIV/AIDS need to be updated to cover issues of access, testing, disclosure and stigma. In general, the conference was successful in identifying innovations in access to prevention, treatment and care in HIV/AIDS. SAHARA J Vol. 4 (2) 2007: pp. 640-65

    Associations of the plasma lipidome with mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a longitudinal cohort study

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    Abstract Background It is unknown if the plasma lipidome is a useful tool for improving our understanding of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Therefore, we measured the plasma lipidome of individuals with ARDS at two time-points to determine if changes in the plasma lipidome distinguished survivors from non-survivors. We hypothesized that both the absolute concentration and change in concentration over time of plasma lipids are associated with 28-day mortality in this population. Methods Samples for this longitudinal observational cohort study were collected at multiple tertiary-care academic medical centers as part of a previous multicenter clinical trial. A mass spectrometry shot-gun lipidomic assay was used to quantify the lipidome in plasma samples from 30 individuals. Samples from two different days were analyzed for each subject. After removing lipids with a coefficient of variation > 30%, differences between cohorts were identified using repeated measures analysis of variance. The false discovery rate was used to adjust for multiple comparisons. Relationships between significant compounds were explored using hierarchical clustering of the Pearson correlation coefficients and the magnitude of these relationships was described using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results The mass spectrometry assay reliably measured 359 lipids. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, 90 compounds differed between survivors and non-survivors. Survivors had higher levels for each of these lipids except for five membrane lipids. Glycerolipids, particularly those containing polyunsaturated fatty acid side-chains, represented many of the lipids with higher concentrations in survivors. The change in lipid concentration over time did not differ between survivors and non-survivors. Conclusions The concentration of multiple plasma lipids is associated with mortality in this group of critically ill patients with ARDS. Absolute lipid levels provided more information than the change in concentration over time. These findings support future research aimed at integrating lipidomics into critical care medicine.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143134/1/12931_2018_Article_758.pd

    Associations of the plasma lipidome with mortality in the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a longitudinal cohort study

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    Abstract Background It is unknown if the plasma lipidome is a useful tool for improving our understanding of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Therefore, we measured the plasma lipidome of individuals with ARDS at two time-points to determine if changes in the plasma lipidome distinguished survivors from non-survivors. We hypothesized that both the absolute concentration and change in concentration over time of plasma lipids are associated with 28-day mortality in this population. Methods Samples for this longitudinal observational cohort study were collected at multiple tertiary-care academic medical centers as part of a previous multicenter clinical trial. A mass spectrometry shot-gun lipidomic assay was used to quantify the lipidome in plasma samples from 30 individuals. Samples from two different days were analyzed for each subject. After removing lipids with a coefficient of variation > 30%, differences between cohorts were identified using repeated measures analysis of variance. The false discovery rate was used to adjust for multiple comparisons. Relationships between significant compounds were explored using hierarchical clustering of the Pearson correlation coefficients and the magnitude of these relationships was described using receiver operating characteristic curves. Results The mass spectrometry assay reliably measured 359 lipids. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, 90 compounds differed between survivors and non-survivors. Survivors had higher levels for each of these lipids except for five membrane lipids. Glycerolipids, particularly those containing polyunsaturated fatty acid side-chains, represented many of the lipids with higher concentrations in survivors. The change in lipid concentration over time did not differ between survivors and non-survivors. Conclusions The concentration of multiple plasma lipids is associated with mortality in this group of critically ill patients with ARDS. Absolute lipid levels provided more information than the change in concentration over time. These findings support future research aimed at integrating lipidomics into critical care medicine.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143134/1/12931_2018_Article_758.pd

    Impact of COVID-19 on primary care contacts with children and young people in England: longitudinal trends study 2015–2020

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    BACKGROUND: The NHS response to COVID-19 altered provision and access to primary care. AIM: To examine the impact of COVID-19 on GP contacts with children and young people (CYP) in England. DESIGN AND SETTING: A longitudinal trends analysis was undertaken using electronic health records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) Aurum database. METHOD: All CYP aged 90%). Remote contacts more than doubled, increasing most in infants (over 2.5-fold). Total contacts for respiratory illnesses fell by 74% whereas contacts for common non-transmissible conditions shifted largely to remote contacts, mitigating the total fall (31%). CONCLUSION: During the COVID-19 pandemic, CYP's contact with GPs fell, particularly for face-to-face assessments. This may be explained by a lower incidence of respiratory illnesses because of fewer social contacts and changing health-seeking behaviour. The large shift to remote contacts mitigated total falls in contacts for some age groups and for common non-transmissible conditions

    Randomized Trial of a Health Coaching Intervention to Enhance Retention in Care: California Collaborative Treatment Group 594.

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    Poor linkage, engagement and retention remain significant barriers in achieving HIV treatment goals in the US. HIV-infected persons entering or re-entering care across three Southern California academic HIV clinics, were randomized (1:1) to an Active, Linkage, Engagement, Retention and Treatment (ALERT) specialist for outreach and health coaching, or standard of care (SOC). The primary outcome of time to loss to follow up (LTFU) was compared using Cox proportional hazards regression modeling. No differences in the median time to LTFU (81.7 for ALERT versus 93.6 weeks for SOC; HR 1.27; p = 0.40), or time to ART initiation was observed (N = 116). Although, ALERT participants demonstrated worsening depressive symptomatology from baseline to week 48 compared to SOC (p = 0.02). The ALERT intervention did not improve engagement and retention in HIV care over SOC. Further studies are needed to determine how best to apply resources to improve retention and engagement

    Bcl11b and combinatorial resolution of cell fate in the T-cell gene regulatory network

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    T-cell development from hematopoietic progenitors depends on multiple transcription factors, mobilized and modulated by intrathymic Notch signaling. Key aspects of T-cell specification network architecture have been illuminated through recent reports defining roles of transcription factors PU.1, GATA-3, and E2A, their interactions with Notch signaling, and roles of Runx1, TCF-1, and Hes1, providing bases for a comprehensively updated model of the T-cell specification gene regulatory network presented herein. However, the role of lineage commitment factor Bcl11b has been unclear. We use self-organizing maps on 63 RNA-seq datasets from normal and perturbed T-cell development to identify functional targets of Bcl11b during commitment and relate them to other regulomes. We show that both activation and repression target genes can be bound by Bcl11b in vivo, and that Bcl11b effects overlap with E2A-dependent effects. The newly clarified role of Bcl11b distinguishes discrete components of commitment, resolving how innate lymphoid, myeloid, and dendritic, and B-cell fate alternatives are excluded by different mechanisms