604 research outputs found


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    Efficient actions carried out in technology transfer bring major benefits to all parties involved in the process.Increasing the technological endowment through the process of technological transfer from research to industrycontributes significantly to the improving of the economic growth rate at the national and regional levels.Universities and research institutions as providers of knowledge are able to supplement their incomes andachieve financial autonomy in order to conduct entrepreneurial activities and research. They can also obtainother collateral benefits such as attracting research contracts sponsored by some economic operators, the abilityto hire and retain top personnel and researchers. Romania, in terms of technology transfer and innovationactivities among economic operators, is still trying to catch the significant gap compared to other Europeancountries. In these conditions technology transfer processes must be well understood and put into practice bothat research institutions as well as at the economic agents

    Innovation by Developing Human Resources, Ensuring the Competitiveness and Success of the Organization

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    AbstractIn today's highly dynamic and competitive business environment, firms are exposed to strict challenges with meeting the ever- increasing market and customer needs and expectations. In order to ensure the competiveness and success of the organization managers need to accept innovation as a key element for the organization. However a major driver for innovation is HR and for innovation to be successful managers needs to support, plan for and nurture an innovation culture. Based on these aspects the authors of this paper propose a framework for HR development for innovation, to reach the actual performance of an organization. The purpose of this framework is to offer, to all managers, a clear picture of existing HR capacity to innovate and possibilities to develop this capacity in order to improve the organization's capacity for innovation, thus increasing their chances of success in today's highly dynamic and competitive business environment

    Biologische Erfolgskontrolle des Ausbaus der Kläranlage Langwiese an der Schussen: Histologische Diagnostik und Biotransformationsleistung bei Forellen, Döbeln und Schneidern

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    Der Gewässerschutz ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten immer wichtiger geworden. Am 23. Oktober 2000 wurde daher die Europäische Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (WRRL) eingeführt, durch die bis Ende 2015 eine gute Gewässerqualität erreicht und erhalten werden sollte. Hierfür sollten die besten verfügbaren Technologien für die Behandlung von kommunalem Abwasser eingesetzt werden. Unter besagte Technologien fallen zusätzliche Reinigungsstufen in Kläranlagen, so beispielsweise eine Behandlung des Abwassers mit Ozon oder Aktivkohle. Das Projekt SchussenAktivplus untersuchte beide Methoden hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität, verschiedene Stoffe wie Arzneimittel, Pestizide oder endokrin wirksame Substanzen besser herauszufiltern. Hierfür wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit Untersuchungen an Fischen durchgeführt, um eine Einschätzung über deren Gesundheitszustand bei Exposition gegenüber geklärtem Abwasser mit und ohne zusätzlichen Reinigungsstufen zu erhalten. Die Untersuchungen wurden an zwei Bodenseezuflüssen durchgeführt: Als Testgewässer diente die Schussen, da sie relativ stark belastet war, während die Argen auf Grund ihrer geringeren Belastung als Referenzgewässer diente. Zwei der an der Schussen gelegenen Kläranlagen lagen hierbei im Fokus dieser Arbeit. An der Kläranlage Eriskirch wurde eine Modellanlage mit Ozonierung, Sandfilter und granulierter Aktivkohle installiert. Hier erfolgte die Exposition von Regenbogenforellen in zwei verschiedenen Aquarien. Das eine Becken erhielt den regulären Kläranlagenablauf nach Flockungsfilter, welcher ins Gewässer eingeleitet wird, das andere Becken wurde mit dem Ablauf der Modellanlage gespeist. Die Kläranlage Langwiese erhielt eine großtechnische Erweiterung mit einer Pulveraktivkohlestufe. An der Kläranlage Langwiese wurden direkt in die Schussen Käfige eingebracht, um dort Regenbogenforellen zu exponieren. Dabei befand sich ein Käfig 200 m oberhalb der Kläranlage, ein zweiter im Ablauf der Kläranlage. Des Weiteren wurden Bypass-Systeme an der Schussen unterhalb der Kläranlage Langwiese und an der Argen für die Exposition von Bach- und Regenbogenforellen installiert. Zusätzlich zu diesem aktiven Monitoring wurde ein passives Monitoring durchgeführt, wobei an verschiedenen Probestellen an der Schussen und der Argen Döbel und Schneider direkt aus dem Wasser per Elektrobefischung entnommen wurden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden verschiedene Untersuchungen für endokrine und toxische Wirkungen durchgeführt. Im Bereich der endokrinen Wirkungen wurde der Reifezustand der Fische mit Hilfe der Histologie bestimmt sowie der Gonadosomatische Index berechnet. Bei den toxischen Wirkungen wurden dioxin-ähnliche Toxizitäten unter Anwendung des EROD-Assays und Gewebetoxizitäten anhand der Histopathologie analysiert. Innerhalb des Projektes wurden noch weitere Effekte an Fischen untersucht, die von Kollegen der Universität Tübingen und Kooperationspartnern des Projektes SchussenAktivplus ermittelt wurden. Weiterhin erfolgte ein Vergleich der oben aufgeführten Effekttests mit Wirkpotentialtests, die von Kooperationspartnern durchgeführt wurden. Für diese Wirkpotentialtests wurden Oberflächenwasser, Sediment und Abwasser hinsichtlich ihres Potentials untersucht, Effekte in Fischen auszulösen. Die von Kooperationspartnern durchgeführte chemische Analyse von Oberflächenwasser-, Sediment-, Abwasser-, und Fischproben sollte verschiedene toxische und endokrine Substanzen, die für die Ergebnisse der Wirkpotential- und Effekttests verantwortlich sein können, ermitteln. Vor dem Ausbau der KA Langwiese konnten endokrine Substanzen in Schussen und Argen nachgewiesen werden, jedoch konnte durch die Ergebnisse der Wirkpotential- und Effekttests die Belastung als gering eingestuft werden. Von größerer Bedeutung waren hingegen die Belastung mit toxischen Substanzen und die daraus resultierenden Effekte in Fischen. Sowohl die Schussen, aber auch die Argen, zeigten Belastungen aus den Bereichen der dioxin-ähnlichen Toxiziät, Genotoxizität, Gewebetoxizität und Proteotoxizität. Nach Behandlung des Abwassers mit Aktivkohle und/oder Ozon waren die Konzentrationen an toxischen Substanzen geringer und die Effekte in den Fischen reduziert. Dabei konnten starke Verbesserungen bei der dioxin-ähnlichen Toxiziät, der Genotoxizität und der Gewebetoxizität festgestellt werden, während es bei der Proteotoxizität sowohl zu Verbesserungen kam, aber auch teilweise keine Veränderungen festgestellt wurden. Durch die zusätzliche Reinigung des Abwassers konnte an beiden Kläranlagen eine Verbesserung der allgemeinen Fischgesundheit nachgewiesen werden. Diese Resultate spiegelten sich in den Ergebnissen der chemischen Analytik und der Wirkpotentialtests wider

    Aspects regarding the efficiency of technology transfer from the national research institutes towards the industry in order to accelerate the development of Romanian economy

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    Currently, Romania is faced with problems regarding closing the deep economic gap between it and the rest of the EU members. In addition, Romania is concerned with overcoming the difficulties generated by the current economic crisis. The technology transfer of the research results from the scientific field towards the industry is one of the main leverages for the economic development, the innovation development and the competitiveness of the companies. At this point, Romania marks a very low transfer rate of technology between the research institutions and the economy. This is why, increasing and accelerating this rate becomes a vital element for the Romanian economy. The national research institutes are one of the most representative institutions of the national research and development system. With a high capacity of generating scientific results specific to certain national areas of expertise, their potential of transfering technology should be exploited and made more efficient. This paper presents a synthesis of the written works regarding the technology transfer, its role in the economic growth and the factors influencing its efficiency. The paper performs an analysis the current state of the national research institutes and formulates hypotheses regarding the causes leading to the low technology transfer rate, making suggestions on further research studies on how to turn this important process into a more efficient on

    Mental Health within the LGBTQ+ Population

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    Depression and anxiety are the leading mental health issues that impact the LGBTQ+ population as a direct correlation with the discrimination and marginalization they experience due to their sexuality and/or gender identity. Our goal is to raise awareness of the most common mental health issues that are prominent within this particular population. Along with suggested advocacy efforts to help alleviate the larger-scale issue of oppression and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. Suggested advocacy efforts include but are not limited to: anti-discrimination legislation, best practices including cultural competency and affirmative practice in all health care professions. Mental health impacts all areas of society, therefore, all of us have an obligation and duty to have a culturally competent understanding of mental health with all populations. Furthermore, it is critical that LGBTQ+ individuals and allies have the knowledge of resources and tools available for mental health services. Diana Maier and Ashley Hill are first-year master's students at The Ohio State University College of Social Work. Diana has a Bachelor of Arts in youth ministries and recreation from Bluffton University and is a graduate of the Vineyard Leadership Institute. Diana currently serves as a program coordinator with OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development. She is passionate about confronting the stigma surrounding mental health issues and supporting individuals and families impacted specifically by depression. She is also interested in suicide prevention efforts. Ashley has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Notre Dame College. Ashley currently serves as the clinic coordinator, MIPS coordinator and wellness innovator at the Ohio State College of Optometry. She has a passion for clinical social work and the desire to help advocate for change specifically within the LGBTQ+ population by addressing the unique challenges that LGBTQ+ individuals face as an oppressed population.AUTHOR AFFILIATION: Ashley Hill, Clinical Coordinator, Ohio State College of Optometry, [email protected] (Corresponding Author); Diana Maier, The Ohio State University Extension Program Coordinator, 4-H Youth Development, State 4-H Office.Depression and anxiety are the leading mental health issues that impact the LGBTQ+ population, directly correlated with discrimination and marginalization they experience due to their sexuality and/or gender identity. Our goal is to raise awareness of the most common mental health issues within this population, as well as suggested advocacy efforts to help alleviate the larger-scale issue of oppression and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. Suggested efforts include but are not limited to: anti-discrimination legislation and best practices that include cultural competency and affirmative practice in all health care professions. It is also critical that LGBTQ+ individuals and allies know what resources and tools are available for mental health services

    Serum triiodothyronine levels and inflammatory cytokine production capacity

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    Increasing evidence suggests that pro-inflammatory cytokines are at play in lowering peripheral thyroid hormone levels during critical illness. Conversely, thyroid hormones have been suggested to enhance production of inflammatory cytokines. In view of these considerations, we hypothesized a mutual association between triiodothyronine and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Therefore we evaluated the relation between both circulating and induced inflammatory markers and serum thyroid function parameters in the Leiden 85-plus Study. We found that higher circulating levels of inflammatory markers were associated with lower levels of free serum triiodothyronine. In turn, higher serum free triiodothyronine levels were related to higher production capacity of pro-inflammatory cytokines after stimulation with lipopolysaccharide. By combining in vivo and ex vivo data, we were able to demonstrate for the first time the existence of a potential feedback mechanism between thyroid function and immune production capacity. We conclude that maintenance of normal thyroid function might be important for a preserved immune response in elderly human populations

    Prevalence and Characteristics of Self-Reported Hypothyroidism and Its Association with Nonorgan-Specific Manifestations in US Sarcoidosis Patients: A Nationwide Registry Study

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    Little is known about the prevalence, clinical characteristics and impact of hypothyroidism in patients with sarcoidosis. We aimed to determine the prevalence and clinical features of hypothyroidism and its relation to organ involvement and other clinical manifestations in patients with sarcoidosis. We conducted a national registry-based study investigating 3835 respondents to the Sarcoidosis Advanced Registry for Cures Questionnaire between June 2014 and August 2019. This registry is based on a self-reported, web-based questionnaire that provides data related to demographics, diagnostics, sarcoidosis manifestations and treatment. We compared sarcoidosis patients with and without self-reported hypothyroidism. We used multivariable logistic regression and adjusted for potential confounders to determine the association of hypothyroidism with nonorgan-specific manifestations. 14% of the sarcoidosis patients self-reported hypothyroidism and were generally middle-aged white women. Hypothyroid patients had more comorbid conditions and were more likely to have multiorgan sarcoidosis involvement, especially with cutaneous, ocular, joints, liver and lacrimal gland involvement. Self-reported hypothyroidism was associated with depression (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.3, 95% CI 1.01–1.6), antidepressant use (aOR 1.3, 95% CI 1.1–1.7), obesity (aOR 1.7, 95% CI 1.4–2.1), sleep apnoea (aOR 1.7, 95% CI 1.3–2.2), chronic fatigue syndrome (aOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.2–2) and was borderline associated with fibromyalgia (aOR 1.3, 95% CI 1–1.8). Physical impairment was more common in patients with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a frequent comorbidity in sarcoidosis patients that might be a potentially reversible contributor to fatigue, depression and physical impairment in this population. We recommend considering routine screening for hypothyroidism in sarcoidosis patients especially in those with multiorgan sarcoidosis, fatigue and depression

    SchussenAktivplus: reduction of micropollutants and of potentially pathogenic bacteria for further water quality improvement of the river Schussen, a tributary of Lake Constance, Germany

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    The project focuses on the efficiency of combined technologies to reduce the release of micropollutants and bacteria into surface waters via sewage treatment plants of different size and via stormwater overflow basins of different types. As a model river in a highly populated catchment area, the river Schussen and, as a control, the river Argen, two tributaries of Lake Constance, Southern Germany, are under investigation in this project. The efficiency of the different cleaning technologies is monitored by a wide range of exposure and effect analyses including chemical and microbiological techniques as well as effect studies ranging from molecules to communities