260 research outputs found

    Pogon šećerane Sladorana d.o.o. Županja

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    U prvom djelu završnog rada opisana je povijest „SLADORANA D.O.O.“ Županja. Zatim je postupno obrađen proces proizvodnje šećera kroz šest faza. Detaljnom analizom obrađeni su elektromotori difuzera, od samih tehničkih podataka , njihove općenitosti, pokretanja, zaustavljanja pa do grešaka koje će se pojaviti na ekranu. Tada su spomenuti i neki od proizvoda šećerane i njihova namjena. Sadržaj je potkrijepljen slikama, fotografijama i dijagramima radi lakšeg shvaćanja i usvajanja svega navedenoga u radu.The first part of the bachelor thesis will present the history of the company „SLADORANA D.O.O.“ Županja. Afterwards, there will be a description of the 6 phases in the production process of sugar used in the company. A detailed analysis will show the „electromotor difusers“, from the tehnical data to their general functions, such as turning on and off, as well as the errors showing on the screens. There will be also a core products explanation, where images, photos and diagrams will be used as a suppor

    An Old Maid\u27s Tho\u27ts on Children

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    I put the dog out and shoved the cat out of my great grandmother\u27s rocking chair (cats do so like to snooze in your best and easiest chairs), and now I take pen and paper to write in my copy-book script about children. Throughout the ages all folks have declared that no one knows better how to bring up children than an old maid. I can see many grains of truth in that statement. Theories and philosophies are much nicer than practices and sciences. There is an ethereal quality to a theory which no practice can ever hope to attain. Thus it is with old maids and children

    Who is Responsible for the Child?

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    The orchard that Nancy and the neighbor children played in was a place to dream about in after years. The trees were large and old, with wide spreading branches interlacing to shut out the direct rays of the sun. The light which filtered thru this green roofing was dim and green golden. On three sides the place was sheltered by walls of foliage-vine-covered tangles of trees and shrubbery which opened on the fourth side to a group of farm buildings and beyond them the far-reaching landscape of a prairie country

    Miller\u27s Maid

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    There blooms by the cot in the daleA beautiful rose of the vale,La la la la la la laA beautiful rose of the valeBut more fair is the maidenThat blooms on the spotShe\u27s the loveliest flower That grows near the cotLa la la la... 3A dashing young soldier came by,Her voice, like a zephyr was nigh,La la la&c.Her voice, like a zephyr was nigh,Then he sought the fair maiden And wished for her name,But her answer was only,In wild notes, the same,La la la &c. 4 Wilt thou be my love? then he cried,But still the gay beauty replied,La la la &c.But still the gay beauty replied, I will give you fair jewels I\u27ll give you bright things, But the maiden, unmindful,Still merrily sings,La la la &c. 5The soldier, though slighted, remains,Her wild notes he has for his paine,La la la &c.Hew wild notes he has for his pains,And the song of the maiden Is hear in the glen,And as spring time returns,May we hear it againLa la la &c

    A fuzzy goal programming approach to solving decentralized bi-level multi-objective linear fractional programming problems

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    This paper presents a new approach for solving decentralized bi-level multi-objective linear fractional programming problems. The main goal was to find a simple algorithm with high confidence of decision-makers in the results. First, all the linear fractional programming models on the given set of constraints were solved separately. Next, all the linear fractional objective functions were linearized, membership functions of objective functions and decision variables controlled by decision-makers at the highest level calculated, and a fuzzy multi-objective linear programming model formed and solved as linear goal programming problem by using simplex algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was investigated using an economic example, and the obtained results compared with those obtained using an existing method

    Analysis of the efficiency of the linearization techniques for solving multi-objective linear fractional programming problems by goal programming

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    This paper presents and analyzes the applicability of three linearization techniques used for solving multi-objective linear fractional programming problems using the goal programming method. The three linearization techniques are: (1) Taylor’s polynomial linearization approximation, (2) the method of variable change, and (3) a modification of the method of variable change proposed in [20]. All three linearization techniques are presented and analyzed in two variants: (a) using the optimal value of the objective functions as the decision makers’ aspirations, and (b) the decision makers’ aspirations are given by the decision makers. As the criteria for the analysis we use the efficiency of the obtained solutions and the difficulties the analyst comes upon in preparing the linearization models. To analyze the applicability of the linearization techniques incorporated in the linear goal programming method we use an example of a financial structure optimization problem


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    The research aims to find out and explain trend of local retribution growth and its realization of on local revenue of Poso regency in the period of 2010 to 2015. To achieve it, the researcher use qualitatife descriptif method to see the effect ofthe local retribution cover: general service retribution, business service retribution and certain license retribution on local revenue. The research results indicate that partially general service retribution and business retribution give positive effect on local revenue, while the certain license retribution does not affect onlocal revenue. For the further research it is expected to have a longer fiscal yeal that it makes a better time series data and it can be seen clearly the effect from one period to others. For local goverment, it is expected to be consistent applying the rule for the retribution implementation. One source of local revenue is local retribution tax which is needed to be increased. Increasing supervision function and awareness for implementer in the field, so the target is always be fulfilled and achieved by the local revenue, economic growth in Poso regency will be increased

    Old Maid

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    When I was a girl of eighteen years oldI was scornful as scornful could beI was taught to expect wit wisdom and goldAnd nothing less would do for me Ah those were the days when my eyes beam\u27d brightAnd my cheek was like the rose on the treeAnd the ringlets they curl\u27d o\u27er my forehead so whiteAnd lovers came courting to me The first was a youth any girl might adoreAnd as ardent as lover could beBut my mother having heard the young man was poorWhy! he would not do for me And then hobbled in, my favour to begAn officer in our navyBut tho\u27 famous in arms he wanted a legSo he would not do for me And now came a lawyer his claims to support By precedents from ChauceryBut I told him I was judge in my own little courtAnd he wold not do for me The next was a dandy who had driven four in handReduced to a Gig- d\u27ye seeIn getting o\u27er the ground he had run thro\u27 his landSo he would not do for me I\u27d a suitor from the South and another from the WestI think from the state of TenneseeBut one was rather old the other badly drestSo neither of them suited me These were nearly the last - I was then forty-fourI am now only just fifty threeBut I really think that some I rejected before Would not do very well for me Then all ye young ladies by me warning takeWho scornful or cold chance to beLest ye from your fond silly dreams should awake Old Maidens of Fifty thre

    Memorandum of Understanding sebagai Instrumen Hubungan Internasional

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    Treaties, used for international relations are : treaty, convention, agreement, pact, statute, covenantmemorandum of understanding, protocol, charter, declaration, final act, arrangement, exchanged of notes, agreed minutes, summary records, process verbal, modus vivendi, accord, and letter of intent. MOU as an instrument of international relations is unique. At first MOUs supplement treaties. Today MOUs are employed in most areas of international relations. MOUs are basically, not legally binding, confidential, convenient, less formal, speedy, and flexible. After all, MOUs should be simultaneously and precisely drafted. Kant Kunci : memorandum of understanding (MO U), huhungan internasional, uni