14 research outputs found

    Melhoria da atenção à saúde bucal dos escolares de 6 a 12 anos da Escola Municipal Aníbal Limeira na UBS Dr. Teixeira de Vasconcelos, Santa Rita/PB

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    A odontologia teve um grande avanço em termos científicos e estruturais, porém a cárie continua sendo uma doença que atinge precocemente a população, fazendo com que as crianças percam seus dentes permanentes, chegando à adolescência desdentadas. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de Melhorar a atenção à saúde bucal de escolares da Escola Municipal Aníbal Limeira na Unidade Dr. Teixeira de Vasconcelos, Santa Rita-PB. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado como técnicas o preenchimento de uma ficha espelho e o exame bucal para identificação das condições de saúde bucal, necessidade de tratamento e condições de higiene bucal baseando-se no Caderno de Atenção Básica da Saúde Bucal - n.º 17. A amostra deste estudo foi composta por 80 escolares na faixa etária de 6-12 anos, de ambos os gêneros, matriculados e regularmente ativos na Escola e que fazem parte da área de abrangência da Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Os dados foram coletados e processados quantitativamente na Planilha Excel de coleta de dados produzida pela especialização em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL). Os resultados mostram que durante os quatro meses de intervenção, 100% dos escolares participaram da ação coletiva de exame bucal e que esses escolares moradores da área de abrangência da UBS tiveram sua primeira consulta odontológica realizada, inclusive os que fazem parte do grupo de alto risco. Houve a busca ativa de 100% aos faltosos, embora esses tenham sido um pequeno número, já que tivemos uma excelente adesão. A realização da escovação supervisionada e a aplicação de gel fluoretado com escova dental também foram realizadas com 100% dos escolares participantes. Infelizmente o tratamento dentário concluído só alcançou 18,8% deles,embora os 100% estivessem com os registros em planilha e prontuário atualizados, devido ao pouco tempo dispensado para atendimento clínico, juntamente com a grande quantidade de procedimentos que cada escolar possuía. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a população possuía e ainda possui um acesso precário aos serviços de atendimento em Saúde Bucal, principalmente pela baixa proporção de tratamento dentário concluído, já que os participantes apresentavam uma saúde bucal deficiente, necessitando urgente de tratamento dentário. Esse baixo índice de tratamentos concluídos pode ser atribuído ao pouco tempo de intervenção, e principalmente à falta de material de insumos para que todos os tratamentos fossem realizados. Porém, a mudança de hábitos e a promoção e prevenção da saúde bucal foram trabalhados durante a intervenção, visto que todos os escolares tiveram orientações sobre higiene bucal, cárie dentária e nutricional

    Tooth loss in middle-aged adults with diabetes and hypertension : social determinants, health perceptions, oral impact on daily performance (OIDP) and treatment need

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    This study aimed to explore the association between tooth loss and social determinants, health self-perceptions, OIDP and self-concept of dental treatment need in middle-aged adults with diabetes and hypertension. A cross-sectional study was developed with 212 hypertensive and diabetic middle-aged adults (50-65 years). Data were collected from clinical examinations (DMFT) and a questionnaire regarding socioeconomic status, dental health assistance, self-perceptions of oral and general health, OIDP, and the self-concept of dental treatment need. Tooth loss was dichotomized considering the cutoff point of 12 (Model I) or 24 missing teeth (Model II). Data were analyzed using Chi-square, Fisher?s exact test and logistic regression (p?0.05). Tooth loss was significantly associated with variables such as last dental visit, reason for dental visit, OIDP, perception of dental treatment need, and general self-perception (Model I). Schooling, last dental visit, oral health self-perception and perception of dental treatment need were significantly associated with tooth loss in the Model II. When Model 1 and 2 were adjusted, they demonstrated that last dental visit and perception of dental treatment need were predictor variables. The annual dental visit and the self-concept of dental treatment need were associated with tooth loss, demonstrating that these variables reduce the tooth loss prevalence

    Influence of the dental prosthetic status on self-perceptions of health and treatment needs : a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults with chronic disease

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    Background: Subjective aspects of dental prosthesis need in middle-aged adults are poorly explored, especially when the population presents chronic diseases. Objectives: To investigate if the use and necessity of dental prosthesis influence the self-perceptions of health and dental treatment need in middle-aged adults with chronic diseases. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in 210 middle-aged adults. Socio-demographic aspects, dental services use, oral and general perceptions of health, dental treatment need and OIDP were assessed using a standardized questionnaire. One trained dentist evaluated the use and necessity of dental prosthesis. Data were analyzed using Chi-square and multivariate logistic regression ( p <0.05). Results: The use of dental prosthesis showed a proportion of 2.2:1 for upper to lower arch. Dental prosthesis need was largely prevalent (90 and 95% in upper and lower arch, respectively). The self-perceptions of dental treatment need and oral health were associated with the use and necessity of dental prosthesis ( p <0.05), which could not be observed in relation to the general self-perception. The adjusted model demonstrated that the subjective necessity of dental treatment was 16.04 (1.92-133.7) fold higher in individuals with necessity of rehabilitation in the lower arch. Besides, a positive self-perception of oral health (satisfied) was 2.59 (1.38-4.85) more expressive in individuals that used a dental prosthesis in upper arch. Conclusions: The self-perception of oral health was influenced by the use of maxillary dental prosthesis in individuals with chronic disease. Moreover, individuals were more likely able to perceive treatment need when the lower jaw was affected by tooth loss

    Fatores relacionados às perdas dentárias em adultos e idosos em um município de médio porte no nordeste do Brasil

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    Introduction: In the adult stage of life occurs the greatest number of tooth loss, which causes an increasing number of edentulous. Objective: This study examined factors related to tooth loss in adults and elderly of a medium-sized municipality in northeastern Brazil. Methodology: This study was a study of observational, cross-sectional ecological and done through home visits using the codes and criteria of SBBrasil (2010). 212 adults of both sexes were examined. The outcome of the study was tooth loss, obtained from its occurrence ("missing teeth" component of DMFT index) and classified in two models: a) distribution of tooth loss by the median of 24 teeth and b) using up to 12 missing teeth including the foregoing. We used the chi-square and Fisher exact test, significant with p <0.05, considering the multiple logistic regression model. Results: It was observed that the mean value of DMFT was 27.0, and tooth loss the most significant component, averaging 23.05 with no significant difference between the sexes (p = 0.665). About 83% of the sample studied up to 8 years and 52.9% received one minimum wage or more, showing no relationship to tooth loss. The time of the last visit to the dentist greater than 1 year was 72.6% (p = 0.00) for both the median loss of teeth 24 and the tooth 12 for; those who presented the review / prevention as a reason for the last consultation were respectively 89.59% and 71.87% lower chance of losing teeth; towards those who have lost up to 12 teeth and who rated the quality of life in oral health with more of an impact obtained p = 0.05 chance presenting 2.25 times more tooth loss compared with those who rated no impact, and variables presenting relation to tooth loss. Conclusion: In both the variables and time of last visit reason models studied presented themselves as risk factors and similar protection, regardless of the number of missing teeth.Introdução: Na fase adulta da vida ocorre o maior número de perdas dentárias, o que ocasiona um elevando número de edentados. Objetivo: O presente estudo verificou os fatores relacionados às perdas dentárias em adultos e idosos de um município de médio porte no Nordeste do Brasil. Metodologia: Este trabalho foi um estudo do tipo observacional, ecológico e transversal realizado através de visita domiciliar utilizando os códigos e critérios do SBBrasil (2010). Foram examinados 212 adultos de ambos os sexos. O desfecho do estudo foi a perda dentária, obtido a partir de sua ocorrência (componente “perdido” do Índice CPO-D) e classificado em dois modelos: a) distribuição das perdas dentárias pela mediana de 24 dentes e b) utilizando até 12 dentes perdidos incluindo os anteriores. Foi usado o teste qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher, significativo com p<0,05, considerando o modelo de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Observou-se que o valor médio do CPO-D foi 27,0, sendo perdas dentárias o componente mais expressivo, com média de 23,05 não havendo significância entre os sexos (p= 0,665). Cerca de 83% da amostra estudou até 8 anos e 52,9% recebiam 1 salário mínimo ou mais, não apresentando relação com a perda dentária. O tempo da última visita ao dentista maior que 1 ano foi de 72,6% (p= 0,00) tanto para a mediana de perda de 24 dentes e quanto para de 12 dente; os que apresentaram a revisão/prevenção como motivo da última consulta tiveram respectivamente 89,59% e 71,87% menor de chance de perder os dentes; em relação aqueles que perderam até 12 dentes e que classificaram a qualidade de vida em saúde bucal com mais de um impacto obteve p= 0,05 apresentando chance 2,25 vezes maior de perda dentária quando comparado com os que classificaram sem impacto, sendo variáveis que apresentam relação com a perda dentária. Conclusão: Nos dois modelos estudados as variáveis tempo e motivo da última consulta apresentaram-se como fatores de risco e proteção semelhantes, independente do número de dentes perdidos

    Perception of children and mothers regarding dental aesthetics and orthodontic treatment need: a cross-sectional study

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    Abstract Background The normative orthodontic treatment need, established by dental professionals during the dental appointment, becomes ineffective when it does not evaluate all the factors that influence the decision-making process, including individuals’ perception and satisfaction with their dental appearance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of children and their mothers as regards orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with dental aesthetics and test if these variables are associated with the objective orthodontic treatment needs, assessed by the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 308 children aged 12 years, and their mothers were randomly selected by cluster sampling (primary schools). The variables “orthodontic treatment need,” “satisfaction with chewing,” and “dental appearance” were assessed by means of a questionnaire. The questions were answered individually at school or home, in cases of children or mothers, respectively. DAI was assessed to make an objective clinical assessment. The variables were dichotomized and statistically analyzed by the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, contingency coefficient C, and logistic regression. Results The results of the clinical evaluation (DAI) were statistically associated with the perception of orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with dental appearance in children (p ≤ 0.01). However, no association was observed with regard to satisfaction with chewing and DAI (p = 0.10). The children’s perception of orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with the appearance of their teeth was statistically associated (p ≤ 0.01) with their mothers’ perception. Maxillary overjet, maxillary and mandibular misalignment, and dental crowding were associated with the orthodontic treatment need by children and their mothers, with p value −0.05 and 5 % level of significance. Maxillary overjet was a significant predictor for the perception of orthodontic treatment need in children (OR 1.86, 95 % CI 0.98–3.55) and mothers (OR 3.02, 95 % CI 1.54–5.92). Conclusions Children and parents realize the need for orthodontic treatment according to the different types of malocclusion, as noted in the association between orthodontic treatment need and dental appearance perceived by children and their mothers, which was also observed—with low correlation—with regard to DAI

    Perception of children and mothers regarding dental aesthetics and orthodontic treatment need: a cross-sectional study

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    The normative orthodontic treatment need, established by dental professionals during the dental appointment, becomes ineffective when it does not evaluate all the factors that influence the decision-making process, including individuals’ perception and satisfaction with their dental appearance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the perception of children and their mothers as regards orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with dental aesthetics and test if these variables are associated with the objective orthodontic treatment needs, assessed by the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). A cross-sectional study was conducted on 308 children aged 12 years, and their mothers were randomly selected by cluster sampling (primary schools). The variables “orthodontic treatment need,” “satisfaction with chewing,” and “dental appearance” were assessed by means of a questionnaire. The questions were answered individually at school or home, in cases of children or mothers, respectively. DAI was assessed to make an objective clinical assessment. The variables were dichotomized and statistically analyzed by the chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests, contingency coefficient C, and logistic regression. The results of the clinical evaluation (DAI) were statistically associated with the perception of orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with dental appearance in children (p ≤ 0.01). However, no association was observed with regard to satisfaction with chewing and DAI (p = 0.10). The children’s perception of orthodontic treatment need and satisfaction with the appearance of their teeth was statistically associated (p ≤ 0.01) with their mothers’ perception. Maxillary overjet, maxillary and mandibular misalignment, and dental crowding were associated with the orthodontic treatment need by children and their mothers, with p value −0.05 and 5 % level of significance. Maxillary overjet was a significant predictor for the perception of orthodontic treatment need in children (OR 1.86, 95 % CI 0.98–3.55) and mothers (OR 3.02, 95 % CI 1.54–5.92). Children and parents realize the need for orthodontic treatment according to the different types of malocclusion, as noted in the association between orthodontic treatment need and dental appearance perceived by children and their mothers, which was also observed—with low correlation—with regard to DAI.1


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    O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer a percepção dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde sobre capacitações desenvolvidas por estudantes e professores de um curso de odontologia do nordeste do Brasil. É um estudo com abordagem qualitativa em que se utilizou a técnica do grupo focal e para interpretação dos dados, a análise de conteúdo. Nas capacitações foi possível identificar a existência prévia do entendimento sobre a saúde bucal, evidenciando necessidade de ações no sentido de ampliar e ressignificar olhares. A visão de atenção integral, não meramente clínica, foi um ponto marcante, demonstrado em falas que retratam a importância dos equipamentos sociais existentes e da execução de atividades. Os agentes comunitários de saúde relataram que as ações em parceria com a universidade são importantes para a ampliação das atividades desenvolvidas. Percebe-se que as capacitações foram espaço de diálogo que geram reflexos no processo de trabalho dos agentes, apontando caminhos possíveis para serem trilhados