838 research outputs found

    A review on microalgae and cyanobacteria in biofuel production

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    Today, fossil fuel shortages and climate change impacts have led mankind to the search for an alternative energy. With many advantages, bioenergy is a promising source to replace conventional energy. However, biofuel productions in the first and second generation are likely to add more concerns to the problems in water scarcity and threats to food security. Meanwhile, third generation biofuels obtained from microalgae and cyanobacteria are able to overcome existing challenges thanks to their rapid growth rates, abilities to fix CO 2 , high yields in lipid extraction and capabilities to be grown in non-arable lands. Microalgae and cyanobacteria appear to be the only ones among renewable sources that are capable of producing a wide range of biofuels including biohydrogen, biomethane, bioethanol and biodiesel.In this study, we present an overview about microalgae and cyanobacteria use for the production of biofuels in fundamentals, including their biology, cultivation systems taking into account the hydrodynamic conditions, harvesting, and processing. The review also provides a general picture at the current status of this renewable energy industry

    In Vitro Culture Of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inbred Line Sm5-4

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    Tissue culture of inbred line SM5-4 maize (Zea mays L.), maternal parent of Putra J- 58 (F1 hybrids) was established using maize zygotic embryo as explant. To obtain embryogenic callus from mature and immature zygotic embryos of inbred line SM5- 4, manipulations of media components such as carbon, nitrogen, proline, and casein hydrolysate, and culture conditions such as incubation temperature, light, were carried out. Immature embryos have the ability to form callus and embryogenic calli, which can result in plant regeneration. At tissue culture level, the study aims at establishing the best tissue culture system via somatic embryogenesis and to overcome plant regeneration problems by manipulating the sucrose concentration, hormone combination and concentration, culture age, the type of medium formulation used to grow callus, incubation temperature, light and media formulation. Sterilization technique of maize from mature and immature maize seeds of the inbred line SM5-4 was investigated. Mature seeds (50 days old) and immature seeds (14 days after pollination) were disinfected by washing in different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (Clorox) for different duration. Disinfection in 50%(v/v) Clorox solution (2.27% sodium hypochlorite) for 20 minutes gave 90% of contaminationfree culture of mature seeds whereas 50%(v/v) Clorox solution (2.27% sodium hypochlorite) for 15 minutes gave 75% of contamination-free culture of immature seeds. Reduction in Clorox concentration of 20% (v/v) Clorox (1.05% sodium hypochlorite) for 20 minutes gave high percentage (67%) of contamination- free culture of immature seeds that remain viable. N6 basal medium was found to be the best medium in enhancing both callus induction and embryogenic calli formation. The highest callus induction frequency on N6 basal medium supplemented with 9 pM 2,4-D from immature zygotic embryos was 79.5%. Both plants growth regulators, 2,4-D, IAA and BAP, kinetin, were capable of switching on the induction of callus necessary for embryogenic totipotency. The combination of 2,4-D and kinetin were however more effective in producing callus induction in embryos culture of maize. The most effective method for producing friable, embryogenic callus was found for immature zygotic embryos. Maturation of somatic embryos was enhanced by transferring the embryogenic callus after 4 weeks to medium containing 6% sucrose and Img/L NAA. During the following 3-4 weeks, as the somatic embryos developed, the cultures were transferred to the regeneration medium (MSO). Approximately 80% of immature zygotic embryos produced embryogenic callus and then plantlets. Immature embryos of inbred line SM5-4 produced the highest percentage of callus and showed the highest number of plant regeneration compared to mature zygotic embryos

    Participation of children in the Vietnam War, 1955-1975

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    This thesis argues that child soldiering is a socially embedded phenomenon. To this end, I analysed child soldiering in the context of the Vietnam War, interviewing former child soldiers about their lives prior, during, and after joining the Viet Cong guerrillas. Deploying an interpretative framework drawing on Bourdieu’s relational sociology, I found that in Vietnam, children’s social context - in particular, the prevalence of Confucianism and communism - consistently guided children's motivations and shaped their experience. The findings of this thesis demonstrate that while ideology and sociocultural practices formed the experience of Vietnamese child soldiers, they were able to negotiate and navigate them in ways that demonstrate considerable agency. The findings of this thesis have the following implications. Firstly, this thesis challenges the 'victim perpetrator' binary, through which child soldiers are often represented. Rather, it underlines that children have agency as deeply social and political actors, who shape and are shaped by their environment. In doing so, this thesis contributes to our understanding of not only child soldiers’ experiences, but also of children in militarised contexts, and specifically the role that everyday social practices play in militarisation of childhood. Secondly, these findings contribute to the literature on the Vietnam War, uncovering new evidence of the many roles that children played in the Viet Cong. The insight that the broader social environment impacted child soldiering in Vietnam can be deployed in future research on child soldiering in under-studied geographical and cultural contexts. Such an understanding will enhance our general knowledge of the phenomenon of child soldiering and the variety of ways in which children participate in war. In doing so, this thesis contributes to broader re-imagining childhood as a complex, nuanced, and dynamic phenomenon

    Robotic Psychology. What Do We Know about Human-Robot Interaction and What Do We Still Need to Learn?

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    “Robotization”, the integration of robots in human life will change human life drastically. In many situations, such as in the service sector, robots will become an integrative part of our lives. Thus, it is vital to learn from extant research on human-robot interaction (HRI). This article introduces robotic psychology that aims to bridge the gap between humans and robots by providing insights into particularities of HRI. It presents a conceptualization of robotic psychology and provides an overview of research on service-focused human-robot interaction. Theoretical concepts, relevant to understand HRI with are reviewed. Major achievements, shortcomings, and propositions for future research will be discussed

    The Relationship between Budget Revenue - expenditure and Inflation in Vietnam: Viewed from the Results of Quantitative Analysis

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    The research examines the relationship between budget revenue expenditure and inflation in Vietnam, with time series data on budget revenue expenditure and the consumer price index (CPI) (representing the inflation variable in Vietnam). Data were collected from the International Financial Statistics (IFS-IMF), General Statistics Office (GSO) in the period of 2005-2022. The author used Eview software to build a linear relationship log-log of budget revenue - -expenditure and CPI in the case of the Vietnamese economy. Quantitative analysis results show that when budget revenue increased by 1%, CPI increased by 0.249674%, when budget expenditure increased by 1%, CPI increased by 0.298316%. Raising budget revenue to raise budget expenditure will result in higher inflation during the research period in Vietnam. From the theoretical basis, research overview, and quantitative analysis results, the research team makes some recommendations for fiscal policy in Vietnam in the current context

    Zooplankton from Can Giuoc River in Southern Vietnam

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    In this study, the variables of zooplankton and water quality were investigated in the Can Giuoc River, Southern Vietnam. Zooplankton was monitored in April and September 2015 at 5 sampling sites in the river. Some basic water quality parameters were also tested, including pH, total suspended solid (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD5), inorganic nitrogen (NH4+), dissolved phosphorus (PO43-), and coliform. The zooplankton biodiversity indices were applied for the water quality assessment. The results showed that pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.6 during the monitoring. The TSSs were between 34–117 mg/L. The DO and BOD5 were from 0.6 to 3.8 mg/L and from 6.3 to 13.2 mg/L, respectively. The NH4+ and PO43- concentrations ranged from 0.44 to 3.23 and from 0.08 to 1.85 mg/L, respectively. The coliform number was between 9.3x103–9.3x104 MPN/100 mL. The zooplankton analyses showed that there were 31 species of coelenterates, rotatoria, oligochaetes, cladocerans, copepods, ostracods, mysidacea, and 8 larval types. Thereof, the species of copepods were dominant in the species number. The zooplankton density ranged from 9 500 to 23 600 individuals/m3 with the main dominant species of Moina dubia (Cladocera), Thermocyclops hyalinus, Acartia clausi, Oithona similis (Copepoda), and nauplius copepods. The biodiversity index values during the monitoring were from 1.47 to 1.79 characteristic of mesotrophic conditions of the aquatic environment. Besides, the species richness positively correlated with pH, TSS, DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform, while the zooplankton densities got a positive correlation with DO, BOD5, NH4+, PO43-, and coliform. The results confirmed the advantage of using zooplankton and its indices for water quality assessment

    Vietnamese Culture in the Fashion Industry: The Case of TiredCity and BARO

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    The international fashion industry has undergone significant development over the years, in response to the change in consumer preferences, technological advancements, globalization, and socio-cultural shifts. Vietnamese fashion has been steadily gaining recognition and prominence in the global fashion industry with cultural identity and unique aesthetics. The combination of traditional elements with modern influences has resulted in a unique and distinct style that is gaining recognition in both domestic and international markets. The influence of Vietnamese culture in the fashion industry is reflected in many aspects such as design, material, and products. The case studies of two distinct brands TiredCity and BARO explore the incorporation of Vietnamese culture in the fashion industry. Both brands aim to celebrate and promote the rich heritage of Vietnamese culture while presenting it in a contemporary and fashion-forward manner. By celebrating Vietnamese culture through their fashion products, TiredCity and BARO not only appeal to the local market but also attract international customers. This integration of cultural elements helps foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, contributing to cultural diversity and the development of the Vietnamese fashion industry

    See No Evil, Hear No Evil: How Users Blindly Overrely on Robots with Automation Bias

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    Recent developments in generative artificial intelligence show how quickly users carelessly adhere to intelligent systems, ignoring systems\u27 vulnerabilities and focusing on their superior capabilities. This is detrimental when system failures are ignored. This paper investigates this mindless overreliance on systems, defined as automation bias (AB), in human-robot interaction. We conducted two experimental studies (N1 = 210, N2 = 438) with social robots in a corporate setting to investigate psychological mechanisms and influencing factors of AB. Particularly, users experience perceptual and behavioral AB with the robot that is enhanced by robot competence depending on task complexity and is even stronger for emotional than analytical tasks. Surprisingly, robot reliability negatively affected AB. We also found a negative indirect-only mediation of AB on robot satisfaction. Finally, we provide implications for the appropriate use of robots to prevent employees from using them as a self-sufficient system instead of a supporting system

    The impacts of online direct channel on pricing strategy and profits: a conceptual application to container shipping company

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    Exploring Sellers' Experiences in the C2C Online Auction Environment

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    Online auction websites are becoming increasingly important as an intermediary for both sellers and buyers. They offer consumers an alternative source of goods to those sold at retail stores and other second-hand traditional consumer-to-consumer (C2C) channels, such as garage sales or flea markets. They also represent a new market model which incorporates a new distribution channel and a new means of establishing prices. Some researchers predict that retailers are now facing a new competition and the potential for declining sales as a result of the cannibalisation effect of the C2C online auction market. Noticeably, although much research has been carried out in an attempt to understand online auctions in relation to buying behaviour, little effort has been made to investigate the dynamic nature of individual sellers, in particular C2C sellers, in the online auction environment. Therefore, this study is aimed at filling in the gaps by exploring the sellers' behaviour and experiences in the C2C online auction environment. Its objectives are: (1) to explore the learning process that individual sellers go through in the C2C online auction environment; and (2) to find out what skills and techniques are commonly used by sellers and how these skills have been applied when marketing their products in the online auction environment. This study used a qualitative method, and a market-oriented ethnography was adopted. Data was collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with sellers on TradeMe and from a wide range of archival documents. Nineteen sellers were recruited to participate into this study. Consequently, a learning model has been built, based on the consumer socialisation model, to explain the learning process of sellers as they become experienced in the C2C online auction environment. The findings from this study highlighted that sellers went through a learning process to become more experienced in online auctions. Moreover, different learning methods occurred at different stages of the learning process, including social interaction, observing and imitating, rewards and punishments, and other sources of information. This study also demonstrated the fact that sellers both implicitly and explicitly perceived the importance of marketing strategies and tactics and had extensively applied them. Several implications and recommendations arise from this study, including the need for more in-depth research on sellers' behaviour and experiences, using a longitudinal approach. Additionally, it is recommended that TradeMe should continue to improve their auction site in order to attract more sellers which, in turn, will lead to a greater number of buyers