10 research outputs found

    Modern South Arabian: Conducting Field work in Dhofar, Mahrah and Eastern Saudi Arabia

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    In this paper, we discuss conducting community-based fieldwork with speakers of the Modern South Arabian languages (MSAL) in southern Oman, eastern Yemen and eastern Saudi Arabia for a Leverhulme-funded project: The Documentation and Ethnolinguistic Analysis of Modern South Arabian. The paper begins with a brief introduction to the languages, their varying degrees of language endangerment, and the traditional lifestyle of their speakers. In section 2 we discuss the decline and erosion of the languages, and the rationale this provides not only for documenting the languages, but also for closely involving native speakers and community members in the data collection, transcription, translation, analysis, and dissemination. This vital community participation is considered in section 3, which also includes a description of the equipment we used, the software packages and the orthography devised for the project. We describe the collection of audio, audio-visual and photographic material, file identification and metadata, identifying speakers, obtaining ethical consent, training community participants, analysing and archiving the data, and the project website. Section 4 discusses language revitalisation and the joint dissemination of research

    A Printed U-Shaped Coplanar Waveguide Feed UWB Antenna for GPR Applications

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    A printed U-shaped coplanar waveguide fed (CPW) ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna is designed, fabricated, and measured in this paper for ground penetrating (GPR) applications. To enhance the working bandwidth, a set of cutoffs was introduced in different parts of the antenna. The antenna was printed on the FR4-epoxy substrate in a compact size of 0.252λ0×0.3λ0×0.015λ0 at 3 GHz. The calculated results were validated by realizing and measuring a prototype. Experimental demonstrations were done with the R& S®ZNB Vector Network Analyzer, which indicates that the antenna's working bandwidth extends from 3.09 GHz to 11.07 GHz (112.71%). Additionally, the antenna's radiation patterns were measured in an isolated anechoic chamber, which shows that the proposed antenna has omni-directional radiation patterns. Moreover, acceptable gain antenna values ranging between 1.74 and 7.04 dBi and high values of radiation efficiency of more than 80% were achieved over the whole working bandwidth. Besides, the antenna presents a stable group delay with a linear phase of S21 through the UWB frequency band. To prove the efficiency of the fabricated antenna for GPR applications, the operation of the antenna was experimentally tested in a sandy soil box. The obtained results show that the proposed antenna could be a good candidate for GPR applications


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    The project focuses on designing and operating a mini factory using standard and customized Festo components. The project shows the integration of various components to create a flexible manufacturing system. The goal of this project is to build a small factory that can make customized products. The current product to be manufactured is a box containing a ring and a keychain with the Abu Dhabi Polytechnic logo. The mini factory consists of processing, handling, and pick-and-place stations. The purpose of the project is to improve and confirm students’ skills in the field of industrial automation and Industry 4.0 via the simulation and implementation of the production process, therefore, the project contributes to learning how products are designed and manufactured. The organizational goals of the project are lab equipment development, customization and upgrade for support of the mechatronics program and to build a demonstration solution for exhibitions and fairs with the feature to give visitors customized products with the organization logo which leads to the organization's promotion and recognition

    Can gender, religion, education, age and personality predict willingness to forgive?

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    The aim of this paper is to describe whether gender, age, religion, education and personality variables (Psychoticism, Extroversion andNeuroticism) can predict willingness to forgive among a sample of Mafikeng Residents in North West Province, South Africa. Data was collected from two hundred and twenty (220) residents in Mafikeng households consisting of 132 (60%) females and 88 (40%) males. Age in years ranged from 18 to 68 with a mean age of 28.7 (SD) = 11.9.Through a multi-staged sampling of streets and households, participants were reached in Mafikeng municipality area of the North West Province,South Africa. Using hierarchical multiple regression (stepwise method), results showed that the overall model was significant: Adjusted R Square = 089, F (2, 211) = 11.460, P < .001. Of all the variables included inthe study (gender, age, Christian, Muslim, Married, Single, Below Matric, Matric, Post Matric, Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Neuroticism), onlyExtraversion (ß = .27, p = .001) and Post-matric level of education (ß = .16, p = .001) explained 8% of the total variance on willingness to forgive.Psychoticism, Neuroticism, gender, age, Christian, Muslim, Married, Single, Below Matric, Matric, were excluded from the model. These findings havesignificant practical implications for forgiveness as a psychological concept. The authors acknowledges that the study is new and therefore suggests the need for more research in this direction and a need for cultural focus and relevant programmes on forgiveness

    Проектування та аналіз нової фрактальної компактної антени для надширокосмугових застосувань

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    У статті повідомляється про нову компактну фрактальну друковану монопольну антену, яка нагадує трикутну серветку Серпінського, для надширокосмугових (UWB) застосувань. Запропонована антена розроблена за допомогою нової математичної моделі та нової ітераційної процедури для створення фрактальної геометричної форми модифікованої серветки Серпінського (MSG). Рекурсивна процедура формування MSG як випромінювального елемента заснована на рівнобічній трикутній сітці вузлів, яка побудована з використанням рекурсивної послідовності. Для узгодження імпедансу 50 Ом випромінюючий монополь MSG живиться від компланарного хвилеводу (CPW) із трапецієподібною заземлюючою площиною. Моделювання та оптимізація різних параметрів запропонованої фрактальної антени виконано за допомогою CST Microwave Studio. Результати моделювання показують, що запропонована антена має помірне посилення у всьому діапазоні з піком 4,77 дБі на частоті 9,8 ГГц. Зазначену антену також порівнюють з аналогами у відповідній літературі, щоб диференціювати її продуктивність. Загальний розмір представленої антени, яка розроблена на підкладці Rogers RO4003C (tanδ = 0.0027 та Er = 3.38), становить 19×20×1,52 мм3. Крім того, реалізовано і протестований компактний прототип антени. Результати вимірювань коефіцієнта відбиття показують гарну узгодженість з результатами моделювання. Сконструйована антена демонструє діаграми спрямованості в усіх напрямах та охоплює діапазон частот 2,22-10,7 ГГц, що робить її придатною для бездротових та UWB додатків.In this paper, a compact new fractal printed monopole antenna, inspired of Sierpinski gasket, for ultrawideband (UWB) applications is reported. The proposed antenna is designed by developing a novel mathematical model and a new iterative procedure to generate a fractal geometric shape of the modified Sierpinski gasket (MSG). The recursive procedure to form an MSG as a radiating element is based on an equilateral triangular grid of nodes which is constructed by using a recursive sequence. The MSG radiating monopole is fed by coplanar waveguide (CPW) to achieve a 50 Ω impedance matching with a trapezoidal ground plane. Simulation and optimization of various parameters of the proposed fractal antenna are performed using CST Microwave Studio. The simulated results indicate that the proposed antenna possesses a moderate gain over the entire band with a peak of 4.77 dBi at 9.8 GHz. The stated antenna is also compared with the related literature reviews to differentiate its performance. The total size of the presented antenna is 19×20×1.52 mm3, which is designed on Rogers RO4003C substrate (tanδ = 0.0027 and Er = 3.38). Moreover, a compact prototype is implemented and tested. The measured results of the reflection coefficient characteristics show good agreement with the simulated results. The designed antenna exhibits omnidirectional radiation patterns and covers the frequency range 2.22-10.7 GHz, making it suitable for wireless and UWB applications

    Interest in Islamicpreneur: Family Environment Factors and Religiosity Analysis (the Research of Islamic Economics Students at University in Bandung)

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the occupation that has a noble in the view of Islam. In addition, Entrepreneurship is also has an important role for the welfore of a state. Howover, the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia is still in low rate compared to another countries. For the reason, this research will discuss student's interest toward Islamicpreneur. It is because students' interest in islamicpreneur is the source for the birth of Islamic entrepreneurs in the future. Based on the previous research, entrepreneurial interest is influenced by among others, family enviroment and religiousity level. Therefore this research aims to analyze and predict the influence of family enviroment and religiousity toward students interests in islamicpreneur. The population of this research is the student of Islamic economics at university in Bandung. The study use non-probability-accidental sampling as sampling technique with 280 people as the subjects of the research. Then the research was using causality method with quantitative approach. The data was analyzed using Partial Least SquaresStructural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that the family environment has a positive and significant effect on the interest of Islamicpreneur, while the level of religiosity does not affect the interest of Islamic scholars. This research is expected to be able to provide benefits to various parties in increasing the interest of Islamic scholarship in students, especially Islamic economics students at University in Bandung. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: Family Enviroment, Religiosity, Student Interest in Islamicpreneu