26 research outputs found

    Geography and Location Are the Primary Drivers of Office Microbiome Composition.

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    In the United States, humans spend the majority of their time indoors, where they are exposed to the microbiome of the built environment (BE) they inhabit. Despite the ubiquity of microbes in BEs and their potential impacts on health and building materials, basic questions about the microbiology of these environments remain unanswered. We present a study on the impacts of geography, material type, human interaction, location in a room, seasonal variation, and indoor and microenvironmental parameters on bacterial communities in offices. Our data elucidate several important features of microbial communities in BEs. First, under normal office environmental conditions, bacterial communities do not differ on the basis of surface material (e.g., ceiling tile or carpet) but do differ on the basis of the location in a room (e.g., ceiling or floor), two features that are often conflated but that we are able to separate here. We suspect that previous work showing differences in bacterial composition with surface material was likely detecting differences based on different usage patterns. Next, we find that offices have city-specific bacterial communities, such that we can accurately predict which city an office microbiome sample is derived from, but office-specific bacterial communities are less apparent. This differs from previous work, which has suggested office-specific compositions of bacterial communities. We again suspect that the difference from prior work arises from different usage patterns. As has been previously shown, we observe that human skin contributes heavily to the composition of BE surfaces. IMPORTANCE Our study highlights several points that should impact the design of future studies of the microbiology of BEs. First, projects tracking changes in BE bacterial communities should focus sampling efforts on surveying different locations in offices and in different cities but not necessarily different materials or different offices in the same city. Next, disturbance due to repeated sampling, though detectable, is small compared to that due to other variables, opening up a range of longitudinal study designs in the BE. Next, studies requiring more samples than can be sequenced on a single sequencing run (which is increasingly common) must control for run effects by including some of the same samples in all of the sequencing runs as technical replicates. Finally, detailed tracking of indoor and material environment covariates is likely not essential for BE microbiome studies, as the normal range of indoor environmental conditions is likely not large enough to impact bacterial communities

    General dental practitioners' Knowledge and practice about the oral hygiene instruction to denture wearers

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    زمینه و اهداف: در آموزش و انگیزش بیماران بی‌دندان در مورد رعایت بهداشت دست دندان، دندانپزشکان نقش مهمی دارند. از این رو مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی آگاهی و عملکرد دندانپزشکان عمومی در خصوص ارائه‌ی آموزش‌های مربوط به رعایت بهداشت و نگهداری دست دندان به بیماران بی‌دندان انجام شد. مواد و روش‌ها: این مطالعه توصیفی- مقطعی بر روی دندانپزشکان عمومی شهر یزد که درمان پروتز کامل انجام می‌دادند در سال ۱۳۹۹ انجام شد. در مطالعه، از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته استفاده گردید که روایی پرسشنامه توسط پنل خبرگان تایید شد و پایایی پرسشنامه با آلفای کرونباخ برای سوالات آگاهی معادل 8/0 و عملکرد 7/0 تایید شد. داده‌ها با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری SPSS17 و آزمون‌‌های آماری T-test و ضریب همبستگی پیرسون تجزیه و تحلیل شد. همچنین ملاحظات اخلاقی در تمام مراحل اجرای مطالعه رعایت شد. یافته‌ها: در این مطالعه 130 دندانپزشک عمومی با میانگین سنی 87/7 ±32/34 سال و میانگین سابقه کاری 04/7 ±67/8 شرکت نمودند. میانگین نمره آگاهی دندانپزشکان مورد بررسی 11/2 ±49/11 از 18 نمره بود. ارتباط آماری معنا‌داری بین میانگین نمره‌ی آگاهی با سن، جنسیت و سابقه کار دندانپزشکان وجود داشت (05/0>P- value). تفاوت آماری معنی‌داری در عملکرد دندانپزشکان بر حسب میانگین سن و سابقه کار، جنسیت و همچنین شرکت در بازآموزی مرتبط مشاهده نشد (05/ 0<P-value). نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به محدودیت‌های مطالعه، نتایج نشان داد، میزان آگاهی دندانپزشکان در مورد آموزش بهداشت دست دندان به بیماران متوسط بوده، آگاهی دندانپزشکان جوان‌تر با سابقه کار کمتر بیشتر از سایر دندانپزشکان بود؛ ولی عملکرد اکثر دندانپزشکان در حد مطلوب بود.Background and Aims: Drug compounds, including acetaminophen, enter the environment through urban and industrial wastewater. The presence of these substances in very small amounts causes adverse effects on health. The goal of this research is to investigate of acetaminophen removal from aqueous solution by batch proxy electrochemical reactor with using zinc-copper electrode and hydrogen peroxide. Materials and Methods: This study is a laboratory experimental research. Water sample containing acetaminophen was prepared and removal efficiency in different conditions of variables pH (4-8), c reaction time (30-90 min), concentration of acetaminophen (50-200 mg/L), current density (3-9 mA/cm2), and concentration of hydrogen peroxide (0.5-1.5 mg/L) were studied. Acetaminophen was determined by high performance liquid chromatography at 360. Ethical considerations were observed at all stages of the study. Results: In electrochemical reactor, the removal rate of 50 mg/L acetaminophen was obtained in the optimal conditions of 2 cm distance between electrodes, 9 mA/cm2 electric current density, 30 minutes electrolysis time, and pH equal to 4, 63%. In proxy electrochemical reactor, the amount of acetaminophen removal at a concentration of 1.5 mg/L hydrogen peroxide, 9 mA/cm2 electric current density, 30 minutes time reaction, an optimal pH equal to 4, and 50 mg/L acetaminophen concentration was obtained 100%. Conclusion: Based on these results, the peroxy electrochemical method, as a promising and environmentally friendly advanced oxidation technology, is effective in removing acetaminophen from aqueous solutions and the process implementation conditions are more cost-effective compared to electrochemical method

    The Direct and Indirect Effects of Macronutrients on Energy Intake in Lactating Mothers

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    Background: Mother’s nutrition during lactation is a factor affecting the quality and quantity of their milk. The present study aimed to investigate the direct and indirect effects of macronutrients on the amount of their energy intake.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Khorramabad, and the target population included lactating mothers with a lactation period of 12 months or less. Using the dietary record (DR) in three days, the participants’ nutritional status and food intake were assessed. For distinguishing the importance of variables based on their direct and indirect effects on energy, non-parametric path analysis was employed.Results: The median level of energy intake was 1719.60 calories. Carbohydrates and proteins had the strongest and weakest effects on energy intake, respectively; and the strongest indirect effect was observed in fiber, MUFA, and Isoleucine.Conclusion: Considering the path coefficients related to direct and indirect effects and the effect of each macronutrient on the amount of energy intake, lactating mothers should be informed with the help of intervention programs about the importance of having proper nutrition to receive adequate nutrients and energy

    T he Effectiveness of Group Counseling with Emphasis on Communication Skills on Midwifery Students' Sense of Belonging in Clinical Settings

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    Background: It seems that by improvement of communication skills among midwifery students, their sense of belonging in medical setting increases. Objectives: The current study aimed to investigate the effect of group counseling with emphasis on communication skills on midwifery students’ sense of belonging in clinical settings. Methods: This interventional study with the pretest-posttest control group design was conducted on 78 midwifery students of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, in 2016. The participants were selected using the census method. Of the total study population, sixty students with low level of mental health were screened using Goldberg's General Health Questionnaire and randomly included in an intervention and a control group. They filled out Belongingness Scale–Clinical Placement Experience (BES–CPE) as the pretest. The intervention consisted of eight group counseling sessions (two 2-hour sessions per week) with emphasis on communication skills that were held in their faculty. The final sample included well as fifty two students filling out the posttest instruments. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22. Results: There was no significant difference in terms of demographic factors between two groups. There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of total score (P<0.0001) as the self-esteem and self-efficacy subscales (p<0.05). Conclusion: Sense of belonging in clinical settings is required for midwifery students so that they can improve their communicaton skills in such settings. Therefore, it is recommended to include programs in midwifery curricula in order to improve students’ sense of belonging by enhancing their communication skills. Keywords: Counseling, Belonging, Communication, Clinical, Midwifery, Student

    Hydrogel-integrated graphene superstructures for tissue engineering: From periodontal to neural regeneration

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    Hydrogel-integrated graphene superstructures (GSSs) represent a promising platform for applications in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Graphene, a two-dimensional carbon-based material, possesses remarkable mechanical, thermal, and electrical characteristics, making it a strong candidate for application in biomedicine. Researchers have pursued the integration of graphene with hydrogels, known for their biocompatibility and ability to provide a conducive environment for cellular growth, to craft sophisticated scaffolds tailored to tissue engineering needs. The integration of hydrogels and graphene enables the construction of 3D frameworks that closely mimic the natural extracellular matrix (ECM) found in biological tissues. Hydrogels furnish a biocompatible, well-hydrated environment, while the graphene component bolsters the scaffold's mechanical integrity and electrical conductivity. This amalgamation enhances cellular adhesion, differentiation, and proliferation, thereby facilitating tissue regeneration. A notable advantage of hydrogel-integrated GSSs lies in their capacity to support the growth and differentiation of a variety of cell types such as PC12, MG-63, U-87, and MC3T3-E1 cell lines. Overall, hydrogel-integrated GSSs exhibit great potential for advancing biomimetic tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The combination of the unique properties of graphene with the biocompatibility of hydrogels enables the development of advanced scaffold systems for tissue regeneration. Further research and development in this domain will play a crucial role in advancing regenerative medicine and the treatment of various diseases and injuries

    Personal Electronic Health Record for Patients with Diabetes; Health Technology Assessment Protocol

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    Introduction: In recent decades, diabetes has contributed significantly to the burden of disease in developed and developing countries, due to the considerable prevalence and involvement of various age groups in the communities.Today, a variety of ways to manage and control the disease are used, one of which is the use of personal electronic health records. Recently there has been a remarkable upsurge in activity surrounding the adoption of personal electronic health records systems for patients and consumers. personal electronic health records systems are more than just static repositories for patient data; they combine data, knowledge, and software tools, which help patients to become active participants in their own care.The present study was conducted with the goal of Health Technology Assessment the impact of personal electronic health records in Patients with Diabetes.Methods: Writing is based on PRISMA standards.  This was a Health Technology Assessment  study. It aimed to evaluate the technology of personal electronic health record . The scoping review was conducted to evaluate 8 dimensions (Health Problem and Current Use of the Technology, Description and technical characteristics of technology, Safety, Costs and economic evaluation, Ethical analysis, Organisational aspects, Patients and Social aspects, Legal aspects) of  Personal electronic health record . This study was based on answering questions which were developed based on Health Diagnostics Technology Assessment Documents Framework and HTA Core Model 3.0 . A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the Clinical Effectiveness dimension of personal electronic health record  in controlling diabetes. In order to gather evidences, Ovid databases, Cochrane Library, PubMed, CRD, Trip database and EMBASE, and Randomized Controlled Trial Registries, such as the Clinical Trial and Trial Registry, were searched using specific keywords and strategies. .Articles are evaluated on the basis of the quality criteria of JADAD.The data is analyzed by the STATA software.Dissemination:The results of the study will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and presented at relevant conferences.Policy makers and healthcare decision-makers can use these results

    The Building Science of Office Surfaces: Implications for Microbial Community Succession

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    The Surface Project studied the microbial succession on office surfaces in nine offices in three North American cities. Building science parameters including relative humidity (RH), temperature, equilibrium relative humidity (ERH), illumination, and occupancy were measured to investigate their impact on microbial communities. Parameters were measured every five minutes over the course of a year. ERH, RH, temperature, occupancy, and illumination varied between offices, and cities which suggests that building characteristics and climate are important factors. RH, ERH, and temperature showed clear seasonal variation. The drywall ERH varied from ERH of ceiling tile and carpet and from the RH of air. Illumination was different in occupied and unoccupied offices. Occupancy did not cause that much difference in RH. Methodology analysis revealed no difference between different frequency measurements, although it is suggested that short-term intervals to be considered since long-term intervals may not show the large variation of building science parameters.M.A.S

    Synthesis, in vitro and cellular antioxidant activity evaluation of novel peptides derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein hydrolysate : structure-function relationship

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    The relationship between structure and function of primary antioxidant peptide, YR-10 (YGKPVAVPAR) was considered by synthesizing three analogues including YHR-10 (YGKHVAVHAR), GA-8 (GKPVAVPA) and PAR-3 (PAR). Antioxidant activity was determined through in vitro and cellular assays. Substitution of Pro with His in the structure of YR-10 led to significant (P < 0.05) higher ABTS radical scavenging and ferric reducing activity. Following in silico simulated gastrointestinal digestion, Tyr and Arg were omitted, respectively, from N and C-terminal positions and resulted in decreasing DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging, and ferric reducing activities. PAR-3 showed the best inhibitory activity on linoleic acid oxidation. Pretreatment of Caco-2 cells with YR-10, YHR-10, and GA-8 (1000 mu M) before exposure to H2O2 (160 mu M) resulted in 34.10%, 39.66% and 29.159% reduction in malondialdehyde and 53.52%, 17.02% and 24.71% reduction in protein carbonyl levels. The peptide pretreatment reduced catalase level in cells and PAR-3 exhibited the most protective effects on the viability of cells exposed to oxidative stress

    Open-heart Surgery Complications Following Programmed Education and Nurses' Clinical Competence

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    Heart surgery can lead to certain complications that, if not diagnosed and treated on time, can be fatal. In view of the fact that nurses' clinical competence affects the quality of clinical judgment, the present study aimed to explore the effect of programmed education and nurses' clinical competence on complications following open-heart surgeries. The results of the present study showed that a closer attention to regular and programmed education and informing of open-heart surgery patients, especially before surgery and at the time of discharge, along with the clinical competence of nurses in ICUs, can reduce the incidence of post-surgery complications. Since the nurses' clinical competence greatly affects their clinical judgments and quality of care, paying greater attention to the nurses' education through systematic programs and increasing the clinical competence can lead to fewer post-heart-surgery complications; this, in turn, reduces the length of stay and the ensuing costs

    The Fitness of Indivisible Self-Model of Wellness in Iranian Students

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    The present research aimed to study the indivisible self-model of wellness in Iranian students based on a descriptive research design. Using multi age sampling, a group of total 582 students of Tehran universities 235 Male, 353 female) with age mean of 25 was selected. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the indivisible self-model of wellness fits the data well. The internal correlations confirmed the significant relationship between the components of indivisible self-model of wellness. The results of t-test revealed the significant difference only between genders. Results of this study showed that the indivisible self-model of wellness can be applied in Iranian culture to improve the wellness and can be integrated and correlated with local and Islamic patterns to find the best wellness mode