203 research outputs found


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    Madrasah Aliyah Mu'allimin Mu'allimat Rembang (M3R) during the Covid-19 M3R pandemic held distance education using online methods. However, the problem of online learning models cannot be done optimally because of the lack of ability of teachers in creating learning content / materials. Teachers also do not have the ability to make video-based material to support the learning process. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of learning and education. So that by providing community service programs through these trainings, teachers are able to improve their abilities as professional teaching staff who understand the importance of ICT in learning activity.

    Analisa Peningkatan Pelayanan Teller dan Customer Service Bank Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic

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    Pada sistem antrian nasabah bank konvesional, jika pembagian pelayan customer service dan teller tidak sesuai dengan nasabah yang mengantri mengakibatkan nasabah mendapatkan waktu menunggu yang sangat lama pada antrian yang sedang ramai. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan sistem fuzzy logic Sugeno untuk menganalisa banyak pelayan customer service dan banyak pelayan teller yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan nasabah yang mengantri agar antrian nasabah lebih efisiensi. Sistem ini dirancang berdasarkan data nasabah yang mengantri pada setiap petugas pelayanan bank di BRI Cabang Banda Aceh, dari tanggal 2 sampai 31 Mei 2017, untuk berbagai kondisi kepadatan antrian yang terjadi. Dari sistem fuzzy yang dibangun dapat dianalisa banyak pelayan yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan nasabah yang mengantri. Jika antrian di customer service 10 orang dan antrian di teller 61 orang maka banyak pelayan customer service yang dibutuhkan adalah 3 orang dan banyak pelayan teller yang dibutuhkan adalah 5 orang. Dengan banyak pelayan tersebut waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melayani nasabah menggunakan sistem fuzzy logic Sugeno lebih cepat dari pada menggunakan sistem bank konvesional sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu menunggu di customer service sebesar 2.5% dan teller sebesar 27.78%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem fuzzy logic Sugeno mampu meningkatkan efisiensi antrian nasaba


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    Achieving superior service quality is the main concern of all service providers, so that service providers are urged to provide high quality customer-oriented services. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of customer service at Dekranasda Rembang, using the Servqual and Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. Servqual is used to see customer perceptions and expectations on the five dimensions of servqual including Physical Evidence (Tangibles), guarantee (Reliability), Responsiveness (Responsiveness), Assurance (Assurance) and Empathy (Emphaty). While AHP is used to weight each dimension and criteria. The results showed that there were 10 service criteria that had to be improved immediately by Dekranasda, so as to improve customer quality


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    The need for fish catch by a company or fisherman in Rembang Regency affects market process and also welfare. The catch made by the fishermen is not on target, due to the weather and type of fishing gear. An accurate method is needed in making predictions and a correlation between catch and weather so that fisherman can get maximum predictions results, so that price adjustment can be made. The research was conducted using an experimental method, to determine the accuracy of the effect of the Conjugate Gradient on the Back Propagation Neural Network in obtaining the best value. Based on the results of the Cycle training test with the Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Neural Network method, the smallest average value is obtained at the 400th Epoch compared to the Epoch Gradient Descent With Momentum method at Epoch 800.Thus it is proven that using the Conjugate Gradient Backpropagation Neural Network method is better with an average value of- MSE average 0.2223 in three stages of testing Training Cycle, Learning Rate and Hidden Layer

    Peranan Kerjasama Team Antar Karyawan Banquet Guna Meningkatkan Pelayanan Out Let Banquet Pada Hotel Kartika Graha Malang (Study Pada Hotel Kartika Graha Malang)

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    The aim of this study was to determine the various programs of work tasks, roles, and functions of the Banquet outlet at Hotel Kartika Graha Malang. The other aim was to know the problems faced by the Banquet outlet especially by a Supervisor at Hotel Kartika Graha Malang. This study used several methods to collect data such as the Observation method were done by direct observation of the object under study; Interview method were carried out with the question method and answer to get information from the parties related to the topics discussed; Documentation method with data collection through data-retrieval; and the last method was Research method data and literature were done by literature study. In the result of research got the role of teamwork in improving the best service to guests in the food and beverage department. Coordination and communication is very important for smooth performance among employees and between departments in a hotel because either directly or indirectly, will definitely need help from each other

    Propaganda dalam Film (Analisis Teknik Propaganda Anti-Iran dalam Film Argo)

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    Film is a medium that can affect people and share knowledge, ideology, and new discourses. Filmbecame a significant medium to educate the public about what we understand and what we believe . Unique effectcontained in the film makes the audience unconsciously receive new stimuli, either in the form of knowledge,ideology, and various other things. Then the audience believe and justify the values that exist in the film,unconsciously.In the contex of propaganda, many people use film advantages to spread their views and beliefs. As wecan see in the Hitler regime in Germany, which even has a special minister of propaganda spread Hitler \u27s viewsto the public in various ways including by the film. The current movie, such as Argo, allegedly used the same wayto spread ideas that contain propaganda purposes.This study is an attempt to read the movie Argo, which in fact saves controversy, especially in the sphereof propaganda. Some believe Argo is a series of anti - Iranian propaganda embodied in the movie. This studyexplores how the propaganda into the Argo, and how to deliver their propaganda messages

    Designing VHDL to Simulate the Error Correction of Hamming Code

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    The role of error detection and error correction for the data bit by the receiver is very important because the sender does not need to repeat the transmissions. Thus, the speed and reliability in transmitting data information can be maintained. This study aims to implement simulation the Forward Error Correction (FEC) method in verifying and correcting data errors received by using simulation. To support FEC method, study utilizes visual basic software so that it can be used as one of the quasi-experimental modules in the data communication laboratory. The Forward Error Correction (FEC) method is a method that can correct data errors in the receiver. This method uses simulated Hamming codes on the computer so that the detection and correction process can be clearly demonstrated on the monitor screen. This simulation can be used as a quasi-experimental module in a data communication laboratory. The simulation results show that the Hamming code (17, 12) codec has been running as expected

    Analisis Pengaruh Disposisi Matematis, Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif, dan Persepsi pada Kreativitas terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis

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    This study aimed to examine the effect on the perception of creativity to the creative thinking abilities; the effect of the disposition of mathematical and creative thinking abilities to mathematical problem solving ability. Statistical method used is path analysis. The test results indicate that there is significant influence of perception on the creativity of the creative thinking abilities; significant influence on the ability to think creatively and mathematical disposition towards mathematical problem solving ability; There are no direct influence on the perception of the creativity of the mathematical problem solving ability
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