118 research outputs found


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    Political parties in Indonesia are growing and growing rapidly, therefore, there needs to be a new idea in the effort to develop and dissolve the bankrupt political party in order to create a system Indonesian parting is a simple multiparty system. The results of this study show that the establishment of a significant political party and efforts to simplify the political party by going through an unusual stage is by means of The application of the bankruptcy political party to the Constitutional Court of its purpose is to efficiencies the country-issued budget for political parties as well as making the system of Indonesia's parting systems a multi-party system that is simple but in terms Do the idea of having to pay attention to several important factors including: democratic, rational, and Non-discriminatory principles.Keywords: Political parties, political party disbandment, simple Multi Party system


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    The District Court is a general court institution that handles criminal and civil cases which is domiciled at the district or city level, while a state institution is a body that has the authority and duties for certain matters and is specific in nature, such as the KPU which functions as an organizer of general elections that cannot be separated from conflicts or disputes in the stages of holding elections, in this case there are issues that cause dynamics, namely the result of a lawsuit filed by the just and prosperous people's party in suing the KPU because the Prima party did not pass as a political party candidate for the 2024 election. This type of research is normative research. (legal research), namely placing law into a system of norms. This research uses a statutory approach (statute approach) and an analytical approach (analitycal approach). The authority of the district court in deciding disputes over the general election process that occurred as a result of the failure of political parties participating in the election with the KPU is beyond the competence of the general court and claims cannot be accepted. The election law regulates three matters relating to election dispute resolution: first, settlement Election process disputes are conducted through the election supervisory body (Bawaslu). Second, the settlement of election disputes is carried out by legal means through the State Administrative Court (PTUN) because every decision issued by the KPU is a State Administrative decision. Third, the settlement of disputes over the results of general elections is carried out through the Constitutional Court as regulated by the 1945 Constitution


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    Novel 99 Cahaya di Langit Europe not only has the function of entertainment media, but can also be a medium in internalizing educational values, especially Islamic education. Proud to be a Muslim. The author tells about Muslims as a minority population on the European continent who find it difficult to maintain religious principles, but if their faith is strong they are able to survive and carry out Islamic Shari'a solemnly. Hanum and Rangga as Muslims try to carry out the mission of Islam as a religion of mercy. lil alamin not only to fellow Muslims aka but also to non-Muslims. Both depict the fruit of obedience to carry out orders and stay away from the prohibitions of Islam and do good to others, if there is a sense of tolerance among human beings

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Web Centric Cource, Self-Efficacy Komputer, Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa SMK

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    Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi komunikasi terus berkembang dengan pesat. Pengaruhnya meluas ke berbagai bidang kehidupan, termasuk dalam bidangpendidikan. Peran guru sebagai sumber pengetahuan berubah menjadi fasilitator, motivator, evaluator, dan tutor. Pada saat ini pembelajaran yang berpusat pada guru berubah menjadi pembelajaranyang berpusat pada siswa. Pendidikan merupakan sebuah proses akademik yang tujuannya untuk meningkatkan nilai sosial, budaya, moral, atau agama peserta didik. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi siswa adalah motivasi. Dengan adanya motivasi, siswa akan belajar lebih keras, ulet, tekun dan memiliki konsentrasi penuh dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain hal tersebut mengintegrasikan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dalam pembelajaransaat ini sangat penting dilakukan antara lain untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan mutu belajar peserta didik. Kita tahu bahwa dengan masuknya pengaruh globalisasi khususnya teknologi komunikasi, maka pendidikan saat ini akan lebih bersifat jaringan, terbuka dan dua arah, beragam, multidisipliner, serta terkait pada produktivitas kerja dan kompetitif. Ada tiga model pembelajaranberbasis internet yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran, yaitu web course, web centric course, dan web enhanced course. Selain kedua faktor tersebut faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan dalam pembelajaranadalah self-efficacy kemampuan komputer. Sejauh mana pemilihan model pembelajaranberbasis internet web centric course, self-efficacy komputer dan motivasi belajar berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar siswa khusus¬nya hasil belajar mata pelajaran pemrograman dasar sangat menarik untuk diteliti dan menjadi tujuan utama penelitian ini


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    Jersey merupakan salah satu atribut dalam dunia sepak bola yang mengalami perubahan desain di setiap musimnya untuk memperbarui wajah identitas klub. Persebaya merupakan klub sepak bola asal Surabaya yang juga melakukan redesign pada jersey. Persebaya konsisten menerapkan elemen identitas pada jersey berupa motif sisik buaya, kemudian motif tersebut diganti dengan ilustrasi landmark Surabaya di musim 2021. Perubahan visual jersey, diimbangi dengan prestasi Persebaya di setiap musim membuat jersey yang mereka produksi terjual laris. Hal tersebut menjadi alasan penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menjabarkan dan membandingkan analisis elemen visual pada desain jersey home Persebaya di musim 2020 dan 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif melalui analisis komparasi, yang disusun secara matriks. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan studi literatur. Langkah awal proses penelitian ini ialah dengan melihat dan mengamati desain jersey, kemudian mendeskripsikan tiap elemen visual pada jersey. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan mencolok pada kedua jersey terdapat pada motif identitas yang digunakan .Kedua jersey juga mengembangkan elemen visual yang digunakan pada jersey musim sebelumnya, sehingga membentuk sebuah ciri khas dan identitas klub. Kata Kunci: Desain Jersey, Elemen Visual, Identitas, Komparas

    The Concept of Aqidah Akhlak Education Curriculum in Forming Istiqamah Character of Elementary School Students

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    There is a need for an aqidah akhlak education curriculum that can shape the character of istiqamah students at the elementary school level as a basic foundation for good character building. Thus, this research seeks to explore: (1) How is the concept of aqidah akhlak education curriculum in shaping the istiqamah character of elementary school students at the stage of learning planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation? (2) How is implementing the aqidah akhlak education curriculum in shaping the istiqamah character of elementary school students at the stage of learning planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation?  This research uses a qualitative approach. This type of multi-site study research is chosen to provide a search for the proposed research problem. Data collection techniques were carried out by 1) in-depth interviews, 2) participant observation, and 3) documentation. The data were analyzed with an interactive model consisting of data condensation, data display, conclusion, and verification. Data validity checking is based on four criteria: degree of trust (credibility), degree of transferability, degree of dependability, and degree of certainty (confirmability).  The results of this study were found (1) the concept of the aqidah akhlak education curriculum in shaping the istiqamah character of elementary school students at the learning planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation stages in two Islamic elementary schools in Situbondo and (2) implementation of the aqidah akhlak education curriculum in shaping the istiqamah character of elementary school students at the stage of learning planning, learning implementation, and learning evaluation in two Islamic elementary schools in Situbondo


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    Pengadah Village is one of the backward village in the ‘outermost’ region of Natuna Regency, Riau IslandsProvince, Indonesia. The populations of Pengadah Village are 556 people with 171 families. The majority of localpeoples work as fishermen and farmers, depend on the season. Housewives dont have side jobs as a source of additionalincome for their families. Pengadah Village have the potential tourism that cannot be underestimated, there are Semitanrivers with mangrove forests on the right and left sides of the river, Semitan beach, Tanjung Datuk beach, Lubang Kamakbeach and waterfalls. In economical sector, some local community have been independent to process agriculturalproducts into various chips. The village superior products from chips include banana chips, sweet potato chips, fishcrackers and major seafood processed products such as bilis. Based on the Subserve Doctor Programs (DM) of BrawijayaUniversity that was conducted in 2018, the community of Pegadah Village were requested to be given training of batikwith Natuna motive in 2019. with the large potential of Pengadah Village, the team of Subserve Doctor Programs in 2019carry out a series of superior programs including: (i) initiation of batik with Natuna motive, (ii) diversification ofbeverage products from coconuts, (iii) introduction of organic and inorganic waste processing, (iv) initiation ofpackaging technology and marketing of banana chips and fish crackers, and (iv) conductivity of online promotions in aneffort to develops superior products in Pengadah Village. The scope of this community empowerment programs focusedon three sectors, namely: agriculture, fisheries, and tourism in Pengadah Village

    Identification of Coral Reefs in Mamburit Waters, Sumenep Regency

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    This research was conducted in September to October 2013 in Mamburit Waters, Sumenep Regency. This study was aimed to assess the percentage of coral reefs and acknowkedge the type of the coral reefs. Coral reefs was observed with the Line Intercept (LIT) method laid parallel to the coastline in the depth of 3 m and 10 m in windward and leeward area. Total of 59.88% coral reefs lived in leeward area in 3 m depth includes in good category and the percentage of dead coral reefs and other fauna for 40.12%. In the 10 m depth, 69.19% live coral reefs include as medium category with percentage of dead coral reefs and other fauna for 30.81%. Winward location of 3 m depth has 68.38% live coral reefs in good category and percentage of dead coral reefs and other fauna for 31.62%. Whereas for 10 m depth, 40.86% of live coral reefs include as medium category with percentage of dead coral reefs and other fauna for 59.14 %

    Dynamics of Water Quality for Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation in Intensive Ponds in Coastal Areas

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    Cultivators increase production using intensive cultivation which applies stocking densities and feeding in high quantities, which triggers a decrease in water quality, both cultivation water and cultivation wastewater because it contains high levels of organic matter. Changes in water quality have an impact on plankton community structure. This research aims to determine the dynamics of the physical, chemical, and biological quality of cultivation media water and the disposal of vaname shrimp cultivation waste in Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. The research was conducted in January 2023 using a survey method. Water and plankton samples were taken from reservoirs, ponds, and pond waste disposal sites. Sampling was carried out in vaname shrimp cultivation ponds in the Coastal Area of ​​Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. The physical and chemical quality of water has a pattern of changes up and down but is relatively the same and stable every week. All of these water quality parameters show a pattern of change that is quite good for the growth of vaname shrimp, but in waste disposal, the parameters for nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, and TOM are above the quality standards. The highest abundance of plankton is in waste dumps, with the highest phytoplankton coming from the Bacillariophyta phylum (49%), while zooplankton comes from the Rotifera phylum (54%). Regular monitoring of water quality in ponds and waste disposal sites is required so that it remains stable and safe for the environment.Cultivators increase production using intensive cultivation which applies stocking densities and feeding in high quantities, which triggers a decrease in water quality, both cultivation water and cultivation wastewater because it contains high levels of organic matter. Changes in water quality have an impact on plankton community structure. This research aims to determine the dynamics of the physical, chemical, and biological quality of cultivation media water and the disposal of vaname shrimp cultivation waste in Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. The research was conducted in January 2023 using a survey method. Water and plankton samples were taken from reservoirs, ponds, and pond waste disposal sites. Sampling was carried out in vaname shrimp cultivation ponds in the Coastal Area of ​​Ujungpangkah District, Gresik Regency. The physical and chemical quality of water has a pattern of changes up and down but is relatively the same and stable every week. All of these water quality parameters show a pattern of change that is quite good for the growth of vaname shrimp, but in waste disposal, the parameters for nitrate, phosphate, ammonia, and TOM are above the quality standards. The highest abundance of plankton is in waste dumps, with the highest phytoplankton coming from the Bacillariophyta phylum (49%), while zooplankton comes from the Rotifera phylum (54%). Regular monitoring of water quality in ponds and waste disposal sites is required so that it remains stable and safe for the environment
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