84 research outputs found

    Treaty Interpretation After R. v. Marshall; R. v. Bernard

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    Chief Justice McLachlin and the Division of Powers

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    These brief remarks offer a few reflections on Chief Justice McLachlin’s contributions to the Supreme Court of Canada’s jurisprudence on the division of powers, based on cases where she authored or co-authored reasons for judgment. It is obviously daunting to try to comment on the jurisprudence of the longest-serving Chief Justice in Canadian history. But the task certainly repays the effort and only deepens one’s admiration for her many important contributions to Canadian law. In that spirit, these notes provide a few comments on Chief Justice McLachlin’s judicial philosophy and her contributions to legal federalism and legal education. I will argue that Chief Justice McLachlin’s federalism jurisprudence fairly reflects her self-described judicial philosophy as being scrupulously non-partisan and impartial. I will further suggest that her contributions to the doctrines of legal federalism, as seen in her interjurisdictional immunity rulings by way of example, brought greater stability, certainty, and clarity to the law. I will close by suggesting that the rigour and lucidity of her judicial writing have contributed significantly to legal education in Canada

    The Constitutionalization of Solicitor-Client Privilege

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    Is the Economic Growth of ASEAN-10 related to Air Transportation? A Panel ARDL Approach

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    Investment in transport infrastructure is one of the important actions to accelerate regional development because it will open access among regions. Thus, it can lead to accelerating economic growth. This study aims to analyze the short-run and long-run relationship between economic growth and air transportation in ASEAN-10 countries. The data used in this study are the number of air transport passengers, air transport carrier, air freights, interactions between passengers and air transport carrier, and gross domestic product growth sourced from World Bank in a year period of 2002-2017. Panel ARDL is used in this analysis. Based on the specification, estimation, and examination of the model, the Panel ARDL is the best choice model. The Panel ARDL model shows that in the short term there is no significant relationship between air transportation and economic growth, but in the long term explains, except air freight, that air transport passengers, air transport airline, the interaction between passengers and air transport airlines have a significant effect on ASEAN-10 economic growth. This study emphasizes that to increase economic growth, increase in air transportation services is an important factor

    An experience of action research in Arab-Israeli schools

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    The hypotheses discussed herein are based on both Lewin’s theory and, in view of their mutual affinity, Gramsci’s ideas: in particular the role of school in the struggle for cultural hegemony. The research and results obtained support the validity of the theories forming the reference framework. What emerge are both the contradictions arising in a conflictual situation, and the possibility for school to be not only a place of conflict but, above all, of collaboration

    Analisis produk tabungan iB Wadi’ah menurut fatwa DSN MUI terhadap pemberian bonus akad wadi’ah : studi kasus di PT. BPRS Artha Mas Abadi Pati

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    Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah/BPRS Atha Mas Abadi adalah bank yang melaksanakan kegiatan usaha berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Salah satu produk berdasarkan pinsip syariah adalah Tabungan iB Wadi’ah dengan menggunakan akad Wadi’ah yad dhamanah yaitu akad penitipan barang atau uang dimana pihak penerima titipan dapat memanfaatkan barang atau uang titipan dan bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan atau kerusakan barang tersebut, sebagai imbalannya pihak yang menerima titipan dapat memberikan insentif bonus. Lembaga keuangan syari’ah, khususnya bank syari’ah mencoba memodifikasi dan menerapkan akad-akad al musamma termasuk wadi’ah sebagaimana yang disebutkan oleh kitab-kitab fiqh, namun aplikasinya telah mengalami perubahan bentuk yang sebaliknya dari pengertian semula. Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka dapat dirumuskan menjadi beberapa rumusan masalah. Petama, Bagaimana Pelaksanaan Produk Tabungan iB Wadi’ah di PT. BPRS Artha Mas Abadi menurut Fatwa Dewan Syari’ah Nasional?. Kedua, Bagaimana Analisis Terhadap Pemberian Bonus Pada Akad Wadi’ah Perspektif Hukum Islam? Penelitian ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian kualitatif dan jenis penelitian lapangan (field reaserch). Sumber data Primer berdasakan hasl wawancara dengan pihak BPRS. Sumber data sekunder berasal dari Fatwa DSN MUI, buku, pendapat para ahli dan juga kitab fiqh yang berkaitan dengan wadi’ah. Metode pengumpulan data penulis menggunakan metode observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan menggunakan deskriptif analisis. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif, terhadap data primer dan sekunder. Selanjutnya diuraikan dan disimpulkan dengan memakai metode berfikir indukti yaitu mengambil kesimpulan dimulai dari pernyataan atau fakta-fakta khusus berdasarkan praktek pengamatan yang terjadi dilapangan. Bedasarkan hasil analisis, produk tabungan ib wadi’ah menggunakan akad wadi’ah yad dhamanah, dimana dalam pelaksanaanya sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan Fatwa DSN MUI. Dalam pemberian bonus di berikan tiap bulan dari sisa saldo dan berdasarkan suka rela. Dalam akad wadi’ah yad dhamanah pihak lembaga berkewajiban untuk menanggung semua barang titipan. Dalam pemberian bonus pada produk tabungan ib wadi’ah tidak boleh di syaratkan diawal akad, dan implikasi hukum wadi’ah sama dengan qardh. Jadi pemberian bonus pada akad wadi’ah di kategorikan riba. Karna setiap hutang-piutang yang mendatangkan manfaat disebut riba

    The Emerging Role of Non-Coding RNAs in the Regulation of Virus Replication and Resultant Cellular Pathologies

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    Non-coding RNAs, particularly lncRNAs and miRNAs, have recently been shown to regulate different steps in viral infections and induction of immune responses against viruses. Expressions of several host and viral lncRNAs have been found to be altered during viral infection. These lncRNAs can exert antiviral function via inhibition of viral infection or stimulation of antiviral immune response. Some other lncRNAs can promote viral replication or suppress antiviral responses. The current review summarizes the interaction between ncRNAs and herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, and Epstein–Barr infections. The data presented in this review helps identify viral-related regulators and proposes novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of viral infection
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