1,727 research outputs found

    Dynamical studies of macroscopic superposition states: Phase engineering of controlled entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensate in multiple wells

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    We provide a scheme for the generation of entangled number states of Bose-Einstein condensates in multiple wells with cyclic pairwise connectivity. The condensate ground state in a multiple well trap can self-evolve, when phase engineered with specific initial phase differences between the neighboring wells, to a macroscopic superposition state with controllable entanglement -- to multiple well generalization of double well NOON states. We demonstrate through numerical simulations the creation of entangled states in three and four wells and then explore the creation of "larger" entangled states where there are either a larger number of particles in each well or a larger number of wells. The type of entanglement produced as the particle numbers, or interaction strength, increases changes in a novel and initially unexpected manner.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    The Factors That Influence the Firm Performance in the Furniture Industry Jepara

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    Furniture industryinJeparais one ofIndonesias main commoditiesto be proud ofandbe maintainedevenif itneeds to be improved. The industryoccupiesa strategicpositionof being ableto contributeto regional revenueby 26% byvalue ofexports ofU.S.130millionormorethanRp1trillionin2010andin2011reachedU.S. 130million ormorethanRp1trillionin 2010andin 2011reachedU.S. 111.65million. However,exportsfromJeparafurnitureislikely to declinedue toa variety of things. This study aimstoanalyze firm performance through, market orientation, learning orientation, and innovationin furnitureindustryinJepara. The samplesin this study were110smallandmedium-sizedenterprises. Sixthhypothesis with SEManalysis resultsof the researchare: (1) learningorientationhave a significant effecton firm performance, (2) learningorientationsignificant effect oninnovation, (3) marketorientation havea significant effect oninnovation, (4) marketorientationsignificantly influence on firms performance, (5) innovationno significant effect on firm performance. Indicatorvariablesthatneed to be consideredinlearningorientationisopen-mindednessandsharingof knowledge, whiletheindicatorvariable of themarket-orientation is competitororientationasa significant effect oninnovationandfirm performance

    Two-Phase Oil-Water Empirical Correlation Models for SCAL and Petrophysical Properties in Intermediate Wet Sandstone Reservoirs

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    A consensus has long been established that the best secondary oil recovery through waterflood is attained in intermediate wet reservoir systems. In the absence of special core analysis (SCAL) data during the initial stages of field evaluation, experimentally-derived correlations are generated in this study for preliminary evaluation purposes. Currently, it is identified that ambiguity exists between petrophysical relationships in intermediate wet reservoirs. Clarifying these relationships provides us with further understanding into maximizing oil recovery in such systems. Hence, the main objective of this study is to analyse and provide further insights into the relationships between petrophysical properties, which are ultimately vital for reservoir simulations. The correlations are generated through linear regression analysis from experimental core measurements. It has been proven that the most reliable correlations are essentially empirical rather than theoretical, especially with the case of relative permeability. The variation of SCAL parameters and correlations generated are studied as a function of wettability, permeability, porosity, initial water saturation and rock type. It is observed that residual oil saturation is moderately correlated to Amott-Harvey wettability in an upward curvilinear relationship while scaled endpoint relative permeability in two-phase oil-water system is strongly and linearly correlated to wettability. When investigating the effects of permeability, one must take into account that having too low or too high value might present anomalies in the correlations. The general trend for intermediate wettability reservoir is that a higher permeability shows a shift towards less water-wet behaviour (shift to oil-wet). Moreover, for initial water saturation and wettability, the trend is towards more water-wet at higher initial water saturation. Meanwhile, porosity is not strongly correlated to any of the parameters except permeability


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    Concrete has long been the most popular choice for constructing key infrastructural elements such as sewer pipes, water treatment facilities, industrial floors and foundations. However, many field cases from all around the world have shown that concrete elements in these environments are severely damaged due to biogenic and/or chemical sulfuric acid attack. Since high alkalinity is required for the stability of the cementitious matrix, concrete is highly prone to acid attacks, which decalcify and disintegrate the hydrated cement paste to various levels based on exposure conditions and type of concrete. Numerous studies have been conducted to enhance the durability of concrete and understand the influence of key mixture design parameters on its resistance to sulfuric acid attack. Yet, there is dearth of information on the behaviour of a new type of cement in North America, which contains a high level (5 to15%) of interground limestone powder (portland limestone cement: PLC), under acidic attack. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect PLC with or without supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) on the durability of concrete exposed to acidic attack. The study comprised 13 weeks (90 days) immersion of test specimens in 5% sulfuric acid solutions with pH in the range of 0.1 to 2.5. Physical and microstructural results reveal that PLC may improve the resistance of concrete to sulfuric acid attack, whereas the SCMs had a mixed effect on the results

    Civil Society, Health, and Social Exclusion in Bangladesh

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    Civil society has the potential to have a positive impact on social exclusion and health equity through active monitoring and increased accountability. This paper examines the role of civil society in Bangladesh to understand why this potential has not been realized. Looking at two models of civil society action—participation in decentralized public-sector service provision and academic think-tank data analysis—this analysis examines the barriers to positive civil society input into public policy decision-making. The role of non-governmental organizations, political, cultural and economic factors, and the influence of foreign bilateral and multilateral donors are considered. The paper concludes that, with a few exceptions, civil society in Bangladesh replicates the structural inequalities of society at large

    Adsorpsi Bahan Organik Alami (Boa) Air Gambut Pada Tanah Lempung Gambut Alami Dan Teraktivasi: Studi Kesetimbangan Isoterm Dan Kinetika Adsorpsi

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    Tanah lempung gambut (TLG) merupakan tanah lempung yang berada di bawah lapisan tanah gambut. Keberadaannya di Indonesia sangat berlimpah dan potensial digunakan sebagai adsorben murah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model isoterm dan model kinetika yang sesuai pada adsorpsi bahan organik alami (BOA)terhadap TLG, sehingga dapat membantu mempelajari mekanisme penyisihan yang terjadi. Fraksi BOA yang hidrofobik dan BOA dengan BM besar memberikan kontribusi yang paling besar terhadap warna air gambut. Pada pH asam, komponen BOA air gambut dengan SUVA rendah (fraksi hidrofilik dan BM rendah) lebih baik disisihkan oleh adsorben TLG, dan sebaliknya pada pH yang lebih tinggi komponen BOA dengan SUVA tinggi yaitu BOA dengan karakter hidrofobik, aromatik dan BM tinggi dapat disisihkan dengan lebih baik. Pada tahap-tahap awal adsorpsi sampai waktu kontak 10 menit, fraksi BOA dengan SUVA besar merupakan fraksi BOA yang paling mudah diadsorp oleh TLG, dan pada tahap selanjutnya yaitu waktu kontak >10menit, TLG dapat mengadsorp fraksi BOA dengan SUVA kecil. Model isoterm Langmuir merupakan model isoterm yang sesuai untuk adsorpsi BOA air gambut terhadap TLG alami, sedangkan model isoterm Freundlich sesuai untuk adsorpsi BOA terhadap TLG teraktivasi dan PAC. Model kinetika pseudo-second-order adalah model kinetika yang cocok digunakan untuk adsorpsi BOA air gambut terhadap ketiga jenis adsorben: TLG alami, TLG teraktivasi dan PAC

    Canonical Trajectories and Critical Coupling of the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian in a Harmonic Trap

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    Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and the Local Density Approximation (LDA) are used to map the constant particle number (canonical) trajectories of the Bose Hubbard Hamiltonian confined in a harmonic trap onto the (μ/U,t/U)(\mu/U,t/U) phase diagram of the uniform system. Generically, these curves do not intercept the tips of the Mott insulator (MI) lobes of the uniform system. This observation necessitates a clarification of the appropriate comparison between critical couplings obtained in experiments on trapped systems with those obtained in QMC simulations. The density profiles and visibility are also obtained along these trajectories. Density profiles from QMC in the confined case are compared with LDA results.Comment: New version of figure 1

    Effect of hydrocarbon fractions, N₂ and CO₂ in feed gas on hydrogen production using sorption enhanced steam reforming: Thermodynamic analysis

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    H₂ yield and purity from sorption enhanced steam reforming (SE-SR) are determined by temperature, S:C ratio in use, and feed gas composition in hydrocarbons, N₂ and CO₂. Gases with high hydrocarbons composition had the highest H₂ yield and purity. The magnitude of sorption enhancement effects compared to conventional steam reforming (C-SR), i.e. increases in H₂ yield and purity, and drop in CH₄ yield were remarkably insensitive to alkane (C1-C3) and CO₂ content (0.1-10 vol%), with only N₂ content (0.4-70 vol%) having a minor effect. Although the presence of inert (N₂) decreases the partial pressure of the reactants which is beneficial in steam reforming, high inert contents increase the energetic cost of operating the reforming plants. The aim of the study is to investigate and demonstrate the effect of actual shale gas composition in the SE-SR process, with varied hydrocarbon fractions, CO₂ and N₂ in the feedstock