134 research outputs found

    Factors That Determine Apparatus Performance Improvement in Realizing Good Governance

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    Improved apparatus performance is needed to support the realization of Good Governance, therefore it is necessary to look at the factors that determine the Apparatus Performance Improvement. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that determine the improvement of the performance of the state apparatus in realizing good governance in Luwu Regency. The research method used is descriptive method with the object of research is a local government organization that includes, Agency, Offices and Work Units in Luwu Regency. Furthermore, the sample size of each agency is determined proportionally on the basis of the large population in each agency regarding the program and the results of the agency's performance evaluation. The minimum sample size is 98 respondents. The results of the study showed the availability of funds to support the implementation of public service tasks in Luwu Regency government agencies had been carried out properly, increased apparatus performance by increasing public trust in agencies, transparency, accountability of officials, and service certainty had been carried out by district government agencies Luwu well.

    The Development Map and Research Direction On Education Of Islamic Moderation: A Bibliometric Study

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    Islamic education is a process of changing individual and communal behavior. Educational moderation is the bright path to the harmony of social, ecological, and spiritual relations. The purpose of this paper is to know the development map and research direction of Islamic moderate education. The research data is 96 articles obtained from the Scopus database, without taking into account data from other databases such as Google Scholar or WoS, from 2001 to 2023. Research data are selected and determined based on the functions and criteria set. The findings were analyzed by bibliometric analysis techniques using Excel, VOSviewer, and R/R-Studio with biblioshiny. The results of this study showed an annual article growth rate of 8.49%. The most publicity occurred in 2021. Indonesia is the country that contributes the most articles with 31 documents. Affiliation is held by the University Kebangsaan Malaysia. The most prolific authors were Adib-Hajbaghery, Hamzah, Paradise, and Raza


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    Science and technology, especially modern technology, are changing at a very fast pace, while religious movements are very slow, because religion and technology are not in sync. In the Encyclopedia of Religions and Philosophy, it is explained that Islam is the religion of Allah, and he ordered Allah to teach the principles and rules of the Prophet Muhammad. And commissioned him to convey religion to all mankind by inviting them to accept it. One of the distinguishing features of Islam is its emphasis on knowledge. The Qur'an and Sunnah invite Muslims to seek and acquire knowledge and wisdom, and place great importance on those who are knowledgeable. If we look at the verses in the Qur'an about the command to seek knowledge, then we will find that the commandment is universal, especially in the science called religious knowledge. The Qur'an emphasizes whether knowledge is beneficial or not. The criterion of useful knowledge is to approach the knowledge of the Creator as a form of devotion to Him. The encounter between Muslims and the modern world gave birth to various schools of thought, such as the Salaf school with the motto "Back to the Qur'an and Hadith" and the Tajid school with the motto "Forward with the Qur'an". recommends Reformation, as long as it does not castrate the true teachings of Islam, but strengthens, elevates and elevates the dignity of Muslims before the whole world.Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, khususnya teknologi modern, berubah dengan kecepatan yang sangat cepat, sementara gerakan keagamaan sangat lambat, karena agama dan teknologi tidak selaras. Dalam Encyclopedia of Religions and Philosophy, dijelaskan bahwa Islam adalah agama Allah, dan dia memerintahkan Allah untuk mengajarkan prinsip dan aturan Nabi Muhammad. Dan menugaskannya untuk menyampaikan agama kepada seluruh umat manusia dengan mengajak mereka untuk menerimanya. Salah satu ciri yang membedakan Islam adalah penekanannya pada ilmu pengetahuan. Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah mengajak umat Islam untuk mencari dan memperoleh pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan, dan sangat mementingkan orang yang berilmu. Jika kita perhatikan ayat-ayat dalam Al-Qur'an tentang perintah untuk mencari ilmu, maka kita akan menemukan bahwa perintah itu bersifat universal, terutama dalam ilmu yang disebut ilmu agama.Al-Qur'an menekankan apakah ilmu itu bermanfaat atau tidak. Kriteria ilmu yang bermanfaat adalah mendekati ilmu Sang Pencipta sebagai bentuk pengabdian kepada-Nya. Perjumpaan antara umat Islam dan dunia modern melahirkan berbagai aliran pemikiran, seperti mazhab Salaf dengan semboyan “Kembali ke Al-Qur’an dan Hadits†dan mazhab Tajid dengan semboyan “Maju bersama Al-Qur’anâ€. merekomendasikan Reformasi, selama itu tidak mengebiri ajaran Islam yang benar, melainkan memperkuat, mengangkat dan mengangkat martabat umat Islam di hadapan seluruh dunia

    Improved method of classification algorithms for crime prediction

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    The growing availability of information technologies has enabled law enforcement agencies to collect detailed data about various crimes. Classification is the procedure of finding a model (or function) that depicts and distinguishes data classes or notions, with the end goal of having the ability to utilize the model to predict the crime labels. In this research classification is applied to crime dataset to predict the 'crime category' for diverse states of the United States of America (USA). The crime data set utilized within this research is real in nature, it was gathered from socio-economic data from 1990 US census. Law enforcement data from 1990 US LEMAS survey, and from the 1995 FBI UCR. This paper compares two different classification algorithms namely - Naïve Bayesian and Back Propagation (BP) for predicting 'Crime Category' for distinctive states in USA. The result from the analysis demonstrated that Naïve Bayesian calculation out performed BP calculation and attained the accuracy of 90.2207% for group 1 and 94.0822% for group 2. This clearly indicates that Naïve Bayesian calculation is supportive for prediction in diverse states in USA

    Brain Signal Analysis Using Different Types of Music

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    Music is able to improve certain functions of human body physiologically and psychologically. Music also can improve attention, memory, and even mental math ability by listening to the music before performing any task. The purpose of this study is to study the relation between types of music and brainwaves signal that is differences in state of relaxation and attention states. The Electroencephalography (EEG) signal was recorded using PowerLab, Dual Bio Amp and computer to observes and records the subject brain activity in three condition; before, during, and after listening to different types of music; Light, Rock, Mozart, Al-Quran recitation and Jazz. The brainwave reaction of the subjects is compared during these three conditions. The hypothesis of this study is; Beta wave is increased at attention state and decrease at relaxation state. To analyze the data, Labchart7 software was used. The EEG data that has been recorded is processed using Digital Filter and the features of EEG signal is extracted and recorded by Data Pad that included in Labchart7 software. Then, the data is analyzed from mean of group features and also the average amplitude of Alpha and Beta wave. The results from this study are; the attention state of students is increased (Beta increased) while listening to Rock, AlQuran recitation and Mozart music when compared between during and before condition. Meanwhile, Beta wave is decreased while listening to Light and Jazz music thus showing the decrements of student’s state attention. Therefore, the result obtained may help students to choose better type of music or similar to help increases their concentration and focus while study

    Empirical analysis of polarization division multiplexing-dense wavelength division multiplexing hybrid multiplexing techniques for channel capacity enhancement

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    This paper exemplifies dense wavelength division multiplexing combined with polarization division multiplexing with C-band frequency range-based single-mode fiber. In the proposed link, 32 independent channels with 16 individual wavelengths are multiplexed with two different angles of polarization. Each carrying 130 Gbps dual-polarization data with 200 GHz channel spacing claiming a net transmission rate of 4.16 Tbits/s with spectral efficiency of 69% with 20% side-mode-suppression-ratio (SMSR) and optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR) 40.7. The performance of the proposed techniques has been analyzed using optimized system parameters securing a minimum bit error rate (BER) 10-9 at a transmission distance up to 50 km

    Transcriptome Analysis of CD4+ T Cells in Coeliac Disease Reveals Imprint of BACH2 and IFNγ Regulation

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    peer-reviewedData Availability: The raw sequencing reads (FASTQ files) and sequence read counts mapped to UCSC hg19 for each of the 74 transcriptomes sequenced in this study have been deposited at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) accession GSE69549.This project was funded by Science Foundation Ireland Grant number 09/IN.1/B2640 to RM.Genetic studies have to date identified 43 genome wide significant coeliac disease susceptibility (CD) loci comprising over 70 candidate genes. However, how altered regulation of such disease associated genes contributes to CD pathogenesis remains to be elucidated. Recently there has been considerable emphasis on characterising cell type specific and stimulus dependent genetic variants. Therefore in this study we used RNA sequencing to profile over 70 transcriptomes of CD4+ T cells, a cell type crucial for CD pathogenesis, in both stimulated and resting samples from individuals with CD and unaffected controls. We identified extensive transcriptional changes across all conditions, with the previously established CD gene IFNy the most strongly up-regulated gene (log2 fold change 4.6; Padjusted = 2.40x10-11) in CD4+ T cells from CD patients compared to controls. We show a significant correlation of differentially expressed genes with genetic studies of the disease to date (Padjusted = 0.002), and 21 CD candidate susceptibility genes are differentially expressed under one or more of the conditions used in this study. Pathway analysis revealed significant enrichment of immune related processes. Co-expression network analysis identified several modules of coordinately expressed CD genes. Two modules were particularly highly enriched for differentially expressed genes (P</iframe


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    Abstrak: Undang-Undang No. 6 Tahun 2014 tentang; Desa, mengamanahkan bahwa pembangunan desa hendaknya mengedepankan sikap gotong royong, kebersamaan, kekeluargaan, guna mencapai kemajuan bersama, baik social, ekonomi, budaya juga politik dan demokrasi berdasarkan Pancasila. Untuk mewujudkan itu, setidaknya terdapat beberapa prinsip yang harus dipertimbangkan, yakni diantaranya. (a) Pemberdayaan politik, (b) Pelibatan perempuan, (c) Keterbukaan Informasi, (d) Swadaya Masyarakat, (e) Keberlanjutan Program, (f) Partisipasi Masyarakat. Sedangkan pemberdayaan di wilayah sosial budaya dilakukan dengan memberikan masyarakat agar memiliki kesempatan, dalam membangun kekutan yang dimilikinya, baik individual maupun kelompok, yang berimplikasi pada komunitas atau masyarakat desa secara keseluruhan. Untuk memberikan kontribusi pemikiran yang memungkinkan hal itu terwujud, dosen Universitas Indonesia Timur (UIT), melaksanakan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM), di Desa Parangmata, Kecamatan Galesong, Kabupaten Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan. PKM yang diselenggarakan selama dua hari, diikuti tokoh masyarakat, pemuda dan perempuan. Hasilnya dinilai menjawab kebutuhan warga masyarakat dan pemerintah desa.Abstract:  Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning; The village,  mandates that village development should prioritize mutual cooperation, togetherness, kinship, in order to achieve mutual progress, both social, economic, cultural as well as political and democracy based on Pancasila. To achieve this, there are at least a number of principles that must be considered, including. (a) Political empowerment, (b) Women's involvement, (c) Information Disclosure, (d) Community Self-Help, (e) Program Sustainability, (f) Community Participation.  Meanwhile, empowerment in socio-cultural areas is carried out by providing society so that they have the opportunity, in building the strength they have, both individually and in groups, which has implications for the community or village community as a whole. To contribute ideas that make this possible, a lecturer at the University Indonesia Timur (UIT), carried out Community Service (PKM), in Parangmata Village, Galesong District, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. PKM which was held for two days, followed by community leaders, youth and women. The results were judged to answer the needs of the community and village government

    Democratic Public Service (Case of License Operating Billboards in Makassar City)

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    One of the points of concern in public administration is the organising of democratic public services. Democratic public service is the basic essence in realizing justice and social welfare. This can be realized if it involves all state stakeholders and domains in the administration of the government. In this perspective, public services should obtain genuine attention, be processed professionally and properly provided to residents of service users. Billboard licence is one of the types of licensing services issued by the government along with the rapid growth of companies or industries that have an impact on the increase in regional revenue. In addition to increasing regional revenue, the increase in billboards is directly proportional to various violations that occur because of services provided so that they are important to be handled. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the degree to which the Regional Revenue Agency of Makassar City, one of the government organisers in public services, organises democratic public services, particularly in the execution of billboards. The study employs a qualitative method and includes both primary and secondary data. Through in-depth interviews and observation, primary data is gathered. secondary information obtained from documents. Data reduction is then used to process the acquired data. The results of the study show that democratic public services have not been implemented. Complexity, bureaucracy, apparatus performance and community attitudes towards public services are factors that influence service integrity

    Implementasi Teknik-teknik Motivasi Dalam Pembelajaran Pada Siswa Kelas IV Di SD Negeri 33 Banda Aceh

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    Dalam konteks pembelajaran dikelas, Guru sebagai pendidik ataupun pengajar merupakan faktor penentu keberhasilan pembelajaran, guru harus mampu menggunakan teknik motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran guna meningkatkan keberhasilan belajar. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan apa saja implementasi teknik motivasi yang diberikan oleh guru kepada siswa dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi teknik motivasi oleh guru pada siswa kelas IV di SD Negeri 33 Banda Aceh.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dalam jenis penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian guru kelas IV a dan guru kelas IV b Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi dan wawancara. Agar data hasil observasi dan wawancara dapat terpercaya, peneliti menggunakan alat bantu berupa alat tulis dan tape recorder.Berdasarkan pengolahan data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dan analisis yang dilakukan temuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut. Sudah telihat beberapa implementasi teknik motivasi yang diberikan oleh guru pada siswa kelas IV a dan IV b di SD Negeri 33 Banda Aceh, Meskipun dari 15 (lima belas) teknik tersebut ada salah satu teknik yang tidak terlihat dan dijalankan dalam implementasi yaitu memberitahukan nilai ulangan sebagai pemicu keberhasilan. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah implementasi teknik-teknik motivasi sangat diperlukan dalam pembelajaran guna meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa. Hendaknya guru di sekolah mengimplementasikan teknik motivasi tersebut. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan semangat serta siswa menjadi aktif dalam belajar, guru yang sudah terlihat adanya implementasi teknik motivasi seyogianya mempertahankan hal tersebut