108 research outputs found

    Formation of Fe(III) Ternary Complexes with Related Bio-relevant Ligands

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    Ternary complexes of iron(III)‐glycine( Gly)‐nitrilotriacetate (NTA) system determined by electrochemical measurements of the dissolved iron(III)‐Gly‐NTA mixed ligand system in the 0.1 mol·dm–3 NaClO4 aqueous solution at pH = 8.0 ± 0.1and 25 ± 1°C. The coordination number of Fe in Fe(EDTA)‐L is seven in coordinate complex, where L can be a DNA constituent like uracil, uridine, thymine, thymidine, and inosine. The nonlinear least‐squares program MINIQUAD‐75 is used to deduce the hydrolysis constants of [Fe(EDTA)(H2O)]− and its formation constant in solution. The antimicrobial activity of Fe(III) complexes of salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM) and 1,10‐phenanthroline (PHEN) studied against representative pathogenic bacteria and fungi

    Planning of PEVs Parking Lots in Conjunction With Renewable Energy Resources and Battery Energy Storage Systems

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    The last few decades have seen growing concerns about climate change caused by global warming, which is cause primarily by CO2 emissions. Thus, the reduction of these emissions has become critically important. One of the effective methods for achieving this goal is to shift towards green electricity energy resources and green vehicles in transportation. For these reasons, the goal of the work presented in this thesis was to address the challenges associated with the planning of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) parking lots in combination with renewable energy sources (RES) and battery energy storage systems (BESS) in power distribution networks. This thesis introduces a new planning technique that aims to minimize the overall capital and operational costs, taking into consideration the operational aspects of distribution networks, such as 1) coordinated PEV charging, 2) smart inverter control of renewable distributed generation (DG) units, and 3) smart scheduling of BESS. Moreover, a new model for the PEV coordinated charging demand is introduced in this work. Due to the complexity of the proposed planning approach, a combination between metaheuristic technique and deterministic optimization techniques have been utilized to manage both the planning and operational aspects respectively

    Creativity as a Part of the Post-Pandemic Architectural Education: A Brief Discussion

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    The current study discusses the importance of the creativity in architectural education, with a focus on the challenges and their implications on students, educators, and institutions. This study revisits a vision of an educational model for post-pandemic architecture education and discuss the necessary approaches for educators and educational institutions to foster creativity. This study directly reacts to the demand on the pandemic's effect on conventional education by using an instructional approach. This paper contributes to reconceptualizing of a novel approach that is targeted to tackle architectural education challenges in a post pandemic age through foster creativity models. The proposed creativity models are creative and critical thinking, neutral and positive stress, and objective-based creativity. These models are further developed using a thematic analysis process to be integrated in the educational model

    Al-Islām wa Qadhāyā Kurūnā: Dirāsah Muqāranah Bayna Al-Fatwā fī Mishr wa Indūnīsiyā

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    This article discusses how Indonesia and Egypt dealt with Covid-19 from the Islamic law perspective. It focuses on fatwas regarding the establishment of religious rites in the Covid-19 periode. The study compares the two experiences in terms of the Islamic jurisprudential methodology and the fatwa issuance procedural systems. It analyzes the Islamic legal comparison between the Indonesian and Egyptian experiences in dealing with the Covid-19. This study found that the fatwa regarding Covid-19 in Egypt is responsive to the virus's rapid transmission. Therefore, Muslims have guidelines in performing worship during the Covid-19 period. The sharia arguments used in formulating the fatwa for the implementation of worship during the Covid-19 period are qiyas, maṣlaḥat, sad al-dharā'i and the opinions of the jurists. This methodological argument is used in principle to avoid the danger of spreading Covid-19.   Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas bagaimana Indonesia dan Mesir menghadapi Covid-19 dari perspektif hukum Islam. Fokus penelitian ini pada fatwa pelaksanaan ibadah pada masa Covid-19. Studi ini membandingkan dua segi metode yakni fikih Islam dan sistem prosedural penerbitan fatwa. Prosedur penelitian ini menganalisis perbandingan hukum Islam antara pelaksanaan ibadah di Indonesia dan Mesir pada masa pandemi. Studi ini menemukan bahwa fatwa tentang Covid-19 di Mesir tidak responsif sehingga penularan virus yang cepat, sedangkan fatwa umat Islam di Indonesia dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam menjalankan ibadah selama masa Covid-19. Dalil-dalil syariah yang digunakan untuk merumuskan fatwa pelaksanaan ibadah selama masa Covid-19 adalah qiyās, maṣlaḥat, sad al-dharā'i dan pendapat para fukaha. Adapun argumen metodologis ini pada prinsipnya digunakan untuk menghindari bahaya penyebaran Covid-19

    SOCIAL CHANGE AND FRAGMENTED COHESION (Case Study of Muslim Family Relations in Bogor City, West Java)

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    Entering the era of industrialization, humans live runs more pragmatically and individually. A significant impact can be seen from the estrangement that occurs in family relations. Family ties are felt to be increasingly loose because each person is required to have specific duties and professions to meet their needs. As a result, transformation and social change make it increasingly difficult to create intimacy like the past. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of social transformation on proposed divorce (cerai gugat) by wife, which is more common than divorce and social changes in family relations. The results of this study indicate that the causes of social transformation in divorce are:  increased lawsuit divorce due to nushuz: wife disobedience to husband or lack of wife in carrying out their rights and obligations. Thus, increased divorce due to syiqaq: husband and wife’s quarreling. The research is done by combining empirical approach and normative one. The empirical data gathered from several sources and referred to strengthen normative postulate. Where as the normative postulate is drafted to be starting point of the research

    Formulation and Evaluation of Taste-Masked Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Nicergoline based on β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexation

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    Complexation of nicergoline with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) into an inclusion complex has been used successfully to improve the drug’s solubility, dissolution rate and hence per oral absorption. In addition, masking of the bitter taste was also achieved. The preparation of inclusion complexes was performed using two different techniques, namely; physical mixing and kneading. The apparent stability constant (Kc) of the complex was calculated from the phase solubility analysis. Compatibility of nicergoline and β-CD complex with disintegrants and superdisintegrants were evaluated using powder x-ray diffractometry (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphology of complex particles was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Pharmaceutical characterization confirmed that all additives were compatible with the drug and no signs of physical or chemical interaction were detected. Orodispersible tablets (ODTs) of nicergoline complexed with β-CD and containing 7-9 % camphor had rapid disintegration time (7-12 seconds) and fast drug release profiles (90-100 % in 10 minutes). Therefore, nicergoline ODTs are considered a valuable choice dosage form with improved per oral absorption and taste acceptability

    Formulation and Evaluation of Taste-Masked Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Nicergoline based on β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexation

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    Complexation of nicergoline with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) into an inclusion complex has been used successfully to improve the drug’s solubility, dissolution rate and hence per oral absorption. In addition, masking of the bitter taste was also achieved. The preparation of inclusion complexes was performed using two different techniques, namely; physical mixing and kneading. The apparent stability constant (Kc) of the complex was calculated from the phase solubility analysis. Compatibility of nicergoline and β-CD complex with disintegrants and superdisintegrants were evaluated using powder x-ray diffractometry (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphology of complex particles was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Pharmaceutical characterization confirmed that all additives were compatible with the drug and no signs of physical or chemical interaction were detected. Orodispersible tablets (ODTs) of nicergoline complexed with β-CD and containing 7-9 % camphor had rapid disintegration time (7-12 seconds) and fast drug release profiles (90-100 % in 10 minutes). Therefore, nicergoline ODTs are considered a valuable choice dosage form with improved per oral absorption and taste acceptability

    Histopathological changes of kidney tissue during aging

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    Kidney aging is a normal physiological process associates with various molecular, morphologic and functional changes in the kidney tissues. This work was designed to study microscopically the structural changes in the kidney tissue of aged rats compared to young rats. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were used 10 young rats (4 months) and 10 aged rats (24 months). Rats were transcardially perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde. The kidneys were post fixed for 24 hours in 4 % PFA then proceeded for normal histopathology and light microscopic examination. Kidney tissue of aged rats showed serious morphological changes such as segmental glomerulosclerosis, pericapsular fibrosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis, perivascular fibrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, tubular dilatation, intra-tubular cast formation and tubular atrophy. These changes were compared to the normal histological appearance of glomeruli, tubules, interstitium and blood vessels of young rat kidneys. In addition, the kidney tissue of the aged rats showed compensatory glomerular hypertrophy, tubular hyperplasia and endothelial proliferation. Renal aging involves several degenerative changes in kidney structure and these alterations interfere with the physiologic functions and end with chronic renal failure

    World Health Organization Surgical Safety Checklist with Addition of Infection Control Items: Intervention Study in Egypt

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    BACKGROUND: Surgical team is in command of the operating room (OR) and takes decisions regarding various patient care procedures. Educational programs directed to them, should be creative, provocative and tailored to their specific needs and the expected outcomes. AIM: This study aims to design and conduct an educational program of patient safety and infection control for the OR team based on the WHO surgical safety checklist and to assess their post-intervention knowledge and practices. METHODS: This interventional study was conducted at the ORs of Port-said general hospital. It passed through three stages; baseline assessment of knowledge and practice regarding patient safety and infection control among OR team (surgeons, anaesthetists and nurses), intervention stage in which an educational program based on the WHO surgical safety checklist with modifications and additions of more infection control items was conducted, then re-assessment of their post-intervention knowledge and practices. RESULTS: All the studied participants showed improvement in both knowledge and practices of patient safety and infection control after the educational program based on the WHO surgical safety checklist with modifications and additions of more infection control items and including not only practices but also knowledge as well, than before. CONCLUSION: The modification of the WHO surgical safety checklist to fit local knowledge and practices created a comprehensive tool that led to an improvement in both knowledge and practices of patient safety and infection control among the OR team