611 research outputs found
Arterial and venous adaptations to short-term handgrip exercise training
Four studies on vascular and exercise physiology are presented in this document. The 1st study examined the relationships between measures of fitness and FVF in 55 young [22.6 ± 3.5 years] adults. Estimated VO2peak correlated with arterial inflow (Ainf) [r=0.54; p=0.012] and resting venous outflow (Vout) [r=0.56; p=0.016]. Lastly, HG strength was associated with Vcap [r=0.57; p=0.007] and Vout [r=0.67; p=0.001]. The 2nd study examined the relationship between FVF and exercise tolerance (ExT) in 20 patients with HF [age: 59 ± 13 years] and 10 age-matched controls [age: 51 ± 16 years. The ExT was measured as the maximum walking distance (MWD) in 6 minutes. FVF [Ainf: HF 15.3 ± 6; controls 22 ± 6.7; Vcap: HF 1.4 ± 0.5; controls 2.0 ± 0.4; Vout: HF 24.5 ± 9.4; controls 33 ± 10 mL · 100 mL tissue-1 · min-1; and forearm vascular resistance: HF 7.8 ± 3; controls 4.6 ± 1.4U] indices and MWD [HF: 178 ± 65 m; controls: 562 ± 136m, P = .0001] were different between groups. Correlation analysis revealed significant associations between FVF indices and MWD. The 3rd study examined the effect of 25% (LO) and 75% (HI) of MVC short-term HG exercise training on FVF in 28 healthy men [Age:23±4.3]. The 4-week program consisted of non-dominant HG exercise performed 5 d/wk for 20-min. Training resulted in increased Ainf in the non-dominant arm in the LO and HI groups by 16.51% and 20.72%, respectively. The final study examined the time-course FVF adaptations to HG exercise training in 17 men [Age: 22.6 ± 3.5]. The HG exercise was performed in the non-dominant arm 5 d/wk for 20-min at 60% of MVC. The 2 X 5 ANOVA revealed arms X visits interaction for Ainf [p=0.02], while the LSD post-hoc demonstrated unilateral increase in Ainf following the 1st week. Additional 2 X 5 split-plot ANOVA tests revealed arms X visits interaction [p=0.04] for venous compliance (Vcomp) with LSD post-hoc demonstrating a decrease in trained arm Vcomp in visit 2 followed by an increase in visit 4 and return to baseline level at visit 5
Iconography and style in the statuary of Ramesses II
In conclusion, this thesis concentrates on the iconography and style in the statuary of Ramesses II. The
present work has achieved three goals:
First, studying Schools (Centers) of sculpture in the statuary of Ramesses II.
Second, identifying the sculptures of earlier times usurped by the King.
Third, preparing a catalogue containing the statues of the Pharaoh.
The present study of Schools (Centers) related to the statuary of Ramesses II, revealed the occurrence of a
specific number of workshops in Delta, Luxor and Nubia; these Centers show a large variety of attitudes,
styles, dimensions and materials.
As a result, the thesis managed to frame a comprehensive and integrated analysis of the repertoire of
Ramesses II. Summarizing, the iconographic, anatomic and stylistic features in the statuary of Ramesses II:
1)The bodies of the statues
The relatively short torsos of Ramesses II show a schematic treatment: the arms, although well carved, are
rather vertical, the shoulders often marked by a now-simplified pattern which looks like an engraved ms
sign. The muscle of the forearm (brachio-radialis) is generally shallow; the wrist, in most cases adorned by
a bracelet, is either cylindrical or has the styled of the ulna barely suggested. It protrudes only on some
examples in Upper Egypt, like the red granite fallen colossus in the Ramesseum Temple.
2)The back slab “ back pillar”
The back slab is never found on the colossi of Ramesses II; the later statues in his reign are usually provided
with narrow back pillars, round-topped or in some cases, ending in the form of an obelisk.
3)The Ramesside statues’ shape of the legs
They are extremely massive. The knee-caps are round or have rounded corners; they are surmounted by a
shallow reversed V-shaped muscle, sometimes only engraved. The articulations of the femur are executed in
lower relief, and the condyles are placed horizontally; the calves hardly project, if at all .Knees and ankles
are extremely broad. The malleali are schematized, the fibula is rendered by two parallel lines engraved
along the side of the leg or suggested by thin and slight depressions.
4)The shape of the faces in the sculptures of Ramesses II
They are triangular on most of the colossal statues, or else they have a rather compact, round shape,
particularly on the statues wearing the round ibes wig; they are never long and rectangular.
On the majority of the statues of Ramesses II, the king wears the nemes – headdress combined with the
double crown, the round ibes wig with double or composite crown, or the double crown without additional
coiffures and sometimes the blue crown. On the very few examples where the king wears the white crown,
the uraeus is present as is generally the case on New Kingdom royal statues with the white crown.
6)Collars and the Bracelets
Collars and the bracelets are usually rendered in relief on Ramesside colossi.
7)The Kilts
The type of royal kilt favored since the end of 18th Dynasty was the longer ceremonial pleated kilt with an
elaborated sporran.
Sndyt, still widely in use, is rather densely pleated on statues of Ramesses II; it is long and its central tab is
rather wide.
8)The objects in hands of the statues representing the King
The front projections of the handkerchief and its etui are either flat or concave, but never rounded or convex
.Furthermore, on most of the colossal statues of Ramesses II this surface was used to display the royal names
engraved in ring.
9)The eyes
They are almost almond-shaped, with softer inner canthi which dip downwards slightly; the upper eyelids are
lowered as if the king looks downward (not only for the colossal statues), a practice in use since Amenophis
III and the Amarna Period.
10)The mouth
On the Ramesses colossi the mouth is usually curved, the corners often drawn upwards in a faint smile. Even
on portraits of Ramesses II with accentuated lower lids, drilled mouth corners, and a chin marked by side
furrows, the general expression is serene and lacks the sternness of the Memphis colossus (cat.nos38, 39).
Furthermore, even if the drilled mouth corners are original.
11)The ears
The ears of Ramesses’ statues are small and in most cases in the statuary originally made for him are pierced.
With respect to the usurpations, the study allowed to identify three types of usurpation in the sculptures
attributed to Ramesses II:
a) The names and epithets of Ramesses II are simply added without erasing the original name of the
sovereign or changing the appearance of the statue.
b) Removing the titles and names of the original owner of the statue and replacing them with names and
epithets of Ramesses II.
c) A more or less profound reworking of the statue’s facial features, in addition to changing the style and
royal insignia; the original texts being always replaced with new ones (second degree of usurpation).
The reasons leading to the choice of one or another of these processes still remain obscure. In many cases,
the discussion is still open.
In spite of the existence of many schools in the statuary of Ramesses II, there are still several sculptures
characterizing all of them.Praca niniejsza, zatytułowana „Ikonografia i styl w rzeźbie pełnej Ramzesa II”, jest
pierwszym holistycznym opracowaniem bogatego i ważnego zespołu rzeźb przedstawiających
Ramzesa II,
w tym również rzeźb grupowych ukazujących go w towarzystwie bogów egipskich. Po
przedstawieniu stanu badań, zwracając uwagę na cząstkowość dotychczasowych opracowań i
braki dokumentacyjne, autor wyróżnia „szkoły” rzeźbiarskie odpowiadające największym
ośrodkom kultury i sztuki poświadczonym w zachowanym materiale z okresu panowania tego
władcy. Charakteryzuje specyfikę każdej z nich. Szczególnie istotne jest wyodrębnienie
warsztatów dolnoegipskich i nubijskich, jako że dotychczasowe opracowania zdominowane
były całkowicie perspektywą tebańską, choćby ze względu na liczebność zabytków i łatwość
dostępu do nich.
Poza kryterium topograficznym (ośrodki produkcji) w układzie pracy znajduje też
odzwierciedlenie kryterium chronologiczne. Rzeźby inskrybowane dla Ramzesa II zostały
podzielone na trzy grupy:
a) posągi wykonane w okresie panowania władcy;
b) posągi wcześniejsze (szczególnie z okresu Średniego i Nowego Państwa) uzurpowane
Ramzesa II;
c) posągi Ramzesa II uzurpowane za panowania władców i dynastii późniejszych.
Wypracowane w tych rozdziałach kryteria ikonograficzne i stylistyczne mają służyć
egiptologom - archeologom w datowaniu rzeźb anepigraficznych, a także dzieł noszących
inskrypcje wtórne, mogące sugerować mylną atrybucję.
Rdzeń pracy stanowi katalog 146 posągów, oparty na dokumentacji sporządzonej lub
zdobytej przez autora dysertacji drogą wieloletnich studiów przeprowadzanych najczęściej
na samych obiektach. Najistotniejszy jest bogaty materiał ilustracyjny, w tym ogrom zdjęć
wykonanych przez autora zarówno w Egipcie, jak i w zbiorach europejskich, do których
dotarł osobiście. W opisie tych rzeźb zwrócono uwagę szczególnie na te aspekty warsztatu
rzeźbiarskiego, które pozostawały niezauważone w dotychczasowych opracowaniach.
Opisowi każdej rzeźby towarzyszy pełna bibliografia jej dotychczasowej obecności w
literaturze naukowej.
Ważną częścią pracy jest bibliografia wszystkich dzieł wykorzystanych w dysertacji.
Obejmuje ona prawie 40 stron, a większość cytowanych opracowań pojawia się wielokrotnie
w tekście rozprawy
Effects of Novel Synthetic Nucleosides as Anti-Tumor Agents on Human Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cell Line (HL-60)
Nucleosides and their analogs are considered a clinically proven class of therapeutic agents possessing anticancer and antiviral activity. Several trifluoromethyl-substituted pyrazole N-nucleosides (coded NIA, NIIA and NIIA) and their nucleobases were synthesized and tested for the ability to induce apoptosis in acute human promyelocytic cell line (HL-60). The growth and proliferation of HL-60 was more effectively inhibited by NIA, NIIA and their nucleobases compared to NIIIA and its nucleobase. In addition, DNA fragmentation was detected in a concentration-dependent manner as a result of nucleosides treatment. A caspase-3-dependent apoptosis was observed based on the Western blot analysis of poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) and caspase-3. Nucleosides and nucleobases also trigger the release of cytochrome-c from the mitochondria by disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential and ROS formation. Furthermore, the use of zDEVD-fmk (caspase-3 inhibitor) and zLEHD-fmk (caspase-9 inhibitor) resulted in an inhibition of the activity of caspase-3 and 9, accompined with no change in the activity of caspase-8 after the use of zIETD-fmk (casapse-8 inhibitor). These findings implicate the involvement of the caspase-9-dependent mitochondrial pathway. Treatment with nucleosides also resulted in a concentration-dependent upregulation and translocation of the proapoptotic molecule Bax, increased expression of other proapoptotic proteins Bad, Bak, decreased expression of antiapoptotic proteins (i.e. Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL), and enhancement of p53 expression. Moreover, treatment with these agents resulted in accumulation of cells in the G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle, indicating the degradation of the cellular DNA. Interestingly, these nucleosides were found to posses anti-histone deacetyl transferase(s) (HDACs) potential, which is an exciting turn in cancer therapy. This conclusion was based on the observed decease in the expressed level of HDAC-1, -2 and -3. Our results suggest that these novel synthetic nucleosides can induce apoptosis via the mitochondrial pathway, and therefore they could be considered as candidate anti-tumor agents
학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :국제대학원 국제학과(국제지역학전공),2019. 8. Rhee, Yeongseop.국문초록
암호화폐의 문제와 위험/위협 요소 분석
-비트코인 대상으로-
인지 마흐무드 힐르미 아와드
서울대학교 국제대학원 국제학연구소
본 연구는 암호화폐의 요소와 문제가 국제법의 틀 내에서 규제되지 않은 경우 물가와 지불제도의 안정성과 더불어 금융안정에 얼마나 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 밝히는 데에 목적이 있다.
한편, 본 연구는 이 지불 제도가 가져올 기회와 혜택, 그리고 그것이 투자들에게 호소력이 있다는 점을 받아들인다.
무엇보다도, 본 연구는 범죄자, 사기꾼, 돈세탁하는 사람들에 의해 부정한 행위를 하는 데 이용되어 공권력에 큰 도전이 될 수 있다는 점에서 이러한 제도들을 둘러싼 법적 불확실성을 강조한다.
게다가 본 연구는 15개 국가의 연간 데이터를 이용해 2013-2017 기간 내에 가장 널리 거래되는 암호화폐 '비트코인'의 수요에 영향을 미치는 요인을 분석한다. 본 연구는 2SLS 방법을 이용해 다음과 같은 결론을 내렸다. 첫째, 거래 규모와 시장 변동성과 같은 비트코인 시장과 관련된 시장 요소들이 경제적 정책 불확실성, 무역장벽, 선진국과 개발도상국에게 송금과 상당한 연관성이 있는 것으로 나왔다. 두번째, 이민자의 규모는 전체적으로 무의미한데도 선진국에서 낮은 'P-value'로 나온다. 그래서 경제적 불확실성과 무역 마찰에 대한 인식은 국가 분류에게 영향을 받지 않다는 것을 추론할 수 있으며 전체적으로 의미가 있다는 것으로 간주된다. 한편, 소득 수준, 납세 변수는 비트코인 수요와 관련하는 국가의 분류에 의해 크게 영향을 받는다. 마지막으로 인터넷 사용자의 수, 환율과 같은 변수는 통계적으로 아무 의미가 없는 것으로 나왔다.
주요어: 암호화폐, 비트코인, 보호주의, 무역장벽, 송금, 경제적 불확실성, 비트코인 분석, 비트코인 수요 결정 요인.ABSTRACT
Engy Mahmoud Helmy Awad
International Area Studies
Graduate School of International Studies
Seoul National University
This dissertation demonstrates how extensive the risks and implications of crypto-currencies can influence the financial stability along with prices and payment systems stabilities, if not regulated under deterrent international legal framework. In contrast, this paper acknowledges the opportunities and benefits these payment schemes might bring about and how appealing they might be perceived by investors. Moreover it highlights the legal uncertainties surrounding these schemes with respect to challenges they rise to public authorities, as they can be used by criminals, fraudsters and money launderers to perform illegal activities.
Furthermore, this paper examines factors that influence the demand for the most commonly traded cryptocurrency Bitcoin over the period 2013-2017 using annual data for fifteen designated countries. The study employs 2SLS technique and documents several findings. First, Bitcoin market-related factors such as econometric Beta, trading volume, and volatility appear to be significantly correlated to economic policies uncertainties, trade Barriers and remittance transfers for both developed and developing countries. Second, international migrants stock appears with lower P-value in developed countries despite its overall insignificance. This indicates that; recognition of the economic uncertainties and trade frictions are not influenced by countries classification division and will hold their significance throughout. On the other hand, income level and tax payments variables are highly influenced by the countrys classification when it comes to Bitcoin demand. Finally variables like number of internet users and exchange rates hold strong evidence of statistical insignificance with high likelihood of accepting the null hypothesis.
Keywords: Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Protectionism, trade barriers, remittance transfers, economic uncertainty, Bitcoin Analysis, Bitcoin demand determinants.Table of Contents
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Chapters outlines: 1
1.3 Crypto-currencies and Bitcoin: 3
1.4 Historical Timeline: 5
1.5 Objective of the study 7
1.6 Research question 8
1.7 Significance of the study 8
1.8 Methodology 8
1.9 Literature review: 9
2.1 Traditional theories of money 14
2.2 Virtual currencies creation and adoption: 16
2.3 Differences between fiat currency and virtual currency 18
2.4 Advantages of cryptocurrency: 19
2.5 Disadvantages of cryptocurrency: 22
2.6 Security implications of cryptocurrency: 23
2.7 Risks and implications of crypto-currencies: 24
2.7.1 Risks to price stability: 25
2.7.2 Risks to Financial stability: 26
2.7.3 Risks to Payment system stability 27
2.7.4 Lack of Prudential supervision: 28
2.8 Mitigating Crypto-currencies risks: 29
3.1 Introduction: 32
3.2 Methodology used: 33
3.3 Research design: 34
3.4 Data collection: 35
3.5 Data and variables: 35
3.6 Main drivers for the Bitcoin price index: 35
3.7 Variables affecting the demand for Crypto currencies: 37
3.7.1 Globalization and ICT advancements: 38
3.7.2 Personal remittances: 39
3.7.3 Rising protectionism against hyperglobalization and Bitcoin: 39
3.7.4 Economic policy uncertainty: 43
3.7.5 Quality of human capital: 44
3.7.6 Taxation, market regulations and money transfer charges: 45
3.7.7 Stock market: 46
4.1 Introduction: 47
4.2 Descriptive statistics: 47
4.3 Data Variables: 48
4.3.1 Dependent variable: 48
4.3.2 Independent variables: 49
4.3.3 Control variables: 50
4.4 correlation matrix results: 51
4.5 Regression analysis: 52
4.5.1 Anva section: 52
4.5.2 Regression formula: 53
4.5.3 Regression results interpretation: 53
4.5.4 Sum of residuals of the regression analysis: 55
4.5.5 Partial and semi-partial correlations: 56
4.6 Two-Stage least squares (2SLS) regression analysis: 57
4.7 Omitted-variables bias: 59
4.8 Developed vs Developing countries: 61
4.9 Conclusion: 62
5.1 Introduction: 63
5.2 Empirical findings summary and answering the research questions: 63
5.3 Policy implications: 65
5.4 Limitations of the study and recommendations for future studies: 65
5.5 Conclusion: 66
References 68
국문초록 74Maste
Integrating Environmental Control and Architectural Design: A Coordinated Teaching Framework that uses multiple Strategies to enhance student skills
This paper aimed at formulating a teaching framework for environmental control to develop students\u27 skills. It emphasizes the importance of multiple strategies into architectural education and proposes a coordinated approach between three courses’: environmental control, Islamic architecture history, and architectural design. It reviews pedagogical approaches in architectural education to design a framework to environmental control. That framework achieves the course outcomes for the higher education ministry syllabus and goes in line with both Egyptian and American quality standards. The framework involves several activities, including lectures that introduce the theoretical background, construction of physical models, teamwork presentations, use of simulation software, usage of laboratory equipment, and visits to distinctive buildings. The framework was implemented on second-year architecture students in two different Egyptian schools: the Architecture Department at Nile Higher Institute, Mansoura, and the Architecture Department at Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City.The framework evaluation implementation was carried in several ways: direct assessment through the analysis of student learning outcomes assessment scores, and indirect assessment through a student questionnaire. Closed-ended answers were analyzed quantitively, and open-ended answers were analyzed qualitatively. Feedback was taken from instructors. The results were discussed twice. Once the department council meeting, the second was with a board consisting of industry representatives, students, and alumnus. The results were used to adjust the new framework. The findings provide insights for educators. It suggests that the framework could be adapted in other education settings, and further research could investigate the long-term impact on students\u27 professional practice
Integrating Environmental Control and Architectural Design: A Coordinated Teaching Framework that uses multiple Strategies to enhance student skills
This paper aimed at formulating a teaching framework for environmental control to develop students\u27 skills. It emphasizes the importance of multiple strategies into architectural education and proposes a coordinated approach between three courses’: environmental control, Islamic architecture history, and architectural design. It reviews pedagogical approaches in architectural education to design a framework to environmental control. That framework achieves the course outcomes for the higher education ministry syllabus and goes in line with both Egyptian and American quality standards. The framework involves several activities, including lectures that introduce the theoretical background, construction of physical models, teamwork presentations, use of simulation software, usage of laboratory equipment, and visits to distinctive buildings. The framework was implemented on second-year architecture students in two different Egyptian schools: the Architecture Department at Nile Higher Institute, Mansoura, and the Architecture Department at Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City.The framework evaluation implementation was carried in several ways: direct assessment through the analysis of student learning outcomes assessment scores, and indirect assessment through a student questionnaire. Closed-ended answers were analyzed quantitively, and open-ended answers were analyzed qualitatively. Feedback was taken from instructors. The results were discussed twice. Once the department council meeting, the second was with a board consisting of industry representatives, students, and alumnus. The results were used to adjust the new framework. The findings provide insights for educators. It suggests that the framework could be adapted in other education settings, and further research could investigate the long-term impact on students\u27 professional practice
Disseminating Training Courses Information Using SMS
In these days most media acknowledge the importance of SMS news and web in reaching and interacting with their users. However, there is much discussion regarding the effectiveness when it comes to SMS news. This project to help the students and staff prepared to accept, reading using SMS messages: effective is SMS news compared to traditional news communications. The goal of this study is to investigate the use of SMS news compared to traditional ways distribute in news in different aspects and on the other hand, to develop prototype by using web and SMS
technology to apply this system and extent users are willing to accept commercial messages on their mobile phone, since the effectiveness of SMS news highly depends on this willing. The results of this project indicate that the use of the web and SMS for the benefit of disseminating
UTLC center training Courses information by extending web technology to SMS using WLAN for students and staff
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