59 research outputs found
Un fals aparegut en el "Tirant lo Blanc"
In the chapters CCXXXI-CCXXXIIII of Tirant lo Blanc, there are two
comical scenes where Carmesina and Tirant attempt to keep their love a secret. Carmesina justifies a night riot happened in her chamber by saying that a rat went through her face; whereas Tirant pretends to be a ghost when he runs away from the chamber into the orchard. The dependence of these two episodes opposes the nature of several characters, but the scene that best exhibits the knights’ ambivalent morality is the appearance of Tirant –with the spells of Hipòlit and the viscount of Branches. The comparison of this case with chapter XIX of the «Quixote», and with other works of the modern age, allows to determine how the forms and the meanings of a same commonplace evolve. The appearance of «Tirant» has to be linked especially to three
mediaeval traditions: in the first place, the «fabliaux» and the «novelle», like the «Llibre de fra Bernat» or the «Decamerone»; in the second place, the treaties of ghosts, according to the outlines of «De spiritu Guidonis»; in the third place, the motif of the knightly
adventure, in the way of Chrétien de Troyes. This is how Joanot Martorell balances and adapts diverse materials to the situations that the case brings up
Cuatro poemas de amor y un elogio cortĂ©s: poesĂa catalana inĂ©dita de los siglos XV-XVI
Starting from a state of affairs of different bibliographical contributions on medieval Catalan poetry, this article presents the Repertori d’Obres en Vers (ROV) and includes the edition of five unpublished poems of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, whose opening lines are: "Per sospirar trobe aleujament", "Dir-vos-ho he –sia secret–", "Ara·n lo punt de ma partida", "En tal cas astich posat" y "En totes parts on gentilesa·s nota". All these poems are anonymous and have been preserved in a single manuscript.Partiendo de un estado de la cuestiĂłn sobre las diferentes aportaciones bibliográficas relativas a la poesĂa catalana medieval, se presenta el Repertori d'Obres en Vers (ROV) y se ofrece la ediciĂłn de cinco poemas de los siglos XV-XVI hasta el momento inĂ©ditos, cuyos primeros versos son los siguientes: "Per sospirar trobe aleujament", "Dir-vos-ho he –sia secret–", "Ara·n lo punt de ma partida", "En tal cas astich posat" y "En totes parts on gentilesa·s nota". Todos estos poemas son anĂłnimos y se han conservado en un Ăşnico testimonio manuscrito
Cinc edicions del VenturĂłs PelegrĂ a la Bibliothèque Mazarine de ParĂs
Abstract: The Ms. 4504 of the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris contains, on the one hand, five printed copies of the “PeregrinaciĂł del VenturĂłs PelegrĂ” ab les “Cobles de la Mort” and, on the other hand, a partial hand-written copy of the VenturĂłs PelegrĂ with an incomplete French translation by Josep Tastu (1787-1849), who compiled all the materials of this volume. Apart from presenting the general content of the ms. 4504, we describe in detail the five editions with particular emphasis on the oldest one, probably dating from the mid-sixteenth century or shortly thereafter. This printed book, now acephalous and apodous, in which the lines go all the way across the page, still preserves three woodcuts. As the earliest witness we know of the VenturĂłs PelegrĂ, this printed copy provides some evidences to understand the dissemination of this work during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
La "PeregrinaciĂł del VenturĂłs PelegrĂ" ab les "Cobles de la mort": una sèrie de gravats en setze edicions cerverines (circa 1730-1804)
Entre el gran nombre d’edicions de la «PeregrinaciĂł del VenturĂłs PelegrĂ» ab les «Cobles de la mort» impreses a Cervera als segles XVIII-XIX, n’estudiem setze que transmeten la mateixa sèrie de gravats, en la qual es representen algunes escenes del pelegrĂ visionari i/o l’à nima del purgatori que se li apareix. A banda de reproduir en facsĂmil tota aquesta sèrie, la portada de quinze edicions i la primera pĂ gina conservada d’un exemplar Ăşnic acèfal, en fem una descripciĂł bibliogrĂ fica i ressenyem els exemplars localitzats en biblioteques d’arreu del mĂłn. Tant des del punt de vista quantitatiu com cronològic, aquesta sèrie destaca per ser la mĂ©s reiterada i documentada entre totes les que s’han imprès des del segle XVII fins a l’actualitat en edicions d’aquestes obres
Un fals aparegut en el «Tirant lo Blanch»
In the chapters CCXXXI-CCXXXIIII of Tirant lo Blanc, there are two
comical scenes where Carmesina and Tirant attempt to keep their love a secret. Carmesina justifies a night riot happened in her chamber by saying that a rat went through her face; whereas Tirant pretends to be a ghost when he runs away from the chamber into the orchard. The dependence of these two episodes opposes the nature of several characters, but the scene that best exhibits the knights’ ambivalent morality is the appearance of Tirant –with the spells of Hipòlit and the viscount of Branches. The comparison of this case with chapter XIX of the «Quixote», and with other works of the modern age, allows to determine how the forms and the meanings of a same commonplace evolve. The appearance of «Tirant» has to be linked especially to three
mediaeval traditions: in the first place, the «fabliaux» and the «novelle», like the «Llibre de fra Bernat» or the «Decamerone»; in the second place, the treaties of ghosts, according to the outlines of «De spiritu Guidonis»; in the third place, the motif of the knightly
adventure, in the way of Chrétien de Troyes. This is how Joanot Martorell balances and adapts diverse materials to the situations that the case brings up
"O Senyor, rei de glòria"" / "Senyor, rei de glòria": difusió i significat de l'Oratio beati Karoli
De les tres versions que coneixem de l'Oratio beati Karoli, una d'elles, començada
«O Senyor, rei de Glòria», forma part d'una estampa calcogrà fica incunable, mentre que
les altres dues ens han arribat per via manuscrita i amb un Ăncipit diferent: «Senyor, rei de
Glòria». Les notables divergències textuals dels tres testimonis i sobretot el fet que rarament
hagen estat posats en relaciĂł han induĂŻt a una anĂ lisi descontextualitzada del poema,
donant peu a algunes errades d'interpretació. Amb el propòsit de subsanar aquestes mancances,
oferim per primera vegada una edició sinòptica de les tres versions i, a partir dels
indicis que aquestes aporten, intentem desvelar les seues vies de difusiĂł i el seu significat
originari. De gran interès Ă©s constatar el referons polĂtic del poema, que remet a la figura
de Carles, primogènit d'AragĂł i prĂncep de Viana, i que ens situa en els prolegòmens i en
l'inici de la guerra civil de Catalunya (1462-1472).«O Senyor, rei de Glòria» / «Senyor, rei de Glòria»:
dissemination and significance of the Oratio Beati Karoli
Of the three known versions of the Oratio beati Karoli, one of them, which begins
?O Senyor, rei de Glòria?, forms part of an incunabular chalcographic print, while the
other two have been handed down to us in manuscript form and with a different beginning:
?Senyor, rei de Glòria?. The considerable differences in the texts of the three renditions
and, above all, the fact that they have rarely been related to one another call for a decontextualized
analysis of the poem, which reveals some errors of interpretation. With the
aimof remedying these deficiencies, we offer for the first time ever a synopsis of the three
versions and, on the basis of the evidence they provide, we attempt to show the routes by
which they spread and their original significance. It is important to underline the political
background to the poem, which refers to Charles, first-born son of Aragon and Prince of
Viana, and sets the scene around the build-up to and outbreak of the Catalan Civil War
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