2,466 research outputs found

    Secure Querying of Recursive XML Views: A Standard XPath-based Technique

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    Most state-of-the art approaches for securing XML documents allow users to access data only through authorized views defined by annotating an XML grammar (e.g. DTD) with a collection of XPath expressions. To prevent improper disclosure of confidential information, user queries posed on these views need to be rewritten into equivalent queries on the underlying documents. This rewriting enables us to avoid the overhead of view materialization and maintenance. A major concern here is that query rewriting for recursive XML views is still an open problem. To overcome this problem, some works have been proposed to translate XPath queries into non-standard ones, called Regular XPath queries. However, query rewriting under Regular XPath can be of exponential size as it relies on automaton model. Most importantly, Regular XPath remains a theoretical achievement. Indeed, it is not commonly used in practice as translation and evaluation tools are not available. In this paper, we show that query rewriting is always possible for recursive XML views using only the expressive power of the standard XPath. We investigate the extension of the downward class of XPath, composed only by child and descendant axes, with some axes and operators and we propose a general approach to rewrite queries under recursive XML views. Unlike Regular XPath-based works, we provide a rewriting algorithm which processes the query only over the annotated DTD grammar and which can run in linear time in the size of the query. An experimental evaluation demonstrates that our algorithm is efficient and scales well.Comment: (2011

    A General Approach for Securely Querying and Updating XML Data

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    Over the past years several works have proposed access control models for XML data where only read-access rights over non-recursive DTDs are considered. A few amount of works have studied the access rights for updates. In this paper, we present a general model for specifying access control on XML data in the presence of update operations of W3C XQuery Update Facility. Our approach for enforcing such updates specifications is based on the notion of query rewriting where each update operation defined over arbitrary DTD (recursive or not) is rewritten to a safe one in order to be evaluated only over XML data which can be updated by the user. We investigate in the second part of this report the secure of XML updating in the presence of read-access rights specified by a security views. For an XML document, a security view represents for each class of users all and only the parts of the document these users are able to see. We show that an update operation defined over a security view can cause disclosure of sensitive data hidden by this view if it is not thoroughly rewritten with respect to both read and update access rights. Finally, we propose a security view based approach for securely updating XML in order to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of XML data.Comment: No. RR-7870 (2012

    Bistabilité moléculaire dans des complexes de métaux de transition : commutation par un champ électrique et détection optique par résonance des plasmons de surface

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    De nos jours, les demandes technologiques en terme de miniaturisation de composants telles que les capteurs, les dispositifs pour l'Ă©lectronique et l'optique stimulent de plus en plus l'activitĂ© scientifique des laboratoires Ă  l'Ă©chelle mondiale. A cet effet, les matĂ©riaux molĂ©culaires bistables semblent prometteurs dans la perspective de telles applications. L'adressage et la dĂ©tection de la bistabilitĂ© dans ces matĂ©riaux Ă  l'Ă©chelle nanomĂ©trique est une Ă©tape incontournable dans la conception de tels dispositifs. Dans ce contexte, ce travail de thĂšse prĂ©sente une approche originale, non seulement pour l'adressage des matĂ©riaux molĂ©culaires bistables par voie Ă©lectrique, mais aussi pour la lecture de l'information stockĂ©e dans les matĂ©riaux molĂ©culaires bistables Ă  l'Ă©chelle nanomĂ©trique par voie Ă©lectrique ou optique. A cet effet, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les propriĂ©tĂ©s de transport des complexes de coordination (RbxMn[Fe(CN)6]y·zH2O, NaxCo[Fe(CN)6]y·zH2O, Co3[W(CN)8]2(pyrimidine)4·6H2O et {Fe(HB(pz)3)2}) et nous avons pu mettre en Ă©vidence une commutation entre leurs deux Ă©tats bistables par l'application d'un champs Ă©lectrique. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© thĂ©oriquement et expĂ©rimentalement la possibilitĂ© de dĂ©tecter cette commutation dans des couches minces Ă  l'aide de la rĂ©sonance des plasmons de surface. Nous montrons que cette technique peut dĂ©tecter des variations d'indice optique associĂ©es Ă  la bistabilitĂ© mĂȘme pour des couches ultra-minces (<10 nm). Ces rĂ©sultats ouvrent de sĂ©rieuses perspectives pour l'intĂ©gration des complexes Ă  transition de spin ou Ă  transfert de charge dans des nano-circuits Ă©lectriques et dans des dispositifs photoniques dont l'objectif est leurs possibles applications comme mĂ©moire, capteurs ou dispositifs optiques adressables.The aim of the present cook coas to investigate the electrical and optical properties of scoichable malecular complexes, suchas spin crossover of valence tautomeric comprends. We performed a detailed Raman spectroscopic stuby on three different Valence tautomeric compound under au opplied enternal electric field. We have beenable to provide experimental evidence for a new type of electric field induced transition in thes compounds. In the second part of this cook, we developed a novel approch for the setection of spin crossover in nanometric thim films co free sensing is based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) detection of refractive index changes in the films

    Visions of Unification and Integration: Building Brains and Communities in the European Human Brain Project

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    The Human Brain Project (HBP) was launched in October 2013 by the European Commission to build an information and communication technology infrastructure that would support large-scale brain modelling and simulation. Less than a year after its launch, more than 800 neuroscientists signed a letter that claimed the HBP ‘would fail to meet its goals’. Based on multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork conducted between February 2014 and January 2017 in France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the HBP headquarters in Switzerland, and over 40 interviews with scientists, engineers and project administrators, this article traces how competing visions over how brain models should be built became tied into debates over how scientific communities should be governed. Articulations of these different kinds of models and communities appealed to competing imaginaries of Europe itself – of Europe and European science as unified or pluralistic. This article argues that scientific models are sites of contestation over social and political futures. The tensions between visions of scientific unification and pluralism in the HBP mirrored the tensions between imaginaries of European political unification and pluralism

    Aspects du dĂ©veloppement psychologique de l’enfant au Maghreb

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    Les Ă©tudes sur le dĂ©veloppement psychologique tant psychomoteur qu'affectif de l'enfant maghrĂ©bin sont encore rares, de mĂȘme que les Ă©crits et travaux concernant sa famille et son environnement. Ce texte condensĂ©, limitĂ© en raison des impĂ©ratifs rĂ©dactionnels, synthĂ©tise un certain nombre de donnĂ©es d'ordres variĂ©s en pointant ce qui nous semble gĂ©nĂ©ralement mal connu concernant le Maghreb. C'est notamment le cas des informations concernant l'Islam. De mĂȘme en privilĂ©giant la question de la fillette, nous avons voulu pointer l'un des problĂšmes socioculturels et politique majeurs du monde moderne en terre d'Islam: celui de la citoyenne de demain, dans un monde en changement; cette problĂ©matique apparaissant essentielle pour tout travail dans le champ de la santĂ© mentale. RepĂšres historico-culturels.Studies on the psychological development of the Maghreb child, from the psychomotor as well as the emotional points of view, are still quite rare, as is literature and research on the Maghreb child's family and environment. This article synthesizes various data, while identifying what is generally unknown or misunderstood about the Maghreb. This is namely the case of information surrounding the Islam faith. Also, by raising questions about the female child, the author examines one of today's major sociocultural and political problems in Islamic countries: the female citizen of tomorrow in a changing world - an issue which the author considers essential to any endeavour in the field of mental health
