326 research outputs found

    Importance of Intrinsic and Instrumental Value of Education in Pakistan

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    Normally, effectiveness of any object or thing is judged by two values; intrinsic and instrumental. To compare intrinsic value of education with instrumental value, this study has used the following variables: getting knowledge for its own sake, getting knowledge for social status, getting knowledge for job or business endeavor and getting knowledge for both purposes, which is for its own sake and also for job, business or status. For this research quantitative method was used and a questionnaire was deployed to collect responses from 465 bachelor degree students from all over Pakistan (combining all provinces including Gilgit & AJK). It was found that the students gave mixed responses of acknowledging both values of education during the survey. The research has significant relationship between each of its independent and dependent variables, although the strength of those relationships was weak in nature. However, 60% of the respondents when asked whether they will get their first or bachelor’s degree even if there is no instrumental value attached with it, responded in affirmative. This concludes that bachelor degree students in Pakistan give more value to intrinsic nature of education than its instrumental value

    Integrated Email Management System Based Google Application Programming Interface Using OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol

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    Abstract : Google Apps is a service provided by Google that allows users to use Google products with their own domain names. Among the products offered by Google Apps are email (Gmail), Docs (Google Drive), and Classroom services. In addition, Google Apps also provides Application Programming Interface (API) services that can be used by developers to take advantage of various features provided by Google. Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) is one of the universities that use Google Apps service for managing student emails. At present, UUI student email management through Google Apps is still not integrated with academic information system data. As a result, UUI must allocate special resources for managing student emails manually. Based on these problems, this study proposes an integration system for UUI student email management using the Google Apps API. This system is designed using PHP programming. The Google Apps API authentication method uses OAuth 2.0. The results of this study indicate that student email management on Google Apps can be done through campus academic information systems. With this system, students can activate email independently without having to be registered manually to the Google Apps page by the campus email managers.Abstrak : Google Apps adalah sebuah layanan yang disediakan oleh Google yang memungkinkan pengguna dapat menggunakan produk google dengan nama domain sendiri. Di antaranya produk yang disediakan Google Apps yaitu layanan email (Gmail), dokumen (Google Drive), dan Classroom. Selain itu, Google Apps juga menyediakan layanan Application Programming Interface (API) yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pengembang untuk memanfaatkan berbagai layanan yang disediakan oleh Google. Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia (UUI) merupakan salah satu universitas yang menggunakan layanan Google Apps untuk pengelolaan email mahasiswa. Saat ini pengelolaan email mahasiswa UUI melalui Google Apps masih belum terintegrasi dengan data sistem informasi akademik. Akibatnya UUI harus mengalokasikan sumber daya khusus untuk mengelola email mahasiswa secara manual. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem integrasi pengelolaan email mahasiswa UUI menggunakan API Google Apps. Sistem ini dirancang menggunakan pemograman PHP. Metode autentikasi API Google Apps menggunakan OAuth 2.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengelolaan email mahasiswa pada Google Apps dapat dilakukan melalui sistem informasi akademik kampus. Dengan adanya sistem ini mahasiswa dapat melakukan aktivasi email secara mandiri tanpa harus didaftarkan secara manual ke halaman Google Apps oleh pengelola email kampus

    Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Strip Footing on Granular Soil Under Eccentrically Inclined Load- A Numerical Approach

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    Since the publication of Terzaghi’s theory on the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations in 1943, results of numerous studies—theoretical, experimental and numerical—by various investigators have been published. Most of the studies relate to the case of a vertical load applied centrally to the foundation. Meyerhof (1953) developed empirical procedures for estimating the ultimate bearing capacity of foundations subjected to eccentric and inclined loads. Recently, Patra et al. (2012a, 2012b) developed two empirical equations to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of eccentrically inclined loaded strip footing. Based on the review of the existing literature on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations, it appears that limited attention has been paid to estimate the ultimate bearing capacity when the foundation is subjected to both eccentric and inclined load and the objective of present study stems from this paucity. In order to arrive at the objective and to quantify certain parameters, extensive numerical models have been made to determine the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow strip foundation resting over sand bed and subjected to eccentric and inclined loads. The models are made with three relative density of sand i.e. dense sand and medium dense sand. The load inclination has been varied from 0° to 20° whereas the eccentricity varies from 0 to 0.15B (B = width of footing). Depth of the footing is varied from 0 to B with an increment of 0.5B. In most cases of analysis of such problems; the line of load application is towards the center line of the footing. However, in this thesis, it is investigated for the two possible ways of line of load application i.e. (i) towards and (ii) away from the center line of the footing. Based on the analysis of numerical models result, the results of medium dense and dense sand are compared with the reduction factor developed by Patra et al. (2012a, 2012b) for each mode iv of load application. This reduction factor will compute the ultimate bearing capacity of footing subjected to eccentric and inclined load by knowing the ultimate bearing capacity of footings under centric vertical load at the same depth of footing. Finally, the numerical model results are compared with the existing theories and the comparison seems to be goo

    Design and Implementation of Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF) for UPS System

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    Hybrid Active Power Filter (HAPF) is designed and applied for Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) System to mitigate harmonic currents in UPS during the power conversion from rectifiers to inverters (AC-DC-AC Converters). Various UPS types and topologies are used for continuous power supply without delay and protection to connected loads. In spite of the fact that UPS is one of the power quality apparatus but it has also drawback of disturbing the power system quality of system by current harmonics and voltage distortion during conversion of power. Passive and EMI Filters could not eliminate harmonics effectively from UPS system therefore it requires modern, rapid filtering method as well combination of Active and Passive Filters. Proposed model of HAPF for UPS System could mitigate current harmonics for optimal power transfer and minimize losses, increase overall efficiency, reliability and life span of equipment. Higher harmonic current and higher voltage distortion leads to greater power loss. In this paper the (d-q) theorem is applied for the identification of harmonic currents. The d-q theorem and calculation creates the signal of reference compensation current and this produced signal of current is tracked by the yield current of the voltage source converter.. Hysteresis based controller for HAPF is applied to create the switching signals to regulate and maintain the voltage source converter output currents. Harmonics and efficiencies are analyzed at different loads and on charging and discharging of batteries of various UPS System in different industries and sectors on the basis of experimental investigation then HAPF is designed and implemented. In simulation results, it is observed that THD reduced from 46 to 10%, the harmonic currents were compensated and eliminated effectively which improved power quality of UPS System. Furthermore, addition of proposed HAPF could save the power up to 15 % which lost due to poor power quality of UPS System

    Complications of calcific tendinitis of the shoulder: a concise review

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    Abstract: Calcific tendinitis (CT) of the rotator cuff (RC) muscles in the shoulder is a disorder which remains asymptomatic in a majority of patients. Once manifested, it can present in different ways which can have negative effects both socially and professionally for the patient. The treatment modalities can be either conservative or surgical. There is poor literature evidence on the complications of this condition with little consensus on the treatment of choice. In this review, the literature was extensively searched in order to study and compile together the complications of CT of the shoulder and present it in a clear form to ease the understanding for all the professionals involved in the management of this disorder. Essentially there are five major complications of CT: pain, adhesive capsulitis, RC tears, greater tuberosity osteolysis and ossifying tendinitis. All the above complications have been explained right from their origin to the control measures required for the relief of the patient. Level of evidence: 5

    Real-Time Tracking of Animal Movements in Pasture-Based Livestock Systems Using Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

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    Modern agriculture has witnessed a transformative shift in the management of pasture-based livestock systems through the incorporation of advanced technologies. This study introduces a real-time tracking system that utilizes Internet of Things (IoT) devices and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to comprehensively monitor animal movements. Demonstrating a reliability of 95.3%, the system ensures precise capture and recording of animal locations within pastures. With an average response time of 2.4 seconds, the system's high responsiveness enables timely interventions, enhancing overall livestock management. The analysis of spatial distribution provides valuable insights into grazing patterns, guiding targeted strategies like rotational grazing to optimize pasture utilization. AI-driven behavioral classification, with an accuracy of 93.8%, offers a nuanced understanding of animal behavior, extending beyond conventional tracking. Health monitoring sensors, contributing to a sensitivity of 89.5% and specificity of 92.1%, facilitate early detection of health issues, minimizing veterinary costs and promoting sustained productivity. Positioning the real-time tracking system as a vital tool for optimizing livestock management, it empowers farmers with real-time data for informed decision-making, improved grazing patterns, and enhanced herd management. The successful implementation of this system lays the foundation for future advancements in precision livestock farming, with the potential for integration with additional IoT devices and AI models, promising a comprehensive and automated approach to pasture-based livestock management. This research significantly adds to the dialogue on utilizing technology for sustainable and efficient livestock farming practices

    Impact of Acinetobacter baumannii Superoxide Dismutase on Motility, Virulence, Oxidative Stress Resistance and Susceptibility to Antibiotics

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is a Gram-negative bacterium appearing as an opportunistic pathogen in hospital settings. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) contributes to virulence in several pathogenic bacteria by detoxifying reactive oxygen species released in the course of host defense reactions. However, the biological role of SODs in A. baumannii has not yet been elucidated. Here, we inactivated in A. baumannii ATCC 17978 gene A1S_2343, encoding a putative SOD of the Fe-Mn type by transposon insertion, resulting in mutant ATCC 17978 sod2343::Km. The mutation was also introduced in two naturally competent A. baumannii isolates by transformation with chromosomal DNA derived from mutant ATCC 17978 sod2343::Km. We demonstrate that inactivation of sod2343 leads to significant motility defects in all three A. baumannii strains. The mutant strains were more susceptible to oxidative stress compared to their parental strains. Susceptibility to colistin and tetracycline was increased in all mutant strains while susceptibility of the mutants to gentamicin, levofloxacin and imipenem was strain-dependent. In the Galleria mellonella infection model the mutant strains were significantly attenuated. In conclusion, sod2343 plays an important role in motility, resistance to oxidative stress, susceptibility to antibiotics and virulence in A. baumannii


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    Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi bulan Oktober dan November tahun 2010 merupakan erupsi terbesar yang menghasilkan jutaan meter kubik material piroklastik yang berpotensi menjadi lahar. Banjir lahar tersebut mengangkut material endapan hasil erupsi dengan ukuran mulai dari lumpur pasir hingga bongkah, sehingga sangat berisiko bagi daerah yang dilaluinya. Salah satu sungai yang mengalirkan lahar akibat letusan Gunungapi Merapi adalah Sungai Boyong-Code, dan dipilih sebagai lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini mengkaji risiko bencana ancaman banjir lahar pasca erupsi Gunungapi Merapi tahun 2010 dengan tujuan untuk : (1) mendeskripsikan karakter Sungai Boyong-Code, (2) mendeskripsikan aset-aset atau fasilitas umum yang rentan terkena banjir lahar, (3) Mengetahui tingkat risiko banjir lahar yang akan terjadi di sungai Boyong-Code, (4) memberikan rekomendasi mitigasi bencana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode survey lapangan dan identifikasi lokasi yang berpotensi rentan dan berisiko untuk kemudian dilakukan analisis kuantitatif dari data lapangan yang selanjutnya dijelaskan dengan analisis kualitatif dan hasilnya berupa peta tingkat risiko. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat 21 dusun di sekitar pinggir Sungai Boyong-Code yang memiliki potensi lahar dengan tingkat risiko tinggi, dusun tersebut adalah Dusun Rejodani, Ledokwareng, Ngelempongsari, Pogung Lor, Pogung Rejo, Pogung Kidul, Karangjati, Caturtunggal, Blimbingsari, Jetisharjo, Terban, Jogoyudan, Tegalpanggung, Suryatmajan, Ledokwareng, Ledoksari, Sayidan, Surokarsa, Surokarsan, Keparaan Lor, yang semuanya berada di Kecamatan Ngaglik, Depok, Mlati, Tegalrejo, Jetis, Gondokusuman, Gondomanan, Pakualaman, Mergangsan. Sedangkan Dusun Krikilan yang berada di Kecamatan Ngaglik berisiko banjir lahar dengan tingkat risiko sedang. Kata Kunci : Risiko, Banjir Lahar


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    Intisari PT. MMKU merupakan salah satu perusahaan pertambangan batubara yang terletak di Desa Binai, Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur, Kabupaten Bulungan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Proses penambangan PT. MMKU menggunakan sistem penambangan tambang terbuka (open pit minning) dengan metode backfilling yang secara langsung dan tidak langsung dapat merusak ekosistem perairan dilokasi penambangan itu sendiri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian perencanaan pengelolaan air asam tambang di PT. MMKU Desa Binai, Kecamatan Tanjung Palas Timur, Kabupaten Bulungan, Propinsi Kalimantan timur, yaitu Metode Survey atau observasi Lapangan dan metode sampling yang dilakukan pada 9 sungai dan dua mata air di lokasi penelitian PT. Moa Maju Kurnia Utama, kemudian dilakukan analisis laboratorium untuk menganalisis zat yang terkandung di badan air yang telah diambil sampel. Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium untuk parameter kimia dan fisik (pH, Fe ,TSS dan Mn) pada 11 titik sampel ( Mata air I, II, dan 9 Sungai ) diketahui nilai pH sudah di atas ambang batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan Peraturan Daerah Kalimantan Timur No. 02 Tahun 2011, yaitu nilai pH berkisar antara 3,5 - 5,0 mg/l (batas nilai pH 6 - 9), sedangkan nilai Fe 1 - 0,9 mg/l (batas Fe 7 mg/l), nilai Mn berkisar antara ≤0,002 - 0,10 mg/l (Mn 4 mg/l) dan TSS berkisar antara 6 – 81 mg/l (TSS 400 mg/l ) masih dibawah ambang batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan pemerintah.Perencanaan pengelolaan yang dilakukan terdiri dari 3 tahap, yaitu (1) pengelolaanya sebelum air asam tambang terbentuk adalah dengan menutup batuan PAF (Potentially Acid Forming) menggunakan material batuan NAF (Non Acid Forming) untuk minimalisasi masuknya oksigen dan air ke dalam timbunan batuan, (2) pengelolaan yang dilakukan setelah air asam tambang terbentuk adalah dengan mencampurkan CaO (kapur tohor) pada saluran drainage dan settling pond untuk menetralkan air asam tambang, dan (3) pemanfaatan limbah menjadi produk dengan menggunakan air limbah sebagai sumber air oleh kendaraan water truck dalam penyiraman jalan di lokasi tambang. Kata kunci : Perencanaan Pengelolaan Air Asam Tambang THE PLANNING OF ACID MINE MANAGEMENT AT PT. MOA MAJU KURNIA UTAMA AT BINAI VILLAGE, OF EASTERN TANJUNG PALAS DISTRICT BULUNGAN REGENCY, EASTERN BORNEO PROVINCE Abstract PT. Moa Maju Kurnia Utama is one of company coal minning in Binai village, Districk of eastern Cape Palas, Bulungan Regency, East Kalimantan Province. mining process in PT. Moa Maju Kurnia utama used open pit minning system with backfilling methods that directly and indirectly can damage aquatic ecosystems around the mine site it self. The method used in the study of Acid mine drainage management planning at PT. MMKU Binai Village, District of Eastern Cape Palas, Bulungan regency, East Kalimantan Province, the survey method or field observations and sampling methods are carried out on the river Binai and two springs in the study site of PT. Moa Maju Kurnia Utama Main, then performed analysis laboratory to analyze the substances contained in water that have been sampled. Based on the results of laboratory testing for chemical and physical parameters (pH, Fe, and Mn TSS) at eleven sample points (springs I, II, and the nine River) pH value is above the threshold set quality standards regulation of East Kalimantan no. 02 In 2011, that for pH values ranging from 3.5 to 5.0 mg / l (limit pH value of 6-9 mg/l), whereas Fe values from 1 to 0.9 mg / l (limit of 7 mg Fe / l) , Mn values ranged from <0.002 to 0.10 mg / l (Mn 4 mg / l) and TSS ranged between 6 to 81 mg / l (TSS 400 mg / l) still under quality standard regulation from government. Mangement planning which performed therefor by 3 step, its (1) formed by covering the rock PAF (Potentially Acid Forming) using rock material NAF (Non Acid Forming) to minimization ingress of oxygen and water into the waste rock, (2) management is carried out after acid mine drainage is formed by mixing CaO (calcium oxide) in the drainage channel and settling pond to neutralize acid mine drainage, and (3) the utilization of waste into products using waste water as a source of water by a water truck in the vehicle watering the road at the mine site. Keywords: Management Planning of Acid Mine Drainag