37 research outputs found

    From History to Fiction: The Tale Told By the King's Steward in the 1001 Nights

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    Muhsin Mahdi is James Richard Jewett Professor of Arabic at Harvard University. His most recent work is The Thousand and One Nights (Alf Layla wa-Layla) from the Earliest Known Sources, published by E. J. Brill, Leiden. The third volume of this work, which deals with the history of the text, is in preparation

    Sistem Informasi Pergudangan Bahan Bangunan Pada UD. Indah Karya Banyuwangi Menggunakan Framework Yii dan Mobile Service

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    Dewasa ini sistem informasi merupakan bagian yang cukup penting dalam banyak proses bisnis. Pergudangan merupakan salah satu bidang yang membutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi dalam proses bisnisnya. Kebutuhan akan sistem informasi gudang diperlukan bagi pihak perusahaan dalam mengelola dan mengolah data gudang. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut maka dibuat sistem informasi pergudangan UD. Karya Indah Banyuwangi yang dapat membantu mempermudah memasukkan dan mencari barang yang ada di gudang. Dengan sistem informasi yang dibangun berbasis web akan mempermudah perusahaan UD. Karya Indah Banyuwangi dalam menggunakan sistem tersebut dimanapun. Sistem informasi pergudangan UD. Karya Indah Banyuwangi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan pemrograman Java, PHP (yii framework), dan MySQL sebagai basis data. Dalam pembuatan sistem informasi ini dilakukan beberapa tahap yaitu meliputi tahap analisis, perancangan, implementasi dan pengujian. Dari analisa dan pengamatan yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa system informasi pergudangan di UD. Karya Indah Banyuwangi yang telah dibuat merupakan salah satu alternatif yang efektif untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada satuan unit kerja, sehingga diharapkan akan mampu menghasilkan informasi secara cepat

    Klasik İslam düşüncesinde dil ve mantık

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    MakaleDil, aldatıcı ölçüde basit, insanî bir olgudur. Her biri bir şeyler anlatan, az-çok sınırları belli birimler halinde gruplandırılmış sesleri öğrenip kullanırız. Bu isimlerin (esmâ), ismi oldukları şeyleri (müsemmeyât) ifade ettiği, belirttiği ya da gösterdiği söylenir. Hâlbuki söz konusu şeyler, kendileri bizatihi isim olmadıkları gibi, isimlerini bir ağacın kabuğu yahut bir hayvanın derisi gibi üzerlerinde de taşımazlar. Tıpkı etiketler gibi isimlerin de ismi oldukları şeyleri diğerlerinden ayırt etmek üzere üretildiği, tayin edildiği ve bunlar için konduğu düşünülür. İsimlerin bu “konma” (vaz‘) özelliği, bir tekil veya kolektif ad-koyucu ya da isimlendiricinin (vâzi‘) eseridir. İsimlere ilişkin bir araştırmanın karakteristik özelliği, kaçınılmaz bir şekilde isimlendirici, isimlendiricinin sanat ya da bilgisi ve isimlerin doğruluğu veya uygunluğu (es-sahîh) ile ilgili birtakım soruları gündeme getirmesidir

    The Impact of Financial Crises on The Parties Involved in the Construction Project

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    Iraq has witnessed a number of crises that had an impact on multiple industries, including the construction industry particularly. In 2014, Iraq was subjected to terrorist acts in several provinces, which led to insecurity and a very large financial crisis that affected all provinces, This was followed by the financial crisis that occurred due to the drop in oil prices and because oil was the main and exclusive source of income for the Iraqi economy, this resulted in a severe economic collapse. This study examines the financial crisis's detrimental effects on the construction industry. The research has divided the crisis in finance into two types: the external crisis, which has occurred as a result of external influences such as the decline in oil prices globally, which has been reflected in the budget of the Iraqi government, and the second type is the internal crisis, which has occurred as a result of bankruptcy or the bankruptcy of any of the parties involved in the constructing industry. The open questionnaire represents the practical side, which was completed by conducting personal interviews with construction and project implementation experts and financial and economic experts to discuss how to deal with the crisis's effects and address them. The researcher concluded that the factors that have a high degree of influence on the occurrence of crises are arranged according to relative importance from highest to lowest, as follows: (changes in oil prices, changes in currency exchange rates, the bankruptcy of banks, force majeure, high prices, and the unemployment rate). The (post-crisis stage) is the highest among the stages, with the highest percentage when it comes to the stage at which the financial crisis impacting construction projects could be addressed

    Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application, and Its Relation to Culture (IQPARC)

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    Innovation in Quantum Pedagogy, Application, and its Relation to Culture (IQ-PARC) is a team of Purdue faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students who collaborate and work for the National Defense Education Program (NDEP) for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, outreach, and workforce initiative programs. We promote a STEM-literate workforce by providing learning opportunities for youth to understand basic principles and applications of quantum concepts through a variety of both face-to-face and online activities. This research brief describes accomplished tasks in the K-12 education space (e.g., quantum-infused middle school curriculum unit) and shares upcoming plans within the project timeline

    Eucalyptus extract and its synergistic effect on bacteria causing urinary tract infections in Diyala province

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    To assess the impact of E. camaldulensis extract against bacteria that are isolated from urine sample from UTI patient in Baquba city Then mix this plant with antibiotics to see its effect. In addition to examine those pathogens bacteriologically. The sensitivity of the isolates to (13) antibiotics was tested, and the bacterial isolates showed a variation in the rates of their resistance to these antibiotics. The results showed that the antibiotic Imipenem had the most effect on the bacterial isolates under study, while the bacterial isolates showed high resistance to the rest of the antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for 3 antibiotics, namely, Gentamycin, Amikacin and Amoxicillin. These values for the antibiotics ranged between <4-1024, <4-1024 <<512-1024) mcg/ml, respectively. The Ethanolic Extract of Eucalyptus Exhibit highest antibacterial effect on S.areus on (o.62 g/1.5 ml and 0.31g/750ml). Lower respectively antibacterial effect on Proteus and Pseudomonas but no antibacterial effect against Klebsiella. Bacterial isolates were selected on the basis of their most frequent urinary tract infections and their resistance to the effect of antibiotics (K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus). The amount of the mixed effect was determined by mixing Eucalyptus with three antibiotics, namely Amikacin and Gentamycin Amoxicillin. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the isolates under study was compared before and after mixing the antibiotics. The effect of mixing was a synergistic effect for all bacterial isolates. On the other hand, the synergistic effect was clear on the gram-positive isolates of S. aureus between eucalyptus and beta-lactams (and Amoxicillin)

    “Others-in-Law”: Legalism in the Economy of Religious Differences

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    Religious legalism encompasses a wide range of attitudes that assign religious meaning to legal content or to legal compliance. The phenomenology of religious legalism is assuming a significant role in various contemporary debates about legal pluralism, accommodation of religious minorities, religious freedom, and so forth. This article revises this conception and the commonplace equation of Judaism and legalism. It suggests that we ought to regard both as part of the economy of religious differences by which religious identities are expressed and defined as alternatives. The common ascription of religious legalism to Judaism (and Islam) is criticized here through a historical analysis of the law-religion-identity matrix in three cultural settings: late ancient Judeo-Hellenic, medieval Judeo–Arabic, and post-Reformation Europe

    The Arabian Nights:

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    The stories of The Arabian Nights—stories within stories, and stories within stories within stories—are told in the voice of a beautiful young woman, Shahrazad, who will lose her life if the king loses interest in her nightly narratives. Collected over several centuries from a variety of sources in India, Persia, and Arabia, and ranging from adventure fantasies, amorous encounters, and animal fables to pointed Sufi tales, these stories provided daily entertainment in the medieval Islamic world, and still exert their presence today in literature and art, as well as everyday life. Over centuries of telling and retelling, the stories were modified to reflect the general life and customs of the Arab society that adapted them—a distinctive synthesis that marks the cultural and artistic history of Islam. This edition of The Arabian Nights is the complete text of Muhsin Mahdi’s critical edition, translated into English by Husain Haddawy.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/muslim-journeys-books/1021/thumbnail.jp

    On Ibn Rushd, Philosophy and the Arab World (Interview) / ﺍﺑﻦ ﺭﺷﺪ ﻭﻫﻤﻮﻡ ﺍﻟﻔﻠﺴﻔﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻮﻃﻦ (ﻣﻘﺎﺑﻠﺔ

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    [المفكر محسن مهدي ـ أستاذ الفلسفة الإسلامية في جامعة هارفرد ـ عراقي من مواليد كربلاء؛ درس الفلسفة في الجامعة الأمريكية في بيروت وفي جامعات ألمانيا وفرنسا والولايات المتحدة، وحقق العديد من المخطوطات الفلسفية والأدبية٠ وله مؤلفات قيمة عن ابن رشد والفارابي وابن خلدون وكتاب ألف ليلة وليلة٠ قامت مجلة ألف بتحرير أسئلة للمفكر محسن مهدي خصيصا لهذا العدد٠ نترجم مقتطفات من ردرده المنشورة كاملة في القسم الإنجليزي: ٭ كان هاجسي الأول دراسة الفلسفة السياسية، وبما أن الفلسفة السياسية تتعامل مع الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية على كل مستوياتها المعيشة، وليس على مستوى الدولة المثلى، كان لا بد من الاطلاع على المنظور المعرفي الذي لا يكتفي بالفلسفة ولا يقتصر على النخبة٠ وقد درست الأدب الشعبي بالإضافة إلى الأدب النخبوي لتكتمل عندي صورة الحياة الاجتماعية والسياسية في العالم الإسلامي الوسيطي٠ ٭ إن فكر ابن رشد راديكالي استفز المنظور الديني التقليدي في العصور الوسطى وأدى إلى ردود فعل قوية، منها موقف توما الأكويني٠ ولكن كلما نظر الناس إلى العقل باعتباره الهبة الإلهية الأعظم، وجدوا في ابن رشد نموذجهم الأمثل٠ وفي الجانب الآخر، فقد كان ابن رشد يحس بأهمية الجماعة والدين والتقاليد في حياة البشر، وكتاباته الفقهية تشهد على ذلك٠ ٭ إن فقر الفلسفة في الوطن العربي اليوم يرجع إلى مرحلة الاستعمار والانتداب حيث اعتبرت الفلسفة معرفة كمالية لا تحق للشعوب المستعمَرة، كما أنها مفتحة لعيون المستعمَرين على استعبادهم واستغلال ثرواتهم ومسخ ثقافتهم من أجل هيمنة المستعمر٠ لقد حُرم الوطن العربي لعقود طويلة وبشكل منسق من فرصة التنمية ومن فرصة أخذ مكاَنه في العالم الحديث، وذلك عبر قوى خارجية تتواطأ مع السلطات المحلية أو تتلاعب بالسلطات المحلية٠