903 research outputs found

    A low frequency sub-arcsecond view of powerful radio galaxies in rich-cluster environments: 3C 34 and 3C 320

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    Models of radio galaxy physics have been primarily based on high frequency (\geqslant1 GHz) observations of their jets, hotspots, and lobes. Without highly resolved low frequency observations, which provide information on older plasma, our understanding of the dynamics of radio galaxies and their interaction with their environment is limited. Here, we present the first sub-arcsecond (0.3") resolution images at 144 MHz of two powerful radio galaxies situated in rich cluster environments, namely 3C 34 and 3C 320, using the International Low Frequency Array Telescope. We detect for the first time at low frequencies a plethora of structures in these objects, including strikingly large filaments across the base of the lobes in both sources, which are spatially associated with dense regions in the ambient medium. For 3C 34 we report a spectral flattening in the region of the central filament, suggesting that the origin of the filaments is related to the presence of large-scale ordered magnetic fields. We also report periodic total intensity and spectral index banding of diffuse emission in the eastern lobe, seen for the first time in radio galaxy lobes. The hotspot complexes are resolved into multiple fragments of varying structure and spectral index; we discuss the implications for particle acceleration and jet termination models. We find at most smooth gradients in the spectral behaviour of the hotspot structure suggesting that particle acceleration, if present, may be occurring throughout the complex, in contrast to simple models, but different jet termination models may apply to both sources.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 February 0

    Radio spectral properties and jet duty cycle in the restarted radio galaxy 3C388

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    © ESO 2020. The original publication is available at https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202037457.Context. Restarted radio galaxies represent a unique tool for investigating the duty cycle of the jet activity in active galactic nuclei (AGN). The radio galaxy 3C388 has long been claimed to be a peculiar example of an AGN with multi-epoch activity because it shows a very sharp discontinuity in the GHz spectral index distribution of its lobes. Aims. We present here for the first time a spatially resolved study of the radio spectrum of 3C388 down to MHz frequencies aimed at investigating the radiative age of the source and constraining its duty cycle. Methods. We used new low-frequency observations at 144 MHz performed with the Low Frequency Array and at 350 MHz performed with the Very Large Array that we combined with archival data at higher frequencies (614, 1400, and 4850 MHz). Results. We find that the spectral indices in the lower frequency range, 144-614 MHz, have flatter values (αlow ∼0.55-1.14) than those observed in the higher frequency range, 1400-4850 MHz, (αhigh ∼0.75-1.57), but they follow the same distribution across the lobes, with a systematic steepening towards the edges. However, the spectral shape throughout the source is not uniform and often deviates from standard models. This suggests that mixing of different particle populations occurs, although it remains difficult to understand whether this is caused by observational limitations (insufficient spatial resolution and/or projection effects) or by the intrinsic presence of multiple particle populations, which might be related to the two different outbursts. Conclusions. Using single-injection radiative models, we compute that the total source age is ≲ 80 Myr and that the duty cycle is about ton/ttot ∼ 60%, which is enough to prevent the intracluster medium from cooling, according to X-ray estimates. While to date the radio spectral distribution of 3C388 remains a rare case among radio galaxies, multi-frequency surveys performed with new-generation instruments will soon allow us to investigate whether more sources with the same characteristics exist.Peer reviewe

    Changes in expression of polyamines and ethylene biosynthesis genes in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes during Sclerotium rolfsii infection

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    Stem rot disease caused by fungal pathogen, Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., is potential threat to groundnut production in warm and humid condition. After host-pathogen interaction, a multitude of plant resistance associated reactions are initiated. In the present investigation we studied the role of polyamines and ethylene during host-pathogen interaction in stem rot tolerant (CS319, GG17 and GG31) and susceptible (TG37A) groundnut genotypes at 24, 48 and 72 h after infection. Stem rot tolerant genotypes showed higher expression of polyamine biosynthesis genes ornithine decarboxylase (Ordec), spermine synthase (Sms) and lipoxygenase1 (LOX1) gene at 72 h after infection than that of susceptible genotype TG37A. The expression analysis of ethylene biosynthesis genes (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase: ACCO and (ACCS) showed up regulation in stem rot susceptible genotype TG37A than that of tolerant genotypes after infection at all stages (24, 48 and 72 h after infection). The expression of amine oxidase (AMO) gene was observed highest in stem rot susceptible genotype TG37A while minimum in GJG31. Expression of this gene was remarkably induced in TG37A which may leads to higher accumulation of H2O2. Higher content of a polyamine, putrescine was found in the leaves of stem rot tolerant genotypes at 48 and 72 h after infection. These results implied that tolerant genotypes induced higher polyamine biosynthesis which may involve in plant defense and impart tolerance/ resistance. While, susceptible genotype (TG37A), utilized higher flux of S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) for ethylene biosynthesis which may leads to necrosis of plants. Thus, stem rot resistant genotypes may be developed through genetic manipulation of polyamine biosynthesis pathway

    Extremely deep 150 MHz source counts from the LoTSS Deep Fields

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    International audienceWith the advent of new generation low-frequency telescopes, such as the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), and improved calibration techniques, we have now started to unveil the subgigahertz radio sky with unprecedented depth and sensitivity. The LOFAR Two Meter Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing project in which the whole northern radio sky will be observed at 150 MHz with a sensitivity better than 100 μJy beam−1 at a resolution of 6′′. Additionally, deeper observations are planned to cover smaller areas with higher sensitivity. The Lockman Hole, the Boötes, and the Elais-N1 regions are among the most well known northern extra-galactic fields and the deepest of the LoTSS Deep Fields so far. We exploited these deep observations to derive the deepest radio source counts at 150 MHz to date. Our counts are in broad agreement with those from the literature and show the well known upturn at ≤1 mJy, mainly associated with the emergence of the star-forming galaxy population. More interestingly, our counts show, for the first time a very pronounced drop around S ~ 2 mJy, which results in a prominent “bump” at sub-mJy flux densities. Such a feature was not observed in previous counts’ determinations (neither at 150 MHz nor at a higher frequency). While sample variance can play a role in explaining the observed discrepancies, we believe this is mostly the result of a careful analysis aimed at deblending confused sources and removing spurious sources and artifacts from the radio catalogs. This “drop and bump” feature cannot be reproduced by any of the existing state-of-the-art evolutionary models, and it appears to be associated with a deficiency of active galactic nuclei (AGN) at an intermediate redshift (1 < z < 2) and an excess of low-redshift (z < 1) galaxies and/or AGN.Key words: galaxies: evolution / surveys / radio continuum: genera

    The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) - III. First Data Release: optical/IR identifications and value-added catalogue

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    The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is an ongoing sensitive, high-resolution 120-168 MHz survey of the Northern sky with diverse and ambitious science goals. Many of the scientific objectives of LoTSS rely upon, or are enhanced by, the association or separation of the sometimes incorrectly catalogued radio components into distinct radio sources, and the identification and characterisation of the optical counterparts to these sources. Here we present the source associations and optical and/or IR identifications for sources in the first data release, which are made using a combination of statistical techniques and visual association and identification. We document in detail the colour- and magnitude-dependent likelihood ratio method used for statistical identification as well as the Zooniverse project, called LOFAR Galaxy Zoo, used for the visual classification. We describe the process used to select which of these two different methods is most appropriate for each LoTSS source. The final LoTSS-DR1-IDs value-added catalogue presented contains 318,520 radio sources, of which 231,716 (73%) have optical and/or IR identifications in Pan-STARRS and WISE. The value-added catalogue is available online at this https URL, as part of this data release

    VizieR Online Data Catalog: 3C388 145, 392, 614, 1400 and 4850MHz images (Brienza+, 2020)

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    We used a recent dataset obtained on June 26th, 2019, as part of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS, see Shimwell et al., 2019A&A...622A...1S, Cat. J/A+A/622/A1). We observed the source with the Very Large Array (VLA) in A configuration on July 28th 2015 using the P-band receiver centered at 350MHz. We reprocessed the data used by Roettiger et al. (1994ApJ...421L..23R) at 1400MHz and 4850MHz. The data consists of observations in B array at 1400MHz and in C array at 4850MHz. The target was observed for 7 hours at 1400MHz and for 5 hours at 4850MHz. The target was observed with the legacy Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 614MHz and 240MHz in dual frequency mode and data were published in Lal et al. (2008MNRAS.390.1105L). The observations were performed on July 29th and 30th, 2005. 3C388 was observed by Chandra on February 9th and 29th, 2004 with the ACIS-I detector (obs ID 4756 and 5295, respectively) and the data were published by Kraft et al. (2006ApJ...639..753K). (2 data files)

    The LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS): VI. Optical identifications for the second data release

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    The second data release of the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) covers 27% of the northern sky, with a total area of 5,700\sim 5,700 deg2^2. The high angular resolution of LOFAR with Dutch baselines (6 arcsec) allows us to carry out optical identifications of a large fraction of the detected radio sources without further radio followup; however, the process is made more challenging by the many extended radio sources found in LOFAR images as a result of its excellent sensitivity to extended structure. In this paper we present source associations and identifications for sources in the second data release based on optical and near-infrared data, using a combination of a likelihood-ratio cross-match method developed for our first data release, our citizen science project Radio Galaxy Zoo: LOFAR, and new approaches to algorithmic optical identification, together with extensive visual inspection by astronomers. We also present spectroscopic or photometric redshifts for a large fraction of the optical identifications. In total 4,116,934 radio sources lie in the area with good optical data, of which 85% have an optical or infrared identification and 58% have a good redshift estimate. We demonstrate the quality of the dataset by comparing it with earlier optically identified radio surveys. This is by far the largest ever optically identified radio catalogue, and will permit robust statistical studies of star-forming and radio-loud active galaxies.Comment: 29 pages. Accepted by A&A; data products available at https://lofar-surveys.org/dr2_release.htm

    The life cycle of radio galaxies in the LOFAR Lockman Hole field

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    Radio galaxies are known to go through cycles of activity, where phases of apparent quiescence can be followed by repeated activity of the central supermassive black hole. A better understanding of this cycle is crucial for ascertaining the energetic impact that the jets have on the host galaxy, but little is known about it. We used deep LOFAR images at 150 MHz of the Lockman Hole extragalactic field to select a sample of 158 radio sources with sizes > 60″ in different phases of their jet life cycle. Using a variety of criteria (e.g. core prominence combined with low-surface brightness of the extended emission and steep spectrum of the central region) we selected a subsample of candidate restarted radio galaxies representing between 13% and 15% of the 158 sources of the main sample. We compare their properties to the rest of the sample, which consists of remnant candidates and active radio galaxies. Optical identifications and characterisations of the host galaxies indicate similar properties for candidate restarted, remnant, and active radio galaxies, suggesting that they all come from the same parent population. The fraction of restarted radio galaxies is slightly higher with respect to remnants, suggesting that the restarted phase can often follow after a relatively short remnant phase (the duration of the remnant phase being a few times 107 years). This confirms that the remnant and restarted phases are integral parts of the life cycle of massive elliptical galaxies. A preliminary investigation does not suggest a strong dependence of this cycle on the environment surrounding any given galaxy

    The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey V. Second data release

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    In this data release from the ongoing LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey we present 120a 168 MHz images covering 27% of the northern sky. Our coverage is split into two regions centred at approximately 12h45m +44 30a and 1h00m +28 00a and spanning 4178 and 1457 square degrees respectively. The images were derived from 3451 h (7.6 PB) of LOFAR High Band Antenna data which were corrected for the direction-independent instrumental properties as well as direction-dependent ionospheric distortions during extensive, but fully automated, data processing. A catalogue of 4 396 228 radio sources is derived from our total intensity (Stokes I) maps, where the majority of these have never been detected at radio wavelengths before. At 6a resolution, our full bandwidth Stokes I continuum maps with a central frequency of 144 MHz have: a median rms sensitivity of 83 μJy beama 1; a flux density scale accuracy of approximately 10%; an astrometric accuracy of 0.2a; and we estimate the point-source completeness to be 90% at a peak brightness of 0.8 mJy beama 1. By creating three 16 MHz bandwidth images across the band we are able to measure the in-band spectral index of many sources, albeit with an error on the derived spectral index of > a ±a 0.2 which is a consequence of our flux-density scale accuracy and small fractional bandwidth. Our circular polarisation (Stokes V) 20a resolution 120a168 MHz continuum images have a median rms sensitivity of 95 μJy beama 1, and we estimate a Stokes I to Stokes V leakage of 0.056%. Our linear polarisation (Stokes Q and Stokes U) image cubes consist of 480a A a 97.6 kHz wide planes and have a median rms sensitivity per plane of 10.8 mJy beama 1 at 4a and 2.2 mJy beama 1 at 20a; we estimate the Stokes I to Stokes Q/U leakage to be approximately 0.2%. Here we characterise and publicly release our Stokes I, Q, U and V images in addition to the calibrated uv-data to facilitate the thorough scientific exploitation of this unique dataset