1,549 research outputs found

    Kesan Pengajaran Menggunakan Pengurusan Grafik ke Atas Prestasi Penulisan Karangan di Kalangan Pelajar Tingkatan Empat

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    Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk membandingkan dua kaedab pengajaran iaitu pengajaran yang menggunakan Pengurusan Grafik (PG) dan kaedab konvensional ke atas prestasi penulisan karangan. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga akan membandingkan prestasi penulisan karangan di kalangan pelajar yang pencapaian sederhana dan pencapaian rendah. Aspek yang dikaji ialah dari segi prestasi penulisan karangan keseluruhan dan penulisan tentang pengembangan isi karangan. Seramai 60 responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar tingkatan empat telah dipilih untuk mewakili setiap kumpulan treatmen. Data telah diperoleh melalui ujian penulisan tiga buah karangan dan dinilai oleh dua orang penilai. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan pakej statistik SPSS . Statistik yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis ialah Ujian-t tidak bersandar dan varians dua hala. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kaedah pengajaran menggunakan PG adalah. lebih baik berbanding kaedah konvensional dalam prestasi penulisan karangan keseluruhan dengan nilai t (58) = 355, P < 05. Dari aspek penulisan tentang pengembangan isi karangan pula, kaedah pengajaran menggunakan PG juga menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih balk berbanding kaedah konvensional pada nilat t(58) =4.11, p < .05. Bagi kumpulan pelajar pencapaian sederhana perbandingan kedua-dua min prestasi anmra pelajar yang mengikuti pengajaran menggunakan PG dan kaedah konvensional telah memperlihatkan kesignifikanan pada t (28) = 2.61, p < .05 dalarn penutisan karangan keseluruban dan t (28) = 2.80, p < .05 dati aspek pengembangan isi karangan. Oleh itu disimpulkan bahawa kaedah pengajaran menggunakan PG dapat meningkatkan prestasi penulisan karangan keseluruhan dan dari aspek pengembangan isi karangan berbanding kaedah konvensional di kalangan pelajar kumpulan pencapaian sederhana. Di kalangan pelajar pencapaian rendah pula kumpulan pelajar yang dirangsang oleh pengajaran menggunakan PG dapat meningkatkan prestasi penulisan karangan keseluruhan dan dari aspek pengembangan isi karangan berbanding pelajar yang mengikuti kaedah pengajaran konvensional

    Stunting : a physiological and molecular characterization of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with reduced growth in the sea cages

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    Atlantic salmon (Salmon salar) has become the dominating fish species in Norwegian aquaculture industry. Having an anadromous life cycle, salmon spend the first part of their lifecycle in freshwater, then migrates to the sea before returning to freshwater to spawn. Before migration to seawater, the freshwater parr undergo series of morphological, physiological, and behavioural changes known as smoltification, which pre-adapts the fish (now called smolts) for life in the sea. Typically, Gh, cortisol, and thyroxine together with tshbb peak during smoltification before returning to baseline levels around sea transfer. In nature, the hormone profile observed during salmon smoltification determines the preferred or optimal window for sea transfer. Stunting where smolts stop growing after sea transfer has been a major economic and welfare issue for the industry. The aim of this thesis was to conduct molecular and physiological characterization of stunts to provide insight about mechanism behind stunting. In total 30 fish were sampled eight weeks after transfer to sea cages. The fish were categorized into stunts (20) and normal growing fish (10) based on weight and condition factor. Plasma Gh levels were measured using ELISA. Gene expression of all pituitary hormone, and gill Na+K+-ATPase were investigated using qPCR. Plasma levels of Gh was significant elevated in stunts. The qPCR results from pituitaries showed significant upregulation of gh, pomca2, tshbb in stunts. In contrast, smlta, prl and tshba were down regulated in stunts. The expression levels of gill nka3 and nkab1 were significantly downregulated in stunts. Based on the gene expression pattern and elevated levels of plasma Gh, the stunts might have been transferred prematurely to sea. Furthermore, as the plasma osmolality in stunts were the same as in normal growing fish it strongly suggests that stunts can maintain their ability to hypoosmoregulate for a period after sea transfer.VE

    Proposed interior design of Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa Kampung Baru Restaurant for Shaha Corporation Sdn Bhd at Lot 1311N &1312N Jalan Raja Ekram, 30450 Bandar Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan / Dali Mahat

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    This report is the result of study and data collection to assist in the design of the proposed project at the end of restaurant. Students are required to prepare a comprehensive design scheme based on the research issues, the scope of client requirements and observations that are sensitive to particulars issues or problems that exist in the architectural design process restaurant. This project is to provide a new design for the restaurants in addition to creating a practical and new concepts to customers by providing quality services. The selection of this project is to highlight the new design for the restaurants is shaded by the natives. Development of restaurants in Malaysia is very exciting and profitable. Therefore, not suprising if we find the center of laundry now so many that grow like mushrooms after rain. It exists wherever the opportunity to see, like home stores, in shopping mall, in lots of shops, lots of office or at home. In general, restaurants can be classified based on the services provided and the target visitors. Nowadays, there are so many restaurants that serves different types of delicious food and cuisine all around the world. Most Malaysians love to eat food of different culture. This happens because Malaysia is a multi racial population with different culture. Each race and culture have different methods and ways of preparing their food. So there are more advantages in setting up an Malay restaurant so that it can add more variety to the food industry in Malaysia

    The juvenile courts an overall view / Zainon Mahat

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    Among the Malaysian public, there exists an ignorance of the existence of a special court in dealing with juvenile offenders. Most people think that these juvenile offenders are dealt by the same court that deals with adult offenders. This ignorance should not go unchecked. Therefore the purpose of my writing this paper is to make known to the public, the 'behind-the-scenes' of a Juvenile Court. To achieve a more realistic understanding of this topic, I have make special references to the Kuala Lumpur Juvenile Court, the welfare Department of Wilayah Persekutuan and other relevant authorities which deals with juvenile problems. The thread of analysis of this paper will touch on the practice and procedure adopted by the Juvenile Court from the time a child or a young person is apprehended by the police until his case is determined by the court, acting in pursuant to the provisions of the Juvenile Courts Act, 1947

    Ternary biogenic silica/magnetite/graphene oxide composite for the hyperactivation of Candida rugosa lipase in the esterification production of ethyl valerate

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    Oil palm leaves (OPL) silica (SiO2) can replace the energy-intensive, commercially produced SiO2. Moreover, the agronomically sourced biogenic SiO2 is more biocompatible and cost-effective enzyme support, which properties could be improved by the addition of magnetite (Fe3O4) and graphene oxide (GO) to yield better ternary support to immobilize enzymes, i.e., Candida rugosa lipase (CRL). This study aimed to optimize the Candida rugosa lipase (CRL immobilization onto the ternary OPL-silica-magnetite (Fe3O4)-GO (SiO2/Fe3O4/GO) support, for use as biocatalyst for ethyl valerate (EV) production. Notably, this is the first study detailing the CRL/SiO2/Fe3O4/GO biocatalyst preparation for rapid and high yield production of ethyl valerate (EV). AFM and FESEM micrographs revealed globules of CRL covalently bound to GL-A-SiO2/Fe3O4/GO; similar to Raman and UV–spectroscopy results. FTIR spectra revealed amide bonds at 3478 cm–1 and 1640 cm–1 from covalent interactions between CRL and GL-A-SiO2/Fe3O4/GO. Optimum immobilization conditions were 4% (v/v) glutaraldehyde, 8 mg/mL CRL, at 16 h stirring in 150 mM NaCl at 30 °C, offering 24.78 ± 0.26 mg/g protein (specific activity = 65.24 ± 0.88 U/g). The CRL/SiO2/Fe3O4/GO yielded 77.43 ± 1.04 % of EV compared to free CRL (48.75 ± 0.70 %), verifying the suitability of SiO2/Fe3O4/GO to hyperactivate and stabilize CRL for satisfactory EV production

    Control and Operation of Islanded Distribution System

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    Genetic Variation of Growth and Selected Wood Properties of Four-Year Old Acacia Auriculiformis Provenances at Serdang, Malaysia

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    A trial at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Serdang, Malaysia consisting of twenty eight provenances of Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex. Benth was assessed at four years for total height, diameter at breast height, specific gravity and fibre length. Of these provenances, 7 were from Queensland (QLD), 15 from the Northern Territory (NT) and 6 from Papua New Guinea (PNG). The provenances and geographic regions differed significantly at p < 0.05 in their growth performance. Generally the Queensland provenances recorded the best growth in both height and diameter followed by the Northern Territorry and Papua New Guinea Provenances. The mean total heights for provenances from Queensland, Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea were 13.38 m, 12.37 m and 11.89 m respectively. The mean diameters at breast height for provenances from Queensland, Northern Territory and Papua New Guinea were 12.67 em, 11.04 em and 10.69 em respectively. A similar pattern of variation was found in the wood properties except for wood specific gravity where there was no significant difference encountered between the three geographic regions. However, there were significant variation between provenances on both wood properties studied. The mean specific gravity ranged from 0.53 for the provenance from Balamuk on Bensbach (PNG) to 0.61 for the provenance from South Balamuk (PNG). The mean fibre length ranged from 0.865 mm for the provenance from Balamuk on Bensbach (PNG) to 0.993 mm for the provenance from eoen River (QLD)

    Monte Carlo Study of Lepton Flavor Universality Violation in B Decays with Belle II Simulation

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    Belle II, the first super B-Factory experiment, is designed to make precise measurements of weak interaction parameters and search for New Physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory that classifies all known elementary particles and describes three of the four known fundamental forces in the universe. Physics beyond the Standard Model that addresses the theoretical developments needed to explain the deficiencies in the Standard Model is often referred to as New Physics. One of the assumptions of the Standard Model is that the couplings of particles that mediate the weak force (known as ‘W’ or ‘Z’ electroweak gauge bosons) to leptons are independent of lepton flavor. This thesis describes a study of the decay of B− → D0 τ− ντ in Belle II simulation. This decay is important to gather more information about the fundamental assumption of Lepton Flavor Universality. This thesis is organized as follows. The first sections include an introduction to the Standard Model and Lepton Universality, along with an introduction to the Belle II experiment. The following sections introduce the R(D(∗)) anomaly. The final sections explain the analysis technique and give the results of the study with Belle II simulations, along with a discussion of potential future work

    Techno-Economic Analysis of PV Inverter Based Controllers on Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    Voltage-rise due to increasing installation of photovoltaic (PV) systems is a major technical issue in low voltage distribution networks. A cost-effective approach to address the overvoltage problem is to control the active and reactive power provided by the existing PV inverters. Prior research used electro-magnetic transient (EMT) simulation tools to develop inverter control strategies for overvoltage prevention. These type of simulation requires high computational resources and simulation time, and is therefore not suitable for long time period studies (e.g., annual) with many inverters. With the anticipated high penetration of PV, there is a desire for a suitable tool for long time-horizon simulation studies to perform technical and economic analysis. This research work describes the use of quasi-steady-state time-series (QSTS) software (GridLAB-D) to implement inverter overvoltage prevention strategies (formerly developed using EMT simulation), allowing previously infeasible long-term techno-economic analysis of such controllers. A co-simulation framework is used to coordinate the PV inverter controllers implemented in Python on a 12-house low voltage distribution network model developed in GridLAB-D. Three PV inverter controllers are implemented to evaluate the long term technical and economic aspects, including voltage profile analysis, energy generation and consumption, system losses, and transformer loading. Two different pricing structures, real-time pricing (RTP) and flat rate tariff, have been considered in the economic analysis. It is shown that with high penetration of PV and use of effective inverter controllers, the financial benefit to the end-users increases significantly when a net metering policy is used to trade electricity in either tariff scheme. This, however, caused a reduction in the utility electricity sales, and governmental taxes, possibly leading to increased electric rates over time. In addition a 216 house 3 phase distribution feeder is developed in GridLAB-D which can further be used for evaluating different PV inverter controller for large test case system

    Growth Performance And Genetic Variation Of Four Acacia Species Planted In Pahang, Malaysia

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    Acacia mangium Willd, Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth., Acacia crassicarpa A. Cunn. ex Benth. and Acacia aulacocarpa A. Cunn. ex Benth. are the four fast-growing tropical acacias which have received high priority for genetic assessment and improvement in the Asian region. Despite their rapid early growth and tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions, only A. mangium has been widely planted in the Compensatory Forest Plantation Programme in Malaysia. The seed sources utilised in the plantation were however, unselected and originated from a narrow genetic base. Therefore, this study was conducted at Kampung Aur Gading, Kuala Lipis, Pahang to evaluate the genetic variation and growth performance of a base breeding populations of Acacia species in terms of their quantitative and qualitative growth characteristics. Estimates of some parameters such as genetic correlation and heritability were also made. Twenty progenies each of the species were collected from two geographic regions namely Queensland and Papua New Guinea were used in this study. This trial was laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications.Generally all species adapted and performed well in local condition and their growth performances were significantly different (P< 0.05) between species, provenance and family. A. mangium was the best performer in almost all of the traits tested, followed by A. crassicarpa, A. auriculiformis and A. aulacocarpa. Concurrently, all species exhibited high intra species variation for all the traits assessed. There were also significant genetic variation between regions, between provenances within region and between families within the provenances exists in the quantitative traits assessed for all species. The populations collected from Papua New Guinea, generally, outperformed those from Queensland in quantitative growth traits except for stem quality which appeared otherwise. The progenies in the family also exhibit high genetic variability with variance component ranging from 39% to 93.7% of the total variance. Out of these, few individuals were found to be exceptionally good performer, even from the poor families such as JSL3777 of A, mangium, MHL14 of A. crassicarpa, BH14068 of A. auriculiformis and GB100 of A. aulacocarpa. Among the top performing families were KN097, CG1853 and JSL380 of A. mangium, BVG2609 and MHL13A of A. crassicarpa, GB098, MM1016 and AR10 of A. aulacocarpa and BH14607 and JSL363 of A. auriculiformis. There were significant differences between species (at P<0.05) for selected wood properties tested. A. aulacocarpa gave the highest wood density of 0.59 g/cm3, followed by A. auriculiformis (0.54 g/cm3), Acacia crassicarpa (0.51 g/cm3) and A. mangium (0.43 g/cm3). On the contrary, the order of ranking differed in fiber length where, A. crassicarpa produced the longest fiber length (0.91mm), followed by A. mangium (0.85mm), A. aulacocarpa (0.83mm) and A. auriculiformis (0.83mm).The study found that all species were efficient in their photosynthetic capabilities since they produced Fv/Fm values above 0.80 and were not significantly different. Generally the heritability estimates were variable between traits and between species. The heritability estimates of quantitative growth traits for A. aulacocarpa were found to be almost consistent for all traits ranging from 0.36 to 0.40. Similarly, A. mangium gave estimates ranging from 0.30 to 0.36. On the contrary A. auriculiformis gave comparatively more variable estimates ranging from 0.23 to 0.37. A. crassicarpa recorded comparatively lower estimates ranging from 0.20 to 0.30. The heritability estimates for the qualitative traits were however, low with majority of them estimating narrow sense heritabilities below 0.20. The heritability estimates for wood properties and chlorophyll fluorescence varied significantly from none (0.0) to moderate (0.32) for families of all species tested.The phenotypic and genetic correlations varied widely ranging from 0.0 to 0.96 for the former and from 0.0 to 0.83 for the latter, respectively. Generally, these correlations were found to vary between traits as well as between species. The correlations between growth traits and stem qualitative traits were generally moderate (0.4 –0.6) to high (above 0.6). The correlations between quantitative traits and other traits were found to be generally low (below 0.4) whereas correlations between physiological traits and wood properties and with other traits were generally very low (below 0.1) or even not correlated at all. This study indicated that further improvement could still be done on this base breeding population by employing further selection on a few selected traits at a time for the development of advanced breeding or even for the production populations