17 research outputs found

    The effect of cyanoacrylate infiltration on microstructure of hydroxyapatite/chitosan composite

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    Abstract. Brittle nature of hydroxyapatite for bone implants reduced by adding chitosan. To strengthen the particles bond of the composite, cyanoacrylate was infiltrated into the composites. Infiltration was performed at room temperature and without any external pressure treatment system. The aim of this study is to examine the microstructure of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite by infiltration of cyanoacrylate. Hydroxyapatite composite-chitosan composit was immersed in cyanoacrylate. Cyanoacrylate infiltrate into composite from all directions. The system is isolated from atmospheric air in order to avoid direct contact with air. Surface morphology was observed by scanning electron microscope on the specimen. Observations indicate that the higher content of chitosan, cyanoacrylate increasingly looks much infiltrated composite hydroxyapatite-chitosan


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    The aim of this study is to describe protein profile based SDS-PAGE in Mackerel withsalting variation and salting time. Design of this study is experimental study withMackerel with concentration of salting 10%, 20%, 30%, b/b and times of salting 12hours, 24 hours and 36 hours asobjects of this study. Variations of saltingconcentration is worked with each variation of salting time. Protein profile ofMackerel is analyzed using 10 % SDS-PAGE method. The result of this study showsthat concentration of salting 10% b/b for 12 hours on Mackerel has more majorprotein bands than Mackerel which gets salting 20%, 30% b/b for 12 hours and 10%,20% dan 30% b/b for 24 hours and 36 hours while salting 30% b/b for 36 hours is notsuggested because all of major protein bands have denaturated to become thin majorprotein bands and minor protein bands. Keyword : Mackerel, Salting, Protein Profile, SDS-PAG


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    Brittle nature of hydroxyapatite (HA) for bone implants reduced by adding chitosan (K).  To strengthen the particles bond of the composite, cyanoacrylate infiltrated into the composites.Infiltration performed at room temperature and without any external pressure treatment system.The purpose of this study is to examine the microstructure of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite by the presence infitrasi cyanoacrylate. The aim of this study is to examine the microstructure of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite by infiltration of cyanoacrylate. Surface morphology observed by SEM on the specimen showed that the higher the content of chitosan, cyanoacrylateincreasingly looks much infiltrated composite hydroxyapatite-chitosan

    In Vitro Inhibition Capacity in Ca Oxalate Formation by Lemon (Citrus Lemon) Juice

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    This research aims to determine the inhibition capacity of lemon juice (Citrus lemon) in the formation of calcium oxalate in a variety of concentrations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% which is then compared to pure citric acid. Lemon juice contains citric acid that can inhibit calcium oxalate’s formation. Inhibitory activity found in lemon juice is examined by observing its inhibition capacity towards the formation of calcium oxalate crystal. At the end of the treatment process the turbidity level is compared to citric acid acting as an inhibitor in the formation of calcium oxalate and then the percentage of the inhibition capacity is calculated. Result of the study shows that the optimum concentration of the lemon juice (Citrus lemon) and citric acid is 10%. The inhibition capacities in calcium oxalate formation by lemon juice with concentration variations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% are 47.06%, 73.68%, 94.19% and by citric acid with concentration variations of 5%, 7.5 %, 10% are 29.90%, 30.85%, 42.30%. It can be concluded that the higher the concentration of lemon juice and citric acid used the higher the inhibition capacity of calcium oxalate. Based on the inhibition capacity percentage, lemon juice is more effective in inhibiting the formation of calcium oxalate compared to citric acid and it can function as an alternative to prevent the formation of kidney stone. © 2015 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserve

    In Vitro Inhibition Capacity in Ca Oxalate Formation by Lemon (Citrus Lemon) Juice

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    This research aims to determine the inhibition capacity of lemon juice (Citrus lemon) in the formation of calcium oxalate in a variety of concentrations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% which is then compared to pure citric acid. Lemon juice contains citric acid that can inhibit calcium oxalate’s formation. Inhibitory activity found in lemon juice is examined by observing its inhibition capacity towards the formation of calcium oxalate crystal. At the end of the treatment process the turbidity level is compared to citric acid acting as an inhibitor in the formation of calcium oxalate and then the percentage of the inhibition capacity is calculated. Result of the study shows that the optimum concentration of the lemon juice (Citrus lemon) and citric acid is 10%. The inhibition capacities in calcium oxalate formation by lemon juice with concentration variations of 5%, 7.5%, 10% are 47.06%, 73.68%, 94.19% and by citric acid with concentration variations of 5%, 7.5 %, 10% are 29.90%, 30.85%, 42.30%. It can be concluded that the higher the concentration of lemon juice and citric acid used the higher the inhibition capacity of calcium oxalate. Based on the inhibition capacity percentage, lemon juice is more effective in inhibiting the formation of calcium oxalate compared to citric acid and it can function as an alternative to prevent the formation of kidney stone. © 2015 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserve

    DAYA HAMBAT INFUSA BIJI PINANG (Areca catechu L.) TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus

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    The objective of this research is to measure and analyze the difference of inhibition concentration of areca nuts concentration 2%b/v, 3%b/v, 4%b/v,5%b/v and 6%b/v on the growth of S.aureus. The sample used in this research isareca nuts (Areca catechu L.) with the object of research S.aureus that hasequalized turbidity with Mc Farland standard 0.5. Antibacterial testing is doneby diffusion method (wells). The results showed that areca nuts can inhibitS.aureus bacteria with area of inhibit zone for concentration 2% b/v, 3% b/v,4% b/v, 5% b/v and 6% b/v is 14,5 mm, 14,6 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm and 18 mm.Result of normality test Kolmogorov-Smirnov S.aureus (p=0,691) the valuesobtained are normally distributed. The homogenity test of S.aureus is nothomogeneous, Then proceed with non parametric test that is Kruskal Wallis(p=1,000) the values obtained showed no significant difference to meaninhibition zone diameter between concentrations 2%b/v, 3%b/v, 4%b/v, 5%b/vand 6%b/v areca nuts infusion against S. aureus bacteria. Keywords: Areca nuts infusion, Staphylococcus aureus, Inhibitio


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    Pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan hidup menimbulkan banyak musibah yang terjadi baik di dunia maupun di negeri kita sendiri. Permasalahan lingkungan yangterjadi dapat diatasi dengan sikap kepedulian kita terhadap lingkungan melaluipendidikan. Proses pembelajaran tidak hanya pemberian dan penyampaian materitetapi dapat diberikan pengalaman langsung kepada siswa dengan menerapkanmetode ilmiah melalui percobaan atau praktikum. Kegiatan pembelajaran praktikumdi sekolah kurang memberikan pengalaman belajar sehingga perlu dikembangkanmodul praktikum sebagai acuan siswa-siswi berbasis Group Investigatin (GI) dengan pro-lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan, mengetahui kualitas dan kelayakan modul praktikum praktikum pro-lingkungan berbasis GI pada materi asam basa serta meningkatkan sikap kepeduliaan siswa terhadap lingkungan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan Borg dan Gall. Prosedur pengembangannya melibatkan lima langkah utama, yakni analisis produk; mengembangkan produk awal; validasi ahli; uji coba lapangan skala kecil; dan produk akhir. Hasil penelitian modul praktikum dikembangkan dengan pengembangan Borg dan Gall dengan kualitas sangat baik dari setiap aspek validasi. Validasi oleh reviewer dinyatakan sangat valid atau layak untuk di uji cobakan kepada siswa.Sikap kepedulian siswa terhadap lingkungan terdapat peningkatan yang dapat dilihat dari tiga ranah yaitu; kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik dengan ratarata sangat baik.Kata kunci: modul praktikum, asam-basa, Group Investigation (GI), pro-lingkunga


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    Background: People already acknowledge binahong leaf because plant, namely root, stem, and leaf, have great use and benefit. Binahong leaf can be boiled or eaten freshly as salad. Nowadays binahong are packaged in capsules to make it easier to be consumed. Binahong leaf is used to cure several diseases such as stabilizing blood circulation and blood pressure; preventing stroke, uric acid, and maag; adding body immune; curing cough and bleeding, broken bone, all kinds of skin allergy, kidney infection, burnt scar, acne, and bleeding gum. All this time the use of binahong is based is based on experience, there has not been any scientific proof of the polyphenol, vitamin c, (as antioxidant), and Potassium found in binahong. Therefore, a research to find active substances on binahong is needed. Population of the Research: Sample of the research is binahong leaf taken from Karang Rejo Pentul Street RT 04 RW 02 Number 27 Semarang, about ± 2000 grams, dried in 25-27°C temperature for about 5 days and then made into powder.Result of the Research: The results of the research are: 1) Vitamin C amount found on binahong leaf is 6,76 ± 0,77 mg / 100 g; 2) The rate of potassium amount found on binahong leaf is 1,37 % b/bKeywords: analysis of vitamin C, Kalium, binahong lea

    Analisis Efektivitas Ecoenzym Dari Limbah Organik Kulit Mentimun Sebagai Pengawet Tomat

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    Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum) merupakan salah satu sayuran serta buah-buahan yang di gemari oleh masyarakat di Indonesia. Masa simpan tomat saat sudah matang memerah hanya membutuhkan waktu 1-2 hari ditempat terbuka hingga membusuk. Oleh sebab itu untuk mencegah pembusukan pada tomat dapat dilakukan cara pengawetan. Metode pengawetan buah yang paling baik adalah pengawetan alami secara biologis dengan larutan ecoenzym. Salah satu bahan alami untuk mengawetkan tomat adalah dengan memanfaatkan ecoenzym dari limbah organik kulit mentimun. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui persentase volume produksi ecoenzym dengan variasi gula, perubahan tekstur pengawetan tomat setelah di semprot ecoenzym, dan perubahan aroma pengawetan tomat setelah di semprot ecoenzym. Ecoenzym yang menggunakan gula merah menghasilkan cairan ecoenzym dengan jumlah lebih banyak yaitu 3,2 liter dengan persentase volume ecoenzym adalah 95%. Ecoenzym yang menggunakan gula pasir menghasilkan cairan ecoenzym dengan jumlah volume lebih sedikit yaitu 2 liter dengan persentase volume ecoenzym adalah 61% Ecoenzym dari limbah kulit mentimun terbukti dapat menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme penyebab kebusukan pada tomat. Pada pengawetan tomat yang disemprot menggunakan cairan ecoenzym gula merah mengalami kemunduran mutu pada hari ke-7, tomat yang disemprot cairan ecoenzym gula pasir mengalami kemunduran mutu pada hari ke-5, dan tomat yang tidak disemprot cairan ecoenzym mengalami kemunduran mutu pada hari ke-4. Kemunduran mutu tomat ditandai dengan tekstur empuk, lembek dan berair, serta aroma masam dan menyengat pada tomat.Kata Kunci: Tomat, Ecoenzym, Limbah organi


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan buku petunjuk praktikum kimia berbasis guided inquiry yang valid, praktis, dan mendapat tanggapan positif dari penggunanya. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research and Development. Desain ini menggunakan Three-D Models yaitu Define, Design, and Development. Namun, pada artikel ini data yang dibahas adalah data yang diperoleh dari tahap Development. Pengumpulan data pada tahap Development menggunakan metode angket dan dokumentasi. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakanmetode analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Secara kuantitatif, data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan cara menghitung rerata skor dan menentukan kriteria pada interval kelas tertentu. Hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa buku petunjuk praktikum kimia berbasis guided inquiry memperoleh rerata skor uji kepraktisan peserta didik sebesar 38,8 yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat praktis. Hasil rerata skor uji kepraktisan guru sebesar 66 yang termasuk dalam kategori praktis. Penilaian ini bersifat menyeluruh untuk kedua buku yangdikembangkan. Selain itu, data angket uji keterlaksanaan memperoleh skor 38 yang menunjukkan bahwa buku petunjuk praktikum kimia berbasis guided inquiry mendapat tanggapan positif dari penggunanya. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku petunjuk praktikum kimia berbasis guided inquiry dinyatakan praktis dan mendapat tanggapan positif dari penggunanya sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam pembelajaran kimia. Kata Kunci: Buku Petunjuk Praktikum Kimia, Guided Inquir